743 resultados para Global Functioning Evaluation GFE, Obesity.


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Optical emission from emitters strongly interacting among themselves and also with other polarizable matter in close proximity has been approximated by emission from independent emitters. This is primarily due to our inability to evaluate the self-energy matrices and radiative properties of the collective eigenstates of emitters in heterogeneous ensembles. A method to evaluate self-energy matrices that is not limited by the geometry and material composition is presented to understand and exploit such collective excitations. Numerical evaluations using this method are used to highlight the significant differences between independent and the collective modes of emission in nanoscale heterostructures. A set of N Lorentz emitters and other polarizable entities is used to represent the coupled system of a generalized geometry in a volume integral approach. Closed form relations between the Green tensors of entity pairs in free space and their correspondents in a heterostructure are derived concisely. This is made possible for general geometries because the global matrices consisting of all free-space Green dyads are subject to conservation laws. The self-energy matrix can then be assembled using the evaluated Green tensors of the heterostructure, but a decomposition of its components into their radiative and nonradiative decay contributions is nontrivial. The relations to compute the observables of the eigenstates (such as quantum efficiency, power/energy of emission, radiative and nonradiative decay rates) are presented. A note on extension of this method to collective excitations, which also includes strong interactions with a surface in the near-field, is added. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of five widely used multisatellite precipitation estimates (MPEs) against 1 degrees x 1 degrees gridded rain gauge data set as ground truth over India. One decade observations are used to assess the performance of various MPEs (Climate Prediction Center (CPC)-South Asia data set, CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation From Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-3B42), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project). All MPEs have high detection skills of rain with larger probability of detection (POD) and smaller ``missing'' values. However, the detection sensitivity differs from one product (and also one region) to the other. While the CMORPH has the lowest sensitivity of detecting rain, CPC shows highest sensitivity and often overdetects rain, as evidenced by large POD and false alarm ratio and small missing values. All MPEs show higher rain sensitivity over eastern India than western India. These differential sensitivities are found to alter the biases in rain amount differently. All MPEs show similar spatial patterns of seasonal rain bias and root-mean-square error, but their spatial variability across India is complex and pronounced. The MPEs overestimate the rainfall over the dry regions (northwest and southeast India) and severely underestimate over mountainous regions (west coast and northeast India), whereas the bias is relatively small over the core monsoon zone. Higher occurrence of virga rain due to subcloud evaporation and possible missing of small-scale convective events by gauges over the dry regions are the main reasons for the observed overestimation of rain by MPEs. The decomposed components of total bias show that the major part of overestimation is due to false precipitation. The severe underestimation of rain along the west coast is attributed to the predominant occurrence of shallow rain and underestimation of moderate to heavy rain by MPEs. The decomposed components suggest that the missed precipitation and hit bias are the leading error sources for the total bias along the west coast. All evaluation metrics are found to be nearly equal in two contrasting monsoon seasons (southwest and northeast), indicating that the performance of MPEs does not change with the season, at least over southeast India. Among various MPEs, the performance of TMPA is found to be better than others, as it reproduced most of the spatial variability exhibited by the reference.


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Eleven coupled model intercomparison project 3 based global climate models are evaluated for the case study of Upper Malaprabha catchment, India for precipitation rate. Correlation coefficient, normalised root mean square deviation, and skill score are considered as performance indicators for evaluation in fuzzy environment and assumed to have equal impact on the global climate models. Fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution is used to rank global climate models. Top three positions are occupied by MIROC3, GFDL2.1 and GISS with relative closeness of 0.7867, 0.7070, and 0.7068. IPSL-CM4, NCAR-PCMI occupied the tenth and eleventh positions with relative closeness of 0.4959 and 0.4562.


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Resumen: El Centro para la Proteccin Infantil ha sido fundado en cooperacin con el Instituto de Psicologa de la Universidad Gregoriana (Roma, Italia), el Departamento para la Psiquiatra/Psicoterapia Infantil y Adolescente del Hospital de la Universidad de Ulm (Alemania) y la Arquidicesis de Mnich (Alemania). Su tarea principal es la creacin de un centro global de entrenamiento e-learning para profesiones de pastoral que respondan al abuso sexual de los menores, tomando en consideracin asuntos multilingsticos e interculturales. Dentro de tres aos el Centro desarrollado e implementado un programa e-learning en cuatro lenguas. Ocho socios del proyecto internacional asumen un papel en el reclutamiento de participantes y en la evaluacin en curso del programa. En esta fase, personas-test son incluidas en el desarrollo y la evaluacin del programa, como parte de la formacin (en curso) de sacerdotes y de otros coagentes de pastoral


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This paper draws together contributions to a scientific table discussion on obesity at the European Science Open Forum 2008 which took place in Barcelona, Spain. Socioeconomic dimensions of global obesity, including those factors promoting it, those surrounding the social perceptions of obesity and those related to integral public health solutions, are discussed. It argues that although scientific accounts of obesity point to large-scale changes in dietary and physical environments, media representations of obesity, which context public policy, pre-eminently follow individualistic models of explanation. While the debate at the forum brought together a diversity of views, all the contributors agreed that this was a global issue requiring an equally global response. Furthermore, an integrated ecological model of obesity proposes that to be effective, policy will need to address not only human health but also planetary health, and that therefore, public health and environmental policies coincide.


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River structure and functioning are governed naturally by geography and climate but are vulnerable to natural and human-related disturbances, ranging from channel engineering to pollution and biological invasions. Biological communities in river ecosystems are able to respond to disturbances faster than those in most other aquatic systems. However, some extremely strong or lasting disturbances constrain the responses of river organisms and jeopardise their extraordinary resilience. Among these, the artificial alteration of river drainage structure and the intense use of water resources by humans may irreversibly influence these systems. The increased canalisation and damming of river courses interferes with sediment transport, alters biogeochemical cycles and leads to a decrease in biodiversity, both at local and global scales. Furthermore, water abstraction can especially affect the functioning of arid and semi-arid rivers. In particular, interception and assimilation of inorganic nutrients can be detrimental under hydrologically abnormal conditions. Among other effects, abstraction and increased nutrient loading might cause a shift from heterotrophy to autotrophy, through direct effects on primary producers and indirect effects through food webs, even in low-light river systems. The simultaneous desires to conserve and to provide ecosystem services present several challenges, both in research and management.


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The 9th International Test Commission Conference (ITC) took place at the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian, Spain, between the 2nd and 5th of July, 2014. The Conference was titled, Global and Local Challenges for Best Practices in Assessment. The International Test Commission, ITC (www.intestcom.org), is an association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers, and other organizations, as well as individuals who are committed to the promotion of effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation, and uses of educational and psychological instruments. The ITC facilitates the exchange of information among members and stimulates their cooperation on problems related to the construction, distribution, and uses of psychological and educational tests and other psychodiagnostic tools. This volume contains the abstracts of the contributions presented at the 9th International Test Commission Conference. The four themes of the Conference were closely linked to the goals of the ITC: - Challenges and Opportunities in International Assessment. - Application of New Technoloogies and New Psychometric Models in Testing. - Standards and Guidelines for Best Testing Practices. - Testing in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts.


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No presente trabalho foi realizada uma na pesquisa bibliogrfica sobre indicadores globais para avaliao da eficincia de um sistema de gesto ambiental (SGA) e sobre o conceito de sustentabilidade ambiental, com o objetivo de estudar o SGA de uma empresa petroqumica, instalada no Rio de Janeiro, certificada pela ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OSHA 18001. Procurou-se, assim, identificar, a partir da anlise dos indicadores de avaliao do desempenho ambiental, a possibilidade de implantar um indicador nico para avaliao da eficincia do SGA estudado, de forma a mostrar aos observadores externos e internos, o efetivo engajamento da empresa na preservao dos recursos naturais e na minimizao das emisses atmosfricas e de gases de efeito estufa, dentro da tica de sustentabilidade ambiental focando-se um processo produtivo industrial. Por meio da pesquisa, verificou-se que, apesar de a empresa utilizar indicadores relacionados com o consumo de gua, de emisses fugitivas e de gerao de resduos, dentre outros, ela no monitora, de forma objetiva, as emisses em termos de CO2 equivalente e todas as aes ligadas sustentabilidade ambiental. Assim, foi proposto um indicador global de sustentabilidade ambiental para ser utilizado como referncia do processo produtivo, visando fornecer ao responsvel pelo SGA os subsdios necessrios para tratar da gesto do processo sob a tica da sustentabilidade ambiental


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Na ltima dcada, surgiram evidncias de que a Sndrome Metablica (SM), relatada de forma crescente entre adolescentes, tem incio na vida intrauterina e seus sinais e sintomas j esto presentes na adolescncia, porm, ainda faltam critrios diagnsticos especficos para essa faixa etria. O ciclo menstrual representa o resultado do funcionamento normal no apenas do eixo Hipotlamo-Hipfise-Ovrio (HHO), do tero e do aparelho genital, mas tambm, do equilbrio metablico do organismo. Alteraes no ciclo menstrual podem representar sinais de desequilbrio e anormalidade. A SM est tambm relacionada Sndrome dos Ovrios Policsticos (SOP), disfuno ovariana caracterizada por oligoanovulao, hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovrios policsticos. A resistncia insulina (RI) tem um papel central na fisiopatologia e na inter-relao dos componentes tanto da SM como tambm da SOP. A RI compensada pelo aumento da produo de insulina pelas clulas beta pancreticas, e essa hiperinsulinemia compensatria tem conseqncias no endotlio, nos fatores inflamatrios, no metabolismo glicdico e lipdico, alm de afetar o ciclo menstrual pelo estmulo da andrognese ovariana, suprimindo a SHBG e possivelmente alterando o padro da secreo pulstil do GnRH. Estas alteraes menstruais podem apresentar-se de forma precoce, antes das alteraes metablicas da RI, portanto, a avaliao atenta do padro menstrual de adolescentes pode representar um valioso sinal que alerta para o risco metablico e cardiovascular. Avaliamos o comportamento de parmetros da Sndrome Metablica e sua relao com o ciclo menstrual em adolescentes atravs de um estudo observacional transversal com 59 adolescentes do sexo feminino entre 12 e 19 anos e presena de pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco para SM: Sobrepeso - Obesidade - Acantose Nigricans. Todas as adolescentes foram submetidas a uma avaliao clnica com levantamento de dados antropomtricos, e laboratoriais composta de: Glicose de Jejum, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, Triglicerdeos, Teste Oral de Tolerncia a Glicose (Glicose 120), Insulina pr (insulina jejum), ps TOTG (insulina 120), Folculo-Estimulante (FSH), Hormnio Luteinizante (LH), Testosterona Total (TT), Androstenediona, Foram criados 2 grupos:G-1- adolescentes com ciclos irregulares, e G-2- adolescentes com ciclos regulares. Das 59 adolescentes avaliadas, 36 formaram o G-1, e 23 o G-2. A mdia da idade ginecolgica foi de 4,5 anos e da menarca 11,3 anos. Na anlise estatstica das diferenas nas variveis clnicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos, observou-se que o G-1 apresentou: Cintura (p=0,026), Insulina de jejum (p=0,001), Glicose 120 (p=0,002), insulina 120 (p=0,0001), HOMA-IR (p=0,0008), Triglicerdeos (p=0,013), SM (p<0,0001) e SOP (p<0,0001) significativamente maiores e QUICK (p=0,008), G/I (p=0,002), HDL (p=0,001) significativamente menores que o G-2. (88,8% das adolescentes com ciclos irregulares no ultimo ano apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca. Estes resultados demonstram uma associao significativa entre a irregularidade menstrual, RI, SM e SOP na populao estudada. Todas as adolescentes com diagnstico de SM apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca e destas, 93,5% tiveram o diagnstico de SOP. O nosso estudo chama a ateno para o comportamento do ciclo menstrual na adolescncia em relao aos riscos cardiovasculares e metablicos, sinalizando assim que outros estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos nesta populao.


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Este texto verificou o tema de monitoramento de processos de produo de petrleo em plataformas no mar de forma a propor indicadores globais para monitoramento da funcionalidade dos equipamentos que envolvem estes processos, permitindo a antecipao da tomada de deciso sobre suas eminentes quedas de disponibilidade. Para tal, buscando conhecer as reas envolvidas na gesto de uma plataforma de petrleo no mar, foram identificados os principais sistemas relacionados ao processo de produo de petrleo e optou-se pelo Sistema de Separao e Tratamento de leo para desenvolvimento e validao dos indicadores propostos. O Indicador Global de Funcionalidade Operacional (IGFO) foi desenvolvido a partir dos dados disponveis para monitoramento dos processos de produo de petrleo, focado nas vises das principais reas envolvidas na gesto da plataforma. Este indicador foi elaborado com objetivo de simplificar a anlise dos processos, permitindo assim aferir o desempenho das aes de monitoramento de processos em plataformas de petrleo, de modo a atuar de forma antecipativa, contribuindo com a identificao e a disseminao das melhores prticas de manuteno preditiva. Neste aspecto, os indicadores na forma de normalizao utilizada permitem comparaes em diversos nveis, tanto em relao as plataformas dentro de uma empresa, como plataformas de empresas diferentes. Os indicadores globais propostos obtiveram resultados que permitiram avaliar a queda de funcionalidade dos equipamentos do Sistema de Separao e Tratamento de leo durante o perodo avaliado, servindo de base para identificao das causas das falhas destes equipamentos. Assim sendo, pde-se perceber que a utilizao dos indicadores globais identificados pode responder com sucesso s necessidades propostas


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O cncer de pulmo tem alto grau de letalidade. O tabagismo considerado o principal fator de risco associado ao carcinoma de pulmo no pequenas clulas. O tratamento que oferece as maiores possibilidades de cura a cirurgia. A resseco pulmonar associada atoracectomia a cirurgia preconizada nos tumores T3 invadindo a parede torcica. A resseco em Gaiola de Passarinho pode ser considerada uma tcnica alternativa. Foram analisados retrospectivamente, de janeiro de 1990 dezembro de 2009, 13 pacientes portadores de cncer de pulmo aderidos a parede torcica. Eles foram submetidos resseco extramusculoperiostal em Gaiola de Passarinho no Hospital Universitrio Pedro Ernesto. A avaliao do grau de invaso parede torcica foi feita no pr-operatrio por mtodos de imagem; e sua comprovao baseada nos achados histopatolgicos dos fragmentos de tecidos enviados para a bipsia de congelao, assim como nos laudos definitivos das peas ressecadas. Os pacientes com tumores de Pancoast ou que abandonaram o acompanhamento foram excludos do estudo. A avaliao da sobrevida global foi feita a partir dos dados de seguimento ps operatrio a nvel ambulatorial. A anlise estatstica foi composta pela curva de sobrevida ou livre de eventos ajustada pelo mtodo de Kaplan-Meier. Complicaes ps operatrias, intervalo livre de doena, recidiva local, e uso de terapia complementar tambm foram includos na anlise. A idade mdia em anos foi de 59,6. Todos os pacientes eram tabagistas. O tipo histolgico mais encontrado foi o carcinoma escamoso. A mdia de intervalo livre de doena foi de 44,7 meses. A sobrevida global em cinco anos foi de 60% e o ndice de complicaes ps-operatrias foi de 69,2%. No houve mortalidade operatria. O estgio Ib foi encontrado em 80 %. A resseco extramusculoperiostal demonstrou ser uma alternativa segura de tratamento cirrgico dos tumores que no invadiram efetivamente o gradil costal. Porm novos estudos tornam-se necessrios. Esta dissertao pode servir de base para futuras pesquisas sobre o tratamento cirrgico do cncer de pulmo.


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BACKGROUND: Two phenomena have become increasingly visible over the past decade: the significant global burden of disease arising from mental illness and the rapid acceleration of mobile phone usage in poorer countries. Mental ill-health accounts for a significant proportion of global disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and years lived with disability (YLDs), especially in poorer countries where a number of factors combine to exacerbate issues of undertreatment. Yet poorer countries have also witnessed significant investments in, and dramatic expansions of, mobile coverage and usage over the past decade. DEBATE: The conjunction of high levels of mental illness and high levels of mobile phone usage in poorer countries highlights the potential for "mH(2)" interventions--i.e. mHealth (mobile technology-based) mental health interventions--to tackle global mental health challenges. However, global mental health movements and initiatives have yet to engage fully with this potential, partly because of scepticism towards technological solutions in general and partly because existing mH(2) projects in mental health have often taken place in a fragmented, narrowly-focused, and small-scale manner. We argue for a deeper and more sustained engagement with mobile phone technology in the global mental health context, and outline the possible shape of an integrated mH(2) platform for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of mental health. SUMMARY: Existing and developing mH(2) technologies represent an underutilised resource in global mental health. If development, evaluation, and implementation challenges are overcome, an integrated mH2 platform would make significant contributions to mental healthcare in multiple settings and contexts.


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We propose a novel information-theoretic approach for Bayesian optimization called Predictive Entropy Search (PES). At each iteration, PES selects the next evaluation point that maximizes the expected information gained with respect to the global maximum. PES codifies this intractable acquisition function in terms of the expected reduction in the differential entropy of the predictive distribution. This reformulation allows PES to obtain approximations that are both more accurate and efficient than other alternatives such as Entropy Search (ES). Furthermore, PES can easily perform a fully Bayesian treatment of the model hyperparameters while ES cannot. We evaluate PES in both synthetic and real-world applications, including optimization problems in machine learning, finance, biotechnology, and robotics. We show that the increased accuracy of PES leads to significant gains in optimization performance.


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Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global transcription regulator that is ubiquitous to Gram-negative bacteria and regulates diverse biological processes, including iron uptake, cellular metabolism, stress response, and production of virulence determinants. As a result, for many pathogenic bacteria, Fur plays a crucial role in the course of infection and disease development. In this study, the fur gene was cloned from a pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, TSS, isolated from diseased Japanese flounder cultured in a local farm. TSS Fur can partially complement the defective phenotype of an Escherichia coli fur mutant. A TSS fur null mutant, TFM, was constructed. Compared to TSS, TFM exhibits reduced growth ability, aberrant production of outer membrane proteins, decreased resistance against host serum bactericidal activity, impaired ability to disseminate in host blood and tissues, and drastic attenuation in overall bacterial virulence in a Japanese flounder infection model. When used as a live vaccine administered via the injection, immersion, and oral routes, TFM affords high levels of protection upon Japanese flounder against not only P.fluorescens infection but also Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Furthermore, a plasmid, pJAQ, was constructed, which expresses the coding element of the Vibrio harveyi antigen AgaV-DegQ. TFM harboring pJAQ can secret AgaV-DegQ into the extracellular milieu. Vaccination of Japanese flounder with live TFM/pJAQ elicited strong immunoprotection against both V. harveyi and A. hydrophila infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.