933 resultados para Grupo 4 (Grupo artístico)
As rochas siliciclásticas da Serra do Tepequém são correlacionadas aos Grupos Araí e Suapi, pertencentes ao Supergrupo Roraima de idade paleoproterozoica. A análise estrutural destas rochas revelou que o acamamento exibe arranjos com mergulhos preferencialmente para SE e NW, individualizados em domínios limitados por zonas de falhas oblíquas sinistrais com rejeitos normais e inversos, com direção NE-SW. Essa estruturação é formada por dobras forçadas quilométricas do tipo kink bands e chevrons. O novo arcabouço geométrico observado é característico de um ambiente de deformação de nível crustal raso a médio. A história tectônica é controlada por reativações dos planos de fraqueza preexistentes nas tramas antigas, dúcteis, do embasamento. Esse modelo diverge dos regionais prévios para a região, os quais consideram as dobras existentes como produtos de ambiente dúctil sob tectônica colisional. Os resultados evidenciam a importância da presença de estruturas antigas do embasamento, relacionado ao Escudo das Guianas, como controladoras da geometria das rochas da Serra do Tepequém, em ambiente rúptil.
A Formação Nobres representa a última deposição carbonática neoproterozoica do Grupo Araras, na porção sudoeste da Faixa Paraguai Norte. Estudos faciológicos e estratigráficos em afloramentos na região de Cáceres, no estado do Mato Grosso, subdividiram a Formação Nobres em: membro inferior, composto de dolomitos finos, dolopackstones intraclásticos, dolomitos arenosos, estromatólitos estratiformes e moldes evaporíticos, interpretados como depósitos de planície de maré/sabkha; e membro superior, composto por dolomitos finos, arenitos dolomíticos, estromatólitos estratiformes a dômicos e rugosos e moldes evaporíticos, além de arenitos e pelitos interpretados como depósitos de planície de maré mista. O empilhamento destes depósitos de até 200 m de espessura é composto por ciclos métricos de raseamento/salinidade ascendente relacionado a um clima árido. Os ciclos de perimaré também sugerem geração contínua e recorrente de espaço de acomodação provavelmente ligado à subsidência tectônica. O influxo de sedimentos siliciclásticos no final da deposição da Formação Nobres inibiu a sedimentação carbonática e é atribuída ao soerguimento de áreas-fontes ligado ao início do fechamento do Oceano Clymene, durante a colisão Pampeana-Araguaia, no limite Neoproterozoico-Cambriano.
O Maciço do Rio Apa corresponde à porção meridional do Cráton Amazônico no sudoeste do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e é constituído pelas rochas de idade paleoproterozóicas do Complexo Rio Apa, Grupo Alto Tererê e suítes plutono - vulcânica ácida do Grupo Amoguijá, dividido em suítes Intrusiva Alumiador e Vulcânica Serra da Bocaina. A suíte vulcânica é caracterizada nas serras de São Francisco e Bocaina, constituída dominantemente por termos de composição álcali - riólitos a riólitos, incluindo em menores proporções riodacitos, andesitos e dacitos. É constituída por uma diversidade textural de rochas subvulcânicas, vulcânicas e variedades vulcanoclásticas. Os depósitos piroclásticos de maior expressão são constituídos por partículas piroclásticas imersas em matriz afanítica de granulometria fina ou amorfa, onde se pode distinguir quartzo, feldspato, clorita, sericita, micrólitos de carbonato, esferulitos esparsos e vidro vulcânico reliquiar. As rochas piroclásticas são representadas por brechas, tufos, ignimbritos, aglomerados, lapilitos e púmices, contendo geralmente vitroclastos, litoclastos e cristaloclastos, púmices, fiammes, glass shards, esferulitos, vesículas e amígdalas. São rochas cálcio - alcalinas pertencentes à série de alto potássio de caráter predominantemente peraluminoso e definem magmatismo sincolisional e encontram - se geneticamente associadas à evolução do Arco Magmático Amoguijá. Palavras-chave: Maciço Rio Apa, Suíte Vulcânica Serra da Bocaina, litogeoquímica, petrografia.
Focus groups are seen as important tools in qualitative research for evaluating projects aimed at articulating social networks and movements. Six focus groups were held as one of the stages in research as part of the Food Safety and Sustainable Nutrition Project (SANS). This social network articulates the academic world with social movements and government in defense of the human right to suitable nutrition. This report is aimed at discussing the experience of applying focus groups to the investigation of perceptions by health professionals of activities related to food and nutrition in basic health care. These groups made it possible to bring together 52 professionals from 13 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and they exchanged experiences and debated issues related to food safety in the area of health care. The group discussions identified eating, nutrition vigilance and intersectoriality as emerging topics. The focus group technique proved to be a suitable tool for investigating the topic quickly and in depth, with a large number of professionals working in different contexts. In fact, the discussions went beyond the objectives of the research, since the group work made it possible to strengthen the process of articulation carried out by a network that promoting local measures in food safety and sustainable nutrition.
PURPOSE: to characterize and compare the tympanometric findings in a group of preschoolers. METHOD: 112 preschoolers were evaluated, both genders, aged from four years old to five years and eleven months old who attended a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education in the suburbs of Marilia city- SP. Tympanometry was used as triage procedure. It was considered that the child PASSED in the triage when it presented an A type tympanometric curve, bilaterally, being reevaluated in case of failure. RESULTS: it was observed a high failure index (63.4%) in the studied population. The older female preschoolers presented a higher index of A type tympanograms, in both ears. There was a higher incidence of failure in male preschoolers aged from four years to four years and eleven months. CONCLUSION: in this sample, there was a high index of tympanometric alteration. There was a tendency among younger male students to present a higher index of tympanometric alteration when compared to older female preschoolers, this difference was not statistically significant.
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
A wedge facies cycle it‟s a body of sedimentary rock, bounded above and below by unconformity and which represents a transgressive-regressive cycle of deposition. This cycle is formed by the following succession of facies: non-marine (N), transitional-coarse texture, and marine-fine texture; The objective of this study have been members of the sandstones and Triumph Siderópolis, seconded by rare calcareous sandstones and very thin limb Paraguaçu. Through analysis of facies in wells testified by CPRM, it was possible to group on facies successions and set the standard stacking. The Triunfo Member consists of three cycles of facies, lithology whose standard indicates a vertical arrangement ''type'' tuning up, other words, a component sandy bottom in the form of '' box'', followed by components sandy-clayey and clayey-carbonaceous (1st and 2nd cycle) and / or shale and limestone (3rd cycle), represented by the base member Paraguaçu. The first cycle only occurs on NF-5 wells and NF-6 in the form of Onlap channel dug in post-Itararé group. The cycle II also reaches wells NF-4 and NF-3 to the north, while the cycle III reaches the southern area, well NF-9. The member Paraguaçu, well PP-25 is predominantly clay-síltico, also stand out limestones and sandstones. The limestones are not coastal marine organisms probably connected with the algae and cyanobacteria, the sandstones are fine-textured, very thin and coastal deposition environment. The member Siderópolis, well NF-2 consists of a sandstone fluvial-estuarine deployed in the valley section, and succeeded by sandstones and siltstones bioturbed, they have linked the transgression of the Fm. Palermo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A TAS (Técnica do Arco Segmentado) representa uma alternativa à mecânica de deslizamento, muitas vezes dificultada pela incerteza da quantidade de força de atrito envolvida em cada sistema de forças utilizado. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que poucos cursos de Ortodontia no Brasil têm ensinado efetivamente a filosofia e o modo de trabalhar com a TAS. Portanto, este trabalho procura elucidar a forma de raciocínio das relaçÕes entre força e momento manipuladas na TAS, bem como mostrar a forma de confecção e utilização de mola "T" do grupo B, onde objetiva-se a movimentação recíproca dos segmentos posterior e anterior e, por fim, apresentar um caso clínico tratado com esse tipo de mecânica.
The personal experience respective is a description of an psychosocial intervention effectuated in the year of 2007 in an institution not government, in the city of Taubaté, with a group of women infected with the virus HIV. We will present in the short form our work, which happened through a therapeutic group, that had as device, the production of new process of subjectivizing with these women in the conduction of them condition of life after the infection with the virus HIV. To determine our actions use the theoretical assumptions of genealogy, of psychology and the theory of institutional operating group with emphasis on aspects of group discussion. During approximately twelve meetings with the denser group work topics such as social violence (inequality of rights, prejudice and stigma), treatment of the condition of serum positive when marked by ambivalence to treatment and the use of defense mechanisms: denial, projection and omnipotence, the weak and intense physical and mental suffering resulting from this process.We end our exhibition while presenting the discursive constructions and, consequently, the multiforms singular potentialities of the group that appeared with our psychosocial interventions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The increase of elderly population in Brazil and all around the world shows the need of reviewing the health cares in order to get a better quality of life. Objective: To evaluate lifestyle and health care of elderly participants of UNATI, Franca, SP. Methods: Sixty elderlies answered a questions about socio-economic issues, health care, food consumption habits and lifestyle, after, they were submitted to anthropometric and laboratory tests. Results: There was a prevalence of women (85%), aged between 60-69 years old (60%), up to high school (60%), retired (65%), income up to 5 minimum wage (73.4%). Most seniors assessed medical care (65%) were in use of long-term medicines (78.3%), they reported to control blood pressure (80%) and to not smoke (100%). About 71.7% people believed to have a healthy diet, 97% took meals at home, 85% chose and prepared their own food, 65% had 5-6 meals/day, 63% drank 1L of water/day, 90% had bowel function and 43.3% practices a regular physical activity. Only 13.3% have done hormone replacement therapy, 18.3% take dietary supplements and 21.7% drink alcoholic drinks. The participants presented a BMI of 27.49 ± 4.5kg/m², prevalence of overweight and eutrophy, which values decreased with age. Leg circumference (LC) (36.27 ± 3.84 cm), Arm circumference (AC) (31.39 ± 4.08 cm) and triceps skinfolds (TS) (20.58±7.54mm) values were suit in most cases (96.7, 85 and 83.3%, respectively). Serum total cholesterol values were 198.53 ± 35.2mg/dL, 55% were considered optimum. About 63.3% and 68.3% of the elderlies, respectively, presented a high density lipoproteins (HDL) (53.58± 10.9mg/dL) and triglycerides (TG) (143.97 ± 92.37mg/dL) according to the recommendation and 51.7% of the elderlies had normal glycemia, 38.3% had risk and 10% showed high blood glucose, indicating diabetes. Conclusion: Many elderlies had body mass index (BMI) above normal, indicating overweight or obesity, but the participants can be considered healthy because of AC, LC and TS values, diet habits, health care and lifestyle.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)