905 resultados para Graham, David, 1777-1839.
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:2 145 000]
Comprend : Historiae encomium... ad Galeacium vice-comitem scriptum ; Clarissimo... viro Reinero Reineccio... principis Brunovicensis etc. historico, in inclyta acad. Julia, amico colendo s. p. d. David Chytraeus ; Historiae et cl. viri Reineri Reineccii genio Arnoldus Freitagius ; De Westphalorum Saxonia et Widechindo Magno etc. Petrus Lotichius Secundus ; In Methodum historicam... Reineri Reineccii Carmen ; De... Widechindo Magno Michael Bojemus
Titre original : Voltaire, sechs vorträge
A compilation of the six sections of David C. Mott's "Abandoned Towns, Villages and Post Offices of Iowa", that was published in the Annals of Iowa: V.17, #6 ,10/1930, pp. 435-465; V.17, #7 ,1/1931, pp. 513-543; V.17, #8 ,4/1931, pp. 578-599; V.18, #1 ,7/1931, pp. 42-69; V.18, #2 ,10/1931, pp. 117-148; V.18, #3 ,1/1932, pp. 189-220. (NOTE: this is a large file and may take a while to download.)
A new species of Sycorax Curtis, 1839 (Diptera, Psychodidae) from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Sycorax bravoi Santos, Ferreira & Falqueto sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on samples collected with a Möricke trap installed on the ground at the Biological Station of Santa Lúcia, municipality of Santa Teresa, in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. Males have a paramere with a spiniform prolongation on the distal surface and an aedeagus with a long posterior membranous dorsal prolongation. Females have a racket-shaped genital furca and tubular spermatheca, tapered on the apical third. This finding raises the number of Sycorax species known from Brazil to seven.