885 resultados para Garlic Supplements
Purpose: To investigate the effect of Allium sativum (garlic) methanol extract on viability and apoptosis of human leukemic cells. Methods: Cell viability was determined using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at concentrations of 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 ug/mL of Allium sativum extract following 48-h treatment on U-937, Jurkat Clone E6-1 and K-562 cell lines. The mode of cell death was determined by Annexin V-FITC staining and analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: The results show that the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of A. sativum on U-937, Jurkat Clone E6-1, K-562 cell lines was 105 ± 2.21, 489 ± 4.51 and 455 ± 3.13 μg/mL, respectively, compared with negative control, while apoptosis was 17.93 ± 0.95 % for U-937 cells (p ≤ 0.05), 38.37 ± 1.88 % for Jurkat Clone E6-1 cells (p ≤ 0.001) and 16.37 ± 1.10 % for K-562 cells. A majority of the cells were inhibited by the extract via apoptosis. Only U-937 cells (6.87 ± 0.65 %) showed significant necrosis compared to negative control (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: K-562 cells are the most resistant against garlic extract, in contrast to Jurkat Clone E6-1 cells. Garlic extract does not induce necrosis in Jurkat Clone E6-1 and K-562 cells.
Bariatric surgery is considered an effective method for sustained weight loss, but may cause various nutritional complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of minerals and vitamins, food consumption, and to monitor physiologic parameters in patients with obesity before and 6 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB). Thirty-six patients who had undergone RYGB were prospectively evaluated before and 6 months after surgery. At each phase their weight, height, body mass index (BMI), Electro Sensor Complex (ES Complex) data, food consumption, and total protein serum levels, albumin, prealbumin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), zinc (Zn), B12 vitamin (VitB12), iron (Fe), ferritin, copper (Cu), ionic calcium (CaI), magnesium (Mg), and folic acid were assessed. The mean weight loss from baseline to 6 months after surgery was 35.34±4.82%. Markers of autonomic nervous system balance (P<.01), stiffness index (P<.01), standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals (SDNN) (P<.01), and insulin resistance (P<.001) were also improved. With regard to the micronutrients measured, 34 patients demonstrated some kind of deficiency. There was a high percentage of Zn deficiency in both pre- (55.55%) and postoperative (61.11%) patients, and 33.33% of the patients were deficient in prealbumin postoperatively. The protein intake after 6 months of surgery was below the recommended intake (<70 g/d) for 88.88% of the patients. Laboratory analyses demonstrated an average decrease in total protein (P<.05), prealbumin (P = .002), and PTH (P = .008) between pre- and postsurgery, and a decrease in the percentage of deficiencies for Mg (P<.05), CaI (P<.05), and Fe (P = .021). Despite improvements in the autonomic nervous system balance, stiffness index markers and insulin resistance, we found a high prevalence of hypozincemia at 6 months post-RYGB. Furthermore, protein supplements were needed to maintain an adequate protein intake up to 6 months postsurgery.
The consumption of dietary supplements is highest among athletes and it can represent potential a health risk for consumers. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of consumption of dietary supplements by road runners. We interviewed 817 volunteers from four road races in the Brazilian running calendar. The sample consisted of 671 male and 146 female runners with a mean age of 37.9 ± 12.4 years. Of the sample, 28.33% reported having used some type of dietary supplement. The main motivation for this consumption is to increase in stamina and improve performance. The probability of consuming dietary supplements increased 4.67 times when the runners were guided by coaches. The consumption of supplements was strongly correlated (r = 0.97) with weekly running distance, and also highly correlated (r = 0.86) with the number of years the sport had been practiced. The longer the runner had practiced the sport, the higher the training volume and the greater the intake of supplements. The five most frequently cited reasons for consumption were: energy enhancement (29.5%), performance improvement (17.1%), increased level of endurance (10.3%), nutrient replacement (11.1%), and avoidance of fatigue (10.3%). About 30% of the consumers declared more than one reason for taking dietary supplements. The most consumed supplements were: carbohydrates (52.17%), vitamins (28.70%), and proteins (13.48%). Supplement consumption by road runners in Brazil appeared to be guided by the energy boosting properties of the supplement, the influence of coaches, and the experience of the user. The amount of supplement intake seemed to be lower among road runners than for athletes of other sports. We recommend that coaches and nutritionists emphasise that a balanced diet can meet the needs of physically active people.
Inulin is a fructooligosacharide found in diverse agricultural products, amongst them garlic, banana, Jerusalem artichoke and chicory root. Inulin generally is used in developed countries, as a substitute of sugar and/or fat due to its characteristics of fitting as functional and dietary food. Chicory root is usually used as source and raw material for commercial extration of inulin. The experiments consisted on drying sliced chicory roots based on a factorial experimental design in a convective dryer whose alows the air to pass perpendicularly through the tray. Effective diffusivity (dependent variable) has been determined for each experimental combination of independent variables (air temperature and velocity). The data curves have been fitted by the solution of the second Fick law and Page's model. Effective difusivity varied from 3.51 x 10-10 m² s-1 to 1.036 x 10-10 m² s-1. It is concluded that, for the range of studied values, air temperature is the only statistically significant variable. So, a first order mathematical model was obtained, representing effective diffusivity behavior as function of air temperature. The best drying condition was correspondent to the trial using the highest drying air temperature.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
São problemas de ordem ambiental: aquecimento global, mudanças climáticas, escassez de recursos naturais, resíduo. Em resposta, têm sido gerados novos saberes no campo da ciência, tecnologia e educação chamada ambiental de modo a se proporem alternativas para que o homem possa relacionar-se com o ambiente de maneira sustentável, e a mídia tem contribuído sobremaneira na veiculação desses conhecimentos. Na imprensa escrita, revistas e jornais têm criado seções, suplementos, cadernos tematizando educação e meio ambiente. Produzida pela revista Carta Capital, desde 2006, a revista Carta na Escola busca difundir "atualidades em sala de aula", e de setembro de 2007 a agosto de 2008 publicou a série "Sustentabilidade na Escola", com dez artigos relacionando sustentabilidade, ciência e educação. A partir do referencial teórico-metodológico da análise dialógica do discurso, este artigo analisa o discurso da sustentabilidade baseado na difusão de conhecimentos científicos, proposto nessa série, e sua limitação enquanto estratégia de educação ambiental.
No processo celular de obtenção de energia, são gerados compostos chamados espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que, em excesso, podem causar danos celulares. Estresse oxidativo resulta do desequilíbrio no estado de óxido-redução a favor da oxidação. Dos mecanismos de defesa antioxidante, participam enzimas endógenas e algumas vitaminas e minerais. A vitamina E encontra-se no plasma e na partícula de LDL, protegendo lipídeos da oxidação. Estudos observacionais relataram associação inversa entre ingestão de vitamina E e risco cardiometabólico (RCM). Entretanto, ensaios clínicos não comprovaram a eficácia de sua suplementação nos desfechos cardiometabólicos. A vitamina C participa do sistema de regeneração da vitamina E, mantendo o potencial antioxidante plasmático. Dados sobre os benefícios de sua suplementação na redução do risco cardiometabólico são inconclusivos. A atividade antioxidante dos carotenoides é responsável, em parte, por seu papel protetor contra doenças cardiovasculares e cânceres. A suplementação desse nutriente também não trouxe resultados consistentes no que se refere à redução do RCM. A participação do zinco e do selênio na defesa antioxidante vem sendo estudada mais recentemente, mas a sua suplementação em indivíduos com níveis séricos normais e ingestão adequada na dieta desses minerais não parece ser necessária. De um modo geral, há muita controvérsia sobre o papel desses micronutrientes no RCM. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que o consumo de substâncias antioxidantes provenientes da dieta ou dietas ricas em frutas e hortaliças diminui o RCM. Mais estudos são necessários antes de se recomendar o uso de antioxidantes isolados na forma de suplementos para tal finalidade.
OBJETIVOS: identificar a opinião de pediatras e conhecer as recomendações de entidades profissionais e instituições públicas de saúde quanto à prescrição de suplementos fluorados. MÉTODOS: um questionário foi enviado a médicos pediatras. Informações adicionais sobre recomendações de suplementos fluorados foram obtidas junto a sete entidades profissionais e quatro instituições públicas de saúde. RESULTADOS: aproximadamente um em cada dez pediatras declarou prescrever algum suplemento contendo flúor. Risco de fluorose dentária, porque a água é fluoretada, foi a principal razão para afirmar que isso não deve ser feito. Quanto às entidades profissionais, duas deram respostas apropriadas. As respostas das demais não foram satisfatórias quanto ao uso racional de flúor. As respostas das instituições públicas foram apropriadas, embora o Ministério da Saúde não tenha se posicionado a respeito. CONCLUSÕES: um em cada 10 pediatras declarou prescrever suplementos contendo flúor para crianças residentes em São Paulo, cidade com água fluoretada. Em consequência, é necessário que o poder público e as entidades odontológicas assumam suas responsabilidades quanto ao uso dos suplementos fluorados.
Com o objetivo de identificar as principais falhas no sistema de produção que limitam a pecuária em Santarém, Pará, foram entrevistados, ao acaso, 21 pecuaristas (90,5% de corte - cria, recria e engorda; 9,5% de leite), proprietários de 10% da população de bovinos do município. 71,4% das propriedades tinham currais para manejo do gado, entretanto apenas 38,1% possuíam balança e 23,8% tronco de contenção. A Brachiaria brizantha estava presente em todas as fazendas, sendo usada exclusivamente em 42,9% das propriedades. A disseminação de plantas invasoras (61,9%) foi considerada a principal dificuldade no manejo das pastagens. Constatou-se que 76,2% dos pecuaristas utilizam misturas minerais com macro e micro-elementos, geralmente de formulações comerciais, enquanto que 19% utilizam apenas sal comum, enriquecido com micro-elementos. A concentração de fósforo (P) na mistura mineral estava abaixo do recomendado para bovinos de corte em 76,9% das propriedades e apenas 19% das propriedades possuía cochos para suplementação mineral adequada.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da suplementação universal profilática com sulfato ferroso, em administração diária ou semanal, na prevenção da anemia em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Ensaio de campo randomizado com crianças de seis a 12 meses de idade, atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, em 2004-2005. Foram formadas três coortes concorrentes com suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso com grupos: diário (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia), semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana) e controle (n=94). A intervenção durou 24 semanas e foi acompanhada por ações educativas promotoras de adesão. A concentração de hemoglobina sérica foi analisada segundo sua distribuição, média e prevalência de anemia (Hb<110,0g/L) aos 12 meses de idade. A avaliação da efetividade foi realizada segundo intenção de tratar e adesão ao protocolo, utilizando-se análises de regressão múltipla (linear e de Poisson). RESULTADOS: Os grupos mostraram-se homogêneos quanto às variáveis de caracterização. A intervenção foi operacionalizada com sucesso, com elevada adesão ao protocolo em ambos os grupos expostos a ela, sem diferença estatística entre eles. Após ajuste, somente o esquema diário apresentou efeito protetor. Na análise por adesão, o esquema diário apresentou evidente efeito dose-resposta para média de hemoglobina sérica e prevalência de anemia, não sendo observado nenhum efeito protetor do esquema semanal. CONCLUSÕES: Apenas o esquema diário de suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso dos seis aos 12 meses de idade foi efetivo em aumentar a concentração de hemoglobina sérica e em reduzir o risco de anemia
This study evaluated the effects of high-dose of short-term creatine supplementation (5g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 1 week) and long-term creatine supplementation (1g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 4-8 weeks) on kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary and exercised Wistar rats ( Exercise sessions consisted of swimming at 80% of maximal work load supported during 5 days per week with daily sessions of 60 minutes throughout the duration of the supplementation). Seventy-two animals ( 245 +/- 5g) were divided into four groups (n = 18): control diet Sedentary ( SED), Creatine diet Sedentary (CRE), control diet Exercised (EXE), and Creatine diet Exercised (EXECRE). Histological and blood biochemical studies were performed after one, four, and eight weeks of creatine supplementation and exercise ( n = 6). No differences were found when comparing SED, EXE and EXECRE groups for kidney and liver structure and function at one, four and eight weeks. However, the CRE group showed higher levels of creatinine (1.1 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.4 +/- 0.1 mg.dl(-1); p < 0.05), and urea ( 37 +/- 3 vs. 19 +/- 1 mg. dl(-1); p < 0.05) when compared with all others groups at four and eight weeks. At eight weeks, the CRE group presented increased levels of ALT (41 +/- 7 vs. 23 +/- 7 U.L(-1); p < 0.05), AST (89 +/- 6 vs. 62 +/- 5 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), GGT (8.0 +/- 0.9 vs. 3.9 +/- 1.0 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), and AP (125 +/- 10 vs. 69 +/- 9 U. L(-1); p < 0.05) also when compared with all others groups. Moreover, the CRE group demonstrated some structural alterations indicating renal and hepatic damage at four and eight weeks, respectively. These results suggest that long-term creatine supplementation (up to 4-8 weeks) may adversely affect kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary but not of exercised rats.
Background: Adequate nutrition plays an important role in bone mass accrual and maintenance and has been demonstrated as a significant tool for the prevention of fractures in individuals with osteoporosis. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone health-related nutrients intake and its association with osteoporotic fractures in a representative sample of 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older in Brazil. Methods: In a transversal population-based study, a total of 2420 individuals over 40 years old were evaluated from March to April 2006. Participants were men and women from all socioeconomic classes and education levels living around the Brazilian territory Individuals responded a questionnaire including self reported fractures as well a 24-hour food recall. Nutrient intakes were evaluated by Nutrition Data System for Research software (NDSR, University of Minnesota, 2007). Low trauma fracture was defined as that resulting of a fall from standing height or less. Nutrient intakes adequacies were performed by using the DRI's proposed values. Statistical analysis comprises Oneway ANCOVA adjusted by age and use of nutritional supplements and multiple logistic regression. SAS software was used for statistical analysis. Results: Fractures was reported by 13% of men and 15% of women. Women with fractures presented significantly higher calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intakes. However, in all regions and socio-economical levels mean intakes of bone related nutrients were below the recommended levels. It was demonstrated that for every 100 mg/phosphorus increase the risk of fractures by 9% (OR 1.09; IC95% 1.05-1.13, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results demonstrated inadequacies in bone related nutrients in our population as well that an increase in phosphorus intake is related to bone fractures.
The effect of daily ingestion of collagen hydrolysate (CH) on skin extracellular matrix proteins was investigated. Four-week-old male Wistar rats were fed a modified AIN-93 diet containing 12% casein as the reference group or CH as the treatment group. A control group was established in which animals were fed a non-protein-modified AIN-93 diet. The diets were administered continuously for 4 weeks when six fresh skin samples from each group were assembled and subjected to extraction of protein. Type I and IV collagens were studied by immunoblot, and activities of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and 9 were assessed by zymography. The relative amount of type I and IV collagens was significantly (P<.05) increased after CH intake compared with the reference diet group (casein). Moreover, CH uptake significantly decreased both proenzyme and active forms of MMP2 compared with casein and control groups (P<.05). In contrast, CH ingestion did not influence on MMP9 activity. These results suggest that CH may reduce aging-related changes of the extracellular matrix by stimulating anabolic processes in skin tissue.
Mixed formula supplements are very popular among recreational and professional weightlifters. They are usually known as PAKs and they are supposed to have a synergistic effect of their different nutrients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of chronic (4 weeks) PAKS supplementation in combination with strength training on body composition, immune status and performance measures in recreationally trained individuals with or without PAKs supplementation. Methods: Twelve male subjects (Placebo n = 6 and PAKs supplement n = 6) were recruited for this study. The body composition, one maximum strength repetition tests and immune status were assessed before and after 4 week supplementation. Our data showed that, 4 week PAK supplementation associated with strength exercise not was effective in change strength than compared with placebo group. However, we observed that, PAK supplement was able to improve immune status and reduced body composition when compared with placebo group. These results indicate that, a mixed formula supplement is able to improve immune status and body composition but not maximum strength in recreational strength trained subjects in a 4 weeks period.
The consumption of protein supplements containing amino acids is increasing around the world Aspartate (Asp) and asparagine (Asn) are amino acids metabolized by skeletal muscle. This metabolism involves biochemical pathways that are involved in increasing Krebs cycle activity via anaplerotic reactions. resulting in higher glutamine concentrations. A connection between amino acid supplementation, glycogen concentration, and glucose uptake has been previously demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of asp and Asn Supplementation on glucose uptake in rats using three different glycogen concentrations The results indicate that Asp and Asn supplementation in rats with high glycogen concentrations (fed state) further increased the glycogen concentration in the muscle, and decreased in vitro 2-deoxyglucose (a glucose analog.) uptake by the muscle at maximal insulin concentrations When animals had a medium glycogen concentration (consumed lard for 3 days). glucose uptake was higher in the supplemented group at sub-maximal insulin concentrations. We conclude that supplementation of Asp and Asn reduced glucose transport in rat muscle only at higher levels of glycogen. The ingestion of lard for 3 days changed the responsiveness and sensitivity to insulin, and that group had higher levels of insulin sensivity with Asp and Asn supplementation. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.