999 resultados para Hipertensos obesos e sedentários


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar um levantamento dos hábitos de saúde relacionados aos fatores de risco em indivíduos hipertensos hospitalizados e identificar o conhecimento dessa clientela quanto à importância do controle desses fatores para a hipertensão arterial. Foram entrevistados 32 hipertensos que se encontravam hospitalizados em uma unidade de internação clínica de um hospital escola. Apesar de a clientela referir que controlava alguns dos fatores de risco para a hipertensão arterial e de saber da importância desse controle, a elevação da pressão arterial manteve-se mesmo durante a hospitalização, e a maioria, tinha comprometimento de órgãos-alvo. Há a necessidade de buscarmos medidas educativas que conduzam às mudanças no estilo de vida dessas pessoas para que haja o controle dos fatores de risco e da evolução da doença.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever a prevalência de hipertensão arterial (HA) e verificar os efeitos que a idade e indicadores de obesidade provocam na pressão arterial (PA) de trabalhadores de uma indústria de balas e gomas. Para tanto a PA sistólica (PAS), PA diastólica (PAD), as medidas de massa corporal (MC), estatura e circunferência de cintura (CC) foram obtidas de 348 trabalhadores voluntários (243 homens e 105 mulheres). A prevalência de HA na amostra foi 8,9% (31 casos) e mais comum nos homens do que nas mulheres (7,2% vs 1,7%). Entre os hipertensos a idade (PAS r=0,43) e a MC (PAD r=0,39) demonstraram correlação (r) positiva e significativa, apesar de baixa. Por sua vez entre os normotensos (317) e o grupo total (348), a idade e todos os indicadores de obesidade (MC, IMC, CC) apresentaram correlação baixa, porém significativa e positiva com os valores de PAS, PAD e PA média (PAM) (r=0,23 a r=0,47). Adicionalmente a análise estatística revelou que homens e mulheres com HA são mais velhos e obesos do que seus pares normotensos. Exceto para a idade e o sexo, que são fatores de risco não modificáveis, os indicadores de obesidade possuem forte associação com hábitos e comportamentos de risco e, portanto, passíveis de prevenção.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno mundial, do qual o Brasil apresenta um dos mais agudos processos. A prática regular de exercícios por idosos pode melhorar a capacidade física, proporcionar ganho de auto-estima e confiança, contribuindo para diminuição do risco de quedas, comuns em idosos. Este estudo visou comparar o risco de quedas entre idosos sedentários e ativos, verificando como a prática de exercício físico se reflete no desempenho dos sujeitos na escala de Berg. Foram avaliados por esse instrumento 70 idosos, divididos em 2 grupos: sedentários (n=35) e ativos (n=35). Os escores médios na escala de Berg dos grupos sedentário e ativo foram 47,7±5,6 pontos e 53,6±3,7, respectivamente (p<0,0001). A análise dos escores evidenciou que o grupo sedentário apresentou 15,6 vezes mais risco de quedas do que o grupo ativo (p=0,002). O desempenho na escala de Berg foi pior no grupo sedentário do que no ativo, sugerindo que a prática regular de atividades físicas pode interferir nesse desempenho e que os sujeitos ativos têm menor risco de queda.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o desempenho em testes de força estática entre trabalhadores hipertensos e normotensos, seguindo a hipótese dos hipertensos apresentarem menor força que os normotensos. MÉTODOS: Participaram da pesquisa 354 trabalhadores (246 homens e 108 mulheres), que foram submetidos a medidas de estatura, massa corporal, circunferência de cintura, aferição da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e a testes de preensão manual direita e esquerda, força escapular e lombar. As avaliações ocorreram em três dias nos três períodos, em uma indústria de balas e doces em Rio Claro - SP. As leituras da pressão arterial respeitaram um intervalo de 10 minutos cada, com o indivíduo sentado. Para os testes de força, inicialmente uma familiarização foi proporcionada aos trabalhadores, posteriormente foi registrado o maior valor após duas tentativas de cada teste. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos hipertensos apresentaram valores superiores significativamente para idade, massa corporal, índice de massa corporal e circunferência de cintura, em comparação aos normotensos. No desempenho em testes de força, os hipertensos não diferiram significativamente dos normotensos, porém, essa diferença foi notada quando comparados grupos divididos pelo índice de massa corporal. O grupo obesidade teve valores superiores ao grupo peso normal/sobrepeso entre normotensos, mas não entre os hipertensos. Já na comparação intragênero, não houve diferenças significativas para os testes de força estática. CONCLUSÃO: Os trabalhadores normotensos e hipertensos não demonstraram diferenças significativas no desempenho de força muscular estática, porém, a massa corporal e gênero parecem afetar a relação entre força muscular e pressão arterial.


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Purpose. To evaluate the effects of captopril (Cpt) on carbohydrate metabolism and growth hormone (GH) in adults hypertensive obese patients with normal (NGT) or impaired (IGT) glucose tolerance and left ventricular hypertrophy. Methods. Ten patients (53 ± 8 years), 8 women and 2 men, white, body mass index (BMI) ≥ 26 kg/m2, left ventricular mass index (LVMI) > 135 g/m2 in man and > 110 g/m2 in woman, with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 95-115 mmHg after 3 weeks of placebo, were identified by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT-75 g) as either with NGT or IGT, and treated with Cpt 25 mg t.i.d. for 8 weeks. At the 8 weeks, dosage was increased to 50 mg b.i.d. if DBP > 90 mmHg or the decrease of the DBP < 10%, during the next 8 weeks. OGTT and clonidine tests (0,04 mg/kg) with determinations, every 30 minutes of glucose, insulin, and GH during 2 hours, were performed. Results. Cpt lowered SBP and DBP in the NGT group and IGT group. The LVMI and the left ventricular mass (LVM) decreased in the IGT group with no significant change in the NGT group. Cpt promoted in the IGT group decrease in the area under the curve (AUC) of glucose, and AUC of insulin, with increase of the AUC of the percent of the β cell function, AUC of HC, and insulin sensitivity index with no significantly change in the NGT group. Conclusion. Adults hypertensive obese patients with IGT had decreased significantly in mean fasting level of GH concentrations compared to age, race, and BMI matched hypertensive patients with NGT. Treatment with Cpt induced a significant increased of the GH, with improvement of the metabolism in patients with IGT.


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Exercise training is often recommended in prevention and treatment of obesity. The present study was designed to compare the effects of intermittent and continuous exercise on weight loss and carcass composition in obese rats. Obese male Wistar rats (monosodium glutamate [MSG] administration, 4 mg/g of body weight every other day from birth to 14 days old) were used. After drug administration, the rats were separated into three groups: MSG-SED (sedentary), MSG-CONT (continuous, swimming, 45 min/day, 5 days/week, with and overload of 5% body weight for 12 weeks) and MSG-INT (intermittent, 15s swimming intermitted by 15s rest, during 45 min, 5 days/week, with and overload of 15% body weight for 12 weeks). Rats of the same age and strain, administered with saline were used as control (SAL), and subdivided into three groups: SAL-SED, SAL-CONT and SAL-INT. The animals were evaluated at the 10 weeks of training and 8 weeks of its interruption. MSG rats showed higher carcass fat as well as weight and cell size in epididymal adipose tissue than SAL rats, indicting the efficacy of the drug in producing obesity. Intermittent training protocol led to a reduction in blood lactate accumulation during acute exercise and both protocols reduced body weight gain during the experiment in MSG rats. After 8 weeks of training interruption no differences were observed among groups in the examined parameters. Only intermittent exercise training improved aerobic fitness but both protocols were similarly efficient in determining weight loss. However, the effects were transitory, since they disappeared after detraining.


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Background and objective: It has been shown that aerobic exercise is useful to reduce arterial pressure, however, the effectiveness of an exercise program is still controversial and not very well analyzed among populations with low-income. The objective of the present study was to set up an individualized physical fitness program - Projeto Hipertensão - focused on hypertensive people, patients from a Health Basic Unit (HBU) and, after that, to investigate the effects of this program on physical fitness, metabolic profile and pressure levels. Methods: Sixteen hypertensive women (56 ± 3yrs) under regular pharmacological treatment underwent 4 months of a supervised aerobic and stretching exercise program (3 sessions/wk, 90 min/session, 60% of V̇O 2 max). Several physical and metabolic variables were compared before and after 4 months of training. Results: Training significantly reduced systolic arterial pressure (SAP, -6%), improved cardio-respiratory fitness (+42% of V̇O2max), flexibility (+11%) and plasma glucose content (-4%). BMI and % fat did not change. Besides modifying metabolic profile, it was found that training presented significant correlations between individual initial values of cholesterol total level (CT), high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and its responses after exercise. Conclusions: The study shows that exercise programs can be personalized for hypertensive patients from a HBU and confirms the effectiveness of exercise on AP, physical fitness, flexibility and lipid profile on hypertensive patients. The expressive reduction of AP in hypertensive subjects suggests that this exercise intervention should be emphasized on other health centers which assist low-income population.


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Study Design: Prospective study Objective: To evaluate the effect of a protocol of concurrent training lasting 16 weeks on risk factors for the accumulation of hepatic fat in obese youth. Methods: 38 obese children and adolescents of both sexes, between 12 and 15 years old. The obesity was attested by the percentage of body fat, which was estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Additionally, the amount of fat located in the trunk (kg) was estimated too. Before and after the intervention, the youths underwent biochemical blood tests (fasting complete lipid profile [mg / dL]) and ultrasonography of the liver (right size Wolves [LD cm] and left [LE in cm]). The intervention consisted of concurrent training (strength training [30 minutes] and endurance training [30 minutes]) with three sessions per week, totaling 180 minutes a week, for ten weeks. Statistical analysis was made by the test t of Student for paired data using SPSS software (17.0) and significance statistical fixed at p <5%. Results: After the intervention, significant improvements were observed in the percentage of total fat (PRE: 45.1 ± 5.3 and POST: 41.7 ± 5.6, p = 0.001) and in the trunk region (PRE: 46, 5 ± 5.6 and POST: 42.9 ± 6.3, p = 0.001). For lipid profile, reduction in total cholesterol (PRE: 164 ± 34 and POST: 148 ± 29, p = 0.001), triglycerides (PRE: 118 ± 59 and POST: 104 ± 53, p = 0.002) and lipoproteins density (PRE: 100 ± 29 and POST: 85 ± 26, p = 0.001), but not for high-density (p = 0.981). Both the LE (PRE: 8.8 ± 1.4 and POST: 7.8 ± 1.3, p = 0.001) and LD (PRE: 13.6 ± 1.3 and POST: 12.9 ± 1, 1, p = 0.001) experienced a decrease in its proportions. Conclusion: The concurrent training was effective in combating some risk factors to the accumulation of fat in the liver, as well as in reducing fat in both lobes of the organ in young obese.


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Physical inactivity is associated with chronic diseases in older adults. There are different domains of physical activity, such as leisure and locomotion. This study investigate the associations between different domains of physical activity, comorbidities and aging in hypertensive adults. Participants included 192 hypertensive respondents classified in groups of active and insufficiently active for leisure-time, locomotion, occupation and total time. They were stratified in age groups. Waist circumference was measured and comorbidities were self-reported. The chi-square test analyzed these associations; a one-way ANOVA compared the age groups (significance at p <0.05). The mean total time and occupational physical activity were lower for groups ages over 60 and 70 years, respectively. Occupational activity was associated with age in the female group, and with cholesterol and diabetes in males, who also had physical activity of locomotion associated with waist circumference. Physical activity of hypertensive patients is associated with comorbidities in different age groups and sex.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)