999 resultados para Halle
Structure of inflorescences and flowers and flowering behaviour are reported for the woody liana Anchietea pyrifolia (Violaceae) from Brazil. The specimen studied is grown for some decades now in the greenhouses of Halle Botanical Garden and turned out unisexually male, which adds a further example of dioecism to the family Violaceae, in which this type of sex distribution is rarely encountered. The flowers are exceptional also for the strongly asymmetric anterior petal, which represents a rare case of a species with enantiomorphic flowers pollinated by Lepidoptera. They have a fully developed gynoecium with a complicated architecture comparable to the pistil of bisexual Violaceae flowers, though without ovules. The style head is capable to release viscose liquid on tactile stimulation or pressure, which is known to act as pollen-gathering mechanism in bisexual Violaceae species with usually dry pollen and buzz-pollination. This function has switched in male A. pyrifolia to a mechanism for efficient pollen release mediated by insect pollinators from its short-lived flowers. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Trabalho apresentado Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-14), Halle, 7-11 Sep 2015
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Leben und Werk des politischen Pädagogen Adolf Reichwein (1898-1944) unter politikwissenschaftlichem Gesichtspunkt. Sie will damit die hier hauptsächlich von Seiten der Erziehungswissenschaften geleistete Forschungsarbeit ergänzen und den Blick öffnen für den Facettenreichtum des Forschungsgegenstandes. Denn wie Klaus Dicke einmal zu Recht festgestellt hat, beansprucht Adolf Reichwein gleich in dreifacher Weise das Interesse der Politikwissenschaft: nämlich erstens als Autor politikwissenschaftlicher Studien, zweitens als politikwissenschaftlicher Lehrer sowie drittens als politischer Akteur. Um der die Untersuchung leitenden Fragestellung (sachgerechte und zugleich prinzipiengerechte Behandlung politischer Fragen) nachzugehen, wird in einem ersten Teil Reichweins Prinzipiengerüst in den Blick genommen, also das, was er selbst einmal sein „Koordinatensystem“ nannte. Die dafür aufgestellten Kategorien lauten: Menschenbild, Arbeitsbegriff, Politik, Volk-Nation-Staat, Theorie-Praxis. Sodann wird im zweiten Teil, welcher den Schwerpunkt der gesamten Studie bildet, Reichweins politisches Handeln untersucht, wobei entsprechend der leitenden Fragestellung ermittelt werden soll, wie bei Reichweins Suchen und Finden sachgerechter politischer Lösungen dessen – im ersten Teil der Untersuchung herausgefilterte – Prinzipien zum Tragen kamen. Dabei ergeben sich aus Reichweins Biographie einzelne Untersuchungsschwerpunkte: seine Arbeit im preußischen Kultusministerium, diejenige an der Pädagogischen Akademie in Halle (welche mit parteipolitischem Engagement einherging) sowie Reichweins Widerstand gegen das NS-Regime. Einige kritische Anmerkungen zur Reichwein-Rezeption schließen die Untersuchung ab.
Il seguente elaborato è frutto del lavoro di ricerca, della durata di cinque mesi, svolto presso il Department of Catchment Hydrology del centro di ricerca UFZ (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung) con sede in Halle an der Saale, Germania. L’obiettivo della Tesi è la stima della ricarica della falda acquifera in un bacino idrografico sprovvisto di serie di osservazioni idrometriche di lunghezza significativa e caratterizzato da clima arido. Il lavoro di Tesi è stato svolto utilizzando un modello afflussi-deflussi concettualmente basato e spazialmente distribuito. La modellistica idrologica in regioni aride è un tema a cui la comunità scientifica sta dedicando numerosi sforzi di ricerca, presentando infatti ancora numerosi problemi aperti dal punto di vista tecnico-scientifico, ed è di primaria importanza per il sostentamento delle popolazioni che vi abitano. Le condizioni climatiche in queste regioni fanno sì che la falda acquifera superficiale sia la principale fonte di approvvigionamento; una stima affidabile della sua ricarica, nel tempo e nello spazio, permette un corretta gestione delle risorse idriche, senza la quale il fabbisogno idrico di queste popolazioni non potrebbe essere soddisfatto. L’area oggetto di studio è il bacino idrografico Darga, una striscia di terra di circa 74 km2, situata in Cisgiordania, la cui sezione di chiusura si trova a circa 4 kilometri dalla costa del Mar Morto, mentre lo spartiacque a monte, ubicato a Nord-ovest, dista circa 3 kilometri dalla città di Gerusalemme.
The diversity–stability hypothesis states that current losses of biodiversity can impair the ability of an ecosystem to dampen the effect of environmental perturbations on its functioning. Using data from a long-term and comprehensive biodiversity experiment, we quantified the temporal stability of 42 variables characterizing twelve ecological functions in managed grassland plots varying in plant species richness. We demonstrate that diversity increases stability i) across trophic levels (producer, consumer), ii) at both the system (community, ecosystem) and the component levels (population, functional group, phylogenetic clade), and iii) primarily for aboveground rather than belowground processes. Temporal synchronization across studied variables was mostly unaffected with increasing species richness. This study provides the strongest empirical support so far that diversity promotes stability across different ecological functions and levels of ecosystem organization in grasslands
Biodiversity is rapidly declining, and this may negatively affect ecosystem processes, including economically important ecosystem services. Previous studies have shown that biodiversity has positive effects on organisms and processes across trophic levels. However, only a few studies have so far incorporated an explicit food-web perspective. In an eight-year biodiversity experiment, we studied an unprecedented range of above- and below-ground organisms and multitrophic interactions. A multitrophic data set originating from a single long-term experiment allows mechanistic insights that would not be gained from meta-analysis of different experiments. Here we show that plant diversity effects dampen with increasing trophic level and degree of omnivory. This was true both for abundance and species richness of organisms. Furthermore, we present comprehensive above-ground/below-ground biodiversity food webs. Both above ground and below ground, herbivores responded more strongly to changes in plant diversity than did carnivores or omnivores. Density and richness of carnivorous taxa was independent of vegetation structure. Below-ground responses to plant diversity were consistently weaker than above-ground responses. Responses to increasing plant diversity were generally positive, but were negative for biological invasion, pathogen infestation and hyperparasitism. Our results suggest that plant diversity has strong bottom-up effects on multitrophic interaction networks, with particularly strong effects on lower trophic levels. Effects on higher trophic levels are indirectly mediated through bottom-up trophic cascades.