996 resultados para Garth, Samuel
Note (1/2 page, handwritten) in Samuel Woodruff’s handwriting thanking the company for their offer. [This seems to be a rough note, with no salutation and no signature], n.d.
Note (1 page, handwritten) by Samuel Woodruff regarding the Cunningham, Mater and Jones accounts, n.d.
Letter (2 pages, handwritten) to Samuel Woodruff explaining the mortgage system in Kansas. It is signed Jarvis, Conklin and Co., March 31, 1882.
Letter which was enclosed with the application, bond mortgage and abstract of the Jones and Mater accounts to Samuel Woodruff from Jarvis, Conklin and Co., May 4, 1882.
Letter (1 page, typed) to Samuel Woodruff regarding the $2000 owing to him and presenting applications for Williams, Sampson, Hall, Burrows and Rogers’s accounts. There are some handwritten comments on this letter. It is not signed, but bears the Jarvis, Conklin and Co. letterhead, May 16, 1882.
Letter to Jarvis Franklin and Co. acknowledging the receipts and copies of application from Samuel Woodruff, May 19, 1882.
Printed blank to Samuel Woodruff for collection of $3400.00 sent by Kountze Brothers Bankers, New York, May 22, 1882.
Letter written by Samuel Woodruff regarding Shelby and Cogswell accounts. There is no salutation [to Jarvis and Conklin], Sept. 6, 1882.
Letter to Samuel Woodruff from Jarvis, Conklin and Co. regarding Conklin, Dennis, Griffin and Howard
Letter to Samuel Woodruff from Jarvis, Conklin and Co. regarding Conklin, Dennis, Griffin and Howard accounts, Sept. 23, 1882.
Letter from Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Crown Lands to Samuel D. Woodruff acknowledging receipt of payment for lumber lands no. 192 and 198, Oct. 16, 1872.
Letter to Samuel Keefer, engineer on the Welland Canal from Charles H. French. He says that he has no extra bills for work on his contract, Sept. 12, 1848.
Telegraph to Samuel D. Woodruff from T. N. Burrell stating that they do not have enough brocatelle for his order, Sept. 22, 1876.
Receipt for building materials bought by Samuel Woodruff for E. Riddle, signed by Mr. Kiddee, Aug. 5, 1876.
Indenture of deed of bargain and sale between Samuel Rock of Crowland Township and Samuel Street of the Town of Niagara for 1 acre in Lot no. 179 in the Town of Niagara – instrument no. 13070. A memorial of this record was made on Feb. 21, 1856, List B, Folio 169. An envelope addressed to Joseph Woodruff, Clerk of the Peace and postmarked Jan. 1857 was included with this document, July 17, 1840.
Indenture of Quit Claim Deed between Roswell G. Benedict, Charles Pierson and Ira Spaulding, all of the same of the Town of Clifton to Samuel Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton for Lots no. 10 and 11 in Block F in the Town of Clifton – instrument no. 7127, April 28, 1856.