640 resultados para Heteropneustes fossils


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Although the recent history of human colonisation and impact on Mauritius is well documented, virtually no records of the pre-human native ecosystem exist, making it difficult to assess the magnitude of the changes brought about by human settlement. Here, we describe a 4000-year-old fossil bed at Mare aux Songes (MAS) in south-eastern Mauritius that contains both macrofossils (vertebrate fauna, gastropods, insects and flora) and microfossils (diatoms, pollen, spores and phytoliths). With >250 bone fragments/m2 and comprising 50% of all known extinct and extant vertebrate species (ns = 44) of Mauritius, MAS may constitute the first Holocene vertebrate bone Concentration-Lagerstätte identified on an oceanic volcanic island. Fossil remains are dominated by extinct giant tortoises Cylindraspis spp. (63%), passerines (10%), small bats (7.8%) and dodo Raphus cucullatus (7.1%). Twelve radiocarbon ages [four of them duplicates] from bones and other material suggest that accumulation of fossils took place within several centuries. An exceptional combination of abiotic conditions led to preservation of bones, bone collagen, plant tissue and microfossils. Although bone collagen is well preserved, DNA from dodo and other Mauritian vertebrates has proved difficult. Our analysis suggests that from ca 4000 years ago (4 ka), rising sea levels created a freshwater lake at MAS, generating an oasis in an otherwise dry environment which attracted a diverse vertebrate fauna. Subsequent aridification in the south-west Indian Ocean region may have increased carcass accumulation during droughts, contributing to the exceptionally high fossil concentration. The abundance of floral and faunal remains in this Lagerstätte offers a unique opportunity to reconstruct a pre-human ecosystem on an oceanic island, providing a key foundation for assessing the vulnerability of island ecosystems to human impact.


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Ostracoda able to tolerate significant fluctuations in salinity occur as fossils in latest Late Miocene and earliest Late Pliocene strata of the Nepean 1 borehole within the Port Phillip Basin. The main euryhaline species present are Osticythere baragwanathi (Chapman & Crespin), Leptocythere hartmanni (McKenzie), Xestoleberis cedunaensis Hartmann and Tanella gracilis Kingma. Euryhaline ostracods occur in both high diversity, high abundance fossil ostracod assemblages and in low diversity, high abundance  assemblages. These latest Late Miocene and earliest Late Pliocene fossil ostracod assemblages accumulated close to the maximum point of flooding during respective marine transgressions onto the northern Bass Strait hinterland. The presence of euryhaline Ostracoda in these assemblages  is reminiscent of ostracod occurrences associated with modern day SE Australian barrier coastlines. Euryhaline ostracods are not common in earlier Cenozoic sediments of SE Australia and Osticythere baragwanathi makes its first appearance in the latest Late Miocene beds of the Nepean 1 borehole. This latter occurrence is interpreted to reflect the initial phase of development for the modern SE Australian barrier coastline and in particular, the initial formation of Port Phillip Bay as a coastal geomorphological feature.


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In Australia, numerous small mammal species have suffered extinction or severe declines in distribution and abundance following European settlement. The extent of these declines from forested areas of south-eastern Australia, however, remains poorly understood. In this paper we use sub-fossil deposits of the sooty owl (Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa) as a tool for understanding the diversity of the small mammal palaeocommunity. These results are compared to the contemporary sooty owl diet from the same geographical region to investigate the degree of small mammal decline following European settlement. Of 28 mammal species detected in sub-fossil deposits and considered prey items of the sooty owl at the time of European settlement, only 10 species were detected in the contemporary sooty owl diet. Numerous small mammal species have not only recently suffered severe declines in distribution and abundance but have also recently undergone niche contraction, as they occupied a greater diversity of regions and habitats at the time of European settlement. For some species our understanding of their true ecological niche and ecological potential is therefore limited. The species that underwent the greatest declines occupied open habitat types or were terrestrial. The severity of decline is also likely to have resulted in severe disruption of ecosystem functions, with wide scale ecosystem consequences. There is an urgent need to improve small mammal conservation, to maintain crucial ecosystem functions performed by small mammals. It is recommended that broad-scale exotic predator control programs are conducted which may also provide suitable conditions for the re-introduction of locally extinct species.


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A brief appraisal of marine fossils from high latitudes and episodically cold climate especially in east Australia and New Zealand during Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic times shows patterns of evolution and survival that differ from those adduced for the palaeotropics and Northern Hemisphere. Examples taken from amongst phyla Scyphozoa, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda and Classes Bivalvia and Class Cephalopoda suggest these attributes:
1. Evolution and demise of species and genera proceeded at a rate close to that known for palaeotropical and Northern Hemisphere macro-invertebrates, but involved fewer families and orders.
2. Possibly, intraspecific variation was greater amongst southern palaeohemisphere Permian species than in those of the Permian palaeotropics.
3. There was no proven diminution of life at the end of the Guadalupian (Middle Permian) at southern high latitudes, where however the fossil record is meagre for this interval. Younger Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian faunas were moderately diverse.
4. There is no evidence for a high latitude Southern Hemisphere anoxic event in the Early Triassic despite claims of a world-wide anoxic interval. Nor has any substantial volcanic eruption or bolide impact left any marked traces in the sedimentary record.
5. As a consequence, some major groups such as Bryozoa and Conulariida (Staurozoa) survived the end- Permian extinction shock in the Southern Hemisphere.
6. Other major groups appear to have survived better in the south than in the north, notably, mollusc Bivalvia and Cephalopoda. It therefore appears likely that Triassic seas were restocked substantially from the Southern Hemisphere and that the Permian extinction shock was asymmetric with respect to latitudes in its distribution and affect.


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Low-grade metamorphic rocks are exposed extensively in the Qiangtang area, Tibet. There is a great dispute about the age of the strata because of no reliable fossil evidence and other chronological evidence. Cephalopods, crinoids, graptolites and tentaculites fossils are discovered at Tashi Hill north of Gangtang Co. Primary identification indicates that the cephalopod is Sinoceras,Michelinoceras, Wennanoceras, Archigeisonoceras etc. and the crinoid is Monograptus. The Sinoceras-Michelinoceras assemblage is the key fossil assemblage of Mid Ordovician Baotaan age, which reflects the Mid Ordovician aspects. There are several tens of meters of fossil-free clastic rocks below the Mid Ordovician cephalopod-bearing horizon, which are probably Ordovician sediments. The discovery of Ordovician-Devonian biotas and strata provide new important evidence for the stratigraphic division and correlation and the study of the tectonic evolution of the Qiangtang area.


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Due to the lack of fossil evidence, the age of Amugang Group, previously referring to the large area of metamorphic formations developed along the south of Longmucuo-Shuanghu suture in southern Qiangtang area, northern Tibet, has been under heated debate. Some geologists were convinced that the age of metamorphic formations was of Pre-Devonian according to the emergence of nonmetamorphic fossil-beating Devonian in Chasang area, north of the suture. Most geologists believed that its age was of Pre-Sinian. From 2003 to 2004, we collected a large amount of Nautiloid and Graptolite fossils in upper metamorphic formations of Mayigangri area and determined the age to be middle and Late Ordovician-Silurian. It is the first time to discover the Early Paleozoic strata based on reliable fossils, which not only provides evidence to its age ascription, classification of the strata and its correlation to adjacent areas but also offers data to lithofacies, palaeogeography and tectonic pattern of studied area.


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Although it is important to determine whether there exist sedimentary strata older than the Upper Permian in the northern Qiantang area in Tibet, there has been no report of such old strata in this area. During the geological mapping of the Mayigangri area, we discovered strata that contain the bivalves Eoschizodus roemeri (Beushausen), E. minor (Beushausen) , E. infiatus (Roemer), Actinodesma (Actinodesma) cf . maneiforme Sandberger, A . (Actindesma) cf . vespertilio Maurer, and the brachiopod Huananochonetes subquadratus Sun & Chen. These fossils indicate a late Early Devonian age (Emsian) , thus the strata represent the first discovered Lower Devonian rocks in northen Qiangtang, confirming the existence of strata older than the Upper Permian. A new stratigraphic term, the Pingshagou Formation , is introduced. The new data provide constraints on the tectonic, palaeogeographic, and palaeobiogeographic history of the north Qiangtang area in the Early Devonian.


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Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy of the Ordovician Xainza area, northern division and correlation divided of approximates of the early as of Ordovician of Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus)-Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus combination of Middle Ordovician Michelinoceras elongatum- combination with Sinoceras chinese and the Late Ordovician Michelinoceras huangnigang-Columenoceras priscum combination band. Early Ordovician strata author from 2000 to 2001 making Xainza County Sheet 1:250000 regional geological survey newly discovered, is the oldest strata of reliable fossils based in northern Tibet. Especially Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus discovery, not only to expand the distribution of it in our geographic area Early Ordovician strata the similar stratigraphic correlation international biological basis.

The paper deals with the classification and correlation of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Ordovician System in the Xainza region, North Tibet. Based on fossils, the Ordovician System is divided into several biozones as follows: Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus graptolite assemblage of Early Ordovician, The sediments of Early Ordovician is discovered recently by authors during 2000~2001 when making the geological surveying 1:250000 scale of Xainza county, Which has been the oldest stratum based on fossils up to now in northern Tibet. What is more, the discovery of Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus enlarges its geographical distribution in our nation as well as provides biology evidence to international correlation of the Ordovician in Xainza county.


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The authors discovered and measured a relatively complete Paleozoic section (exposed continuously from the Lower Ordovician to Upper Permian) and collected plentiful fossils of many groups during geological investigations of the 1∶250000 Xainza County Sheet in the period of 2000-2002. It was the first time in Tibet that the representative element Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus of the graptolite zone at the lowermost part of the Early Ordovician Arenigian Stage and the typical elements Waagenophyllum indicum var. crassiseptatum and Liangshanophyllum streploseptatum Graptolithina of the Late Permian Wujiapingian coral fauna. Based on these, the Lower Ordovician Zakang Formation and Upper Permian Mujiu Co Formation were established. It not only improved the Paleozoic stratigraphic sequence in the area but also provided new information for the study of the Paleozoic tectonic movement and evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


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There is no any sediments contain fossils which formed earlier than Middle Ordovician in northern Tibet yet. It is very important whether have developed the Cambrian to Early Ordovician sedimentary strata. During geological mapping of Xainza County in 2000, Tetragraptus approximatus, the typical one of graptolite belts which cosmepolitically distributed in the Arenigian of Early Ordovician, was collected from the so-call Pre-Sinian Nianqingtanggula Group. So there is developped the Early Ordovician sediments and we have established Zakang Formation and Taduo Formation which perfected the Plaeozoic sequences in northern Tibet. According to these, we can realize tectonic control, palaeogeographrc pattern as well as palaeobiogeographic distribution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the early Paleozoic and also provided the materials to the cosmepolitical biostratigraphic contrast.


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Eastern Taerma bridge-Zhakang was found in recent years to be the second spot of Ordovician outcrop based on reliable fossils. The nautiloids described here include one new genus, two new species and one indeterminate species,which represent only a small fraction of the nautiloids collected from this area. They are new materials of Ordovician nautiloids that have been determined up to now, which enrich Ordovician nautiloid faunal assemblages as well as provide new data to both classification and correlation of the Ordovician for this area and geographical distribution of nautiloid fauna.


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The specimens described in the paper are part of the collection of nautiloid fossils from Zhakang east of the Taerma Bridge, Xainza County, Tibet. Three genera and six species are described, including one new genus Variabioceras gen. nov. and its three new species V. typicum gen. et sp. nov., V. zangbeiense gen. et sp. nov. and V. robustum gen. et sp. nov.


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The uppermost 5-15 m of the Douling Formation in the southern Hunan area. South China, yields a diverse fauna comprised of ammonoids, bivalves, and brachiopods. The brachiopods reported in this paper consist of 51 species in 34 genera and are dominated by the Lopingian (Late Permian) species associated with a few species persisting from the underlying Maokouan (Late Guadalupian). This fauna is of earliest Wuchiapingian in age as precisely constrained by the associated conodont Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri and the Guadalupian-type ammonoid fauna of the Roadoceras-Doulingoceras Zone in the brachiopod horizon. The discovery of the Lopingian species-dominated brachiopod fauna in the earliest Wuchiapingian in southern Hunan suggests a much less pronounced effect of the pre-Lopingian crisis (end-Guadalupian mass extinction) than the end-Changhsingian mass extinction in terms of brachiopods, a contemporaneous onset of the Lopingian recovery/radiation during the pre-Lopingian crisis period, and taxonomic selectivity of the pre-Lopingian crisis in terms of different fossil groups. New taxa are Echinauris doulingensis n. sp., Pararigbyella quadrilobata n. gen. and n. sp. and P. doulingensis n. gen. and n. sp.


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Fossils of the deep marine ostracod, Clinocythereis australis Ayress & Swanson, 1991 occur within the Tambo River Formation, Gippsland Basin, southeastern Australia and record an approximately 6 Ma phase of late Miocene coastal ocean upwelling within this region. The presence of deep marine faunal elements within late Miocene Mitchellian strata is in contrast to the absence of such faunal elements in latest Miocene Cheltenhamian and younger marine strata of the Bass Strait hinterland. The absence of deep marine faunal elements in post-Mitchellian onshore strata is due to the Kosciusko Uplift, which transformed Bass Strait into a wholly shallow seaway placing adjacent coastal regions beyond the reach of ocean upwelling influences.


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An incomplete tarsometatarsus identified as an indeterminate species of Dromornithidae is described from the upper Miocene–lower Pliocene shallow marine Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris, Victoria, Australia. This isolated specimen represents one of the few pre-Pleistocene dromornithids with a well-constrained geologic age. Additionally, it is one of the few pre-Quaternary dromornithid fossils recorded from southeast Australia. Comparisons with known dromornithid taxa suggest that the Beaumaris dromornithid is distinct from previously
established species. This hitherto unknown species of dromornithid in the late Neogene of southeastern Australia cautions against deriving evolutionary patterns solely on the basis of fossils from northern Australia.