455 resultados para GERIATRICS


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Objectives: We determined the prevalence and nature of behavioural symptoms at the time of admission to a long-term care home (LTCH) and occurrence of resident-to-resident aggressive behaviour associated with behavioural symptoms within three months following admission. Method: The Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory and Aggressive Behaviour Scale were completed at the time residents were admitted into the LTCH. A chart review, conducted three months after admission into the LTCH, abstracted documented resident-to-resident aggression. Three LTCHs located in Ontario, Canada participated in the study. Results: During a 16-month period, 339 individuals admitted to the LTCHs comprised the study sample. A comparison was made between residents with and without dementia. At admission, residents with dementia had a greater number of behavioural symptoms than those without dementia (mean = 3.79, SD = 3.32 versus mean = 2.56, SD = 2.24, respectively; t(200) = 1.91; p = 0.059). Residents with and without dementia exhibited similar behaviours but differed on the prevalence of these behaviours. The most frequently reported behavioural symptoms for residents in both groups were verbal agitation and non-aggressive physical behaviours. The most frequently recorded aggressive behaviour for all residents was resisting care. In the three months post admission, 79 (23%) residents were involved in a documented incident that involved aggressive behaviour to another resident. Conclusion: A standardized comprehensive assessment for admission to a LTCH is an important strategy that can be used to identify behavioural symptoms and plan appropriate care management. 


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Background: No studies have been conducted in the UK context to date that categorise medications in terms of appropriateness for patients with advanced dementia, or that examine medication use in these vulnerable patients.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to categorise the appropriateness of a comprehensive list of medications and medication classes for use in patients with advanced dementia; examine the feasibility of conducting a longitudinal prospective cohort study to collect clinical and medication use data; and determine the appropriateness of prescribing for nursing home residents with advanced dementia in Northern Ireland (NI), using the categories developed.

Methods: A three-round Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was used to categorise the appropriateness of medications for patients with advanced dementia [defined as having Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) scores ranging from 6E to 7F]. This was followed by a longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study that was conducted in three nursing homes in NI. Clinical and medication use for participating residents with advanced dementia (FAST scores ranging from 6E to 7F) were collected and a short test of dementia severity administered. These data were collected at baseline and every 3 months for up to 9 months or until death. For those residents who died during the study period, data were also collected within 14 days of death. The appropriateness ratings from the consensus panel survey were retrospectively applied to residents’ medication data at each data collection timepoint to determine the appropriateness of medications prescribed for these residents.

Results: Consensus was achieved for 87 (90 %) of the 97 medications and medication classes included in the survey. Fifteen residents were recruited to participate in the longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study, four of whom died during the data collection period. Mean numbers of medications prescribed per resident were 16.2 at baseline, 19.6 at 3 months, 17.4 at 6 months and 16.1 at 9 months. Fourteen residents at baseline were taking at least one medication considered by the consensus panel to be never appropriate, and approximately 25 % of medications prescribed were considered to be never appropriate. Post-death data collection indicated a decrease in the proportion of never appropriate medications and an increase in the proportion of always appropriate medications for those residents who died.

Conclusions: This study is the first to develop and apply medication appropriateness indicators for patients with advanced dementia in the UK setting. The Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was a suitable method of developing such indicators. It is feasible to collect information on quality of life, functional performance, physical comfort, neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive function for this subpopulation of nursing home residents with advanced dementia.


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Background: High risk medications are commonly prescribed to older US patients. Currently, less is known about high risk medication prescribing in other Western Countries, including the UK. We measured trends and correlates of high risk medication prescribing in a subset of the older UK population (community/institutionalized) to inform harm minimization efforts. Methods: Three cross-sectional samples from primary care electronic clinical records (UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD) in fiscal years 2003/04, 2007/08 and 2011/12 were taken. This yielded a sample of 13,900 people aged 65 years or over from 504 UK general practices. High risk medications were defined by 2012 Beers Criteria adapted for the UK. Using descriptive statistical methods and regression modelling, prevalence of ‘any’ (drugs prescribed at least once per year) and ‘long-term’ (drugs prescribed all quarters of year) high risk medication prescribing and correlates were determined. Results: While polypharmacy rates have risen sharply, high risk medication prevalence has remained stable across a decade. A third of older (65+) people are exposed to high risk medications, but only half of the total prevalence was long-term (any = 38.4 % [95 % CI: 36.3, 40.5]; long-term = 17.4 % [15.9, 19.9] in 2011/12). Long-term but not any high risk medication exposure was associated with older ages (85 years or over). Women and people with higher polypharmacy burden were at greater risk of exposure; lower socio-economic status was not associated. Ten drugs/drug classes accounted for most of high risk medication prescribing in 2011/12. Conclusions: High risk medication prescribing has not increased over time against a background of increasing polypharmacy in the UK. Half of patients receiving high risk medications do so for less than a year. Reducing or optimising the use of a limited number of drugs could dramatically reduce high risk medications in older people. Further research is needed to investigate why the oldest old and women are at greater risk. Interventions to reduce high risk medications may need to target shorter and long-term use separately.


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In dementia, advance care planning (ACP) of end-of-life issues may start as early as possible in view of the patient’s decreasing ability to participate in decision making. We aimed to assess whether practicing physicians in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom who provide most of the end-of-life care, differ in finding that ACP in dementia should start at diagnosis.

In a cross-sectional study, we surveyed 188 Dutch elderly care physicians who are on the staff of nursing homes and 133 general practitioners from Northern Ireland. We compared difference by country in the outcome (perception of ACP timing), rated on a 1–5 agreement scale. Regression analyses examined whether a country difference can be explained by contrasts in demographics, presence, exposure and role perceptions.

There was wide variability in agreement with the initiation of ACP at dementia diagnosis, in particular in the UK but also in the Netherlands (60.8% agreed, 25.3% disagreed and 14.0% neither agreed, nor disagreed). Large differences in physician characteristics (Dutch physicians being more present, exposed and adopting a stronger role perception) hardly explained the modest country difference. The perception that the physician should take the initiative was independently associated with agreeing with ACP at diagnosis.

There is considerable ambiguity about initiating ACP in dementia at diagnosis among physicians practicing in two different European health care systems and caring for different patient populations. ACP strategies should accommodate not only variations in readiness to engage in ACP early among patient and families, but also among physicians.


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RESUMO: O envelhecimento demográfico tem vindo a aumentar em todo o mundo. Porém, constata-se que os últimos anos de vida são, frequentemente, acompanhados de situações de incapacidade que poderiam ter sido prevenidas. Apesar da importância da actividade física na saúde, verifica-se que uma grande proporção de idosos são sedentários, aumentando o risco de incapacidade. Os profissionais de saúde podem ser influenciados por imagens negativas relativas ao envelhecimento. Tal pode conduzir a práticas de discriminação, com repercussão na forma como os idosos se vêem a si próprios e, consequentemente, no seu comportamento na prática de actividade física. Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar o modo como as imagens do envelhecimento e dos idosos, bem como as práticas idadistas percebidas pelos idosos no contacto com profissionais de saúde influenciam a sua prática de actividade física. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, com recurso à entrevista semi-estruturada e de associação livre das palavras, sendo entrevistados 18 utentes que recorreram a um Centro de Saúde. Pelos resultados, constatou-se que uma parte considerável dos participantes (n=8) mencionou que a forma como são vistos pelos profissionais de saúde e como estes lidam consigo influencia a sua prática de actividade física. A imagem mais referida como favorecendo esta prática foi o facto de se considerarem pessoas com vontade de viver. Como principal prática favorecedora identificou-se o aconselhamento/educação para a saúde. A imagem mais mencionada como dificultando a actividade física foi a de os idosos serem deprimidos/tristes/aborrecidos e rabugentos/teimosos. As práticas mais identificadas como dificultando a actividade física foram: o desinteresse face aos problemas de saúde; o não encaminhamento para intervenções adequadas às necessidades; a indicação de que o problema de saúde é devido à idade, não o sendo; a postura autoritária em que só o profissional decide a opção terapêutica; e a verbalização de que o utente já tem muita idade para realizar uma actividade. Conclui-se que as imagens negativas do envelhecimento e dos idosos bem como a existência de práticas idadistas por parte dos profissionais de saúde, condicionam de forma negativa a prática de actividade física nos idosos.---------------ABSTRACT: The aging population has been increasing around the world. However, it appears that the last years of life are often accompanied by situations of disability, which could have been prevented. Despite the importance of physical activity on health, it appears that a large proportion of elderly people are sedentary, increasing the risk of disability. Health professionals may be influenced by negative images related to aging and that may lead to discriminatory practices with repercussion in how older people see themselves and thus their behavior as related to physical activity. This study aims to examine how the images concerning aging and older people, as well as ageist practices perceived by older people in contact with health professionals, do influence their physical activity. A qualitative study was conducted using a semi-structured interview and techniques of free word association. Eighteen primary care elderly users were interviewed. A considerable proportion of the sample (n=8) mentioned that the way health professionals see them and deal with them influences their level of physical activity. The image that most favoured this practice was that people are willing to live. Counseling/health education was identified as the main favouring practice. The image which was most often mentioned as hindering physical activity was that of elderly as being depressed, sad or bored, and grumpy or stubborn.The practices most often identified as hindering physical activity were: lack of interest regarding health problems; non-referral to appropriate intervention needs; indicating that the health problem is due to age, not being the case; authoritarian professional attitudes regarding who decides the treatment options; verbalization that the user is already to old to perform an activity. This study concludes that the negative images of aging and older people as well the existence of ageist practices by health professionals negatively affect the practice of physical activity in the elderly.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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In geriatrics, driving cessation is addressed within the biopsychosocial model. This has broadened the scope of practitioners, not only in terms of assessing fitness to drive, but also by helping to maintain social engagements and provide support for transport transition. Causes can be addressed at different levels by adapting medication, improving physical health, modifying behaviour, adapting lifestyle, or bringing changes to the environment. This transdisciplinary approach requires an understanding of how different disciplines are linked to each other. This article reviews the philosophical principles of causality between fields and provides a framework for understanding causality within the biopsychosocial model. Understanding interlevel constraints should help practitioners overcome their differences, and favor transversal approaches to driving cessation.


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Les résultats de cette recherche faite auprès de cadres intermédiaires qui sont les gestionnaires des infirmières travaillant dans des programmes de personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie liée au vieillissement(PALV) montrent qu'il est difficile d'y attirer de nouvelles infirmières en raison du peu de popularité du domaine de la gériatrie.Afin d'y attirer des candidates, les cadres peuvent faire valoir le défi de gérer des situations de santé souvent complexes, la flexibilité des horaires de travail,l'autonomie dont elles disposent dans l'organisation de leur travail, le nombre de week-end de travail moins élevé que dans les hôpitaux et l'absence de travail supplémentaire obligatoire. Selon ces cadres, la rétention des infirmières dans de tels programmes PALV ne crée pas problème. Pour favoriser davantage cette rétention, des mesures élaborées d'orientation et d'encadrement des nouvelles infirmières de même que des mécanismes d'évaluation formelle doivent être mis en place, des efforts doivent être faits pour répartir équitablement les tâches, pour amener les infirmières à agir en tant que gestionnaires de cas et à se délester de tâches au profit des infirmières auxiliaires, et pour les sensibiliser à l'importance de la notion de prise en charge de sa santé par le client; des activités de formation continue significatives pour les infirmières doivent être élaborées à partir de l'analyse de leurs propres besoins et enfin des charges de travail particulières doivent être offertes aux infirmiàres de 55 ans et plus dans le but de les retenir au travail.


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Ce mémoire vise à vérifier l’effet modérateur de la relation d’encadrement LMX sur la relation entre les demandes du travail et l’épuisement émotionnel. Nous avons d’abord étudié la relation d’encadrement LMX et ses effets multiples, particulièrement sur le stress. Nous avons envisagé le LMX comme une ressource qui peut atténuer les effets des demandes du travail (conflit, surcharge et l’ambiguïté de rôle) sur l’épuisement émotionnel, et ce, avec comme fondement théorique le modèle des tensions du travail de Karasek (1979). Pour vérifier notre modèle, nous avons procédé à une analyse secondaire de données recueillies dans le cadre provenant d’une étude précédente réalisée à l’Institut de gériatrie de l’Université de Sherbrooke en 1996. Des analyses descriptives nous ont permis de valider deux de nos trois principales hypothèses à l’effet que le LMX agit comme modérateur sur la relation entre les demandes du travail et l’épuisement émotionnel. En effet, les résultats montrent que plus le LMX est de qualité, moins les relations entre le conflit de rôle et l’épuisement émotionnel ainsi qu’entre la surcharge de rôle et l’épuisement émotionnel sont significatives. Toutefois, nos résultats indiquent que plus le LMX est de qualité, plus l’effet de l’ambiguïté de rôle est relié à l’épuisement émotionnel.


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Introducción: El envejecimiento de las poblaciones en las sociedades desarrolladas, es una de las mayores preocupaciones políticas, sociales y sanitarias. En España, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2001), en el año 1998, el 16,2% de la población tiene más de 65 años y la situación global de estas cifras tiene una tendencia al incremento en los próximos años. Debemos considerar que además ésta es la población que precisa de un mayor cuidado enfermero y médico, tanto en lo referente a la patología física, psíquica como a las alteraciones sociales. Los problemas nutricionales, de reposo y sueño, cardiocirculatorios, osteoarticulares, respiratorios, de continencia urinaria, de dolor, etc., generan una dependencia en muchos casos y conllevan un mayor malestar psíquico. Debemos considerar la mayor prevalencia en este grupo de edad de alteraciones psíquicas como la depresión, los trastornos de ansiedad y las alteraciones cognitivas. Ante esta problemática y la importante relación entre enfermedad física y psíquica, se hace preciso tener en cuenta 2 aspectos fundamentales en la elaboración de un programa de Promoción de salud y Educación para la Salud (EpS) en psicogeriatría: . La EpS en el anciano sano. . La EpS en el anciano enfermo, la familia y/o cuidador principal


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Introducción: el dolor neuropático es una patología de considerable prevalencia e impacto socio-económico en la población latinoamericana, la evidencia clínica sugiere que los ligandos de canales de calcio y el parche de Lidocaína pueden tratar exitosamente el dolor neuropático periférico y localizado. Metodología: se realizo una evaluación económica tipo costo-efectividad, observacional y retrospectiva con datos extraídos de las historias clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la clínica de dolor de la IPS. La variable primaria de efectividad fue la mejoría del dolor medida mediante escala visual análoga. Resultados: se estudiaron 94 pacientes tratados con: Gabapentina (G) 21, Pregabalina (P) 24, Gabapentina+ lidocaína (G/P) 24, Pregabalina + Lidocaína (P/L) 25, los costos asociados al tratamiento son los siguientes COP$114.070.835, COP$105.855.920, COP$88.717.481 COP$89.854.712 respectivamente, el número de pacientes con mejoría significativa de dolor fue: 8,10,9 y 21 pacientes respectivamente. El ICER de G/L con respecto a G fue: COP$ -25.353.354. El ICER de P/L con respecto a P fue: COP$ -1.454.655. Conclusiones: la adición del parche de lidocaína a la terapia regular con P/L represento una disminución de consumo de recursos en salud como uso de medicamentos co-analgésicos, analgésicos de rescate y fármacos para controlar reacciones adversas, de la misma forma que consultas a profesionales de la salud. Cada paciente manejado con P/L representa un ahorro de COP $1.454.655 al contrario si se manejase con el anticonvulsivante de manera exclusiva, en el caso de G/L este ahorro es de COP $ 25.353.354 frente a G sola.