727 resultados para Hematoma espinal epidural
Recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) has been successfully tested as neuroprotectant in brain injury models. The first large clinical trial with stroke patients, however, revealed negative results. Reasons are manifold and may include side-effects such as thrombotic complications or interactions with other medication, EPO concentration, penetration of the blood-brain-barrier and/or route of application. The latter is restricted to systemic application. Here we hypothesize that EPO is neuroprotective in a rat model of acute subdural hemorrhage (ASDH) and that direct cortical application is a feasible route of application in this injury type. The subdural hematoma was surgically evacuated and EPO was applied directly onto the surface of the brain. We injected NaCl, 200, 2000 or 20,000IU EPO per rat i.v. at 15min post-ASDH (400μl autologous venous blood) or NaCl, 0.02, 0.2 or 2IU per rat onto the cortical surface after removal of the subdurally infused blood t at 70min post-ASDH. Arterial blood pressure (MAP), blood chemistry, intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and brain tissue oxygen (ptiO2) were assessed during the first hour and lesion volume at 2days after ASDH. EPO 20,000IU/rat (i.v.) elevated ICP significantly. EPO at 200 and 2000IU reduced lesion volume from 38.2±0.6mm(3) (NaCl-treated group) to 28.5±0.9 and 22.2±1.3mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). Cortical application of 0.02IU EPO after ASDH evacuation reduced injury from 36.0±5.2 to 11.2±2.1mm(3) (p=0.007), whereas 0.2IU had no effect (38.0±9.0mm(3)). The highest dose of both application routes (i.v. 20,000IU; cortical 2IU) enlarged the ASDH-induced damage significantly to 46.5±1.7 and 67.9±10.4mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). In order to test whether Tween-20, a solvent of EPO formulation 'NeoRecomon®' was responsible for adverse effects two groups were treated with NaCl or Tween-20 after the evacuation of ASDH, but no difference in lesion volume was detected. In conclusion, EPO is neuroprotective in a model of ASDH in rats and was most efficacious at a very low dose in combination with subdural blood removal. High systemic and topically applied concentrations caused adverse effects on lesion size which were partially due to increased ICP. Thus, patients with traumatic ASDH could be treated with cortically applied EPO but with caution concerning concentration.
Purpose The sedimentation sign (SedSign) has been shown to discriminate well between selected patients with and without lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). The purpose of this study was to compare the pressure values associated with LSS versus non-LSS and discuss whether a positive SedSign may be related to increased epidural pressure at the level of the stenosis. Methods We measured the intraoperative epidural pressure in five patients without LSS and a negative SedSign, and in five patients with LSS and a positive SedSign using a Codman TM catheter in prone position under radioscopy. Results Patients with a negative SedSign had a median epidural pressure of 9 mmHg independent of the measurement location. Breath and pulse-synchronous waves accounted for 1–3 mmHg. In patients with monosegmental LSS and a positive SedSign, the epidural pressure above and below the stenosis was similar (median 8–9 mmHg). At the level of the stenosis the median epidural pressure was 22 mmHg. A breath and pulse-synchronous wave was present cranial to the stenosis, but absent below. These findings were independent of the cross-sectional area of the spinal canal at the level of the stenosis. Conclusions Patients with LSS have an increased epidural pressure at the level of the stenosis and altered pressure wave characteristics below. We argue that the absence of sedimentation of lumbar nerve roots to the dorsal part of the dural sac in supine position may be due to tethering of affected nerve roots at the level of the stenosis.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) disease, a useful animal model, only little is known about the inflammatory response in the epidural space. PURPOSE To determine messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of selected cytokines, chemokines, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) qualitatively and semiquantitatively over the course of the disease and to correlate results to neurologic status and outcome. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING Prospective study using extruded IVD material of dogs with thoracolumbar IVD extrusion. PATIENT SAMPLE Seventy affected and 13 control (24 samples) dogs. OUTCOME MEASURES Duration of neurologic signs, pretreatment, neurologic grade, severity of pain, and outcome were recorded. After diagnostic imaging, decompressive surgery was performed. METHODS Messenger RNA expressions of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interferon (IFN)γ, MMP-2, MMP-9, chemokine ligand (CCL)2, CCL3, and three housekeeping genes was determined in the collected epidural material by Panomics 2.0 QuantiGene Plex technology. Relative mRNA expression and fold changes were calculated. Relative mRNA expression was correlated statistically to clinical parameters. RESULTS Fold changes of TNF, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFNγ, and CCL3 were clearly downregulated in all stages of the disease. MMP-9 was downregulated in the acute stage and upregulated in the subacute and chronic phase. Interleukin-8 was upregulated in acute cases. MMP-2 showed mild and CCL2 strong upregulation over the whole course of the disease. In dogs with severe pain, CCL3 and IFNγ were significantly higher compared with dogs without pain (p=.017/.020). Dogs pretreated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs revealed significantly lower mRNA expression of IL-8 (p=.017). CONCLUSIONS The high CCL2 levels and upregulated MMPs combined with downregulated T-cell cytokines and suppressed pro-inflammatory genes in extruded canine disc material indicate that the epidural reaction is dominated by infiltrating monocytes differentiating into macrophages with tissue remodeling functions. These results will help to understand the pathogenic processes representing the basis for novel therapeutic approaches. The canine IVD disease model will be rewarding in this process.
BACKGROUND We prospectively investigated temporal and spatial evolution of intramural hematomas in patients with acute spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection using repeated magnetic resonance imaging over six-months. AIM The aim of the present study was to assess dynamic changes of intramural hematoma in patients with acute spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection at multiple follow-up time-points with T1w, PD/T2w, and magnetic resonance angiography. METHODS We performed serial multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging in 10 patients with spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection on admission, at days 1, 3, 7-14 and at months 1·5, 3, and 6. We calculated the volume and extension of the hyperintense intramural hematoma using T1w and PD/T2w fat suppressed sequences and assessed the degree of stenosis due to the hematoma using magnetic resonance angiography. RESULTS Mean interval from symptom onset to first magnetic resonance imaging was two-days (SD 2·7). Two patients presented with ischemic stroke, three with transient ischemic attacks, and five with pain and local symptoms only. Nine patients had a transient increase of the intramural hematoma volume, mainly up to day 10 after symptom onset. Fifty percent had a transient increase in the degree of the internal carotid artery stenosis on MRA, one resulting in a temporary occlusion. Lesions older than one-week were predominantly characterized by a shift from iso- to hyperintese signal on T2w images. At three-month follow-up, intramural hematoma was no longer detectable in 80% of patients and had completely resolved in all patients after six-months. CONCLUSIONS Spatial and temporal dynamics of intramural hematomas after spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection showed an early volume increase with concomitant progression of the internal carotid artery stenosis in 5 of 10 patients. Although spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection overall carries a good prognosis with spontaneous hematoma resorption in all our patients, early follow-up imaging may be considered, especially in case of new clinical symptoms.
Halsschmerz, Dysphagie und Dyspnoe sind die häufigsten Symptomen, aufgrund derer Patienten einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hierbei handelt es sich um unspezifische Symptome mit vielfältigen Ursachen. Mögliche im Retropharyngealraum lokalisierte Pathologien sind in der überwiegenden Anzahl der Fälle selbst limitierend oder durch medikamentöse Therapien beherrschbar (Bsp.: Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Seitenstrangangina). Deutlich seltener sind im Spatium retropharyngeum lokalisierte Abszesse, Neoplasien (Bsp.: Lipome, Neurofibrome, Liposarkome) oder Hämatome (Schmäl F et al. HNO 2002; 50: 418 – 423). Letztlich können auch degenerative Veränderungen der Wirbelsäule, eine ektop verlaufende Arteria carotis interna oder seltene Manifestationen von Systemerkrankungen (Bsp.: Sarkoidose) zu einer unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Vorwölbung der Pharynxhinterwand und Einengung der Luft- und Speiseröhre führen. Anhand des vorliegenden Falls wird die klinische Präsentation sowie die radiologische Diagnose eines retropharyngealen Hämatoms diskutiert und die anatomische Beziehung der Halskompartimente mit besonderem Fokus auf den Retropharyngealraum dargestellt.
BACKGROUND For chronic subdural hematoma, placement of a Blake drain with a two-burr-hole craniotomy is often preferred. However, the placement of such drains carries the risk of penetrating the brain surface or damaging superficial venous structures. OBJECTIVE To describe the use of a Nelaton catheter for the placement of a subdural drain in two-burr-hole trephination for chronic subdural hematoma. METHOD A Nelaton catheter was used to guide placement of a Blake drain into the subdural hematoma cavity and provide irrigation of the hematoma cavity. With the two-burr-hole method, the Nelaton catheter could be removed easily via the frontal burr hole after the Blake drain was in place. RESULTS We used the Nelaton catheters in many surgical procedures and found it a safe and easy technique. This method allows the surgeon to safely direct the catheter into the correct position in the subdural space. CONCLUSIONS This tool has two advantages. First, the use of a small and flexible Nelaton catheter is a safe method for irrigation of a chronic subdural hematoma cavity. Second, in comparison with insertion of subdural drainage alone through a burr hole, the placement of the Nelaton catheter in subdural space is easier and the risk of damaging relevant structures such as cortical tissue or bridging veins is lower. Thus this technique may help to avoid complications when placing a subdural drain.
Justificación: La inmigración en España es un fenómeno de gran importancia que repercute en el área de la salud. Objetivo: Investigar la relación entre la elección de la anestesia epidural y la nacionalidad de la mujer, y a su vez, observar si influyen además otros factores en esta decisión. Diseño y Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo con una muestra de 634 mujeres que han dado a luz en el Hospital del Noroeste de la Región de Murcia. Las variables seleccionadas fueron: antecedentes obstétricos, edad, tipo de anestesia, nacionalidad de la mujer y motivo por el rechazo de la anestesia epidural. Resultados: El 8,51% de las mujeres que dieron a luz en el hospital del Noroeste de la Región de Murcia durante el año 2010 fueron inmigrantes. En cuanto a la nacionalidad, el 20,37% de las mujeres inmigrantes no han utilizado ningún tipo de anestesia. Se ha encontrado una significante diferencia con las mujeres no inmigrantes españolas en las que sólo el 4,31% la rechazó (P<0,001). En relación a los abortos, las mujeres que no prefieren ningún tipo de anestesia son aquellas que sí han tenido abortos (P<0.05). Las edades más jóvenes de las mujeres, de 16 a 25 años, se relaciona con el no uso de la anestesia epidural (P<0,05). Conclusión: Las mujeres inmigrantes hacen menos uso de la anestesia epidural. Es un reto para la enfermera aprender las diferentes culturas ya que realiza su trabajo en una sociedad cada vez más multicultural.
Objetivo: Evaluación de la eficacia analgésica para el dolor de la episiotomía entre el paracetamol y el Ibuprofeno, en las primeras 42 horas postparto. Método: Estudio cuasi-experimental (prospectivo y simple ciego) en mujeres que dieron a luz en el HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO CENTRAL DE ASTURIAS (OVIEDO), excluyendo alérgicas, patologías asociadas ó aquellas que el idioma impidiese un correcto entendimiento. Dos grupos: 1) Paracetamol 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofeno 600 mg. Tamaño de muestra: 110 por grupo para alcanzar mínimo de 80. Variable principal: grado de dolor según puntuación de escala (0 a 3). Otras variables: edad de paciente, semanas de gestación, peso neonatal, paridad, inicio del parto, anestesia epidural, tipo de parto, desgarro, inflamación y enrojecimiento, hematoma, hemorroides, necesidad de sondaje evacuador, aplicación de hielo y solicitud de analgesia. Tamaño final de la muestra: 88 grupo paracetamol y 97 grupo ibuprofeno. La escala de dolor se midió a las 2 horas postparto (previo al tratamiento) y, posteriormente, cada 8 hasta 42 horas. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y comparación entre grupos. Resultados: No encontramos diferencias significativas en la escala de dolor entre ambos fármacos, ni en los subgrupos analizados, salvo en el subgrupo de partos eutócicos, donde el ibuprofeno fue superior al paracetamol. En el global de la serie, el grupo de paracetamol solicitó hielo y otra medicación con mayor frecuencia que el grupo de ibuprofeno. Conclusiones: El ibuprofeno 600 mg y el paracetamol de 1 gr obtienen una respuesta similar en las primeras 42 horas postparto, si bien el ibuprofeno parece tener algunas ventajas adicionales.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Introdução: A neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1), também designada doença de Von Recklinghausen, é causada por uma anormalidade no cromossoma 17, de transmissão autossómica dominante, responsável pela produção deficiente de neurofibromina. Caracteriza-se por displasia nos tecidos mesodérmicos e neuroectodérmicos, e tem uma incidência de um para 2.500-3.300 nascimentos. A presença de manchas café-au-lait, neurofibromas cutâneos e hamartomas da íris são sinais cardinais da doença. Primeiramente descrita por Ruebi em 1945, a patologia vascular é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A ocorrência de hemorragia fatal ou quase fatal está reportada ocasionalmente nas cavidades pleural, abdominal, retroperitoneu, tecidos moles do tronco e extremidades. Esta hemorragia massiva é causada pela rutura de vasos sanguíneos friáveis, característicos pelos níveis reduzidos de neurofibromina e consequente proliferação endotelial e de músculo liso nas artérias e veias. Uma das consequências clínicas mais sérias descritas na NF1 é a ocorrência de hemorragia severa e dificuldade em alcançar controlo hemostático. Objetivo: Exposição de caso clínico de extenso hematoma cervical e hemotórax espontâneos por rutura troncos venosos braquiocefálico, veia subclávia e junção subclávio-jugular em doente com NF1. Caso clínico: Relata-se caso clínico de mulher de 51 anos, com antecedentes conhecidos de NF1 e hipertensão arterial. Foi admitida no serviço de urgência em choque hipovolémico hemorrágico, no contexto de dor súbita no ombro direito e volumosa tumefação cervical direita. Em angioTC foi objetivado volumoso hematoma, envolvendo a região cervical direita, a região retrofaríngea-prevertebral, escavado supraclavicular direito, mediastino, associando a importante hemotórax direito. Procedeu-se a abordagem supraclavicular com drenagem do hematoma e identificação de fontes hemorrágicas, nomeadamente: tronco venoso braquicefálico, veia subclávia e confluência subclávio-jugular. Foi necessária secção da clavícula para controlo hemorrágico e realização de rafias dos troncos venosos com prolene. Intraoperatoriamente, foi evidente a fragilidade e friabilidade excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos. Após controlo hemorrágico, foi realizada videotoracoscopia para drenagem de hemotórax e evacuação de coágulos, confirmando-se a ausência de hemorragia ativa. No pós-operatório a doente recuperou estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem evidência analítica de queda de hemoglobina. Realizou-se angioTC, onde se confirmou franca melhoria do hematoma cervical direito e retrofaríngeo em critérios quantitativos, e ausência de extravasamento de contraste. Objetivou-se adicionalmente aneurismas acular da artéria vertebral direita, corrigido ulteriormente através de embolização com coils. Conclusão: A NF1 é uma doença genética que raramente se pode associar a hemorragia life- -threatening. A vasculopatia é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A existência de friabilidade vascular excessiva com consequente hemorragia espontânea na NF1 é rara e pode ser fatal, exigindo um diagnóstico rápido e tratamento atempado.
La discapacidad es un problema de salud que afecta distintas dimensiones en la calidad de vida de las perso¬nas. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las vivencias de las personas con discapacidad por lesión medular. Se presenta una investigación de tipo cualitativa de trayectoria etnográfica, utilizando la entrevista, observación participante de Spradley y el interaccionismo simbólico de Mead. El universo se constituyó por adultos disca¬pacitados por traumatismo grave a la médula espinal, en rehabilitación en la Fundación Esperanza Nuestra. La investigación describe la vivencia de tener una discapacidad por daño a la medula espinal, lo difícil que es asumir esta condición y disponerse a la rehabilitación. Los informantes describen etapas en el proceso de reha¬bilitación; desde una fase marcada por la depresión, hasta alcanzar en los mejores casos la independencia abso¬luta. La presencia del profesional de enfermería es una constante en los distintos momentos de la trayectoria de aceptación de la discapacidad y rehabilitación que los informantes describen, por lo que cobra importancia el rol de la enfermera y los efectos de sus cuidados. Se observa en la vivencia una ausencia de participación de los centros de salud de atención primaria, por lo tanto es fundamental fortalecer las bases para el desarrollo de una red para la rehabilitación con base en salud familiar y comunitaria.
Es un estudio clínico controlado en el que se incluyeron 88 pacientes de ambos sexos en dos grupos asignados aleatoriamente. El grupo infiltración (n = 44) recibió 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 25 mg de bupivacaína al 0.5con epinefrina al 1:200.000 y el grupo conservador (n = 44) recibió 15 mg diarios por vía oral de meloxicam + calor local húmedo y ejercicios de fortalecimiento. En cada grupo hubo 22 pacientes con patología discal diagnosticada por tomografía axial computadorizada. Se evaluó el dolor según la Escala Análoga Visual y la discapacidad según la Escala de Roland Morris, en seis controles, cada semana por 4 semanas y a los 3 y 6 meses. Resultados. En condiciones basales los grupos fueron comparables en la valoración del dolor y la discapacidad. En los dos grupos de estudio no se encontraron diferencias significativas, en cuanto se refiere a la discapacidad y el dolor , sin embargo en el seguimiento tanto la infiltración como el tratamiento conservador produjo alivio inmediato de la sintomatología pero en los controles posteriores el tratamiento conservador tuvo una mejor respuesta en los dos parámetros, dolor a los 3 meses (p = 0.027) y 6 meses (p = 0.039) , discapacidad a la cuarta semana (p = 0.019), El análisis por subgrupos según patología discal no tuvo diferencias significativas. En la escala de Likert que valora la mejoría desde la percepción del paciente hubo una tendencia a beneficiar al grupo que recibió el tratamiento conservador RR 0.8 (IC95: 0.55-1.16). Conclusiones. La infiltración epidural de 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 15 mg de bupivacaína para tratamiento de la lumbalgia crónica con o sin patología discal tuvo igual respuesta que 15 mg diarios de meloxicam por vía oral más terapia física, en un seguimiento de 6 meses