1000 resultados para Haloperoxidase expression
Relative eye size, gross brain morphology and central localization of 2-[I-125]iodomelatonin binding sites and melatonin receptor gene expression were compared in six gadiform fish living at different depths in the north-east Atlantic Ocean: Phycis blennoides (capture depth range 265-1260 m), Nezumia aequalis (445-1512 m), Coryphaenoides rupestris (706-1932 m), Trachyrincus murrayi (1010-1884 m), Coryphaenoides guentheri (1030 m) and Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus (2172-4787 m). Amongst these, the eye size range was 0.15-0.35 of head length with a value of 0.19 for C.(N.) armatus, the deepest species. Brain morphology reflected behavioural differences with well-developed olfactory regions in P.blennoides, T.murrayi and C. (N.) armatus and evidence of olfactory deficit in N. aequalis, C. rupestris and C. guentheri. All species had a clearly defined optic tectum with 2-[I-125] iodomelatonin binding and melatonin receptor gene expression localized to specific brain regions in a similar pattern to that found in shallow-water fish. Melatonin receptors were found throughout the visual structures of the brains of all species. Despite living beyond the depth of penetration of solar light these fish have retained central features associated with the coupling of cycles of growth, behaviour and reproduction to the diel light-dark cycle. How this functions in the deep sea remains enigmatic.
The olfactory neuroepithelium is a highly plastic region of the nervous system that undergoes continual turnover of primary olfactory neurons throughout life. The mechanisms responsible for persistent growth and guidance of primary olfactory axons along the olfactory nerve are unknown. In the present study, we used antibodies against the Eph-related receptor, EphA5, to localise EphA5, and recombinant EDhA5-IgG fusion protein to localise its ligands. We found that although both EphA5 and its ligands were both expressed by primary olfactory neurons within the embryonic olfactory nerve pathway, there was no graded or complementary expression pattern. In contrast, the expression patterns altered postnatally such that primary olfactory neurons expressed the ligands, whereas the second-order olfactory neurons, the mitral cells, expressed EphA5. The role of EphA5 was analysed by blocking EphA5-ligand interactions in explant cultures of olfactory neuroepithelium using anti-EphA5 antibodies and recombinant EphA5. These perturbations reduced neurite outgrowth from explant cultures and suggest that intrafascicular axon repulsion may serve to limit adhesion and optimise conditions for axon growth. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) is implicated in the development of breast cancer. The immunophilins, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) and FKBP52, are associated with ER alpha and other steroid receptors in mutually exclusive heterocomplexes and may differentially modulate receptor activity. Since previous studies have not assessed the levels of these immunophilins in breast cancer, we examined 10 breast cancer cell lines for mRNA and protein expression of CyP40 and FKBP52 and for amplification of the CyP40 gene. In addition, 26 breast carcinomas, including seven with matched normal breast tissue, were examined for mRNA expression of both immunophilins. CyP40 and FKBP52 were ubiquitously expressed in breast cancer cell lines, but there were significant differences in their pattern of expression. FKBP52 protein levels were generally an order of magnitude greater than those for CyP40. FKBP52 mRNA expression correlated strongly with protein expression and was significantly higher in ER alpha-positive compared with ER alpha-negative cell lines. However, CyP40 mRNA expression did not correlate with protein expression, nor did expression of this immunophilin correlate with ER alpha status. Relatively high expression of CyP40 in one cell line (BT-20) could be attributed to amplification of the CyP40 gene. Both immunophilins were also ubiquitously expressed in breast carcinomas, and we demonstrate for the first time that both CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA are overexpressed in breast tumors compared to matched normal breast controls. The overexpression of CyP40 and FKBP52, coupled with relative differences in their expression in tumors, may have important functional implications for ER alpha and other steroid receptors in breast cancer.
The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans neurocan and phosphacan are believed to modulate neurite outgrowth by binding to cell adhesion molecules, tenascin, and the differentiation factors heparin-binding growth-associated molecule and amphoterin. To assess the role of these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the olfactory system, we describe here their expression patterns during both embryonic and postnatal development in the mouse. Immunoreactivity for neurocan was first detected in primary olfactory neurons at embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5). Neurocan was expressed by primary olfactory axons as they extended toward the rostral pole of the telencephalon as well as by their arbors in glomeruli after they contacted the olfactory bulb. The role of neurocan was examined by growing olfactory neurons on an extracellular matrix substrate containing neurocan or on extracellular matrix in the presence of soluble neurocan. In both cases, neurocan strongly promoted neurite outgrowth. These results suggest that neurocan supports the growth of primary olfactory axons through the extracellular matrix as they project to the olfactory bulb during development. Phosphacan, unlike neurocan, was present within the mesenchyme surrounding the E11.5 and E12.5 nasal cavity. This expression decreased at E13.5, concomitant with a transient appearance of phosphacan in nerve fascicles. Within the embryonic olfactory bulb, phosphacan was localised to the external and internal plexiform layers. However, during early postnatal development phosphacan was concentrated in the glomerular layer. These results suggest that phosphacan may play a role in delineating the pathway of growing olfactory axons as well as defining the laminar organization of the bulb. Together, the spatiotemporal expression patterns of neurocan and phosphacan indicate that these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans have diverse in situ roles, which are dependent on context-specific interactions with extracellular and cell adhesion molecules within the developing olfactory nerve pathway. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We have generated transgenic mice that harbor a 140 kb genomic fragment of the human BRCA1 locus (TgN.BRCA1(GEN)). We find that the transgene directs appropriate expression of human BRCA1 transcripts in multiple mouse tissues, and that human BRCA1 protein is expressed and stabilized following exposure to DIVA damage, Such mice are completely normal, with no overt signs of BRCA1 toxicity commonly observed when BRCA1 is expressed from heterologous promoters. Most importantly, however, the transgene rescues the otherwise lethal phenotype associated with the targeted hypomorphic allele (Brca1(Delta exIISA)). Brca1(-/-); TgN.BRCA1(GEN) bigenic animals develop normally and can be maintained as a distinct line. These results show that a 140 kb fragment of chromosome 17 contains all elements necessary for the correct expression, localization, and function of the BRCA1 protein, Further, the model provides evidence that function and regulation of the human BRCA1 gene can be studied and manipulated in a genetically tractable mammalian system.
This study focused on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of the transcription factors Egr-1 and Egr-3 in the rat brain cortex and hippocampus after chronic or acute ethanol exposure. DNA-binding activity was reduced in both regions after chronic ethanol exposure and was restored to the level of the pair-fed group at 16 h of withdrawal. Cortical Egr-1 protein levels were not altered by chronic ethanol exposure but increased 16 h after withdrawal, thus mirroring DNA-binding activity. In contrast, Egr-3 protein levels did not undergo any change. There was no change in the level of either protein in the hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry revealed a region-selective change in immunopositive cells in the cortex and hippocampus. Finally, an acute bolus dose of ethanol did not affect Egr DNA-binding activity and ethanol treatment did not alter the DNA-binding activity or protein levels of the transcription factor Spl. These observations suggest that chronic exposure to ethanol has region-selective effects on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of Egr-1 and Egr-3 transcription factors in the rat brain. These changes occur after prolonged ethanol exposure and may thus reflect neuroadaptive changes associated with physical dependency and withdrawal. These effects are also transcription factor-selective. Clearly, protein expression is not the sole mediator of the changes in DNA-binding activity and chronic ethanol exposure must have effects on modulatory agents of Egr DNA-binding activity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
The plasmalemmal Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (PMCA) is a key regulator of Ca2+ efflux in vascular smooth muscle. In these studies are developed a realtime reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay for assessing PMCA1 mRNA levels in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes. This assay detected fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA (relative to 18S rRNA) 4, 8, and 24 h after stimulation. Early fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA were insensitive to the Ca2+ channel blockers nifedipine, flunarizine, and SKF-96365. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of real-time RT-PCR to assess mRNA levels of PMCA1 and illustrate dynamic regulation of this Ca2+ pump isoform in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes, (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Two small RNAs regulate the timing of Caenorhabditis elegans development(1,2). Transition from the first to the second larval stage fates requires the 22-nucleotide lin-4 RNA(1,3,4), and transition from late larval to adult cell fates requires the 21-nucleotide let-7 RNA 2. The lin-4 and let-7 RNA genes are not homologous to each other, but are each complementary to sequences in the 3' untranslated regions of a set of protein-coding target genes that are normally negatively regulated by the RNAs1,2,5,6. Here we have detected let-7 RNAs of similar to 21 nucleotides in samples from a wide range of animal species, including vertebrate, ascidian, hemichordate, mollusc, annelid and arthropod, but not in RNAs from several cnidarian and poriferan species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli or Arabidopsis. We did not detect lin-4 RNA in these species. We found that let-7 temporal regulation is also conserved: let-7 RNA expression is first detected at late larval stages in C. elegans and Drosophila, at 48 hours after fertilization in zebrafish, and in adult stages of annelids and molluscs. The let-7 regulatory RNA may control late temporal transitions during development across animal phylogeny.
The analysis of keratin 6 expression is complicated by the presence of multiple isoforms that are expressed constitutively in a number of internal stratified epithelia, in palmoplantar epidermis, and in the companion cell layer of the hair follicle. In addition, keratin 6 expression is inducible in interfollicular epidermis and the outer root sheath of the follicle, in response to wounding stimuli, phorbol esters, or retinoic acid. In order to establish the critical regions involved in the regulation of keratin 6a (the dominant isoform in mice), we generated transgenic mice with two different-sized mouse keratin 6a constructs containing either 1.3 kb or 0.12 kb of 5' flanking sequence linked to the lacZ reporter gene. Both constructs also contained the first intron and the 3' flanking sequence of mouse keratin 6a. Ectopic expression of either transgene was not observed. Double-label immunofluorescence analyses demonstrated expression of the reporter gene in keratin 6 expressing tissues, including the hair follicle, tongue, footpad, and nail bed, showing that both transgenes retained keratinocyte-specific expression. Quantitative analysis of beta -galactosidase activity verified that both the 1.3 and 0.12 kb keratin 6a promoter constructs produced similar levels of the reporter. Notably, both constructs were constitutively expressed in the outer root sheath and interfollicular epidermis in the absence of any activating stimulus, suggesting that they lack the regulatory elements that normally silence transcription in these cells. This study has revealed that a keratin 6a minigene contains critical cis elements that mediate tissue-specific expression and that the elements regulating keratin 6 induction lie distal to the 1.3 kb promoter region.
In gastropod mollusks, neuroendocrine cells in the anterior ganglia have been shown to regulate growth and reproduction. As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these physiological processes in the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina, ive have identified sets of POU, Sox, and Pax transcription factor genes that are expressed in these ganglia. Using highly degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed to anneal to conserved codons in each of these gene families, we have amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2 POU genes (HasPOU-III and HasPOU-IV), 2 Sox genes (HasSox-B and HasSox-C), and two Pax genes (HasPax-258 and HaxPax-6). Analyses with gene-specific primers indicated that the 6 genes are expressed in the cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia of both reproductively active and spent adults, in a number of sensory structures, and in a subset of other adult tissues.
Pimelic acid formation for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis has been proposed to involve a cytochrome P450 encoded by the gene biol. We have subcloned bioI and overexpressed the encoded protein, BioI. A purification protocol was developed utilizing ion exchange, gel filtration, and hydroxyapatite chromatography, Investigation of the purified BioI by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed spectral properties characteristic of a cytochrome P450 enzyme. BioI copurifies with acylated Escherichia coil acyl carrier protein (ACP), suggesting that in vivo a fatty acid substrate may be presented to BioI as an acyl-ACP. A combination of electrospray mass spectrometry of the intact acyl-ACP and GCMS indicated a range of fatty acids were bound to the ACP. A catalytically active system has been established employing E. coli flavodoxin reductase and a novel, heterologous flavodoxin as the redox partners for BioI. In this system, BioI cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate a pimeloyl-ACP equivalent, from which pimelic acid is isolated after base-catalyzed saponification. A range of free fatty acids have also been explored as potential alternative substrates for BioI, with C16 binding most tightly to the enzyme. These fatty acids are also metabolized to dicarboxylic acids, but with less regiospecificity than is observed with acyl-ACPs. A possible mechanism for this transformation is discussed. These results strongly support the proposed role for BioI in biotin biosynthesis. In addition, the production of pimeloyl-ACP explains the ability of BioI to function as a pimeloyl CoA source in E. coli, which, unlike B. subtilis, is unable to utilize free pimelic acid for biotin production. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Growth factors and their binding proteins are important proteins regulating mammalian cell proliferation and differentiation so there is considerable interest in producing them as recombinant proteins, especially in hosts that do not already produce a complex mixture of growth factors. Many growth factors require posttranslational modifications making them unsuitable for production in Escherichia coli or other prokaryotes. Since several expression vector systems have been recently developed for foreign protein production in the cellular slime mould, Dictyostelium discoideum, we attempted to use two of these systems to express human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (hIGFBP6) and bovine beta-cellulin (bBTC) as secreted proteins. Although both proteins were successfully produced in stably transformed amoebae, no secretion was detected in spite of several attempts to facilitate this occurring.
The immunophilins, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) and FKBP52, are associated with the unactivated estrogen receptor in mutually exclusive heterocomplexes and may differentially modulate receptor activity, We have recently shown that CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA's are differentially elevated in breast carcinomas compared with normal breast tissue. Other studies suggest that such alterations ill the ratio of immunophilins might potentially influence steroid receptor function. Studies were therefore initiated to investigate the influence of estradiol on CyP40 and FKBP52 expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Over a 24-h-treatment period with estradiol, CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA expression was increased approximately five- and 14-fold, respectively. The corresponding protein levels were also elevated in comparison to controls. The antiestrogen, ICI 182,780, was an antagonist for CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA induction. Cycloheximide treatment did not inhibit this increased immunophilin expression, suggesting that estradiol-mediated activation is independent off de novo protein synthesis. Treatment of MCF-7 cells with estradiol resulted in an increased half-life of both CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA, as determined by actinomycin D studies. These results suggest that estradiol regulates CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA expression through both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
MHC class II expression is regulated in dendritic cells independently of invariant chain degradation
We have investigated the mechanisms that control MHC class II (MHC II) expression in immature and activated dendritic cells (DC) grown from spleen and bone marrow precursors. Degradation of the MHC II chaperone invariant chain (li), acquisition of peptide cargo by MHC II, and delivery of MHC II-peptide complexes to the cell surface proceeded similarly in both immature and activated DC. However, immature DC reendocytosed and then degraded the MHC II-peptide complexes much faster than the activated DC. MHC II expression in DC is therefore not controlled by the activity of the protease(s) that degrade Ii, but by the rate of endocytosis of peptide-loaded MHC II. Late after activation, DC downregulated MHC II synthesis both in vitro and in vivo.
Relationships between non-occupational cadmium exposure and expression of nine cytochrome P450 forms