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The main objective of this study is to reveal the housing patterns in Cairo as one of the most rapidly urbanizing city in the developing world. The study outlines the evolution of the housing problem and its influencing factors in Egypt generally and in Cairo specifically. The study takes into account the political transition from the national state economy to the open door policy, the neo-liberal period and finally to the housing situation after the January 2011 Revolution. The resulting housing patterns in Cairo Governorate were identified as (1) squatter settlements, (2) semi-informal settlements, (3) deteriorated inner pockets, and (4) formal settlements. rnThe study concluded that the housing patterns in Cairo are reflecting a multifaceted problem resulting in: (1) the imbalance between the high demand for affordable housing units for low-income families and the oversupply of upper-income housing, (2) the vast expansion of informal areas both on agricultural and desert lands, (3) the deterioration of the old parts of Cairo without upgrading or appropriate replacement of the housing structure, and (4) the high vacancy rate of newly constructed apartmentsrnThe evolution and development of the current housing problem were attributed to a number of factors. These factors are demographic factors represented in the rapid growth of the population associated with urbanization under the dictates of poverty, and the progressive increase of the prices of both buildable land and building materials. The study underlined that the current pattern of population density in Cairo Governorate is a direct result of the current housing problems. Around the depopulation core of the city, a ring of relatively stable areas in terms of population density has developed. Population densification, at the expense of the depopulation core, is characterizing the peripheries of the city. The population density in relation to the built-up area was examined using Landsat-7 ETM+ image (176/039). The image was acquired on 24 August 2006 and considered as an ideal source for land cover classification in Cairo since it is compatible with the population census 2006.rnConsidering that the socio-economic setting is a driving force of change of housing demand and that it is an outcome of the accumulated housing problems, the socio-economic deprivations of the inhabitants of Cairo Governorate are analyzed. Small administrative units in Cairo are categorized into four classes based on the Socio-Economic Opportunity Index (SEOI). This index is developed by using multiple domains focusing on the economic, educational and health situation of the residential population. The results show four levels of deprivation which are consistent with the existing housing patterns. Informal areas on state owned land are included in the first category, namely, the “severely deprived” level. Ex-formal areas or deteriorated inner pockets are characterized as “deprived” urban quarters. Semi-informal areas on agricultural land concentrate in the third category of “medium deprived” settlements. Formal or planned areas are included mostly in the fourth category of the “less deprived” parts of Cairo Governorate. rnFor a better understanding of the differences and similarities among the various housing patterns, four areas based on the smallest administrative units of shiakhat were selected for a detailed study. These areas are: (1) El-Ma’desa is representing a severely deprived squatter settlement, (2) Ain el-Sira is an example for an ex-formal deprived area, (3) El-Marg el-Qibliya was selected as a typical semi-informal and medium deprived settlement, and (4) El-Nozha is representing a formal and less deprived area.rnThe analysis at shiakhat level reveals how the socio-economic characteristics and the unregulated urban growth are greatly reflected in the morphological characteristics of the housing patterns in terms of street network and types of residential buildings as well as types of housing tenure. It is also reflected in the functional characteristics in terms of land use mix and its degree of compatibility. It is concluded that the provision and accessibility to public services represents a performance measure of the dysfunctional structure dominating squatter and semi-informal settlements on one hand and ample public services and accessibility in formal areas on the other hand.rn


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I cambiamenti climatici stanno sempre più influenzando l’assetto territoriale ed ambientale della nostra società. Questo fatto si evince da eventi che riescono a sconvolgere le opere atte alla loro mitigazione; tali sistemi vengono progettati tenendo conto delle competenze acquisite in campo teorico e archivistico, ovvero la serie dei dati storici sui quali costruire dei modelli probabilistici che permettano di determinare il massimo grado di intensità che l'evento di interesse potrà generare. Questi database, però, conseguentemente ai cambiamenti ambientali cui stiamo avendo testimonianza diretta, risultano essere sempre meno affidabili allo scopo di impostare questi studi di tendenza. Esempio di quanto detto sono le alluvioni, generate da eventi meteorologici fuori dall'ordinario: queste situazioni, sempre più frequenti sul nostro territorio, oltre che subire l'influsso dei cambiamenti climatici, trovano un substrato favorevole nel quale attecchire, dovuto dall'alto grado di antropizzazione del territorio. In questo ambito, rientrano quegli eventi che i media chiamano "bombe d'acqua", le quali scaricano su un piccolo territorio una massiccia quantità di acque di precipitazione in un arco di tempo estremamente limitato. L'effetto principale è quello di mettere in crisi la rete idrologica della zona colpita, la quale non è stata progettata per sopportare eventi di tale magnitudo. Gli effetti avversi sul territorio possono essere importanti e vantano una vasta gamma di effetti. Inondazioni ed allagamenti in primis, poi i conseguenti da danni economici, ma anche smottamenti o colate di fango ed il collasso dei sistemi fognari. In questo lavoro di tesi, queste problematiche saranno trattate col fine ultimo di valutare delle soglie di precipitazioni, tali per cui, in caso di eventi meteorologici fuori dall’ordinario, sarà possibile allertare la popolazione localizzata nella zona soggetta a rischio idro-geologico. Questa analisi è stata condotta grazie ai dati reperiti per un piccolo bacino pedecollinare del Comune di Rimini.


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L'elaborato tratta dell'evoluzione dei sistemi di raccolta dati geografici e mappatura grazie all'utilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche e di come sia cambiato il loro utilizzo nel corso del tempo e l'utenza che ne fa uso. Viene anche trattata in maniera tecnica la struttura che compone uno di questi sistemi per permettere l'interazione via web con una mappa digitale. Si effettuano inoltre ipotesi su possibili sviluppi futuri di tali tecnologie.


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The Nghe-Tinh Soviets of 1930-1931, a rebellion against colonial authority in north-central and central colonial Vietnam, has received extensive analysis by a variety of commentators and scholars, both Vietnamese and not. Most scholars, Vietnam and internationally, settled on some view of immiseration combined with the presence of pro-communist organizers as the motive forces for the rebellion, but a few have favored questions of political dissatisfaction and local empowerment as underlying motivations for revolt. Until recently, examining the rebellion on a gross scale in order to test either theory has proven difficult, with a surfeit of information but no easy way to process it in order to underwrite large-scale analyses. Del Testa is using a historical GIS (geographical information system) analysis, which blends statistics with digitized maps, in order to display correlations between factors, such as wealth, religion, and so on of those who rebelled in order to reexamine the Nghe-Tinh Soviets movement on a grand scale. His presentation will illustrate some initial findings as well as the techniques used.


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Every inclined land surface has a potential for soil and water degradation, the seriousness depends on a multitude of parameters such as slope, soil type, geomorphology, rainfall, land use and natural vegetation cover. In Laos this intensified land use leads to reduced vegetation cover, to increased soil erosion, decreasing yield, and finally is likely to influence the hydrological regime. Against this background the Mekong River Commission (MRC) elaborated a spatial explicit Watershed Classification (WSC) for the Lower Mekong Basin. Based on topographic factors derived from a high-resolution Digital Terrain Model, five watershed classes are calculated, giving indication about the sensitivity to resource degradation by soil erosion. The WSC allows spatial priority setting for watershed management and generally supports informed decision making on reconnaissance level. In the conclusions focus is laid on general considerations when GIS techniques are used for spatial decision support in a development context.


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Geospatial information systems are used to analyze spatial data to provide decision makers with relevant, up-to-date, information. The processing time required for this information is a critical component to response time. Despite advances in algorithms and processing power, we still have many “human-in-the-loop” factors. Given the limited number of geospatial professionals, analysts using their time effectively is very important. The automation and faster humancomputer interactions of common tasks that will not disrupt their workflow or attention is something that is very desirable. The following research describes a novel approach to increase productivity with a wireless, wearable, electroencephalograph (EEG) headset within the geospatial workflow.


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Quantifying belowground dynamics is critical to our understanding of plant and ecosystem function and belowground carbon cycling, yet currently available tools for complex belowground image analyses are insufficient. We introduce novel techniques combining digital image processing tools and geographic information systems (GIS) analysis to permit semi-automated analysis of complex root and soil dynamics. We illustrate methodologies with imagery from microcosms, minirhizotrons, and a rhizotron, in upland and peatland soils. We provide guidelines for correct image capture, a method that automatically stitches together numerous minirhizotron images into one seamless image, and image analysis using image segmentation and classification in SPRING or change analysis in ArcMap. These methods facilitate spatial and temporal root and soil interaction studies, providing a framework to expand a more comprehensive understanding of belowground dynamics.