204 resultados para Hàbit de fumar


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Fumar é atualmente a principal causa evitável de complicações na gravidez, quer para a mãe, quer para o feto e o recém-nascido. Dietz e outros (2010) estimaram que 5% a 8% dos partos de pré-termo, 13% a 19% dos partos de crianças com baixo peso ao nascer, 5% a 7% das mortes relacionadas com partos de pré-termo e 23% a 34% das mortes súbitas do lactente, possam ser atribuídos ao consumo de tabaco durante a gravidez (Dietz et al., 2010). Parar de fumar antes de engravidar ou nas primeiras semanas após a conceção permitirá reduzir substancialmente estas complicações. No nosso país, quase todas as mulheres grávidas recebem assistência e vigilância médica, o que se traduz por múltiplas oportunidades de apoio e aconselhamento, no sentido da cessação tabágica, por parte dos profissionais de saúde com quem contactam.


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Fumar é a primeira causa evitável de doença, incapacidade e morte prematura nos países desenvolvidos, estando associada a seis das oito primeiras causas de morte a nível mundial. Em 2010, o consumo de tabaco foi responsável, em Portugal, pela morte de cerca de 11 000 pessoas fumadoras ou ex-fumadoras, causadas por doenças respiratórias, cancro ou doenças do aparelho cardiovascular. Os indivíduos que cessam os hábitos tabágicos antes dos 50 anos têm metade do risco de morrer nos 15 anos seguintes. Deixar de fumar diminui o risco de desenvolver doenças cardiovasculares e doenças respiratórias, bem como inúmeros tipos de cancro. Ao longo do processo da cessação tabágica, cujo sucesso passa pelo acompanhamento de uma equipa multidisciplinar, a vontade de comer e de ingerir alimentos particularmente ricos em energia é frequente, bem como o aumento de peso. Este último é citado frequentemente como o principal motivo para a relutância em parar de fumar e recaída depois da cessação, especialmente nos fumadores que apresentam preocupações com o seu peso. Contudo, é hoje consensual que os benefícios da cessação do consumo de tabaco superam eventuais riscos que esta possa apresentar. De forma a promover um consumo alimentar adequado durante a cessação tabágica, fazem-se diversas recomendações, baseadas na evidência científica mais recente, facilitando a adesão terapêutica e a continuação do processo e reduzindo o risco do aumento de peso corporal.


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Contains 32 Spanish language pamphlets which use a Q and A (Question/Answer) format to provide information on various women's health topics.


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Base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways play critical role in maintaining genome integrity. Polymorphisms in BER and NER genes which modulate the DNA repair capacity may affect the susceptibility and prognosis of oral cancer. This study was conducted with genomic DNA from 92 patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) and 130 controls. The cases were followed up to explore the associations between BER and NER genes polymorphisms and the risk and prognosis of OSCC. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in XRCC1 (rs25487), APEX1 (rs1130409), XPD (rs13181) and XPF (rs1799797) genes were tested by polymerase chain reaction – quantitative real time method. The GraphPad Prism version 6.0.1 statistical software was applied for statistical analysis of association. Odds ratio (OR), hazard ratio (HR), and their 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by logistic regression. Kaplan-Meier curve and Cox proportional hazard model were used for prognostic analysis. The presence of polymorphic variants in XRCC1, APEX1, XPD and XPF genes were not associated with an increased risk of OSCC. Gene-environment interactions with smoking were not significant for any polymorphism. The presence of polymorphic variants of the XPD gene in association with alcohol consumption conferred an increased risk of 1.86 (95% CI: 0.86 – 4.01, p=0.03) for OSCC. Only APEX1 was associated with decreased specific survival (HR 3.94, 95% CI: 1.31 – 11.88, p=0.01). These results suggest an interaction between polymorphic variants of the XPF gene and alcohol consumption. Additionally APEX1 may represent a prognostic marker for OSCC.


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Voice disorders (VD) in the elderly can interfere negatively in communication, emotional well-being and quality of life, conditions that correspond to greater exposure to illness and social isolation bringing consequent economic impact for the health system. It is assumed that institutionalized confinement, weakness and morbidity associated to nursing home (NH) contribute to transform VD an especially prevalent condition in institutionalized elderly, including those without cognitive impairment. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of VD in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment. There is no epidemiological diagnostic instruments of VD for elderly populations, so the first step of this study was dedicated to prepare and analyze the psychometric properties of a short, inexpensive and easy to use questionnaire named Screening for Voice Disorders in Older Adults (Rastreamento de Alterações Vocais em Idosos—RAVI). The methodological procedures of this step followed the guidelines of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and contemplated validity evidence based on test content, based on response processes, based on internal structure and based on relations with other variables, as well as reliability analysis and clinical consistency. The result of the validation process showed that the RAVI final score generate valid and reliable interpretations for the epidemiological diagnosis of VD in the elderly, which endorsed the use of the questionnaire in the second stage of the study, performed in ten NH located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. At this stage, data from socioeconomic and demographic variables, lifestyle, general health conditions and characterization of the institution were collected. It was performed a bivariate analysis and it was calculated the prevalence ratio as a magnitude association measure, with a confidence interval of 95%. The variables with p-value less than 0.20 were included in the multiple logistic regression model that followed the Forward selection method. The odds ratio found in the multivariate model was converted into prevalence ratio and the level of significance was 5%. The sample consisted of 117 subjects with predominance of females and average of 79.68 (± 7.92) years old. The prevalence of VD was 39.3% (95% CI: 30.4-48.1%). The multivariate model showed statistically significant association between VD and depressive symptoms, smoking for a year or more and selfreported hearing loss. In conclusion, VD is a prevalent health condition in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment and is associated with factors involving psychosocial, lifestyle and communicative disability that require attention of managers and professionals involved with NH environment. Strategies to encourage communication and social integration, actions to combat smoking and minimizing the effects of hearing loss could stimulate the physical well-being, emotional and mental health of institutionalized elderly population, contributing to the vocal and communicative maintenance, a more effective social inclusion and better overall health condition.


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This study analyzed the Worker’s Healthy Eating Program in Rio Grande do Norte state (RN) to assess its possible impact on the nutritional status of the workers benefitted. To that end, we conducted a cross-sectional observational prospective study based on a multistage stratified random sample comparing 26 small and medium-sized companies from the Manufacturing Sector (textiles, food and beverages, and nonmetallic minerals) of RN, divided into two equal groups (WFP and Non WFP). Interviews were conducted at each company by trained interviewers from Tuesday to Saturday between September and December 2014. Data were collected on the company (characterization and information regarding the program’s desired results) and workers (personal and professional information, anthropometrics, health, lifestyle and food consumed the previous day). Population estimates were calculated for RN on the characteristics of workers and the study variables. The main variable was BMI. The secondary variables were waist circumference (WC), nutritional diagnosis, calorie intake, blood pressure, metabolic variables and lifestyle indicators. The statistical method used was hierarchical mixed effects linear regression for interval variables and hierarchical mixed effects logistic regression for binary variables. The variables measured in ordinal scales were analyzed by ordinal logistic regression adjusted for correlated variables, adopting robust standard errors. The results for interval variables are presented as point estimates and their 95% confidence intervals; and as odds-ratios and their 95% confidence intervals for binary variables. The Fisher’s exact and Student’s t-tests were used for simple comparisons between proportions and means, respectively. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. A total of 1069 workers were interviewed, of which 541 were from the WFP group and 528 from the Non WFP group. Subjects were predominantly males and average age was 34.5 years. Significant intergroup differences were observed for schooling level, income above 1 MW (minimum wage) and specific training for their position at the company. The results indicated a significant difference between the BMI of workers benefitted, which was on average 0.989 kg/m2 higher than the BMI of workers from the Non WFP group (p=0.002); and between the WC, with the waist circumference of WFP group workers an average of 1.528 cm larger (p<0.05). Higher prevalence of overweight and obesity (p<0.001) and cardiovascular risk (p=0.038) were recorded in the WFP group. Tests on the possible effect of the WFP on health (blood pressure and metabolic indicators) and lifestyle indicators (smoking, alcohol consumption and exercise) were not significant. With respect to worker’s diets, differences were significant for consumption of saturated fat (lunch and daily intake), salt (lunch, other meals and daily intake) and proteins (other meals and daily intake), with higher consumption of these nutrients in the WFP group. The study showed a possible positive impact of the WFP on nutritional status (BMI and WC) among the workers benefitted. No possible effects of the program were observed for the lifestyle indicators studied. Workers benefitted consumed less salt, saturated fat and protein. The relevance of the WFP is recognized for this portion of society and it is understood that, if the program can reach and impact those involved, the development of educational initiatives aimed at nutritional and food safety may also exert a positive influence.


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Faults in the genes responsible for repairs to the DNA can influence the onset of cancer or affect the response to treatment. This research evaluated the frequency of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two repair genes DNA RAD51 172g> T (rs1801321), RAD51 135G> C (rs1801320) and XRCC3 T241M (rs861539) in individuals without cancer (n = 130) and patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSC) and carcinoma oropharyngeal squamous (ORSC) (n = 126) and investigated possible relationships of these findings with clinical and pathological data and clinical outcomes: tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, disease-free survival, and overall survival. It was found that the allele and genotype frequencies were in equilibrium Hard-Weinberg equilibrium. The presence of at least one polymorphic allele in XRCC3 (rs861539) gene is associated with histological grade (WHO) higher (p = 0.007). We observed a higher recurrence rate trend (p = 0.08) and more advanced stage (p = 0.08) in the group that had at least one polymorphic allele of RAD51 gene (rs1801321). The presence of the analyzed SNPs not proved to be a risk factor for the development of CEO or CEOR; however, when combined with smoking or drinking, increased the risk of developing cancer from three to one hundred and fifty times. The tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy was similar in patients with and without SNPs. No polymorphism showed statistical significance in relation to recurrence-free survival or overall survival. We conclude that the presence of at least one polymorphic allele of the SNPs rs861539 in XRCC3 gene, rs1801320 and rs1801321 in the RAD51 gene increase the risk of development of OSC and ORSC, when associated with the habit of drinking or smoking. Polymorphisms studied in XRCC3 and RAD51 genes are not associated with response to radiation therapy, relapse-free survival or overall survival.


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In the first third of the 20th century, Spain entered into modernity thanks to the positive state of its economic, cultural and social domains after the First World War. The objective of this article is to understand the role of artistic advertisements in the transformation of Spanish society that occurred during the decade of the ‘20s. My study of the illustrated magazine La Esfera has revealed that illustrated advertisements spread fashion, fostered sports and outdoors life, created the habit of smoking among women and had an educational influence that was powerful enough to change hygienic practices among children.


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O seio maxilar é o seio paranasal mais susceptível a invasões bacterianas, tanto pelo óstio nasal, como pela cavidade oral. As sinusites maxilares têm como causas mais frequentes, as infecções víricas, rinites alérgicas ou não alérgicas, variações anatómicas, diabetes mellitus, fumar, nadar, mergulhar, escalar a altas atitudes, e as infecções e tratamentos dentários. A pesquisa bibliográfica, foi realizada sem quaisquer limitações temporais, com restrição linguística a Português, Espanhol e Inglês, sendo excluídos os artigos de outros idiomas; em vários livros e revistas, assim como artigos científicos obtidos, entre Maio e Julho de 2015, nos motores de busca Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scielo, Elsevier e B-on. A sinusite maxilar odontogénica é uma doença infecto-inflamatória, habitualmente associada à ruptura da membrana de Schneider e a processos infecciosos dentários crónicos. Causa hiperplasia e hipertrofia da mucosa, o que origina sinais e sintomas próprios, assim como mudanças radiográficas perceptíveis. Existem diferentes etiologias de causa odontogénica: cárie, doença periodontal, quistos odontogénicos e iatrogenia – tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico, cirurgia endodôntica, comunicações oro-antrais, implantes dentários, elevação do seio maxilar, cirurgia pré-protética e cirurgia ortognática – sendo que a iatrogenia é a mais comum (cerca de 56%). Esta patologia afecta com mais frequência indivíduos dos 42,7 aos 51, 7 anos, e preferencialmente a região molar, seguida dos pré-molares e em alguns casos, caninos. Os organismos que dominam na fase aguda e crónica, são sensivelmente os mesmos, mas em número diferente, e existe uma conexão entre a flora comensal periapical e a flora patogénica em caso de sinusite maxilar odontogénica. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico, no entanto existem diferentes exames complementares para confirmarem ou formarem o diagnóstico. Pela grande acessibilidade ao método radiográfico, torna-se fundamental que o médico dentista saiba diferencial as diversas patologias que afectam o seio maxilar. O tratamento abrange a eliminação da causa dentária e o tratamento farmacológico, da infecção, essencialmente à base de antibióticos, e da dor se esta existir. E o tratamento cirúrgico, que contempla a punção-lavagem sinusal, antrostomia intranasal, técnica de Caldwell-Luc e cirurgia sinusal endoscópica. Concluindo, o médico dentista deve ter um amplo conhecimento sobre esta patologia para que a possa reconhecer, tratar ou preveni-la.


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Este artículo indaga en los sentidos que adquiere el consumo de tabaco para las mujeres fumadoras en el marco de sus vidas cotidianas. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres que comenzaron a fumar en diferentes momentos de la difusión del cigarrillo en España. En una primera fase, el consumo de tabaco constituyó un potente mecanismo simbólico de trasgresión de las fronteras de género y de apropiación de poder masculino. Hoy día, el consumo femenino de tabaco incorpora sentidos específi cos y compatibles con los modelos hegemónicos de feminidad y situaciones de recursos de las mujeres, confi gurándose como una práctica funcional y útil en cuanto a sus benefi cios sociales, corporales y emocionales. Sin embargo, estos sentidos se encuentran en transformación dentro del proceso de estigmatización de esta práctica.


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Determinar la incidencia de PONV e identificar los factores predictores en pacientes operados bajo AGB. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Con un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal se incluyeron 299 pacientes, de ambos sexos, de 18 a 70 años, ASA I, II, IIIsometidos a anestesia general balanceada para identificar los facores predictores de PONV.RESULTADOS: Se encontró una incidencia de 23.7% de pacientes que presentaron vómito luego de recibir anestesia general balanceada. La población de estudio estuvo representada por un 59.9% de mujeres, de instrucción en su mayoría secundaria 58.5%, que no tienen hábito de fumar 84.6%, sin antecedentes de PONV 88.3%,la cirugía laparoscópica fue el tipo de cirugía más frecuente 33.8%,en su gran mayoría 71.9% los pacientes fueron menores de 30 años y mayor de 40 años, y la duración de la cirugía en su mayoría tuvo un tiempo superior a los 90 minutos en 62.5%. La cirugía ginecológica, el antecedente de PONV, la cirugía ortopédica, la condición de no fumar, el sexo, la duración de la cirugía fueron los predictores más significativos, analizados aisladamente, con un OR entre 2.1 y 46.1 y una P altamente significativa. La edad, y el tipo de cirugía laparoscópica tienen un OR mayor a la unidad pero una P no significativa. La cirugía abdominal, neurocirugía y resto de cirugías consideradas sin riesgo tienen un OR menor a la unidad. Cabe recalcar que en nuestro estudio se encontró que la instrucción superior tiene un OR mayor a 1 y una P altamente significativa, siendo este un hallazgo de nuestro trabajo. En un análisis de regresión logística los factores fueron: Cirugía ginecológica OR 46.1(IC 95%:5.88-362.2) P 0.001, Antecedente de PONV OR 34.8 (IC:95%10.5-115)P 0.001, cirugía ortopédica OR 8.1 (IC 95%: 2.55-25.7) P 0.001, duración de la cirugía OR 2.9 (IC 95%: 1.1-7.2)P0.02.au


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Con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad de las modificaciones en los estilos de vida, en la prevención o retardo de la aparición de enfermedades metabólicas. Es un estudio de investigación acción participativa cuyo universo comprendió los usuarios preferidos de la fundación y la muestra es por conveniencia. El grupo de estudio participó en 8 talleres, para modificar y/o reforzar los CAPs sobre estilos de vida. Resultados: de las 24 personas estudiadas, el 66.7son mujeres, el 33.3son hombres, todos residen en el área urbana del cantón Cuenca, el 100tienen familiares con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se realizó una valoración inicial y una valoración final encontrándose: un 29.9de conocimientos buenos sobre estilos de vida al inicio de la investigación, un 100al terminar la misma. Actitud muy de acuerdo sobre beneficios y prácticas de alimentación saludable encontrando al inicio un 0, y 41.7al final; actitud muy de acuerdo sobre beneficios y prácticas de actividad física con un 0al inicio, y un 33.3al final del estudi, actitud muy en edsacuerdo sobre consumo de alchohol y tabaco en un 20.8inicialmente y 95.8al final de la investigación; prácticas muy buenas sobre estilos de vida 20.8al inicio y 83.3al final; preferencias alimenticias por el grupo 1, 29.2al inicio y 75.0al final; hábito de fumar negativo 83.3al inicio y 91.7al final, hábito alcohólico negativo 93.7al inicio y 100.0al final; actividad física no sedentarios 16.7al inicio y 54.2al final; promedio de índice de masa corporal 28 al inicio y 27.2 al final; colesterol promedio 219 mg/dl al final; sin riesgo de síndrome metabólico 25al inicio y 33.3al final; integración familiar cada fin de semana 4.2al inicio y 50& al final. Conclusiones: se sonfirma que los investigados han modificado favorablemente sus estilos de vida, asi como también, han mejorado sus indicadores del estado nutricional


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Introducción: El Proyecto Europeo EQUIPT pretende adaptar una herramienta de retorno de la inversión en tabaco para varios países, con el fin de proporcionar información sobre el retorno de invertir en estrategias y justificar la toma de decisiones. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las necesidades de los usuarios en España para documentar la transferibilidad de la herramienta. Métodos: Entrevistas telefónicas con actores relevantes sobre la implementación de la Herramienta EQUIPT, intención de uso y estrategias de control del tabaco. Resultados: La herramienta puede añadir valor a la información utilizada al tomar decisiones y abogar por políticas coste-efectivas. Como inconvenientes, conocer cómo funcionará la herramienta, así como la formación y el tiempo que requerirá la consistencia y los cálculos internos. Conclusión: Se recogen conocimientos e ideas de los potenciales usuarios para ayudar a adaptar la Herramienta EQUIPT, de modo que proporcione ayuda en la toma de decisiones eficientes.


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Se estudia la prevalencia de la periodontitis con el íncice periodontal CPITN [Indice Comunitario de Necesidades de Tratamiento Periodontal] recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS] y factores de riesgo en 243 trabajadores entre 25-76 años de edad, de la Compañía Industria Guapán S.A. [CIGSA], ubicada en la ciudad de Azogues, provincia del Cañar, Ecuador, Sur América. El trabajo fue aprobado por el Comité de Etica de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca y el consentimiento se recibió en forma verbal. La prevalencia de la periodontitis fue de 25.5 por ciento; luego se analizó la relación entre la presentación o no de la periodontitis y la exposición o no al factor de riesgo; la relación entre el factor y la periodontitis, así como, el grado de esa asociación se determinó mediante el parámetro razón de la prevalencia [RP], con su respectivo IC al 95 por ciento, obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Mal hábito de higiene oral RP 4.71, IC 95 por ciento, 1.20-18.37; incremento de edad RP 1.83, IC 95 por ciento 1.09-3.10; bajo nivel de instrucción RP 1.89, IC 95 por ciento 1.07-3.34; prótesis parcial removible defectuosa [PPRD] RP 1.75, IC 95 por ciento 1.13-2.69; y, hábito de fumar RP 1.59, IC 95 por ciento 1.02-2.46; por tanto, al relacionar la periodontitis con los factores de riesgo estudiados, se encontró una asociación significativa con cada uno de ellos