884 resultados para Hedberg, Carol
During bacterial infections, the balance between resolution of infection and development of sepsis is dependent upon the macrophage response to bacterial products. We show that priming of murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) with CSF-1 differentially regulates the response to two such stimuli, LPS and immunostimulatory (CpG) DNA. CSF-1 pretreatment enhanced IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-alpha production in response to LPS but suppressed the same response to CpG DNA. CSF-1 also regulated cytokine gene expression in response to CpG DNA and LPS; CpG DNA-induced IL-12 p40, IL-12 p35, and TNF-alpha mRNAs were all suppressed by CSF-1 pretreatment. CSF-1 pretreatment enhanced LPS-induced IL-12 p40 mRNA but not TNF-alpha and IL-12 p35 mRNAs, suggesting that part of the priming effect is posttranscriptional. CSF-1 pretreatment also suppressed CpG DNA-induced nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB and phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases p38 and extracellular signal-related kinases-1/2 in BMMs, indicating that early events in CpG DNA signaling were regulated by CSF-1. Expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR)9, which is necessary for responses to CpG DNA, was markedly suppressed by CSF-1 in both BMMs and thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages. CSF-1 also down-regulated expression of TLR1, TLR2, and TLR6, but not the LPS receptor, TLR4, or TLR5. Hence, CSF-1 may regulate host responses to pathogens through modulation of TLR expression. Furthermore, these results suggest that CSF-1 and CSF-1R antagonists may enhance the efficacy of CpG DNA in vivo.
Over the past 20 years, the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) has increased dramatically worldwide. A positive family history of the disease is among the most established risk factors for CMM; it is estimated that 10% of CMM cases result from an inherited predisposition. Although mutations in two genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, have been shown to confer an increased risk of CMM, they account for only 20%-25% of families with multiple cases of CMM. Therefore, to localize additional loci involved in melanoma susceptibility, we have performed a genomewide scan for linkage in 49 Australian pedigrees containing at least three CMM cases, in which CDKN2A and CDK4 involvement has been excluded. The highest two-point parametric LOD score (1.82; recombination fraction [theta] 0.2) was obtained at D1S2726, which maps to the short arm of chromosome 1 (1p22). A parametric LOD score of 4.65 (theta = 0) and a nonparametric LOD score of 4.19 were found at D1S2779 in nine families selected for early age at onset. Additional typing yielded seven adjacent markers with LOD scores 13 in this subset, with the highest parametric LOD score, 4.95 (theta = 0) ( nonparametric LOD score 5.37), at D1S2776. Analysis of 33 additional multiplex families with CMM from several continents provided further evidence for linkage to the 1p22 region, again strongest in families with the earliest mean age at diagnosis. A nonparametric ordered sequential analysis was used, based on the average age at diagnosis in each family. The highest LOD score, 6.43, was obtained at D1S2779 and occurred when the 15 families with the earliest ages at onset were included. These data provide significant evidence of a novel susceptibility gene for CMM located within chromosome band 1p22.
This study describes the derivation of two new lines of transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under the control of tyrosinase transcriptional elements. To determine the suitability of the Tyrosinase-Cre transgene for tissue-specific gene ablation studies, a fate map of Cre expression domains was determined using the Z/AP reporter strain. It was shown that Cre-expressing cells contribute to a wide array of neural crest and neuroepithelial-derived lineages. The melanocytes of the harderian gland and eye choroid, sympathetic cephalic ganglia, leptomeninges of the telencephalon, as well as cranial nerves (V), (VII), and (IX) are derived either fully or partly from Cre-expressing cephalic crest. The cells contributing to the cranial nerves were the first to exhibit Cre expression at E10.5 as they were migrating into the branchial arches. The melanocytes, chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and dorsal root ganglia are derived from trunk neural crest that either express Cre or were derived from Cre-expressing precursors. An array of brain tissue including the basal forebrain, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and the granule cell layer of the lateral cerebellum, as well as the retinal pigmented epithelium and glia of the optic nerve originate from Cre-expressing neuroepithelial cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar sob que condi????es uma Ouvidoria P??blica desempenha o duplo car??ter, ser ao mesmo tempo, um instrumento de participa????o social e uma ferramenta de gest??o. Para alcan??ar esse objetivo, procurou-se reconhecer na literatura a defini????o desse duplo car??ter, examinando empiricamente as dificuldades que se colocam para o exerc??cio do duplo papel pelas Ouvidorias P??blicas, identificando a partir de an??lise de experi??ncias, alternativas para uma poss??vel concilia????o do principal objetivo e do duplo car??ter desempenhados por elas. Como metodologia foi realizada revis??o bibliogr??fica sobre os temas Ouvidorias P??blicas, participa????o social e ferramenta de gest??o, e a realiza????o de an??lise explorat??ria de estudo de casos m??ltiplos, por meio de entrevistas, bem como an??lise qualitativa utilizando-se do m??todo comparativo de seus conte??dos. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em duas Ouvidorias da Administra????o P??blica Federal: as Ouvidorias P??blicas da Fazenda e da Previd??ncia Social. Na an??lise dos resultados verificou-se que houve um consenso nas respostas da maioria dos entrevistados, que concordarem que, apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas, suas Ouvidorias P??blicas cumprem com o duplo papel de instrumento de participa????o social e de ferramenta de gest??o, conciliando-o com o principal objetivo do instituto e levando em considera????o as defini????es adotadas nesse trabalho. Nesse sentido, as principais dificuldades apontadas pelos entrevistados est??o relacionadas ?? cultura de ouvidoria, falta de legisla????o espec??fica, planejamento das a????es e metodologia de trabalho. E as alternativas sugeridas por eles para que suas Ouvidorias possam cumprir da melhor forma esse duplo papel v??o ao encontro das dificuldades enfrentadas. Em outras palavras, conforme perspectivas dos entrevistados, todas alternativas para solucionar as dificuldades apresentadas, dariam ao trabalho dessas Ouvidorias P??blicas um car??ter mais normativo, coordenado, proativo, estrat??gico e efetivo, o que facilitaria ainda mais o cumprimento do duplo papel de instrumento de participa????o social e de ferramenta de gest??o
The conventional methods used to evaluate chitin content in fungi, such as biochemical assessment of glucosamine release after acid hydrolysis or epifluorescence microscopy, are low throughput, laborious, time-consuming, and cannot evaluate a large number of cells. We developed a flow cytometric assay, efficient, and fast, based on Calcofluor White staining to measure chitin content in yeast cells. A staining index was defined, its value was directly related to chitin amount and taking into consideration the different levels of autofluorecence. Twenty-two Candida spp. and four Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates with distinct susceptibility profiles to caspofungin were evaluated. Candida albicans clinical isolate SC5314, and isogenic strains with deletions in chitin synthase 3 (chs3Δ/chs3Δ) and genes encoding predicted Glycosyl Phosphatidyl Inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins (pga31Δ/Δ and pga62Δ/Δ), were used as controls. As expected, the wild-type strain displayed a significant higher chitin content (P < 0.001) than chs3Δ/chs3Δ and pga31Δ/Δ especially in the presence of caspofungin. Ca. parapsilosis, Ca. tropicalis, and Ca. albicans showed higher cell wall chitin content. Although no relationship between chitin content and antifungal drug susceptibility phenotype was found, an association was established between the paradoxical growth effect in the presence of high caspofungin concentrations and the chitin content. This novel flow cytometry protocol revealed to be a simple and reliable assay to estimate cell wall chitin content of fungi.
OBJECTIVE: To describe sleep, stress and compensatory behaviors in nurses and midwives. METHODS: The study included 41 midwives and 21 nurses working in Australian hospitals between 2005 and 2009. Participation was voluntary. All participants recorded on a daily basis their work and sleep hours, levels of stress and exhaustion, caffeine intake and use of sleep aids for a month (1,736 days, 1,002 work shifts). RESULTS: Participants reported moderate to high levels of stress and exhaustion on 20-40% of work days; experienced sleep disruption on more than 50% of work days; struggled to remain awake on 27% of work days; and suffered extreme drowsiness or experienced a near accident while travelling home on 9% of workdays. Age, perceived sleep duration and work hours were significant predictors of caffeine intake. About 60% of participants reported using sleep aids (about 20% reported taking prescription medications and 44% of nurses and 9% of midwives reported alcohol use as a sleep aid at least once during the study). Stress and workdays were significant predictors of sedative use. Overall, 22% reported being indifferent or mildly dissatisfied with their job. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep problems, high levels of stress and exhaustion and low job satisfaction are prevalent among nurses and midwives. The use of alcohol and sleeping pills as sleep aids, and the use of caffeine to help maintain alertness is also common. Nurses and midwives may use caffeine to compensate for reduced sleep, especially on workdays, and sleeping pills to cope with their daily work-related stress.
The paper investigates the risk factors for the severity of orthodontic root resorption. The multidimensional scaling (MDS) visualization method is used to investigate the experimental data from patients who received orthodontic treatment at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Dentistry, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, during a period of 4 years. The clusters emerging in the MDS plots reveal features and properties not easily captured by classical statistical tools. The results support the adoption of MDS for tackling the dentistry information and overcoming noise embedded into the data. The method introduced in this paper is rapid, efficient, and very useful for treating the risk factors for the severity of orthodontic root resorption.
The recognition profile of the tissue cysts antigens by IgG antibodies was studied during acute and chronic human toxoplasmic infection. Thus the IgG response against Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by immunoblotting in two patients accidentally infected with the RH strain as well as in group of naturally infected patients at acute and chronic phase. There was an overall coincidence of molecular mass among antigens of tachyzoites and tissue cysts recognized by these sera, however, they appear not to be the same molecules. The response against tissue cysts starts early during acute infection, and the reactivity of antibodies is strong against a wide range of antigens. Six bands (between 82 and 151 kDa) were exclusively recognized by chronic phase sera but only the 132 kDa band was positive in more than 50% of the sera analysed. A mixture of these antigens could be used to discriminate between the two infection phases. The most important antigens recognized by the acute and the chronic phase sera were 4 clusters in the ranges 20-24 kDa, 34-39 kDa, 58-80 kDa and 105-130 kDa as well as two additional antigens of 18 and 29 kDa. Both accidentally infected patients and some of the naturally infected patients showed a weak specific response against tissue cyst antigens.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a current public health problem, remaining the most common worldwide cause of mortality from infectious disease. Recent studies indicate that genitourinary TB is the third most common form of extra-pulmonary disease. The diagnosis of renal TB can be hypothesized in a non-specific bacterial cystitis associated with a therapeutic failure or a urinalysis with a persistent leukocyturia in the absence of bacteriuria. We report on the case of a 33-year-old man who presented on admission end stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to renal TB and a past history of pulmonary TB with important radiologic findings. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings despite all cultures being negative. Empiric treatment with tuberculostatic drugs was started and the patient became stable. He was discharged with no symptom, but without renal function recovery. He is on maintenance hemodialysis three times a week. TB is an important cause of kidney disease and can lead to irreversible renal function loss.
Com o presente trabalho pretende-se formular, implementar e validar duas classes de elementos finitos não-convencionais para problemas elastoestáticos e elastodinâmicos (harmónicos e transitórios) envolvendo barras solicitadas por cargas axiais. O desempenho numérico dos elementos não convencionais é estudado para uma larga gama de situações de interesse prático e comparado com o dos elementos finitos conformes de deslocamento (convencionais). A resolução de problemas transitórios envolve a integração no tempo e no espaço das equações diferenciais governativas, bem como a imposição das respetivas condições iniciais e de fronteira. A metodologia de integração no tempo adotada neste trabalho é baseada no método de Newmark. A resolução de problemas estáticos e harmónicos não carece de integração no tempo, ou a mesma é feita de forma trivial. Concluída a discretização no tempo, a segunda fase da resolução envolve a integração no espaço de cada uma das equações discretizadas, nomeadamente através do método dos elementos finitos. Para esse efeito, apresentam-se as formulações relativas aos elementos finitos convencionais, híbridos e híbridos-Trefftz. As três formulações têm como ponto de partida a forma fraca da equação diferencial de Navier, que é imposta utilizando o método de Galerkin. A principal diferença entre os elementos convencionais e não-convencionais prende-se com a maneira como são impostas as condições de fronteira de Dirichlet e as condições de compatibilidade nas fronteiras interiores. Os elementos não convencionais são implementados numa plataforma computacional desenvolvida de raiz no ambiente Matlab. A implementação é feita de maneira a permitir uma definição muito geral e flexível da estrutura e das respetivas ações, bem como das discretizações no tempo e no espaço e das bases de aproximação, que podem ser diferentes para cada elemento finito. Por fim, efetuam-se testes numéricos com o objetivo de analisar os resultados obtidos com os elementos não convencionais e de os comparar com as respetivas soluções analíticas (caso existam), ou com os resultados obtidos utilizando elementos convencionais. É especialmente focada a convergência das soluções aproximadas sob refinamentos da malha (h), no espaço e no tempo, e das funções de aproximação (p), sendo que o uso simultâneo dos dois refinamentos parece conduzir mais rapidamente a soluções próximas da solução exata. Analisam-se também problemas complexos, envolvendo propagação de ondas de choque, com o fim de se efetuar uma comparação entre os elementos convencionais, disponíveis no programa comercial SAP2000, e os elementos não convencionais fornecidos pela plataforma computacional desenvolvida neste trabalho.
Secondary transmission of cryptosporidiosis associated with well water consumption: two case studies
Abstract: Cryptosporidiosis is a very prominent disease in the field of public health, and usually causes diarrhea. We describe two immunocompetent patients who presented with chronic diarrhea that was ultimately found to be caused by continuous exposure to well water contaminated with the microbial cysts (oocysts) of the Cryptosporidium spp parasite. We describe the patients' histories and possible explanations for their prolonged symptoms.
Long term applications of leguminous green mulch could increase mineralizable nitrogen (N) beneath cupuaçu trees produced on the infertile acidic Ultisols and Oxisols of the Amazon Basin. However, low quality standing cupuaçu litter could interfere with green mulch N release and soil N mineralization. This study compared mineral N, total N, and microbial biomass N beneath cupuaçu trees grown in two different agroforestry systems, north of Manaus, Brazil, following seven years of different green mulch application rates. To test for net interactions between green mulch and cupuaçu litter, dried gliricidia and inga leaves were mixed with senescent cupuaçu leaves, surface applied to an Oxisol soil, and incubated in a greenhouse for 162 days. Leaf decomposition, N release and soil N mineralization were periodically measured in the mixed species litter treatments and compared to single species applications. The effect of legume biomass and cupuaçu litter on soil mineral N was additive implying that recommendations for green mulch applications to cupuaçu trees can be based on N dynamics of individual green mulch species. Results demonstrated that residue quality, not quantity, was the dominant factor affecting the rate of N release from leaves and soil N mineralization in a controlled environment. In the field, complex N cycling and other factors, including soil fauna, roots, and microclimatic effects, had a stronger influence on available soil N than residue quality.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)