945 resultados para HIGH-QUALITY CDS


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In this short review, we provide some new insights into the material synthesis and characterization of modern multi-component superconducting oxides. Two different approaches such as the high-pressure, high-temperature method and ceramic combinatorial chemistry will be reported with application to several typical examples. First, we highlight the key role of the extreme conditions in the growth of Fe-based superconductors, where a careful control of the composition-structure relation is vital for understanding the microscopic physics. The availability of high-quality LnFeAsO (Ln = lanthanide) single crystals with substitution of O by F, Sm by Th, Fe by Co, and As by P allowed us to measure intrinsic and anisotropic superconducting properties such as Hc2, Jc. Furthermore, we demonstrate that combinatorial ceramic chemistry is an efficient way to search for new superconducting compounds. A single-sample synthesis concept based on multi-element ceramic mixtures can produce a variety of local products. Such a system needs local probe analyses and separation techniques to identify compounds of interest. We present the results obtained from random mixtures of Ca, Sr, Ba, La, Zr, Pb, Tl, Y, Bi, and Cu oxides reacted at different conditions. By adding Zr but removing Tl, Y, and Bi, the bulk state superconductivity got enhanced up to about 122 K.


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X-ray crystallography is the most powerful method for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules. One of the major obstacles in the process is the production of high-quality crystals for structure determination. All too often, crystals are produced that are of poor quality and are unsuitable for diffraction studies. This review provides a compilation of post-crystallization methods that can convert poorly diffracting crystals into data-quality crystals. Protocols for annealing, dehydration, soaking and cross-linking are outlined and examples of some spectacular changes in crystal quality are provided. The protocols are easily incorporated into the structure-determination pipeline and a practical guide is provided that shows how and when to use the different post-crystallization treatments for improving crystal quality.


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One of the decisions made by hatchery managers around the world is what degree of shading and nest depth are required to maximise the production of high-quality hatchlings at optimal sex ratios. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the effects of (1) hatchery shading and nest depth on nest temperatures and emergence lag, and (2) nest temperatures and nest depth on hatchling sex ratio and quality. In 2001, 26 Chelonia mydas clutches from Ma'Daerah beach, Terengganu, Malaysia, were relocated alternatively at depths of 50 cm and 75 cm into a 70%-shaded and a 100%-shaded hatchery. Data loggers were placed into the centre of each relocated clutch to record the temperature every hour over the course of incubation. When the hatchlings emerged, a sample of the clutch was run, measured and weighed and a separate sample was examined histologically for sex characteristics. Nest temperatures ranged between 28 degrees C and 30 degrees C and generally showed increases over the second half of incubation due to metabolic heating of the clutch. There was no significant correlation found between nest temperature and any of the hatchling parameters measured. Hatchlings from 75-cm-deep nests had a longer emergence lag (46.4 (+/- 10.2) h) than hatchlings from 50-cm-deep nests. Hatch and emergence success were similar to those of natural populations and hatchling sex ratios were male dominant, with an average of 72% males. There was a poor correlation between mean middle-third incubation temperatures and sex ratio. Hatchlings from 75-cm-deep nests had similar running speeds but lower condition index than their conspecifics from 50-cm-deep nests.


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Background: Studies have examined Internet use as a source of information by various populations, however no study has examined the quality and accessibility of websites for people with aphasia, or their use of such sites. Aims: This study aimed to describe the quality, communicative accessibility, and readability of a sample of aphasia websites and to determine whether sites preferred by people with aphasia were those rated highly on measures of accessibility and quality. The perceptions of people with aphasia regarding the accessibility of the sites were compared with those of speech pathologists. The relationship between the quality and communicative accessibility of websites was analysed. Factors that may influence use of the Internet by people with aphasia and speech pathologists were explored. Methods & Procedures: Tools for measuring quality and communicative accessibility were developed and a sample of five websites was selected. Two participant groups (18 speech pathologists and 6 people with aphasia) assessed aphasia websites in terms of communicative accessibility. Speech pathologists also rated website quality. Spearman's rho was used to determine levels of agreement between variables. Outcomes & Results: People with aphasia and speech pathologists showed minimal agreement on their perceptions of communicative accessibility. However, when the preferences of websites (Aphasia Help and Speakability) were of a very high standard. There was a weak relationship between quality and communicative accessibility, however it was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Accessible websites are not necessarily of high quality, and quality websites are not guaranteed to be easily accessible. People with aphasia did not agree with speech pathologists as to what makes a good aphasia website. Therefore, people with aphasia should be involved in the design of aphasia websites since they are often the intended users. If Internet use by people with aphasia increases in line with other health populations, speech pathologist need to have the skills and confidence to recommend appropriate sites to their clients.


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Although managers consider accurate, timely, and relevant information as critical to the quality of their decisions, evidence of large variations in data quality abounds. Over a period of twelve months, the action research project reported herein attempted to investigate and track data quality initiatives undertaken by the participating organisation. The investigation focused on two types of errors: transaction input errors and processing errors. Whenever the action research initiative identified non-trivial errors, the participating organisation introduced actions to correct the errors and prevent similar errors in the future. Data quality metrics were taken quarterly to measure improvements resulting from the activities undertaken during the action research project. The action research project results indicated that for a mission-critical database to ensure and maintain data quality, commitment to continuous data quality improvement is necessary. Also, communication among all stakeholders is required to ensure common understanding of data quality improvement goals. The action research project found that to further substantially improve data quality, structural changes within the organisation and to the information systems are sometimes necessary. The major goal of the action research study is to increase the level of data quality awareness within all organisations and to motivate them to examine the importance of achieving and maintaining high-quality data.


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In order to survive in the increasingly customer-oriented marketplace, continuous quality improvement marks the fastest growing quality organization’s success. In recent years, attention has been focused on intelligent systems which have shown great promise in supporting quality control. However, only a small number of the currently used systems are reported to be operating effectively because they are designed to maintain a quality level within the specified process, rather than to focus on cooperation within the production workflow. This paper proposes an intelligent system with a newly designed algorithm and the universal process data exchange standard to overcome the challenges of demanding customers who seek high-quality and low-cost products. The intelligent quality management system is equipped with the ‘‘distributed process mining” feature to provide all levels of employees with the ability to understand the relationships between processes, especially when any aspect of the process is going to degrade or fail. An example of generalized fuzzy association rules are applied in manufacturing sector to demonstrate how the proposed iterative process mining algorithm finds the relationships between distributed process parameters and the presence of quality problems.


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This paper reports the construction of an 'efficient frontier' of the perceived quality attributes of academic accounting journals. The analysis is based on perception data from two web-based surveys of Australasian and British academics. The research reported here contributes to the existing literature by augmenting the commonly supported single dimension of quality with an additional measure indicating the variation of perceptions of journal quality. The result of combining these factors is depicted diagrammatically in a manner that reflects the risk and return trade-off as conceptualised in the capital market model of an efficient frontier of investment opportunities. This conceptualisation of a 'market' for accounting research provides a context in which to highlight the complex issues facing academics in their roles as editors, researchers and authors. The analysis indicates that the perceptions of the so-called 'elite' US accounting journals have become unsettled particularly in Australasia, showing high levels of variability in perceived quality, while other traditionally highly ranked journals (ABR, AOS, CAR) have a more 'efficient' combination of high-quality ranking and lower dispersion of perceptions. The implications of these results for accounting academics in the context of what is often seen as a market for accounting research are discussed. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To design and validate a vision-specific quality-of-life assessment tool to be used in a clinical setting to evaluate low-vision rehabilitation strategy and management. METHODS: Previous vision-related questionnaires were assessed by low-vision rehabilitation professionals and patients for relevance and coverage. The 74 items selected were pretested to ensure correct interpretation. One hundred and fifty patients with low vision completed the chosen questions on four occasions to allow the selection of the most appropriate items. The vision-specific quality of life of patients with low vision was compared with that of 70 age-matched and gender-matched patients with normal vision and before and after low-vision rehabilitation in 278 patients. RESULTS: Items that were unreliable, internally inconsistent, redundant, or not relevant were excluded, resulting in the 25-item Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (LVQOL). Completion of the LVQOL results in a summed score between 0 (a low quality of life) and 125 (a high quality of life). The LVQOL has a high internal consistency (α = 0.88) and good reliability (0.72). The average LVQOL score for a population with low vision (60.9 ± 25.1) was significantly lower than the average score of those with normal vision (100.3 ± 20.8). Rehabilitation improved the LVQOL score of those with low vision by an average of 6.8 ± 15.6 (17%). CONCLUSIONS: The LVQOL was shown to be an internally consistent, reliable, and fast method for measuring the vision-specific quality of life of the visually impaired in a clinical setting. It is able to quantify the quality of life of those with low vision and is useful in determining the effects of low-vision rehabilitation. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.


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We present a single stage direct fs ablation results which show that it is possible to make high quality and high aspect ratio devices in a single stage process using a CAD optimised approach.


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This article investigates whether (1) cross-functional integration within a firm and the use of information systems (IS) that support information sharing with external parties can enhance integration across the supply chain and wider networks and (2) whether collaboration with customers, suppliers and other external parties leads to increased supply chain performance in terms of new product development and introduction of new processes. Data from a high-quality survey carried out in Taiwan in 2009 were used, and appropriate econometric models were applied. Results show that the adoption of IS that enhance information sharing is vital not only for the effective communication with suppliers and with wider network members, but their adoption also has a direct effect across a firm's innovative effort. Cross-functional integration appears to matter only for the introduction of an innovative process. Collaboration with customers and suppliers affected a product's design and its overall features and functionality, respectively. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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We present a single stage direct fs ablation results which show that it is possible to make high quality and high aspect ratio devices in a single stage process using a CAD optimised approach.


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A modal interferometer based on multimode-singlemode-multimode fiber structure built with a biconical taper for fiber curvature measurement is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Due to the tapered singlemode fiber acting as a high-efficient mode power converter to enhance the modes coupling, curvature sensor with improved sensitivity is achieved by monitoring the defined fringe visibility of the interference spectrum. The measuring range can be tuned by changing the waist diameter of the fiber taper. Meanwhile, the sensor shows an intrinsic ability to overcome the influence of temperature cross-sensitivity and the power fluctuation of light source. The advantages of easy fabrication, high-quality spectrum with improved sensitivity, and small hysteresis will provide great potential for practical applications of the sensor. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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METPEX is a 3 year, FP7 project which aims to develop a PanEuropean tool to measure the quality of the passenger's experience of multimodal transport. Initial work has led to the development of a comprehensive set of variables relating to different passenger groups, forms of transport and journey stages. This paper addresses the main challenges in transforming the variables into usable, accessible computer based tools allowing for the real time collection of information, across multiple journey stages in different EU countries. Non-computer based measurement instruments will be used to gather information from those who may not have or be familiar with mobile technology. Smartphone-based measurement instruments will also be used, hosted in two applications. The mobile applications need to be easy to use, configurable and adaptable according to the context of use. They should also be inherently interesting and rewarding for the participant, whilst allowing for the collection of high quality, valid and reliable data from all journey types and stages (from planning, through to entry into and egress from different transport modes, travel on public and personal vehicles and support of active forms of transport (e.g. cycling and walking). During all phases of the data collection and processing, the privacy of the participant is highly regarded and is ensured. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.


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We present a single stage direct fs ablation results which show that it is possible to make high quality and high aspect ratio devices in a single stage process using a CAD optimised approach. © 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The objectives of the experiment were to assess the impact of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertiliser application on the cell wall composition and fast-pyrolysis conversion quality of the commercially cultivated hybrid Miscanthus x giganteus. Five different fertiliser treatments were applied to mature Miscanthus plants which were sampled at five intervals over a growing season. The different fertiliser treatments produced significant variation in concentrations of cell wall components and ash within the biomass and affected the composition and quality of the resulting fast-pyrolysis liquids. The results indicated that application of high rates of N fertiliser had a negative effect on feedstock quality for this conversion pathway: reducing the proportion of cell wall components and increasing accumulation of ash in the harvested biomass. No exclusive effect of potassium fertiliser was observed. The low-N fertiliser treatment produced high quality, low ash-high lignin biomass most suitable as a feedstock for thermo-chemical conversion. © 2010.