247 resultados para Grés porcelanato
La sintomatologia ansiosa materna nel periodo prenatale risulta influire negativamente non sullo stato materno ma anche sul successivo sviluppo infantile, Tuttavia, sono limitati gli studi che hanno considerato lo specifico contributo dei disturbi d’ansia nel periodo prenatale. L’obiettivo generale dello studio è quello di indagare nel primo periodo post partum la relazione tra psicopatologia ansiosa materna e: temperamento e sviluppo neonatale, qualità del caregiving materno e dei pattern interattivi madre-bambino. 138 donne sono state intervistate utilizzando SCID-I (First et al., 1997) durante il terzo trimestre di gravidanza. 31 donne (22,5%) presentano disturbo d’ansia nel periodo prenatale. A 1 mese post partum il comportamento del neonato è stato valutato mediante NBAS (Brazelton, Nugent, 1995), mentre le madri hanno compilato MBAS (Brazelton, Nugent, 1995). A 3 mesi postpartum, una sequenza interattiva madre-bambino è stata videoregistrata e codificata utilizzando GRS (Murray et al., 1996). La procedura dello Stranger Episode (Murray et al., 2007) è stata utilizzata per osservare i pattern interattivi materni e infantili nell’interazione con una persona estranea. I neonati di madri con disturbo d’ansia manifestano alle NBAS minori capacità a livello di organizzazione di stati comportamentali, minori capacità attentive e di autoregolazione. Le madri ansiose si percepiscono significativamente meno sicure nell’occuparsi di loro, valutando i propri figli maggiormente instabili e irregolari. Nell’interazione face to face, esse mostrano comportamenti significativamente meno sensibilI, risultando meno coinvolte attivamente con il proprio bambino. Durante lo Stranger Episode, le madri con fobia sociale presentano maggiori livelli di ansia e incoraggiando in modo significativamente inferiore l’interazione del bambino con l’estraneo. I risultati sottolineano l’importanza di valutare in epoca prenatale la psicopatologia ansiosa materna. Le evidenze confermano la rilevanza che può assumere un modello multifattoriale di rischio in cui i disturbi d’ansia prenatali e la qualità del caregiving materno possono agire in modo sinergico nell’influire sugli esiti infantili.
Since the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2), accident in 1979 which led to the meltdown of about one half of the reactor core and to limited releases of radioactive materials to the environment, an important international effort has been made on severe accident research. The present work aims to investigate the behaviour of a Small Modular Reactor during severe accident conditions. In order to perform these analyses, a SMR has been studied for the European reference severe accident analysis code ASTEC, developed by IRSN and GRS. In the thesis will be described in detail the IRIS Small Modular Reactor; the reference reactor chosen to develop the ASTEC input deck. The IRIS model was developed in the framework of a research collaboration with the IRSN development team. In the thesis will be described systematically the creation of the ASTEC IRIS input deck: the nodalization scheme adopted, the solution used to simulate the passive safety systems and the strong interaction between the reactor vessel and the containment. The ASTEC SMR model will be tested against the RELAP-GOTHIC coupled code model, with respect to a Design Basis Accident, to evaluate the capability of the ASTEC code on reproducing correctly the behaviour of the nuclear system. Once the model has been validated, a severe accident scenario will be simulated and the obtained results along with the nuclear system response will be analysed.
I tetti verdi rappresentano, sempre più frequentemente, una tecnologia idonea alla mitigazione alle problematiche connesse all’ urbanizzazione, tuttavia la conoscenza delle prestazioni dei GR estensivi in clima sub-Mediterraneo è ancora limitata. La presente ricerca è supportata da 15 mesi di analisi sperimentali su due GR situati presso la Scuola di Ingegneria di Bologna. Inizialmente vengono comparate, tra loro e rispetto a una superficie di riferimento (RR), le prestazioni idrologiche ed energetiche dei due GR, caratterizzati da vegetazione a Sedum (SR) e a erbe native perenni (NR). Entrambi riducono i volumi defluiti e le temperature superficiali. Il NR si dimostra migliore del SR sia in campo idrologico che termico, la fisiologia della vegetazione del NR determina l'apertura diurna degli stomi e conseguentemente una maggiore evapotraspirazione (ET). Successivamente si sono studiate la variazioni giornaliere di umidità nel substrato del SR riscontrando che la loro ampiezza è influenzata dalla temperatura, dall’umidità iniziale e dalla fase vegetativa. Queste sono state simulate mediante un modello idrologico basato sull'equazione di bilancio idrico e su due modelli convenzionali per la stima della ET potenziale combinati con una funzione di estrazione dell’ umidità dal suolo. Sono stati proposti dei coefficienti di correzione, ottenuti per calibrazione, per considerare le differenze tra la coltura di riferimento e le colture nei GR durante le fasi di crescita. Infine, con l’ausilio di un modello implementato in SWMM 5.1. 007 utilizzando il modulo Low Impact Development (LID) durante simulazioni in continuo (12 mesi) si sono valutate le prestazioni in termini di ritenzione dei plot SR e RR. Il modello, calibrato e validato, mostra di essere in grado di riprodurre in modo soddisfacente i volumi defluiti dai due plot. Il modello, a seguito di una dettagliata calibrazione, potrebbe supportare Ingegneri e Amministrazioni nella valutazioni dei vantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo dei GR.
Negli ultimi anni la produzione di materiale ceramico si è spostata su formati di grandi dimensioni. Questo processo è stato possibile grazie allo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie adeguate alla produzione di lastre in grès porcellanato con spessore sempre più ridotto e in formati sempre più grandi. Molte aziende si sono quindi orientate alla produzione delle grandi lastre servendosi di queste nuove tecnologie innovative, proprio perché questi prodotti sono risultati essere particolarmente versatili. Come le piastrelle di formato tradizionale, anche questi grandi formati devono essere certificati con il marchio CE, quindi devono essere eseguite delle prove di caratterizzazione delle loro caratteristiche fisiche-meccaniche. Tuttavia, cambiando notevolmente le dimensioni, per queste grandi lastre si possono introdurre anche nuovi test di prova per determinare nuove caratteristiche, come ad esempio la possibilità di flettersi per adattarsi alla forma della superficie dove vengono collocate (facciate di edifici, rivestimenti di gallerie autostradali, etc.). Di conseguenza nasce l’esigenza di valutare questi nuovi parametri, tra cui il raggio di curvatura è particolarmente rilevante per valutare appunto la flessibilità della lastra. Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono state svolte prove di caratterizzazione delle proprietà fisiche-meccaniche di piastrelle ceramiche di grande formato. I campioni sono stati sottoposti a prove per la determinazione della freccia e del raggio di curvatura sotto il peso proprio e a rottura nelle configurazioni fronte e retro. Dall’analisi dei dati sperimentali sono state dedotte conclusioni in merito alla possibile dipendenza della freccia e del raggio di curvatura dalle caratteristiche dei campioni. Oltre alle prove di determinazione della freccia e conseguente raggio di curvatura, a completamento del lavoro sperimentale svolto sono state eseguite anche prove di assorbimento di acqua e di analisi d’immagine per determinare la porosità totale.
Trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation causes milk fat depression in dairy cows, but CLA effects on glucose metabolism are not clear. The objective of the study was to investigate glucose metabolism, especially endogenous glucose production (eGP) and glucose oxidation (GOx), as well as hepatic genes involved in endogenous glucose production in Holstein cows supplemented either with 50 g of rumen-protected CLA (9% trans-10,cis-12 and 10% cis-9,trans-11; CLA; n=10) or 50 g of control fat (24% C18:2; Ctrl; n=10) from wk 2 before parturition to wk 9 of lactation. Animal performance data were recorded and blood metabolites and hormones were taken weekly from 2 wk before to 12 wk after parturition. During wk 3 and 9 after parturition, glucose tolerance tests were performed and eGP and GOx were measured by [U-(13)C] glucose infusion. Liver biopsies were taken at the same time to measure total fat and glycogen concentrations and gene expression of pyruvate carboxylase, cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1. Conjugated linoleic acid feeding reduced milk fat, but increased milk lactose output; milk yield was higher starting 5 wk after parturition in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. Energy balance was more negative during CLA supplementation, and plasma concentrations of glucose were higher immediately after calving in CLA-fed cows. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation did not affect insulin release during glucose tolerance tests, but reduced eGP in wk 3, and eGP and GOx increased with time after parturition. Hepatic gene expression of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase tended to be lower in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. In spite of lower eGP in CLA-fed cows, lactose output and plasma glucose concentrations were greater in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. This suggests a CLA-related glucose sparing effect most likely due to lower glucose utilization for milk fat synthesis and probably because of a more efficient whole-body energy utilization in CLA-fed cows.
Until recently, measurements of energy expenditure (EE; herein defined as heat production) in respiration chambers did not account for the extra energy requirements of grazing dairy cows on pasture. As energy is first limiting in most pasture-based milk production systems, its efficient use is important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare EE, which can be affected by differences in body weight (BW), body composition, grazing behavior, physical activity, and milk production level, in 2 Holstein cow strains. Twelve Swiss Holstein-Friesian (HCH; 616 kg of BW) and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ; 570 kg of BW) cows in the third stage of lactation were paired according to their stage of lactation and kept in a rotational, full-time grazing system without concentrate supplementation. After adaption, the daily milk yield, grass intake using the alkane double-indicator technique, nutrient digestibility, physical activity, and grazing behavior recorded by an automatic jaw movement recorder were investigated over 7d. Using the (13)C bicarbonate dilution technique in combination with an automatic blood sampling system, EE based on measured carbon dioxide production was determined in 1 cow pair per day between 0800 to 1400 h. The HCH were heavier and had a lower body condition score compared with HNZ, but the difference in BW was smaller compared with former studies. Milk production, grass intake, and nutrient digestibility did not differ between the 2 cow strains, but HCH grazed for a longer time during the 6-h measurement period and performed more grazing mastication compared with the HNZ. No difference was found between the 2 cow strains with regard to EE (291 ± 15.6 kJ) per kilogram of metabolic BW, mainly due to a high between-animal variation in EE. As efficiency and energy use are important in sustainable, pasture-based, organic milk production systems, the determining factors for EE, such as methodology, genetics, physical activity, grazing behavior, and pasture quality, should be investigated and quantified in more detail in future studies.
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of grazing versus zero-grazing on energy expenditure (EE), feeding behaviour and physical activity in dairy cows at different stages of lactation. Fourteen Holstein cows were subjected to two treatments in a repeated crossover design with three experimental series (S1, S2, and S3) reflecting increased days in milk (DIM). At the beginning of each series, cows were on average at 38, 94 and 171 (standard deviation (SD) 10.8) DIM, respectively. Each series consisted of two periods containing a 7-d adaptation and a 7-d collection period each. Cows either grazed on pasture for 16–18.5 h per day or were kept in a freestall barn and had ad libitum access to herbage harvested from the same paddock. Herbage intake was estimated using the double alkane technique. On each day of the collection period, EE of one cow in the barn and of one cow on pasture was determined for 6 h by using the 13C bicarbonate dilution technique, with blood sample collection done either manually in the barn or using an automatic sampling system on pasture. Furthermore, during each collection period physical activity and feeding behaviour of cows were recorded over 3 d using pedometers and behaviour recorders. Milk yield decreased with increasing DIM (P<0.001) but was similar with both treatments. Herbage intake was lower (P<0.01) for grazing cows (16.8 kg dry matter (DM)/d) compared to zero-grazing cows (18.9 kg DM/d). The lowest (P<0.001) intake was observed in S1 and similar intakes were observed in S2 and S3. Within the 6-h measurement period, grazing cows expended 19% more (P<0.001) energy (319 versus 269 kJ/kg metabolic body size (BW0.75)) than zero-grazing cows and differences in EE did not change with increasing DIM. Grazing cows spent proportionally more (P<0.001) time walking and less time standing (P<0.001) and lying (P<0.05) than zero-grazing cows. The proportion of time spent eating was greater (P<0.001) and that of time spent ruminating was lower (P<0.05) for grazing cows compared to zero-grazing cows. In conclusion, lower feed intake along with the unchanged milk production indicates that grazing cows mobilized body reserves to cover additional energy requirements which were at least partly caused by more physical activity. However, changes in cows׳ behaviour between the considered time points during lactation were too small so that differences in EE remained similar between treatments with increasing DIM.
Introduction: Treating low back pain (LBP) has become an increasing challenge, as it is one of the main factors causing pain and is accompanied by high costs for the individual and the society. LBP can be caused by trauma of the intervertebral disc (IVD) or IVD degeneration. In the case of disc herniation the inner gelatinous part of the IVD, called nucleus pulposus, is pressed through the fibrous, annulus fibrosus that forms the outer part of the IVD. Today’s gold standard for treatment is extensive surgery as removal of the IVD and fusion of the vertebrae. In order to find a more gentle way to treat LBP and restore the native IVD we use a novel silk fleece-membrane composite from genetically modified silk worms whose silk contains a growth factor (GDF-6) that is associated with pushing stem cells towards a disc like phenotype (1). By combining it with a genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel we tested its suitability in organ culture on prior injured bovine IVD in our custom built two-degree of freedom bioreactor to mimic natural loading conditions. Material & Methods: Bovine IVDs of 12-17 months old animals were isolated by first removing all surrounding tissue followed by cutting out the IVDs as previously described (2). Culturing of discs occurred in high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (HG-DMEM) supplemented with 5% serum as previously described (2). On the next day injury was induced using a 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed, Switzerland). The formed cavity was filled with (0.4%) genipin-enhanced human based fibrin hydrogel (35-55mg/mL human fibrinogen, Baxter, Austria) and sealed with a silk fleece-membrane composite (Spintec Engineering, Germany). Different culture conditions were applied: free swelling, static diurnal load of 0.2MPa for 8h/d and complex loading at 0.2MPa compression combined with ± 2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/d (2). After 14 days of culture cell activity was determined with resazurin assay. Additionally, glycosaminoglycan (dimethyl-methylene blue), DNA (Hoechst) and collagen content (hydroxy- proline) were determined. Finally, real-time qPCR of major IVD marker and inflammation genes was performed to judge integrity of IVDs. Results: The fibrin hydrogel is able to keep the silk seal in place throughout the 14 days of in organ culture under all conditions. Additionally, cell activity showed optimistic results and we could not confirm negative effects of the repaired discs regarding overexpression of inflammation markers. Conclusions: The genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel in combination with the silk fleece- membrane composite seems to be a promising approach for IVD repair. Currently we assess the capability of GDF-6 incorporated in our silk composites on human mesenchymal stem cells and later on in organ culture. References 1. Clarke LE, McConnell JC, Sherratt MJ, Derby B, Richardson SM, Hoyland JA. Growth differentiation factor 6 and transforming growth factor-beta differentially mediate mesenchymal stem cell differentiation, composition and micromechanical properties of nucleus pulposus constructs. Arthritis Res Ther 2014, Mar 12;16(2):R67. 2. Chan SC, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture. J Vis Exp 2012, Feb 2;60(60):e3490. Acknowledgements. This work is funded by the Gebert Rüf Foundation, project number GRS-028/13.
Introduction Low back pain is often caused by a trauma causing disc herniation and /or disc degeneration. Although there are some promising approaches for nucleus pulposus repair, the inner tissue of the intervertebral disc (IVD) so far no treatment or repair is available for annulus fibrosus (AF) injuries. Here we aimed to develop a new method to seal and repair AF injuries by using a silk fleece composite and a genipin enhanced hydrogel. Methods Bovine (b) IVDs were harvested under aseptic conditions and kept in free swelling conditions for 24h in high-glucose DMEM containing 5% bovine serum for equilibration (1). A circular 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed Medical Center, Switzerland) was used to form a reproducible defect in the AF. For filling the defect and keeping the silk composite in place a human-derived fibrin gel (Baxter Tisseel, Switzerland) enhanced with 4.2mg/ml of the cross linker genipin (Wako Chemicals GmbH, Germany) was used. The silk composite consists of a mesh- and a membrane side (Spintec Engineering GmbH, Germany); the membrane is facing outwards to form a seal. bIVDs were cultured in vitro for 14 days either under dynamic load in a custom-built bioreactor under physiological conditions (0.2MPa load and ±2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/day) or static diurnal load of 0.2MPa (2). At the end of culture discs were checked for seal failure, disc height, metabolic activity, cell death by necrosis (LDH assay), DNA content and glycosaminoglycan content. Results Silk composite maintained its position throughout the 14 days of culture under loaded conditions. Although repaired discs performed slightly lower in cell activity, DNA and GAG content were in the range of the control. Also LDH resulted in similar values compared to control discs (Fig 1). Height loss in repaired discs was in the same range as for static diurnal loaded control samples. For dynamically loaded samples the decrease was comparable to the injured, unrepaired discs. Fig 1 LDH of repaired discs compared to control disc after 24h in free swelling conditions for equilibration and first three loading cycles. Conclusions Silk-genipin-fibrin reinforced hydrogel is a promising approach to close AF defects as tested by two degree of freedom loading. In further experiments cytocompatibility of genipin has to be investigated. References 1. Chan SC, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture. J Vis Exp 2012, Feb 2;60(60):e3490. 2. Walser J, Ferguson SJ, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Design of a mechanical loading device to culture intact bovine caudal motional segments of the spine under twisting motion. In: Davies J, editors. Replacing animal models: a practical guide to creating and using biomimetic alternatives. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2012. p. 89-105. Acknowledgements This project is funded by the Gerbert Rüf Stiftung project # GRS-028/13 and the Swiss National Science Project SNF #310030_153411.
Obesity and diets rich in uric acid-raising components appear to account for the increased prevalence of hyperuricemia in Westernized populations. Prevalence rates of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, CKD, and cardiovascular disease are also increasing. We used Mendelian randomization to examine whether uric acid is an independent and causal cardiovascular risk factor. Serum uric acid was measured in 3315 patients of the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study. We calculated a weighted genetic risk score (GRS) for uric acid concentration based on eight uric acid-regulating single nucleotide polymorphisms. Causal odds ratios and causal hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a two-stage regression estimate with the GRS as the instrumental variable to examine associations with cardiometabolic phenotypes (cross-sectional) and mortality (prospectively) by logistic regression and Cox regression, respectively. Our GRS was not consistently associated with any biochemical marker except for uric acid, arguing against pleiotropy. Uric acid was associated with a range of prevalent diseases, including coronary artery disease. Uric acid and the GRS were both associated with cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death. In a multivariate model adjusted for factors including medication, causal HRs corresponding to each 1-mg/dl increase in genetically predicted uric acid concentration were significant for cardiovascular death (HR, 1.77; 95% confidence interval, 1.12 to 2.81) and sudden cardiac death (HR, 2.41; 95% confidence interval, 1.16 to 5.00). These results suggest that high uric acid is causally related to adverse cardiovascular outcomes, especially sudden cardiac death.
Prostate cancer (PrCa) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, yet the etiology remains uncertain. Meta-analyses show that PrCa risk is reduced by 16% in men with type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the mechanism is unknown. Recent genome-wide association studies and meta-analyses have found single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that consistently predict T2D risk. We evaluated associations of incident PrCa with 14 T2D SNPs in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. From 1987-2000, there were 397 incident PrCa cases ascertained from state or local cancer registries among 6,642 men (1,560 blacks and 5,082 whites) aged 45-64 years at baseline. Genotypes were determined by TaqMan assay. Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess the association between PrCa and increasing number of T2D risk-raising alleles for individual SNPs and for genetic risk scores (GRS) comprised of the number of T2D risk-raising alleles across SNPs. Two-way gene-gene interactions were evaluated with likelihood ratio tests. Using additive genetic models, the T2D risk-raising allele was associated with significantly reduced risk of PrCa for IGF2BP2 rs4402960 (hazard ratio [HR]=0.79; P=0.07 among blacks only), SLC2A2 rs5400 (race-adjusted HR=0.85; P=0.05) and UCP2 rs660339 (race-adjusted HR=0.84; P=0.02), but significantly increased risk of PrCa for CAPN10 rs3792267 (race-adjusted HR=1.20; P=0.05). No other SNPs were associated with PrCa using an additive genetic model. However, at least one copy of the T2D risk-raising allele for TCF7L2 rs7903146 was associated with reduced PrCa risk using a dominant genetic model (race-adjusted HR=0.79; P=0.03). These results imply that the T2D-PrCa association may be partly due to shared genetic variation, but these results should be verified since multiple tests were performed. When the combined, additive effects of these SNPs were tested using a GRS, there was nearly a 10% reduction in risk of PrCa per T2D risk-raising allele (race-adjusted HR=0.92; P=0.02). SNPs in IGF2BP2, KCNJ11 and SLC2A2 were also involved in multiple synergistic gene-gene interactions on a multiplicative scale. In conclusion, it appears that the T2D-PrCa association may be due, in part, to common genetic variation. Further knowledge of T2D gene-PrCa mechanisms may improve understanding of PrCa etiology and may inform PrCa prevention and treatment.^
Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are defined as ailments of the mid or lower gastrointestinal tract which are not attributable to any discernable anatomic or biochemical defects.1 FGIDs include functional bowel disorders, also known as persisting abdominal symptoms (PAS). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common illnesses classified under PAS.2,3 This is the first prospective study that looks at the etiology and pathogenesis of post-infectious PAS in the context of environmental exposure and genetic susceptibility in a cohort of US travelers to Mexico. Our objective was to identify infectious, genetic and environmental factors that predispose to post infectious PAS. ^ Methods. This is a secondary data analysis of a prospective study on a cohort of 704 healthy North American tourists to Cuernavaca, Morelos and Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico. The subjects at risk for Travelers' diarrhea were assessed for chronic abdominal symptoms on enrollment and six months after the return to the US. ^ Outcomes. PAS was defined as disturbances of mid and lower gastrointestinal system without any known pathological or radiological abnormalities, or infectious, or metabolic causes. It refers to functional bowel disease, category C of functional gastrointestinal diseases as defined by the Rome II criterion. PAS was sub classified into Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional abdominal disease (FAD). ^ IBS is defined as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort present at least 25% and associated with improvement with defecation, change in frequency and form of stool. FAD encompasses other abdominal symptoms of chronic nature that do not meet the criteria for IBS. It includes functional diarrhea, functional constipation, functional bloating: and unspecified bowel symptoms. ^ Results. Among the 704 travelers studied, there were 202 cases of PAS. The PAS cases included 175 cases of FAD and 27 cases of IBS. PAS was more frequent among subjects who developed traveler's diarrhea in Mexico compared to travelers who remained healthy during the short term visit to Mexico (52 vs. 38; OR = 1.8; CI, 1.3–2.5, P < 0.001). A statistically significant difference was noted in the mean age of subjects with PAS compared to healthy controls (28 vs. 34 yrs; OR = 0.97, CI, 0.95–0.98; P < 0.001). Travelers who experienced multiple episodes, a later onset of diarrhea in Mexico and passed greater numbers of unformed stools were more likely to be identified in PAS group at six months. Participants who developed TD caused by enterotoxigenic E.coli in Mexico showed a 2.6 times higher risk of developing FAD (P = 0.003). Infection with Providencia ssp. also demonstrated a greater risk to developing PAS. Subjects who sought treatment for diarrhea while in Mexico also displayed a significantly lower frequency of IBS at six months follow up (OR = 0.30; CI, 0.10–0.80; P = 0.02). ^ Forty six SNPs belonging to 14 genes were studied. Seven SNPs were associated with PAS at 6 months. These included four SNPs from the Caspase Recruitment Domain-Containing Protein 15 gene (CARD15), two SNPs from Surfactant Pulmonary-Associated Protein D gene (SFTPD) and one from Decay-Accelerating Factor For Complement gene (CD55). A genetic risk score (GRS) was composed based on the 7 SNPs that showed significant association with PAS. A 20% greater risk for PAS was noted for every unit increase in GRS. The risk increased by 30% for IBS. The mean GRS was high for IBS (2.2) and PAS (1.1) compared to healthy controls (0.51). These data suggests a role for these genetic polymorphisms in defining the susceptibility to PAS. ^ Conclusions. The study allows us to identify individuals at risk for developing post infectious IBS (PI-IBS) and persisting abdominal symptoms after an episode of TD. The observations in this study will be of use in developing measures to prevent and treat post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome among travelers including pre-travel counseling, the use of vaccines, antibiotic prophylaxis or the initiation of early antimicrobial therapy. This study also provides insights into the pathogenesis of post infectious PAS and IBS. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
In order to better take advantage of the abundant results from large-scale genomic association studies, investigators are turning to a genetic risk score (GRS) method in order to combine the information from common modest-effect risk alleles into an efficient risk assessment statistic. The statistical properties of these GRSs are poorly understood. As a first step toward a better understanding of GRSs, a systematic analysis of recent investigations using a GRS was undertaken. GRS studies were searched in the areas of coronary heart disease (CHD), cancer, and other common diseases using bibliographic databases and by hand-searching reference lists and journals. Twenty-one independent case-control studies, cohort studies, and simulation studies (12 in CHD, 9 in other diseases) were identified. The underlying statistical assumptions of the GRS using the experience of the Framingham risk score were investigated. Improvements in the construction of a GRS guided by the concept of composite indicators are discussed. The GRS will be a promising risk assessment tool to improve prediction and diagnosis of common diseases.^