995 resultados para Garcinia brasiliensis
O autor, após tecer rápidas considerações sôbre Phytomonas da planta em questão e do gênero Manihot, passa a dar: métodos por êle empregados na confecção da presente nota; sucinta descrição da Euphorbia brasiliensis Lam. e suas variedades; nomes vulgares por que é a mesma conhecida no Brasil; resultado negativo, por êle encontrado, nas pesquisas de alcalóide e, finalmente, descrição anatômica da fôlha e caule. Fôlha. a - limbo: epidermes com cutícula e estoma, uma camada de células paliçadicas, tecido lacunoso, ramificações dos tubos laticiferos e bainha dos feixes bem desenvolvida. b - nervura principal: epidermes com cutícula, uma camada de tecido paliçadico, bainha dos feixes em semicírculo, xilema, floema e parênquima. Caule - Epiderme com cutícula, colênquima, parênquima cortical, tubos laticíferos, esclerócitos, floema, câmbio e fibras do lenho (inclusive gelatinosas), vasos e, finalmente, parênquima fundamental.
In 1939, Mangabeira obtained, under laboratory conditions, the development of eggs of Phlebotomus brasiliensis Costa Lima, 1932, collected at Lassance (typical locality), Minas Gerais, Brasil. He then studied the female and immature stages of this Phlebotomus. The results of these observations plus some more recent data on the male, geographical distribution and bionomics are presented. Morphologically it is closest to Phlebotomus runoides. However, the male Phlebotomus brasiliensis differs from all other Phlebotomus because of its very long spicules, similar to those of Brumptomyia. The female differs by its longer ducts, and by possessing only four horizontal teeth in the buccal cavity, whereas P. runoides has approximately 12 teeth. The pupae of P. brasiliensis is characterized by its two pre-alar setae, which are very simple and small and by the abdominal setae, which are not planted on a protruding tubercle. The fourth stage larvae main characteristics are very thin antennae, inserted on a protruding tuberculum, and slightly brush-like hind frontal setae. P. brasiliensis is here reported, for the first time, for the State of Bahia (Cachoeira, Pojuca and Salvador). The species has almost always been found in armadillo burrows. In the State of Bahia it is more frequent during the dry season. Under laboratory conditions, the female lays about 53 eggs.
Ascarophis brasiliensis recovered from the stomach of Trachinotus carolinus (L. 1766), is proposed as a new species and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pereirai Annereaux, 1946 is redescribed from a new host: Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steind., 1875). A. brasiliensis is more closely related to A. crassicolis Dollfus & Campana-Rouget, 1956, from which it differs mainly by the absence of cervical cuticular expansion and size of the eggs. The new species is also compared to A. cooperi johnston & Mawson, 1945 and A. girellae (Yamaguti, 1935) Campana-rouget, 1955. The validity of the proposed species is discussed.
É registrada a infecção natural do Holochilus brasiliensis nanus, um pequeno roedor semi-aquático da Baixada Ocidental do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, por Litomosoides carinii.
The aplicability of Fava's Netto medium in the liquid nitrogen cryopreservation technique of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis cells was demonstrated.
Foram produzidos antígenos solúveis de P. brasiliensis, H. capsulatum e A. fumigatus e padronizados nas técnicas de imunodifusão dupla (IDD) e imunoeletroosmoforese (IEOF). A especificidade dos antígenos foi testada utilizando-se 96 soros de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose, aspergilose, candidíase sistêmica, esporotricose, tuberculose, neoplasia pulmonar, leishmaniose tegumentar e visceral e em 18 indivíduos sadios. Na IDD, a especificidade foi de 100% usando-se como critério de positividade linhas de precipitação com identidade total com soro de referência. Entretanto na IEOF, a especificidade variou de acordo com o antígeno testado, sendo observadas reações cruzadas com antígeno de P. brasiliensis frente a soros de pacientes com histoplasmose (16,7%) e leishmaniose tegumentar (10%) e com antígeno de H. capsulatum frente a soros de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose (31,8%) e leishmaniose tegumentar (10%). Ambas as técnicas mostraram a mesma sensibilidade para o sorodiagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose e aspergilose, respectivamente 100%, 83,3% e 100%. A grande sensibilidade e especificidade da IDD observadas nos soros desses pacientes, aliadas à fácil reprodutibilidade e baixo custo, fazem esta técnica muito apropriada como procedimento de rotina, para a triagem de pacientes sintomáticos respiratórios.
Foi feito um estudo da estrutura dos ovos e morfologia das ninfas, através da microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura, na procura de estabelecer novos parãmetros de identificação. Em microscopia ótica (MO) os ovos apresentam a superfície exocorial dividida em áreas poligonais. O exocório do corpo possui polígonos maiores do que os do opérculo, porém ambos são lisos. Em microscopia eletrõnica de varredura (MEV) o exocório do opérculo apresenta áreas poligonais de superfície estofada em pequenos sulcos irregulares e perfurações distribuídas aleatoriamente. O exocório do corpo possui áreas pouco acolchoadas com perfurações na superfície e nos bordos. Nas ninfas o sulco estridulatório apresenta características próprias para cada estádio.
In order to investigate a possible method of biological control of schistosomiasis, we used the fish Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) which is widely distributed throughout Brazil, to interrupt the life cycle of the snail Biomphalaria tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835), an intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. In the laboratory, predation eliminated 97.6% of the smaller snails (3-8 mm shell diameter) and 9.2% of the larger ones (12-14 mm shell diameter). Very promising results were also obtained in a seminatural environment. Studies of this fish in natural snail habitats should be further encouraged.
The phlebotomine sand fly fauna of two coffee plantations in a Leishmania-endemic area of Norte de Santander, Colombia was studied. Regular insect collections using a variety of methods were made for three and a half years. Information was obtained on diurnal resting sites, host range and seasonal abundance for 17 species, of wich five (Lutzomyia spinicrassa, Lu. serrana,Lu. shannoni, Lu. ovallesi and Lu. gomezi) were far more numerous than the others, anthropophilic and present throughout the year. The behaviour of these and the remaining 12 species is discussed in relation to their potential role in transmission of Leishmania (Viannia) brasiliensis in the area.
Dispersal of five species of phlebotomine sand flies was studied in a coffee plantation near Arboledas, Colombia by mark-release-recapture studies using fluorescent powders. The estimated recapture rate for males of Lutzomyia shannoni marked and released during the day was 28.1% significantly higher than that for all other species (p < 0.05). Recapture rate of female Lu. shannoni was 9.5% and no females of the other four species were recovered. This suggests either that Lu. shannoni is a more sedentary species than the others, or that the large trees on wich these insects were captured and recaptured function as foci of lekking behaviour in males. The high recapture rates of females of this species may indicate that oviposition occurs in close proximity to the bases of these trees. Although most marked sand flies were recaptured within 200 m of their release point, a single female Lu. gomezi was recovered 960 m away 36 h after release. This suggests that the dispersal capacity of Lutzomyia species may be greater than has been though, an important consideration in future control programs directed against these insects in Leishmania-endemic areas.
The authors report a case of culture-proven disseminated American muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania brasiliensis brasiliensis in an HIV positive patient. Lesions began in the oropharynx and nasal mucosa eventually spreading to much of the skin surface. The response to a short course of glucantime therapy was good.
Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) elongatus (Tornquist, 1931) Petter, 1974 and Cucullanus pulcherrimus Barreto, 1918, from Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steind., 1875) are redescribed and two specimens of Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) sp. are also reported in this host, despite lack of previously, was again identified in Brazil since its original description and posterior illustration. The present findings represent also a new host record for the referred genera: Dichelyne Jagerskiold, 1902 and Cucullanus Mueller, 1777. D. (C.) elongatus is also referred in Brazil for the first time.
After several Brazilian researches, the author examines the capacity of two species of rodents Cricetidae, Holochilus brasiliensis and Nectomys squamipes, to maintain the biological cycle of Schistosoma mansoni in the field and to be parasite reservoir: (a) the role they are able to play in human endemy; (b) the methods necessary to characterize the population of Schistosoma mansoni related either to man, either to rodents, either to both.