526 resultados para HOLLOW


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Työssä on tutkittu laboratoriokokeen ja elementtimenetelmän avulla eri geometrioiden vaikutusta sekundääriseen momentin syntymiseen K-liitoksella. Kokeen liitos on tehty S700-lujuusluokan Ruukin Optim 700 plus MH nelikulmaisista rakenneputkista (RHS). Elementtimalleissa on käytetty geometrista ja materiaalista epälineaarisuutta ennustamaan liitoksen muodonmuutoskykyä ja laskennallista kestävyyttä. Liitoksen elementtimalleissa muutettavia geometrioita ovat: vapaaväli, uumasauvan ja paarteen välinen kulma, paarteen seinämän paksuus, liitoksen eksentrisyys ja uumasauvan ja paarteen leveyden suhde. Laboratoriokokeen liitoksen vetouumasauvassa vaikuttava sekundäärisen momentin aiheuttama jännitys on noin 25 % vetouumasauvan myötörajasta. Suurin sekundäärinen momentti syntyy, kun vapaaväliä pienennetään ja uumasauvaa kavennetaan paarteeseen nähden. Eurocode 3:n mitoitusohjeita voidaan elementtimallien perusteella soveltaa tietyille geometrioille turvallisesti.


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Työssä tutkittiin mahdollisuutta tehostaa kunnallista jätevedenpuhdistusta membraanitekniikkaa käyttäen. Teoriaosassa perehdyttiin kunnallisen jäteveden omi-naisuuksiin ja perinteiseen puhdistusprosessiin. Tämän lisäksi membraanien yleisiä ominaisuuksia, membraanityyppien kykyä erottaa jäteveden sisältämiä yhdisteitä sekä erilaisia mahdollisuuksia membraanisuodatukselle perinteisen jäteve-denpuhdistusprosessin yhteydessä käytiin läpi. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin Savitaipaleen puhdistamon puhdistetun jäteveden laadun parantamiseen membraanisuodatukseen perustuvalla jälkikäsittely-yksiköllä eli tertiäärisuodatuksella. Erilaisia paineavusteisia membraanitekniikoita (MF, UF, NF ja RO) tutkittiin jäteveden puhdistamiseksi ja erotustehokkuuden vertailemiseksi. Tavoitteena oli löytää tehokas ja käytännössä toimiva tapa poistaa fosforia ja typpeä puhdistetusta jätevedestä. Tasomaisilla membraaneilla tehdyissä suodatuksissa MF-membraanit poistivat tehokkaasti fosforia (97 – 98 %) sekä kiintoainesta (100 %) jätevedestä. RO-membraanit alensivat fosfori- (100 %) ja typpipitoisuutta (90 – 94 %) tehokkaasti, poistaen myös liuenneita orgaanisia yhdisteitä (DOC, 90 – 94 %). Mikrosuodatukseen perustuvilla onttokuitumembraaneilla saavutettiin tehokkaan fosforinpoiston lisäksi tasainen kapasiteetti suodatuksen aikaista puhdistusmene-telmää optimoimalla. Pitoisuusalenemat olivat myös erittäin korkeita fosforille (97 – 99 %), kiintoaineelle (100 %), sameudelle (96 – 99 %) sekä COD:lle (38 – 55 %). Tulosten perusteella membraanitekniikkaan perustuva onttokuitusuodatus olisi tehokas ja toimiva jälkikäsittelyprosessi fosforinpoistoon ja jäteveden laadun pa-rantamiseen. Typen poistamiseen parhaiten toimi RO-membraani.


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Double grade S420MH/S355J2H – rakenneputki on Ruukin kylmämuovattujen rakenneputkien vakioteräslaji. Se voidaan mitoittaa joko lujuusluokan S355 tai S420 mukaisesti. Teräslajin S355 mukaisesti mitoitettaessa on suunnittelu yksinkertaista. Painonsäästöä ja pidennettyjä jännevälejä haluttaessa käytetään lujuusluokan S420 mukaista mitoitusta. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kylmämuovattujen teräsrakenneputkien todellinen puristuskestävyys. Eurocode 3:n mukaan kylmämuovatut teräsrakenneputket kuuluvat nurjahduskäyrälle c. Tutkimukseen valittiin viisi eri profiilia olevaa rakenneputkea, joiden poikkileikkausluokat olivat 1, 2, 3 ja 4. Käytettäessä rakenneputkia puristussauvoina, on teräksen käyttö tehokkainta poikkileikkausluokassa 3, lähellä poikkileikkausluokkaa 4. Rakenneputkista laskettiin muunnetun hoikkuuden arvoilla 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 ja 1.5 koesauvojen pituudet kaikille profiileille. Valmistettiin kolme samanlaista koesauvaa jokaisesta koosta ja puristuskokeita suoritettiin yhteensä 57 kappaletta. Koesauvojen todelliset pituudet, alkukäyryydet ja poikkileikkaukset mitattiin. Ainestodistuksista saatiin materiaalin todelliset lujuudet. Laskettiin Eurocode 3:n mukaisesti kestävyydet nurjahduskäyrille a, b ja c. Laskennallisia kestävyyksiä verrattiin puristuskokeiden tuloksiin. Puristuskokeiden tulosten perusteella voidaan b-käyrää pitää oikeana profiileille 100x100x3, 150,150x5 ja 200x200x6. Profiili 150x150x5 kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 2. Profiilit 100x100x3 ja 200x200x6 kuuluvat poikkileikkausluokkaan 4. Profiili 50x50x2 kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle c. Profiilin poikkileikkausluokka on 1 ja aiemmat tutkimukset tukevat nurjahduskäyrän c käyttöä. Profiilista 300x300x8.8 ei saatu testattua täyttä sarjaa sen suuren kapasiteetin rikottua testilaitteiston, mutta puristuskokeiden perusteella se kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle b. Profiili kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 4.


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Evaluation of HIV-induced IL-2 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and HIV-specific T helper and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in health care workers (HCW) occupationally exposed to HIV reveals a high rate of response to HIV among non-seroconverters. IL-10 is also known to interfere with HIV infection in vitro. To evaluate the induction of IL-10 by HIV antigens in HCW occupationally exposed to HIV, 18 HCW with percutaneous injury were enrolled in this study, 9 of them exposed to HIV-contaminated blood, and 9 exposed to HIV-negative blood. PBMC were incubated on plates coated with HIV-1 antigens, and IL-10 was measured in supernatants by ELISA. Five of nine HCW exposed to HIV-contaminated blood presented HIV-induced IL-10. Two of nine HCW exposed to HIV-negative source patients also had detectable levels of HIV-induced IL-10, one of them in the sample obtained on the day of accidental exposure. There was a relationship between the type of device involved in injury and IL-10 production. Individuals exposed to hollow needles or scalpels presented HIV-induced IL-10, whereas those exposed to solid needles and to digital puncture did not, suggesting a relationship between infectious load and IL-10. Although occupational exposure to HIV leads to a low rate of seroconversion, these individuals can develop an antigen-specific immune response characterized in our study by induction of IL-10 in PBMC in vitro.


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The distribution of the aflatoxin contamination was studied among four maize fractions, separated according to Brazilian grading rules for maize. The fraction that contained fermented, moldy, heated and sprouted grains normally had the highest levels of aflatoxin. However, the fraction contribution to the whole sample contamination level took into account the contamination fraction level and its weight to the whole sample. Considering this, the fraction that contained insect damaged, hollow, up to ¼ fermented and grains damaged by other causes was normally the fraction responsible for the total contamination level in the samples. Nevertheless, the fraction contributions were variable from sample to sample. Therefore, in conclusion, it was not possible to establish a standard behavior for grain fraction-type contribution for different maize lots. The Brazilian grading by qualitative types applied to samples did not show statistic correlation with aflatoxin contamination levels (P<0.05). Two type-1 samples (the best quality type) presented contamination of 380 and 146ng/g. The number of samples with contamination levels above those allowed by Brazilian law (20ng/g) was the same for qualitative types 2, 3, and BS (Below Standard).


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West Indian cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) and pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Meer)juice clarification by cross-flow UF, using polysulphone hollow fiber and ceramic tubular membranes with, respectively, nominal molecular weight cut off values of 100kDaltons and average pore diameters of 0.01mm, were studied. The influence of enzymatic treatment using enzyme concentrations of 20, 100 and 300mg/L, a time of 90min and a temperature of 40ºC for depectinization was verified. The juices were then clarified in a laboratory scale filtration unit, with an effective filtration area of 0.12m² for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane and of 0.005m² for the ceramic tubular membranes. The influence of enzymatic treatment on viscosity, turbidity and total pectin of the juice, before ultrafiltration, is reported. Membrane performance was evaluated in terms of flow rate and clarity of the permeate. The permeate flow rate of depectinized pineapple juice was higher (30 - 60%) for both membranes. Depectinized West Indian cherry juice presented a lower permeate flow rate for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane. The increase in permeate flow rate, with the use of the 300mg/L and 100mg/L enzyme concentration was not significant, so it is economically advantageous to ultrafilter depectinized juice, treated with an enzyme concentration of 20mg/L.


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Wind is one of the most compelling forms of indirect solar energy. Available now, the conversion of wind power into electricity is and will continue to be an important element of energy self-sufficiency planning. This paper is one in a series intended to report on the development of a new type of generator for wind energy; a compact, high-power, direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator (DD-PMSG) that uses direct liquid cooling (LC) of the stator windings to manage Joule heating losses. The main param-eters of the subject LC DD-PMSG are 8 MW, 3.3 kV, and 11 Hz. The stator winding is cooled directly by deionized water, which flows through the continuous hollow conductor of each stator tooth-coil winding. The design of the machine is to a large degree subordinate to the use of these solid-copper tooth-coils. Both steady-state and timedependent temperature distributions for LC DD-PMSG were examined with calculations based on a lumpedparameter thermal model, which makes it possible to account for uneven heat loss distribution in the stator conductors and the conductor cooling system. Transient calculations reveal the copper winding temperature distribution for an example duty cycle during variable-speed wind turbine operation. The cooling performance of the liquid cooled tooth-coil design was predicted via finite element analysis. An instrumented cooling loop featuring a pair of LC tooth-coils embedded in a lamination stack was built and laboratory tested to verify the analytical model. Predicted and measured results were in agreement, confirming the predicted satisfactory operation of the LC DD-PMSG cooling technology approach as a whole.


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Sugarcane juice with passion fruit pulp was clarified using microfiltration under different T (temperature), P (pressure), and V (tangential velocity). The effects of these processing parameters were evaluated applying a rotational central composite experimental design (RCCD) and response surface methodology (RSM). The tests were performed at a filtration pilot plant using a polyamide hollow-fiber membrane with an average pore diameter of 0.4 µm and filtration area of 0.723 m². In addition, the resistances to the permeate flux during the microfiltration were investigated according to the series resistance. The final permeate flux ranged from 7.05 to 17.84 L·h- 1·m- 2. There was a rapid decline in flux (50%) in the initial stages of microfiltration. T and V were the major variables responsible for the flux increase. The concentration polarization showed the greatest influence on the flux decline, and highest values for the flux decline rate (λ) were found when low pressures were used. In the clarified juice there was a reduction in the contents of total solids, proteins, vitamin C, and acidity, while the soluble solids, pH, and ash contents did not change. Finally, membrane process could produce high quality filtered sugarcane juice with substantial flux and increased luminosity improving organoleptical properties.


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The aim of this work was to calibrate the material properties including strength and strain values for different material zones of ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) welded joints under monotonic static loading. The UHSS is heat sensitive and softens by heat due to welding, the affected zone is heat affected zone (HAZ). In this regard, cylindrical specimens were cut out from welded joints of Strenx® 960 MC and Strenx® Tube 960 MH, were examined by tensile test. The hardness values of specimens’ cross section were measured. Using correlations between hardness and strength, initial material properties were obtained. The same size specimen with different zones of material same as real specimen were created and defined in finite element method (FEM) software with commercial brand Abaqus 6.14-1. The loading and boundary conditions were defined considering tensile test values. Using initial material properties made of hardness-strength correlations (true stress-strain values) as Abaqus main input, FEM is utilized to simulate the tensile test process. By comparing FEM Abaqus results with measured results of tensile test, initial material properties will be revised and reused as software input to be fully calibrated in such a way that FEM results and tensile test results deviate minimum. Two type of different S960 were used including 960 MC plates, and structural hollow section 960 MH X-joint. The joint is welded by BöhlerTM X96 filler material. In welded joints, typically the following zones appear: Weld (WEL), Heat affected zone (HAZ) coarse grained (HCG) and fine grained (HFG), annealed zone, and base material (BaM). Results showed that: The HAZ zone is softened due to heat input while welding. For all the specimens, the softened zone’s strength is decreased and makes it a weakest zone where fracture happens while loading. Stress concentration of a notched specimen can represent the properties of notched zone. The load-displacement diagram from FEM modeling matches with the experiments by the calibrated material properties by compromising two correlations of hardness and strength.


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Norah and Fred Fisher welcomed John Fisher into the world on November 29, 1912, not knowing what an influential role he would play in shaping Canada's history. John Fisher grew up as the middle child of five brothers and sisters in Frosty Hollow, New Brunswick, close to today’s town of Sackville. Sackville’s main industry was the Enterprise Foundry which the Fisher family owned and operated; however, Fisher had no plans of going into the family business. He was more inspired by his maternal grandfather, Dr. Cecil Wiggins, who lived with the family after retiring from the Anglican ministry. Wiggins encouraged all his grandchildren to be well read and to take part in discussions on current events. There were often visitors in the Fisher household taking part in discussions about politics, religion, and daily life. Fisher forced himself to take part in these conversations to help overcome his shyness in social settings. These conversations did help with his shyness and also in forming many opinions and observations about Canada. It put Fisher on the road to becoming Mr. Canada and delivering the many eloquent speeches for which he was known. Fisher did not venture far from home to complete his first degree. In 1934 he graduated from Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB with an Arts degree. The same year Fisher enrolled in Dalhousie’s law school. During his time at Dalhousie, Fisher discovered radio through Hugh Mills. Mills or “Uncle Mel” was on CHNS, Halifax’s only radio station at the time. Fisher began by making appearences on the radio drama show. By 1941 he had begun writing and broadcasting his own works and joined the staff as an announcer and continuity writer. In 1936 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was formed, the first National radio station. Fisher joined the CBC shortly after it’s beginning and remained with them, as well as the Halifax Herald newspaper, even after his law school graduation in 1937. By 1943 Fisher’s talks became a part of the CBC’s programming for a group of maritime radio stations. Fisher once described his talks as follows “my talks weren’t meant to be objective. . . they were meant to be favourable. They were ‘pride builders’” He began his famed John Fisher Reports at CBC Toronto when he transfered there shortly after the war. This program brought emmence pride to the fellow Canadians he spoke about leading to approximately 3500 requests per year to speak at banquets and meeting throughout Canada and the United States. Fisher was a well travelled indivdual who would draw on personal experiences to connect with his audience. His stories were told in simple, straight forward language for anyone to enjoy. He became a smooth, dynamic and passionate speaker who sold Canada to Canadians. He became a renowned journalist, folk historian, writer and broadcaster. Fisher was able to reach a vast array of people through his radio work and build Canadian pride, but he did not stop there. Other ways Fisher has contributed to Canada and the Canadian people include: Honoured by five Canadian Universities. 1956, became the Director of the Canadian Tourist Association. 1961, was appointed Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Canada. 1963, Commissioner of the Centennial Commission (the Federal Agency Responsible for Canada’s 100th birthday) 1968, received the Service Medal , a coveted Order of Canada. President of John Fisher Enterprises Ltd., private consultant work, specializing in Centennial planning, broadcasts, lectures and promotion. John Fisher continued recording radio broadcasts even after his diagnosis with cancer. He would record 3 or 4 at a time so he was free to travel across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Mexico in search of treatments. Fisher passed away from the disease on February 15, 1981 and he is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto.


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The description of the image reads "(4)-8972-General view of Falls from new steel bridge - Maid of the Mist at landing - Niagara, U.S.A." The reverse of the image includes the description, "We are standing on the new steel bridge over Niagara River, 190 feet above the water and looking a little west of south, up the river towards Lake Erie. The high cliff at the extreme left, on the American side, is Prospect Point, where a crowd is gathered at this moment to view the Falls that we see just beyond Prospect Point. That dark, tree-covered mass of rock beyond is Goat Island; and just this side of Goat Island we see a bit of its precipice has been cut off separate from the rest by the powerful current of the waters - the smaller portion is Luna Island, and the Luna Falls go pouring down between the two islands. The face of the precipice curves inward beneath the Luna Falls leaving behind the 160 foot sheet of water the unearthly hollow known as the Cave of the Winds. Beyond Goat Island we see the gigantic curve of the Horseshoe Falls, 3,010 feet long and 158 feet high, reaching around through the clouds of spray to the farther Canadian shore. (The boundary line between British and American territory is in mid-stream.) It has been estimated that every minute 375,000 tons of water pour over these Horseshoe Falls, and they are wearing away the cliffs, moving back up the stream at the rate of 2.4 feet per year. It was probably only about a thousand years ago that they took their plunge just about where we stand now. Down there below us, at the wharf is the Maid of the Mist at the American landing taking on passengers who have come down the steep bank by the inclined railway. Its course takes it through those clouds of spray almost to the very foot of both Falls, - waters falling from 167 feet overhead, and water surging at least as many feet deep under the staunch little vessel. See special 'keyed' maps of Niagara pub. by Underwood and Underwood, also the Niagara Book by Mark Twain, W.D. Howells and others."


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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative contribution of skate blade properties to on-ice skating speed. Thirty-two male ice hockey players (mean age = 19±2.65 yrs.) representing the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA; Midget AAA and Junior), Canadian Inter University Sport (CIS: Varsity), Ontario hockey league (OHL) and East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), and the playing positions of forwards (n=18) and defense (n=14) were recruited to participate. Skate related equipment worn by the players for the purpose of the research was documented and revealed that 80% of the players wore Bauer skates, Tuuk blade holders and LS2 skate blades. Subjects completed a battery of eight on-ice skating drills used to measure and compare two aspects of skating speed; acceleration [T1(s)] and total time to complete each drill [TT(s)] while skating on three skate blade conditions. The drills represented skills used in the game of hockey, both in isolation (e.g., forward skating, backward skating, stops and starts, and cornering) and in sequence to simulate the combination of skills used in a shift of game play. The three blade conditions consisted of (i) baseline, represented by the blades worn by the player throughout their current season of play; (ii) experimental blades (EB), represented by brand name experimental blades with manufacturers radius of contour and a standardized radius of hollow; and (iii) customized experimental blades (CEB), represented by the same brand name experimental blades sharpened to the players’ preference as identified in the baseline condition. No significant differences were found in acceleration time [T1(s)] or total time to complete [TT(s)] the isolated drills across blade conditions; however significant differences were revealed in both T1(s) and TT(s) measured during the execution of the sequenced drill across blade conditions. A iii Bonferroni post hoc test revealed that players skated significantly faster when skating on the CEB condition compared to the baseline condition (p≤.05). A questionnaire assessing subjects perceived comfort, confidence and effort expended while skating on the experimental blades revealed that players were significantly more comfortable when skating on the CEB versus the EB condition (p≤.05). Outcomes of the study provide evidence to suggest that the experimental skate blades customized with the players preferred blade sharpening characteristics results in faster skating speed in a combination drill representing skills performed in gameplay.


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Receipt from Taylor and Bowley Licensees, Charing Cross London for 1 set of hollow shoe trees, April 26, 1847.


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Depuis les débuts des études sur la chanson, plusieurs chercheurs ont pu déterminer que l’âge d’or de la chanson québécoise comprenait la production chansonnière des années soixante et soixante-dix. C’est en filiation avec cette époque culturellement engagée et collective que la chanson du tournant du millénaire s’établit. En effet, après le creux musical des années quatre-vingt au Québec, un groupe reprit le collier de la chanson engagée au début des années quatre-vingt-dix. En défendant les marginalisés de la société et en se faisant le porte-parole de ceux-ci, les Colocs ont contribué à l’acceptation sociale des chômeurs, des sans-abris, des sidéens, des dépressifs, et autres laissés pour compte de la société. En s’attaquant à des problématiques socio-politiques graves, le groupe permet de les voir sous un autre angle et de créer une mise en perspective chez les victimes. Par l’utilisation de procédés ironiques, les Colocs parvinrent à installer une distance entre les problèmes et leurs victimes. En majorité auto-ironiques, les chansons du groupe révèlent en plus une ironie de situation, aussi appelée ironie du sort. En parallèle aux Colocs, d’autres artistes des années quatre-vingt-dix et deux mille offrent des chansons engagées au caractère ironique, et permettent une comparaison fructueuse. Dans l’optique de dédramatiser des situations potentiellement catastrophiques et d’élaborer une forme de critique sociale engagée, les Colocs ont créé une production chansonnière où l’ironie primait.


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L’Amérique centrale, théâtre des dernières batailles rangées de la guerre froide, est aujourd’hui la région la plus violente au monde, selon les Nations unies. Notre étude s’intéresse à la forme de guerre irrégulière livrée par l’État guatémaltèque contre sa propre population pendant la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle. À la lumière de rares témoignages d’exécutants et d’archives militaires et policières, nous examinons un mécanisme clandestin de répression dont les trois principales composantes – les enlèvements, la torture et les exécutions sommaires – pouvaient s’abattre sur toute personne soupçonnée, à tort ou à raison, de conspirer contre un statu quo d’exclusion. Au moment de leur articulation, ces moyens répressifs ont constitué un dispositif qui, à partir de 1966, s’est avéré d’une redoutable efficacité. Arme de prédilection des adeptes de la guerre antisubversive pendant plus de vingt ans, le dispositif permettait, telle une chaîne de production, l’accumulation des renseignements jugés indispensables à cette forme de guerre, ainsi que les cadavres dont l’absence éternelle ou la présence outrageuse sur la place publique servaient d’avertissement funeste à l’ensemble du corps social. Où chercher les origines d’un tel dispositif? À partir des ouvrages de référence cités dans le manuel de guerre contre-subversive de l’armée guatémaltèque, la réponse à cette question nous fera découvrir des parachutistes français pour qui la défaite militaire en Indochine et en Algérie pendant les années 1950 n’était pas une option et pour qui la victoire justifiait absolument tous les moyens. Le penchant de ces pionniers de la guerre hors-norme pour les cours magistraux, les entrevues et les articles, nous a permis d’étudier les méthodes qu’ils préconisaient et de repérer leurs traces au Guatemala. Alors que la guerre qui avait servi de prétexte au maintien du dispositif est terminée, sa très réputée efficacité assure encore aujourd’hui sa pérennité auprès de ceux qui peuvent s’offrir le service. En ce sens, la contre-insurrection se poursuit, et ce, malgré l’absence depuis une quinzaine d’années d’un conflit armé. Cette thèse aborde l’histoire de la guerre irrégulière et son déroulement au Guatemala. Les archives et les témoignages à notre disposition contredisent le déni des crimes commis dans les villes et les campagnes guatémaltèques, dont le génocide de 1982. Finalement, certains signes avant-coureurs indiquent que la violence et l’impunité actuelles au pays pourraient mener à la répétition de tels crimes à l’avenir.