985 resultados para Health Sciences, Mental Health|Health Sciences, Nursing|Psychology, Clinical


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The research found significant relationships between secondary exposure to client trauma and symptoms associated with secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma in a sample of community mental health clinicians. The research supports developmental conceptualisations of the relationships between these constructs and burnout, and identifies potential individual vulnerability and protective factors. The portfolio explores the impact of childhood maltreatment from an attachment theory perspective. Four clinical cases are presented illustrating the clinical relevance of the impact of childhood maltreatment and attachment disturbance, and the complexities associated with current attachment classification systems and differential diagnosis.


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Extending existing health literature by drawing on social and community psychology, this thesis represents the first attempt to explore the conceptualisation of 'participation' in cervical cancer screening. Quantitative and qualitative findings suggested that women's experiences of 'patient participation' and 'voice opportunity' were important and related to various social processes and variables in this health context. Using four case studies, the professional portfolio demonstrates a biopsychosocial approach to assessment and intervention as used by a provisional health psychologist working with clients with intellectual disabilities in order to promote sexual health.


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This thesis examined factors that predict adolescents' professional help seeking when experiencing mental health problems over six months. Factors that strongly predicted help seeking included adolescents' ability to recognise that they were experiencing a problem; the type and severity of the problem experienced; and the preceived support from their family. The portfolio examined the potential benefits of using manualised CBT programs in a more flexible and individualised manner when treating children and adolescents.


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Two studies were conducted investigating Australian women's management of their life goals. Although engagement with goals was generally positive for psychological well-being, the propensity to disengage from appearance-related goals was beneficial for body image and protective against disordered eating, suggesting strategies for promoting goal disengagement in women with eating disordered behaviour. The portfolio presents four case studies reviewing empirical research demonstrating the efficacy of adjuvant psychological therapy in relieving psychological distress in cancer patients.


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This thesis investigated the role of care-seeking amongst adults with arthritis, using an attachment framework to help explain the inconsistent results of previous studies in regard to psychological adjustment to a chronic illness. The results highlight the importance of attachment processes in partially influencing care-seeking and coping strategies that shape psychological adjustment. The portfolio addresses the frequent co-occurence of depression with chronic medical disorders. This impacts the ability for chronic, medically ill adults to engage in self-management strategies. Four case studies are presented.


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The thesis aimed to explore the Victorian Community's attitudes towards intimate partner homicide committed in the context of jealousy and domestic violence. Results revealed that the immediacy of the accused's actions, the gender of the accused, and the gender of the participant interacted to influence participants' verdict and blame responses. The portfolio explored the complexities and challenges that face mental health professionals in deciding the appropriate weighting of child's wishes in child protection assessments. The four case studies presented were chosen due to the attention that was paid to the child's wishes throughout the assessments.


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Basic Symptoms are cognitive and emotional disturbances characteristic of the early stage of psychosis. This study established the utility of an instrument to identify Basic Symptoms amongst young people at high-risk for developing psychosis, thereby facilitating the pathway to treatment for these individuals. The portfolio focuses on how having an unwell parent contributes to and influences the development of psychopathology in offspring. The four clinical case studies are presented in detail, and the intervention strategies for each individual are evaluated.


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Women who experienced psychiatric disorder during adolescence reported a 5̃-fold increased risk for depressive symptoms during pregnancy and during the postnatal period. A number of other adolescent and pre-conception risk factors, such as persistent stress and hormonal volatility, were also found to be implicated in the development of perinatal depression. Four case studies of children with profound and pervasive attachment-related disturbances are presented in the portfolio in order to highlight the shortcomings of the current diagnostic criteria for reactive attachment disorder in infancy or early childhood.


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The thesis examined variables that could potentially mediate the relationship between child abuse and eating pathology. The relationship was found to be intricate and multi-faceted with important gender differences. The most novel finding was that drive for muscularity was significantly associated with child abuse in males and in females. The portfolio presents four adult case studies, each with different experiences of child abuse. It aims to examine if the core tenets of neurobiological theory of trauma can be useful to understand the lasting effects of child abuse on adult functioning.


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This thesis research examined the relationship between SWB and depression in the context of homeostasis theory. Results provide support for homeostasis as the SWB maintenance mechanism and strong support for conceptualising depression as a loss of SWB. Remarkable, results also indicate that some SWB measures outperform depression inventories in detecting depression. The portfolio uses attachment theory as a conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of attachment relationships to the development of borderline and antisocial personality pathology in children and adolescents. Four case studies are presented in illustration.


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The field and experimental studies for this thesis revealed that: the quality of documentation of 'disclosure' (initial) interviews with child abuse witnesses was poor; under optimal note-taking conditions, verbatim records of interview were still not provided, and considerable variability was observed in the quality of notes and strategies employed to document content and structure. The portfolio presents four case studies to illustrate similarities and/or differences between offence behaviour in child sex offenders with impairment, and the offence behaviours that characterise Canter et al.'s intimate, criminal-opportunistic and aggressive type offenders.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and family interventions are increasingly used to prevent this problem and to assist family coping. The effectiveness of a prevention-focussed family intervention was evaluated within a randomised school trial for its secondary impacts on improving parental mental health and family functioning.


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The thesis aimed to identify and compare individual differences in anger related affective responses upon exposure to neutral, violent and sexually violent film. The findings revealed that both graphic and non-graphic sexually violent film content may have a stronger impact on viewers' anger levels than exposure to standard violent film. The portfolio examined in four case studies the utility of the Violence Risk Scale when seeking to identify factors associated with risk of violent recidivism and subsequent treatment targets for intellectually disabled offenders . Treatment indications must consider the impaired cognitive and adaptive abilities and the difficulties inherent in modifying the behavioural characteristics of intellectually disabled offenders.


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The thesis' aim was to explore outcome after traumatic injury. Poorer physical health prior to injury and receipt of compensation explained variance in physical health 12 months after injury. Poorer mental health 3 and 12 months after injury was partly explained by stronger emotional reactions immediately after the injury, receipt of compensation, and lower perceived social support. The portfolio focuses on symptoms of depression and anxiety in those suffering chronic pain. Through four case studies who attended a pain management service, it is argued that psychological symptoms are able to be addressed concurrently with pain management strategies.


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This thesis investigated factors that facilitate successful engagement with psychiatric treatment among young patients experiencing first-onset psychosis. The results revealed the importance of the treatment setting and key relationships in achieving engagement. Service delivery implications include the need for a social relationship model between clinicians, patients, and their peers.