942 resultados para Hepatic Resection


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of glucose infusion on serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, and progesterone (P4), as well as mRNA expression of hepatic CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 in nonlactating, ovariectomized cows in adequate nutritional status. Eight Gir × Holstein cows were maintained on a low-quality Brachiaria brizantha pasture with reduced forage availability, but they individually received, on average, 3. kg/cow daily (as fed) of a corn-based concentrate from d -28 to 0 of the experiment. All cows had an intravaginal P4-releasing device inserted on d -14, which remained in cows until the end of the experiment (d 1). On d 0, cows were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 24. h each (d 0 and 1), (1) an intravenous glucose infusion (GLUC; 0.5. g of glucose/kg of BW, over a 3-h period) or (2) an intravenous saline infusion (SAL; 0.9%, over a 3-h period). Cows were fasted for 12. h before infusions, and they remained fasted during infusion and sample collections. Blood samples were collected at 0, 3, and 6. h relative to the beginning of infusions. Liver biopsies were performed concurrently with blood collections at 0 and 3. h. After the last blood collection of period 1, cows received concentrate and returned to pasture. Cows gained BW (16.5 ± 3.6. kg) and BCS (0.08 ± 0.06) from d -28 to 0. Cows receiving GLUC had greater serum glucose and insulin concentrations at 3. h compared with SAL cohorts. No treatment effects were detected for serum P4 concentrations, although mRNA expression of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 after the infusion period was reduced for cows in the GLUC treatment compared with their cohorts in the SAL treatment. In conclusion, hepatic CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 mRNA expression can be promptly modulated by glucose infusion followed by acute increases in circulating insulin, which provides novel insight into the physiological mechanisms associating nutrition and reproductive function in dairy cows. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Background: Obesity, oxidative stress and inflammation, by triggering insulin resistance, may contribute to the accumulation of hepatic fat, and this accumulation by lipotoxicity can lead the organ to fail. Because obesity is growing at an alarming rate and, worryingly, in a precocious way, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of moderate physical training performed from childhood to adulthood on liver fat metabolism in rats. Methods. Twenty rats that were 28days old were divided into two groups: control (C) and trained (T). The C Group was kept in cages without exercise, and the T group was submitted to swimming exercise for 1hour/day, 5days/week from 28 to 90days of age (8weeks) at 80% of the anaerobic threshold determined by the lactate minimum test. At the end of the experiment, the body weight gain, insulin sensitivity (glucose disappearance rate during the insulin tolerance test), concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG) and hepatic lipogenic rate were analyzed. For the statistical analysis, the Student t-test was used with the level of significance preset at 5%. Results: The T group showed lower body weight gain, FFA concentrations, fat accumulation, hepatic lipogenic rate and insulin resistance. Conclusion: The regular practice of moderate physical exercise from childhood can contribute to the reduction of obesity and insulin resistance and help prevent the development of accumulation of hepatic fat in adulthood. © 2013de Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The effects and susceptibility of donkeys to Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria retusa poisoning were determined at high and low doses. Seeds of C. juncea containing 0.074% of dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids (DHPAs) (isohemijunceines 0.05%, trichodesmine 0.016%, and junceine 0.008%) were administered to three donkeys at 0.3, 0.6 and 1g/kg body weight (g/kg) daily for 365 days. No clinical signs were observed and, on liver and lung biopsies, the only lesion was a mild liver megalocytosis in the donkeys ingesting 0.6 and 1g/kg/day. Two other donkeys that received daily doses of 3 and 5g seed/kg showed initial respiratory signs 70 and 40 days after the start of the administration, respectively. The donkeys were euthanized following severe respiratory signs and the main lung lesions were proliferation of Clara cells and interstitial fibrosis. Three donkeys ingested seeds of C. retusa containing 5.99% of monocrotaline at daily doses of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1g/kg for 365 days. No clinical signs were observed and, on liver and lung biopsies, the only lesion was moderate liver megalocytosis in each of the three donkeys. One donkey that received a single dose of 5g/kg of C. retusa seeds and another that received 1g/kg daily for 7 days both showed severe clinical signs and died with diffuse centrilobular liver necrosis. No lung lesions were observed. Another donkey that received a single dose of 2.5g/kg of C. retusa seeds showed no clinical signs. The hepatic and pneumotoxic effects observed are consistent with an etiology involving DHPAs. Furthermore, the occurrence of lung or liver lesions correlates with the type of DHPAs contained in the seeds. Similarly as has been reported for horses, the data herein suggest that in donkeys some DHPAs are metabolized in the liver causing liver disease, whereas others are metabolized in the lung by Clara cells causing lung disease. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The occurrence of perineal hernias in dogs during routine clinical surgery is frequent. The coexistence of rectal diseases that go undiagnosed or are not correctly treated can cause recurrence and postoperative complications. The objective of this report is to describe a surgical technique for treatment of rectal sacculation through lateral resection in dogs with perineal hernia, whereby restoring the rectal integrity.


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AIM: To study the antineoplastic efficacy of 10% aspirin intralesional injection on VX2 hepatic tumors in a rabbit model. METHODS: Thirty-two male rabbits (age: 6-9 wk; body weight: 1700-2500 g) were inoculated with VX2 hepatic tumor cells (104 cells/rabbit) via supraumbilical median laparotomy. On day 4 post-implantation, when the tumors were about 1 cm in diameter, the rabbits were randomly divided into the following groups (n = 8 each group) to assess early (24 h) and late (7 d) antineoplastic effects of intratumoral injection of 10% bicarbonate aspirin solution (experimental groups) in comparison to intratumoral injection of physiological saline solution (control groups): group 1, 24 h control; group 2, 24 h experimental; group 3, 7 d control; group 4, 7 d experimental. The serum biochemistry profile (measurements of glycemia, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase) and body weight measurements were obtained for all animals at the following time points: D0, before tumor implant; D4, day of treatment; D5, day of sacrifice for groups 1 and 2; D11, day of sacrifice for groups 3 and 4. Gross assessments of the abdominal and thoracic cavities were carried out upon sacrifice. The resected liver tissues, including hepatic tumors, were qualitatively (general morphology, signs of necrosis) and quantitatively (tumor area) assessed by histopathological analysis. RESULTS: Gross examination showed no alterations, besides the left hepatic lobe tumors, had occurred in the thoracic and abdominal cavities of any animal at any time point evaluated. However, the features of the tumor foci were distinctive between the groups. Compared to the control groups, which showed normal unabated tumor progression, the aspirin-treated groups showed imprecise but limited tumor boundaries and a general red-white coloration (indicating hemorrhaging) at 24 h post-treatment, and development of yellow-white areas of a cicatricial aspect at 7 d after treatment. At all time points evaluated, all except one biochemical parameters tested within the reference range (P > 0.05); a significant increase was detected in the alkaline phosphatase level of the control group 3 on D11 (P < 0.05). At 24 h post-treatment, the aspirintreated groups showed extensive coagulation necrosis accompanied by a remarkable absence of viable tumor foci; at 7 d after treatment, the tumors had completely disappeared in these animals and fibrous necrotic nodules had developed. In contrast, throughout the study course, the tumors of the control groups remained unchanged, showing tumor nodules without necrosis at the time point corresponding to 24 h post-treatment and increased amounts of tumor nodules at the time point corresponding to 7 d post-treatment. Quantitative analysis of the remaining tumor area revealed that the aspirin-treated groups had significantly smaller tumor foci at 24 h post-treatment (8.5% ± 0.7%) andat 7 d after treatment (11.0% ± 4.2%), compared to those in the control groups (24 h: 98.5% ± 1.5% and 7 d: 94.0% ± 2.7%; both, P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Intralesional injection of a 10% aspirin solution causes destruction of VX2 hepatic tumors in rabbits without evidence of relapse at 7 d after treatment administration. © 2013 Baishideng.


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A desnutrição, altamente prevalente em países em desenvolvimento, é um mau antigo que aflige a humanidade. Apresenta-se como um estado de deficiência alimentar, com déficit global de proteínas e calorias, provocando menor aporte de nutrientes às células. Alguns estudos têm mostrado evidências de interação entre desnutrição e estresse oxidativo, ocasionado pelo acúmulo de espécies reativas de oxigênio que causam danos à estrutura das biomoléculas em decorrência da desregulação entre a produção de oxidante e a depleção das defesas antioxidantes. Nesse estudo foi avaliada a utilização da farinha instantânea de amaranto adicionada de arroz na proporção de 30/70% como suplemento alimentar da dieta de base do paraense usada como modelo de indução da desnutrição experimental em ratos sobre o estresse oxidativo dos animais desnutridos comparados aos controles e aos tratados com a dieta suplementada. A dieta modelo de desnutrição (DBR-PA) foi confeccionada respeitando-se as quantidades dos alimentos consumidos rotineiramente pela população do Pará, segundo inquérito alimentar realizado na década de 70 por pesquisadores da Universidade Federal do Pará, enquanto que, a dieta utilizada como tratamento foi elaborada adicionando-se a DBRPA 30% da farinha de amaranto. As análises da composição centesimal e o perfil de aminoácidos foram realizados de acordo com as normas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (1995) e por espectrofotometria atômica. A dieta controle foi utilizada na forma que é comercializada. Para realização do estudo utilizou-se animais no pós parto imediato de mães alimentadas na gestação com dieta controle para ratos (22% de proteínas), com peso mínimo de 6 g ao nascer. No pós parto imediato as ratas mães foram divididas em 3 grupos a saber: grupo controle (22% de proteínas); grupo desnutridos (DBR-PA contendo 7,8% de proteínas) grupo 3 tratados (DBR-PA+AA) suplementada com a farinha instantânea de amaranto contendo 11,33%). No pós desmame os animais foram separados e em gaiolas individuais receberam a dieta materna específica de cada grupo até os 60 dias de vida, quando foram sacrificados e realizada a coleta de sangue para as dosagens bioquímicas (colesterol total e frações, valores hemogramas (hematimetria, leucograma e plaquetas), níveis de peroxidação lipídica e atividade da catalase. Após a coleta do sangue os animais foram submetidos à exerese do fígado para posterior análise histopatológica. Os resultados revelaram que a dieta indutora da desnutrição é um modelo de desnutrição grave comum na região norte, é hipoproteica, normocalórica, com aminoácido limitante (metionina), promoveu perda de peso nos animais desde o período de aleitamento com acentuado perda de peso nas ratas mãe e nos filhotes aos desmame (21 dias), aos 28 e 60 dias de vida (p <0,05) quando comparados aos animais tratados com amaranto e aos controles. A dieta suplementada com a farinha extrusada de amaranto promoveu ganho de peso no período do aleitamento tanto nas ratas mães (p<0,05) como nos filhotes a partir do 14º dias de uso da mesma ( p<0,05), aos 21 dias (desmame)(p<0,05) aos 28 ( p< 0,05)e 60º dias de vida (p<0,05). Os animais desnutridos consumiram mais dieta em todos os momentos avaliados quando comparados aos tratados e controles (p<0,05). Não foi observada diferença entre os grupos nos valores bioquímicos de hematimetria, leucograma, plaquetas, colesterol total e frações. Os níveis de peroxidação lipídica não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos. A atividade da catalase foi maior no grupo tratado com a suplementação da farinha de amaranto quando comparado aos desnutridos.Os animais tanto os tratados com amaranto como os desnutridos apresentaram esteatose hepática e processo inflamatório dos hepatócitos.O estudo mostrou que a desnutrição imposta não ocasionou estresse oxidativo, porém a diminuição da atividade da catalase nos animais desnutridos pode ter sido ocasionado pela diminuição da síntese da catalase.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar em um modelo experimental de isquemia-reperfusão hepática os efeitos da injeção intraluminal de glutamina na capacidade anti-oxidante total em equivalência ao trolox (TEAC) do plasma, verificando a aplicabilidade de modificações ao método original de dosagem. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar foram submetidos a laparotomia e confecção de uma alça fechada de 20 cm de comprimento envolvendo o intestinal delgado distal seguido do clampeamento do hilo hepático por 30 minutos e reperfusão por 5 minutos. Na alça fechada foi injetada glutamina (grupo glutamina; n=10) ou água destilada (grupo controle; n=10). Em dez animais (grupo sham) não foi realizado clampeamento hilar. Coletou-se sangue para dosagem da capacidade antioxidante total em equivalência ao trolox em condições modificadas de temperatura, proporções relativas dos reagentes e tempo de leitura sob espectrofotometria. RESULTADOS: A capacidade antioxidante total foi significantemente maior (p<0.05) no grupo glutamina que no grupo controle (1,60[1,55-1,77] vs 1,44[1,27-1,53]) e grupo sham (1,60[1,55-1,77] vs 1,48[1,45-1,59]). Não houve diferenças estatísticas entre o grupo controle e o grupo sham. CONCLUSÃO: A glutamina melhorou a capacidade anti-oxidante total plasmática. O método de dosagem refletiu consistentemente alterações na defesa anti-oxidante nesse modelo experimental.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of copaiba oil on the hepatic damage induced by paracetamol. METHODS: Thirty six rats were distributed into six study groups (N=6): control group, that didn't receive the acetaminophen; Acetaminophen Group, that only received the acetaminophen; Prophylactic Copaiba Group 1, that received copaiba oil two hours before the acetaminophen; Prophylactic Copaiba Group 7, that received copaiba oil seven days, once by day, before the acetaminophen; Therapy Copaiba Group, that received the copaiba oil two hours afther the acetaminophen; and N-Acetyl-Cysteine Group, , that received the N-Acetyl-Cysteine two hours afther the acetaminophen. Euthanasia was performed after 24 hours. The serum levels of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin and histological analisis were analized. RESULTS: The prophylactic copaiba group 7, therapy copaiba group and N-Acetyl-Cysteine Group showed amounts of AST and ALT similar to the control group; and the prophylactic copaiba group 1 showed similar levels to the acetaminophen group. There was no significant difference between the groups regarding the amount of alkaline phosphatase and GT (p>0.05). The therapy copaiba group showed the highest levels of bilirubin and was statistically different from the other groups (p<0.01) and this increased the costs of direct bilirubin. Regarding histopathology, the oil of copaiba administered prophylactic or therapeutic form for 7 days could decrease the amount of necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate. CONCLUSION: Copaiba oil administered prophylactically for seven days, and therapeutic could reduce liver damage caused by paracetamol similarly N-Acetyl-Cysteine, however, when treated with copaiba therapeutically showed increases in bilirubin, costs increasing fraction indirect.


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Um total de 40 exemplares do peixe teleósteo Gobioides grahamae Palmer & Wheeler, 1955 foram obtidos a partir do município de Salvaterra na Ilha de Marajó, no estado brasileiro do Pará. Os fígados foram removidos e processados para a microscopia de luz. De modo geral, 90% das amostras apresentavam algum grau de esteatose hepática, a qual foi invariavelmente associada com a presença de Microsporidium sp. O presente estudo confirma a ocorrência de esteatose em G. grahamae associada a infecções parasitárias por Microsporidium. Os resultados indicam que as condições de peixes saudáveis em ambiente natural podem ser afetadas negativamente por parasitas.


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Descreveram-se as alterações anatomopatológicas provocadas pelo parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. em 40 espécimes de Aequidens plagiozonatus, provenientes do município de Peixe-boi, Pará, Brasil. Foram encontradas formas imaturas e oocistos característicos do gênero Calyptospora, nos exames frescos por compressão e cortes histológicos, além de um grande número de centros melanomacrofágicos dispersos por todo o órgão. Digna de nota foi a ausência de inflamação significativa no tecido hepático. Centros melanomacrofágicos e compressão dos hepatócitos estão envolvidos na resposta do hospedeiro ao parasito. Este é o primeiro registro de ocorrência de parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. na espécie estudada.


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OBJETIVOAnalisar os efeitos de 20 semanas de treinamento concorrente sobre as variáveis de composição corporal, perfil lipídico e diagnóstico da esteatose hepática em adolescentes obesos.MÉTODOSRealizou-se um ensaio clínico aberto com 34 adolescentes obesos com idades entre 12 e 15 anos. Foram analisados gordura corporal total e de tronco, colesterol total e suas frações (HDL, LDL e VLDL) e triglicérides, sendo realizado exame de ultrassonografia de abdome superior para diagnosticar esteatose hepática. Os participantes foram submetidos ao treinamento concorrente (associação de treino com pesos e exercício aeróbio) três vezes por semana, com duração de uma hora-aula durante 20 semanas. Para o tratamento estatístico, foram realizados o teste t de Student pareado e a análise de frequência, a fim de verificar as reduções relativa e absoluta do diagnóstico da esteatose hepática, adotando-se p<0,05.RESULTADOSOs adolescentes estudados apresentaram melhoras significativas da composição corporal, com diminuição do percentual de gordura total, da massa gorda total, da gordura de tronco e do aumento da massa magra, além de redução do tamanho dos lóbulos do fígado, dos índices de prevalência da esteatose hepática, do colesterol total e LDL-colesterol.CONCLUSÕESO treinamento concorrente foi efetivo por promover melhorias significativas de variáveis da composição corporal e do perfil lipídico, além de reduzir a prevalência da esteatose hepática.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)