283 resultados para Geodesy


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The goal of our study is to determine accurate time series of geophysical Earth rotation excitations to learn more about global dynamic processes in the Earth system. For this purpose, we developed an adjustment model which allows to combine precise observations from space geodetic observation systems, such as Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Doppler Orbit determination and Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite (DORIS), satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry in order to separate geophysical excitation mechanisms of Earth rotation. Three polar motion time series are applied to derive the polar motion excitation functions (integral effect). Furthermore we use five time variable gravity field solutions from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to determine not only the integral mass effect but also the oceanic and hydrological mass effects by applying suitable filter techniques and a land-ocean mask. For comparison the integral mass effect is also derived from degree 2 potential coefficients that are estimated from SLR observations. The oceanic mass effect is also determined from sea level anomalies observed by satellite altimetry by reducing the steric sea level anomalies derived from temperature and salinity fields of the oceans. Due to the combination of all geodetic estimated excitations the weaknesses of the individual processing strategies can be reduced and the technique-specific strengths can be accounted for. The formal errors of the adjusted geodetic solutions are smaller than the RMS differences of the geophysical model solutions. The improved excitation time series can be used to improve the geophysical modeling.


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We present a geoid solution for the Weddell Sea and adjacent continental Antarctic regions. There, a refined geoid is of interest, especially for oceanographic and glaciological applications. For example, to investigate the Weddell Gyre as a part of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and, thus, of the global ocean circulation, the mean dynamic topography (MDT) is needed. These days, the marine gravity field can be inferred with high and homogeneous resolution from altimetric height profiles of the mean sea surface. However, in areas permanently covered by sea ice as well as in coastal regions, satellite altimetry features deficiencies. Focussing on the Weddell Sea, these aspects are investigated in detail. In these areas, ground-based data that have not been used for geoid computation so far provide additional information in comparison with the existing high-resolution global gravity field models such as EGM2008. The geoid computation is based on the remove-compute-restore approach making use of least-squares collocation. The residual geoid with respect to a release 4 GOCE model adds up to two meters and more in the near-coastal and continental areas of the Weddell Sea region, also in comparison with EGM2008. Consequently, the thus refined geoid serves to compute new estimates of the regional MDT and geostrophic currents.


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This dataset provides scaling information applicable to satellite derived coarse resolution surface soil moisture datasets following the approach by Wagner et al. (2008). It is based on ENVISAT ASAR data and can be utilized to apply the Metop ASCAT dataset (25 km) for local studies as well as to assess the representativeness of in-situ measurement sites and thus their potential for upscaling. The approach based on temporal stability (Wagner et al. 2008) consists of the assessment of the validity of the coarse resolution datasets at medium resolution (1 km, product is the so called 'scaling layer').


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The Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España, thought its geodesy department, since 1997 has carried out the establisment of a GPS Reference Station Network (ERGPS) delivered all around Spain which allows millimetric co-ordinate results, as well as velocity fields in a Global Reference System (ITRFxx). It serves as support for other geodetic networks. Some of these stations are being integrated into the EUREF (EUropean REference Frame) Permanent Station Network. The ERGPS forms the zero order of the Spanish new geodesy


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivos la monitorización en tiempo real de la actividad sísmica, tanto próxima como lejana, a partir de los datos sísmicos registrados por una estación de banda ancha, y el desarrollo de un sistema de difusión interactiva de información actualizada de terremotos, destinado al público general. Ambas fuentes de información se mostrarán a través de una Unidad de Visualización denominada “Monitor Sísmico Interactivo”. El registro de los datos sísmicos se realiza utilizando el sensor de tres componentes de la estación sísmica GUD, perteneciente a la Red Digital de Banda Ancha y transmisión digital del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, instalada en la Basílica del Valle de los Caídos, en lalocalidad de Guadarrama (Madrid). En la E.T.S.I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía se ha instalado un ordenador con conexión a Internet, para la recepción y almacenamiento de los datos, y los programas Scream y Drumplot desarrollados por Guralp, necesarios para la monitorización de la señal sísmica en tiempo real. A partir de estos datos, mediante aplicaciones desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y haciendo uso de las herramientas que ofrece el software SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), se genera además un registro gráfico y una película animada de dicha segmentación para cada evento. Se ha configurado un servidor de correo y una cuenta para la recepción de dos tipos de mensajes de correo, enviados desde la sede central del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, con la información de los eventos registrados por GUD una vez revisados: - Mensajes enviados diariamente, con un listado de eventos ocurridos en los 30 últimos días. - Mensajes con la información en cuasi tiempo real de la última alerta sísmica. Se ha desarrollado el programa “saco” para la gestión del correo recibido que analiza la información sísmica, la almacena en ficheros y ejecuta sobre ellos las aplicaciones de dibujo. Estas aplicaciones han sido previamente desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y software GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), y a partir de ellas se generan automáticamente las distintas imágenes que se visualizan en el Monitor Sísmico: un mapa de sismicidad próxima en la Península Ibérica, un mapa de sismicidad lejana en el mundo, un mapa de detalle para localizar y representar la última alerta generada, los listados con la información de los eventos representados en los mapas, los registros gráficos y las películas animadas de dichos sismogramas. Monitor Sísmico Interactivo ha sido desarrollado para ofrecer además la posibilidad de interactuar con la Unidad de Visualización: se ha creado una base de datos para uso científico donde se almacenan todos los eventos registrados por GUD. Así el usuario puede realizar una petición, a través del envío de un mensaje de correo, que le permite visualizar de forma instantánea las imágenes que muestran la información de cualquier terremoto de su interés. ABSTRACT This study is aimed at real-time monitoring of both near and distant seismic activityfrom the seismic data recorded by a broadband seismic station, and the development of an interactive broadcast system of updated information of earthquakes, for the general public. Bothsources of information are displayed through a display unit called "Interactive Seismic Monitor". The seismic data recording is carried out by using the three-component sensor of the GUD seismic station, which belongs to the Digital Network Broadband and digital broadcast of the National Geographic Institute, housed in the Basilica of The Valley of the Fallen, in the town of Guadarrama (Madrid). A computer with Internet connection has been installed in E.T.S.I. Surveying, Geodesy and Cartography for receiving and storing data, together with Scream and Drumplot programs, developed by Guralp, which are necessary for monitoring the real time seismic signal. Based on the data collected, through programming applications developed under Linux system and using the software tools provided by the SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), a chart recorder and an animated gif image of the segmentation for each event are also generated. A mail server and a mail account have been configured for the receipt of two types of email messages, sent from the National Geographic Institute head office, with the information of the events recorded by GUD after being reviewed: - Messages sent daily, providing a list of events in the past 30 days. - Messages containing information on near real-time seismic of the last seismic alert. A program called "saco" has also been developed for handling mail received that analyzes the seismic data, which stores it in files and runs drawing applications on them. These applications have been previously developed under Linux system and software programming GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), and from them different images that are displayed on the Seismic Monitor are automatically generated: a near seismicity Iberian peninsula map, a distant seismicity world map, a detailed map to locate and represent the last seismic alert generated, the lists with the information of the events depicted in the maps,together with the charts and the animated gif image of such seismograms. Interactive Seismic Monitor has been developed to offer any user the possibility of interacting with the display unit: a database has been created for scientific use which stores all the events recorded by GUD. Thus, any user could make a request, by sending an e-mail that allows them to view instantly all the images showing the information of any earthquake of interest on the display unit.