916 resultados para GENOMIC DNA
A Deficiência Intelectual (DI) é uma condição definida como um funcionamento intelectual significativamente prejudicado, expresso juntamente com limitações em pelo menos duas áreas do comportamento adaptativo que se manifestam antes dos 18 anos de idade. A prevalência estimada da DI na população em geral é de 2-3% e um número expressivo de casos permanece sem um diagnóstico definitivo. Há um consenso geral de que a DI é mais comum em indivíduos do sexo masculino em relação aos do sexo feminino. Entre as explicações para este excesso está a concentração de genes específicos para a habilidade cognitiva no cromossomo X. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenas moléculas de RNA não codificador que modulam a expressão gênica pós-transcricional de RNAs mensageiros alvo. Recentemente, estudos têm demonstrado a importância essencial dos miRNAs para o desenvolvimento e funcionamento cerebrais e sabe-se que o cromossomo X tem uma alta densidade de genes de miRNAs. Neste contexto, os miRNAs são candidatos potenciais como fatores genéticos envolvidos na Deficiência Intelectual Ligada ao X (DILX). Neste estudo, foram analisadas as regiões genômicas de 17 genes de miRNAs expressos no cérebro localizados no cromossomo X, com o objetivo de investigar o possível envolvimento de variantes na sequência destes miRNAs na DILX. Para este fim, selecionamos amostras de DNA genômico (sangue periférico) de 135 indivíduos do sexo masculino portadores de DI sugestiva de DILX de um grupo de mais de 1.100 pacientes com DI encaminhados ao Serviço de Genética Humana da UERJ. O critério de inclusão para este estudo era de que os probandos apresentassem um ou mais parentes do sexo masculino afetados pela DI que fossem interligados por via materna. As amostras de DNA dos pacientes foram amplificadas utilizando a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase, seguida por purificação e sequenciamento direto pelo método de Sanger dos fragmentos amplificados. Para avaliar a conservação dos 17 miRNAs foi realizada uma análise filogenética in silico incluindo sequências dos miRNAs selecionados de humanos e de outras 8 espécies de primatas estreitamente relacionadas. Não foram encontradas alterações nas sequências nos genes de 17 miRNAs analisados, mesmo diante do padrão genético altamente heterogêneo da população brasileira. Adicionalmente, a análise filogenética destes miRNAs revelou uma alta conservação entre as espécies comparadas. Considerando o papel dos miRNAs como reguladores da expressão gênica, a ausência de alterações e a alta conservação entre primatas sugerem uma forte pressão seletiva sobre estas moléculas, reforçando a sua importância funcional para o organismo em geral. Apesar de não termos encontrado variantes de sequência nos miRNAs estudados, o envolvimento de miRNAs na DI não pode ser completamente descartado. Alterações fora da molécula de miRNA precursor, nos fatores de processamento, nos sítios alvo e variações no número de cópias de genes de miRNAs podem implicar em alteração na expressão dos miRNAs e, consequentemente, na funcionalidade do miRNA maduro. Sendo assim, uma análise sistemática da expressão de miRNAs em pacientes com DILX é urgentemente necessária, a fim de desvendar novos genes/mecanismos moleculares relacionados a esta condição.
Diabetes mellitus e doenças periodontais são altamente prevalentes na população mundial. Doenças periodontais (DPs) compreendem um grupo de condições crônicas inflamatórias induzidas por microorganismos que levam à inflamação gengival, à destruição tecidual periodontal e à perda óssea alveolar. Diabetes mellitus (DM) é o termo utilizado para descrever um grupo de desordens metabólicas associadas à intolerância à glicose e ao metabolismo inadequado de carboidratos. Uma vez que DPs poderiam agir de forma similar a outros estados infecciosos sistêmicos, aumentando a severidade do diabetes, uma possível relação entre ambas tem sido considerada em todo o mundo. Polimorfismos genéticos de um único nucleotídeo (SNPs) têm sido estudados em diversas doenças. Nas periodontites, acredita-se que possam estar envolvidos na exacerbação da resposta inflamatória frente ao desafio bacteriano, modificando a susceptibilidade do hospedeiro. Neste estudo, a prevalência de periodontite foi avaliada em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo I. Posteriormente, o SNP localizado na região promotora do gene TNFA (-1031T>C) foi analisado e sua importância para a doença periodontal destrutiva foi avaliada. O grupo teste foi constituído por diabéticos tipo I (DGT, n=113) enquanto o grupo controle por indivíduos não diabéticos (ND, n=73). Para as análises dos polimorfismos genéticos, um subgrupo foi retirado do grupo teste (DG, n=58) e comparado ao grupo ND. Os seguintes parâmetros clínicos e demográficos foram avaliados: percentual de sítios com profundidade de bolsa 6,0 mm (%PBS6,0 mm); índice gengival (IG); perda óssea radiográfica (POR); fumo; duração do diabetes ; idade; índice de massa corpórea (IMC), n de internações e n de dentes presentes. Amostras de sangue e/ou esfregaço bucal foram colhidas de 58 pacientes do grupo teste e de 73 controles. Após a extração do DNA genômico e amplificação da região genômica de interesse por PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), o polimorfismo TNFA 1031T>C foi analisado por BbsI RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). A análise dos produtos de digestão foi feita por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida 8%. A análise estatística das freqüências alélica e genotípica juntamente com os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos entre os 2 grupos foi feita através do teste do Mann-Whitney e do Qui-quadrado. Os grupos de estudo obedecem ao princípio de Hardy-Weinberg. No grupo ND, as seguintes freqüências genotípicas foram encontradas: 78,1% (T/T); 20,5% (T/C) e 1,4% (C/C) enquanto no grupo D foram: 42,4%(T/T); 37,3% (T/C) e 20,3% (C/C). A frequência do alelo T no grupo diabético (D) foi de 0,610 ao passo que no grupo ND foi de 0,883. Não foi possível encontrar uma relação entre o polimorfismo -1031 T>C do gene TNFA e a presença de periodontite em diabéticos tipo I. Entretanto, o polimorfismo estudado se mostrou significativamente relacionado (p<0,0001 e OR= 4.85 95%IC 2,271-10,338) à presença do diabetes tipo I.
Nos últimos anos, duas espécies de lagostas sapateiras, Scyllarides brasiliensis e S. deceptor, vêm se destacando nos desembarques pesqueiros de lagostas do Atlântico Sul Ocidental. Para espécies comercialmente importantes, o desenvolvimento de estudos que permitam conhecer a variabilidade e entender a dinâmica populacional é fundamental. Assim, o objetivo do primeiro capítulo desta tese foi avaliar a diversidade genética e a estrutura populacional dessas duas lagostas ao longo de aprox. 2.800 km da costa da América do Sul. Para as análises, foram empregados marcadores mitocondriais (citocromo oxidase I: COI; e a região controle: RC) e marcadores nucleares (13 loci de microssatélites desenvolvidos nesta tese). As duas espécies apresentaram altos níveis de variabilidade (S. deceptor: N = 200, mtDNA: h > 0,841, π > 0,005; microssatélites: He = 0,685; S. brasiliensis: N = 211, He = 0,554), distribuídos homogeneamente entre as localidades (S. deceptor: ΦST < -0,004, ΦCT < 0,016, FST global = 0,001, Dest global = 0,003, FCT < 0,002, P > 0,05, K = 1; S. brasiliensis: FST global = 0,004, Dest global = 0,001, FCT < 0,004, P > 0,05, K = 1). A ausência de estruturação nas duas espécies pode estar relacionada a características biológicas que promovem a conectividade entre localidades geograficamente distantes, como alta fecundidade e alto potencial de dispersão das larvas planctônicas. Além disso, os dados mitocondriais sugerem que a história demográfica de S. deceptor foi marcada por eventos de expansão populacionais e geográficos possivelmente relacionados às condições ambientais favoráveis dos episódios interglaciais do Pleistoceno Médio-Tardio. Diversos estudos têm mostrado que os fenômenos de inserção de regiões mitocondriais no DNA nuclear (NuMts) e heteroplasmia limitam a correta amplificação e identificação dos marcadores mitocondriais. Em estudos filogenéticos e de genética de populações, a presença inadvertida de sequências de diversas origens viola o principio de ortologia, o que pode resultar em inferências evolutivas erradas. Assim, o objetivo do segundo capítulo desta tese foi identificar e caracterizar os possíveis NuMts e sequências heteroplásmicas de três regiões mitocondriais (COI, RC e o gene da subunidade maior do RNA ribossomal: 16S) em quatro espécies do gênero Scyllarides (S. aequinoctialis, S. brasiliensis, S. deceptor e S. delfosi). A clonagem e sequenciamento de extratos de DNA genômico e DNA enriquecido com mtDNA revelaram que os genomas destas espécies podem exibir NuMts (que divergem entre 0,6 e 17,6% do mtDNA) e heteroplasmia (que divergem < 0,2% do mtDNA prevalente). Os NuMts surgiram possivelmente de vários eventos independentes de integração ao núcleo ao longo da história evolutiva do gênero Scyllarides. Dependendo do seu grau de similaridade com o mtDNA, a presença de NuMts nas análises filogenéticas no nível de gênero pode causar superestimativa do número de espécies e alterações nos comprimentos dos ramos e nas relações filogenéticas entre espécies.
分离自新疆干旱荒漠地区的固氮蓝藻Nostoc spp.被证明具有较高的乙炔还原活性和特异抗逆性。为了保存Nostoc spp.的优良遗传性状和今后研究所需,我们以EMBL4噬菌体为载体,以Sau3AI部分酶解的15-22kb DNA片段为供体,构建了Nostoc spp.的基因组文库。以克氏肺炎杆菌和Anabaena sp. PCC7120的nifHDK DNA片段为探针,通过三轮噬菌斑原位杂交,成功地从基因文库中分离到了六个重组噬菌体阳性克隆。Southern杂交验证插入片段含有Nostoc spp.的固氮酶结构基因序列,并对其限制酶切图谱作了初步分析。
The large-insert genomic DNA library is a critical resource for genome-wide genetic dissection of target species. We constructed a high-redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of a New World monkey species, the black-handed spider monkey
A Gram-positive bacterium, designated strain CW 7(T), was isolated from forest soil in Anhui Province, south-east China. Cells were strictly aerobic, motile with peritrichous flagella and rod-shaped. The strain grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and pH 7.0-8.0. The major fatty acids of strain CW 7(T) were anteiso-C-15:0, iso-C-15:0 and anteiso-C-17:0. The predominant menaquinone was MK-7. The cell-wall peptidoglycan contained meso-diaminopimelic acid. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 42.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that strain CW 7(T) belonged to a monophyletic cluster within the genus Bacillus and showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of less than 96.5% to recognized species of the genus Bacillus. The results of the polyphasic taxonomic study, including phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses, showed that strain CW 7(T) represents a novel species of the genus Bacillus, for which the name Bacillus pallidus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CW 7(T) (=KCTC 13200(T)=CCTCC AB 207188(T)=LMG 24451(T)).
Antimicrobial peptides secreted by the skin of many amphibians play an important role in innate immunity. From two skin cDNA libraries of two individuals of the Chinese red belly toad (Bombina maxima), we identified 56 different antimicrobial peptide cDNA sequences, each of which encodes a precursor peptide that can give rise to two kinds of antimicrobial peptides, maximin and maximin H. Among these cDNA, we found that the mean number of nucleotide substitution per non-synonymous site in both the maximin and maximin H domains significantly exceed the mean number of nucleotide substitution per synonymous site, whereas the same pattern was not observed in other structural regions, such as the signal and propiece peptide regions, suggesting that these antimicrobial peptide genes have been experiencing rapid diversification driven by Darwinian selection. We cloned and sequenced seven genes amplified from skin or liver genomic DNA. These genes have three exons and share the same gene structure, in which both maximin and maximin H are encoded by the third exon. This suggests that alternative splicing and somatic recombination are less likely to play a role in creating the diversity of maximins and maximin Hs. The gene trees based on different domain regions revealed that domain shuffling or gene conversion among these genes might have happened frequently.
A Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile, non-spore-forming bacterium, designated strain HR2(T) was isolated from a soil sample from the Talklimaken Desert in Xinjiang Province, China. Strain HR2(T) grew optimally at pH 7.0-8.0 and 30-37 degrees C in the presence of 0-1% (w/v) NaCl. An analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain HR2(T) fell within the radiation of the genus Pseudomonas, the highest level of similarity being found with respect to Pseudomonas luteola IAM 13000(T) (97.5%); the levels of sequence similarity with respect to other recognized Pseudomonas species were < 96.4%. DNA-DNA hybridization showed that the genetic relatedness between strain HR2(T) and P. luteola IAM 13000(T) was 53.2%. The G + C content of the genomic DNA of strain HR2(T) was 55.2 mol%. The major fatty acids were 18: 1, summed feature 3 and 16:0. The hydroxylated fatty acids 10:0 3-OH, 12:0 3-OH and 12:0 2-OH were also present. The data obtained in this polyphasic study indicated that this isolate represents a novel species of the genus Pseudomonas, for which the name Pseudomonas duriflava sp. nov. is proposed, The type strain is HR2(T) (=KCTC 221129(T) =CGMCC 1.6858(T)).
For study the genetic diversity of Caspian brown trout population in five rivers in the southern part of Caspian Sea in Iran 182 number generators in the fall and winter of 1390 were collected in Chalus, Sardab Rud, Cheshmeh Kileh, Kargan Rud and Astara rivers. Then about 3-5 g of soft and fresh tissue from the bottom fin fish removed and were fixed in ethanol 96°. Genomic DNA was extracted by using ammonium acetate, then quantity and quality of the extracted DNA were determined by using spectrophotometry and horizontal electrophoresis in 1% agarose gel. The polymerase chain reaction was performed by using 16 SSR primers and sequencing primers (D-Loop) and the quality of PCR products amplified by SSR method were performed by using horizontal electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel. Alleles and their sizes were determined by using vertical electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide gel and silver nitrate staining method. Gel images were recorded by gel documentarian, the bands were scored by using Photo- Capt software and statistical analysis was performed by using Gene Alex and Pop Gene software. Also the PCR sequencing products after quality assessment by usinghorizontal electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel were purified and sent to South Korea Bioneer Corporation for sequencing. Sequencing was performed by chain termination method and the statistical analysis was performed by using Bio- Edit, Mega, Arlequin and DNA SP software. The SSR method, 5 pairs of primers produced polymorphic bands and the average real and effective number of alleles were calculated 5.60±1.83 and 3.87±1.46 in the Cheshmeh Kileh river and 7.60±1.75 and 5.48±1.32 in the Karganrud river and the mean observed and expected heterozygosity were calculated 0.44 ±0.15 and 0.52 ±0.16 in the Cheshmeh Kileh river and 0.50 ±0.11 and 0.70±0.13 in the Karganrud river. Analysis of Molecular Variance results showed that significant differences in genetic diversity between and within populations and between and within individuals in the studied rivers (P<0.01). The sequencing method identified 35 different haplotype, the highest number of polymorphic position (251) and haplotype (14) were observed in the Chalus river. The highest mean observed number of alleles (2.24±0.48) was calculated in the Sardabrud river, the highest mean observed heterozygosity (1.00±0.03) was calculated in the Chalus river and the highest mean nucleotide diversity (0.13±0.07) was observed in the Sardabrud river and mean haplotype diversity was obtained (1) in three studied rivers. The overall results show that there are no same population of this fish in the studied rivers and Karganrud and Chalus rivers in the SSR and sequencing methods had the highest levels of genetic diversity.
In order to carry out Biometric studies, 75 samples were caught from 3 locations ( Tajan river, Sefidrud and Shirud) using Salic and the length (±1 mm) and weights (± 5 gr) of samples were determined. Using One-way ANOVA by SPPSS software, there wasn’t significant difference between locations in length and fecondity (P ≥0.01(, but there was significant difference between Shirud and tajan samples with sefidrud in weight ) P≤0.01(. In order to carry out genetic variation studies, 210 fish were caught from 3 different regions of the Iranian coastline (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud) and 1 region in Azerbaijan (Waters of the Caspian Sea close to Kura River mouth) during 2008-2009 . Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform. The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using 15 paired microsatellite primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Molecular weight calculate using UVTech software. The recorded microsatellite genotypes were used as input data for the GENALEX software version 6 package in order to calculate allele and genotype frequencies, observed (Ho) and (He) expected heterozygosities and to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic distance between two populations was estimated from Nei standard genetic distance and genetic similarity index (Nei, 1972). Genetic differentiation between populations was also evaluated by the calculation of pairwise estimates of Fst and Rst values. From 15 SSR markers were used in this investigation, 9 of them were polymorph. Average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed in all of location except Anzali lagoon- autumn in AF277576 and EF144125, Khoshkrud in EF144125 and Gorganrud and Kura in AF277576. Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations ) P≤0.01(. According to Fst , the highest population differentiation (Fst= 0.217) was between Gorganrud and Khoshkrud that have the lowest Nm and the lowest (Fst= 0.086) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon that have the highest Nm. Using Rst the highest population differentiation (Rst= 0.271) was between Tonekabon and spring Anzali lagoon and the lowest (Rst= 0.026) was between Tonekabon and Autumn Anzali 159 lagoon. Also the difference between Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon was noticeable (Fst=0.15). AMOVA analysis with consideration of 2 sampling regions (Iran and Azerbaijan) and 7 sampling locations (Iran: Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon ; Azerbaijan: the Kura mouth) revealed that almost all of the variance in data namely 83% )P≤0.01( was within locations, Genetic variances among locations was 14% )P≤0.01( and among regions was 3% )P≤0.01(. The genetic distance was the highest (0.646) between Gorganrud and Autumn Anzali lagoon populations, whereas the lowest distance (0.237) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon River. Result obtained from the present study show that at least 2 different population of Rutilus frissi kutum are found in the Caspian sea,which are including the kura river population and the southern Caspian sea samples and it appears that there is more than one population in southern Caspian sea that should be attantioned in artifical reproduction Center and stoke rebilding.
A total of 361 caudal fin samples were collected from adult A. stellatus specimens caught in the north Caspian Sea, including specimens from Kazakhstan (Ural River), Russia (Volga River), Azerbaijan (Kura River), specimens caught in the south Caspian Sea including specimens from Fishery Zone 1 (from Astara to Anzali), Fishery Zone 2 (from Anzali to Ramsar), Fishery Zone 3 (from Nowshahr to Babolsar), Fishery Zone 4 (from Miyankaleh to Gomishan) as well as from specimens caught in Turkmenistan (all specimens were collected during the sturgeon stock assessment survey). About 2 g of fin tissue was removed from each caudal fin sample, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using phenol-chloroform method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% Agarose gel electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 paired microsatellite primer. PCR products were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels (6%) that were stained using silver nitrate. Electrophoretic patterns and DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity allele number, and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, FST and RST were calculated. The Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendrogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of the hierarchy. It is evident from the results obtained that the 15 paired primers studied, polymorphism was observed in 10 pairs in 12 loci, while one locus did not produce DNA bands. Mean allele number was 13.6. Mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.86 and 0.642, respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium in most of the loci (P≤0.001). Highest Fst (0.063) was observed when comparing specimens from Fishery Zone 2 and Fishery Zone 4 (Nm=3.7) and lowest FST (0.028) was observed when comparing specimens from the Volga River and those from the Ural River (8.7). Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between RST recorded in the specimens studied. Highest genetic distance (0.604) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.547) were observed between specimens from Fishery zones 2 and 4. Lowest genetic distance (0.311) and highest genetic resemblance (0.733) was observed between specimens from Turkmenistan and specimens from Fishery zone 1. Based on the genetic dendrogeram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, A. stellatus specimens from Fishery zone 2 or in other words specimens from the Sepidrud River belong to one cluster which divides into two clusters, one of which includes specimens from Fishery zones 1, 3 and 4 and specimens from Turkmenistan while the other cluster includes specimens from Ural, Volga and Kura Rivers. It is thus evident that the main population of this species belongs to the Sepidrud River. Results obtained from the present study show that at least eight different populations of A. stellatus are found in the north and south Caspian Sea, four of which are known populations including the Ural River population, the Volga River population, the Kura River population and the Sepidrud River populations. The four other populations identified belonging to Fishery zones 1, 3, and 4 and to Turkmenistan are most probably late or early spawners of the spring run and autumn run of each of the major rivers mentioned. Specific markers were also identified for each of the populations identified. The Ural River population can be identified using primers Spl-68, 54b and Spl-104, 163 170, 173, the Volga River population can be identified using primers LS-54b and Spl-104, 170, 173 113a and similarly the population from the Kura River can be identified using primers LS-34, 54b and Spl-163, 173 and that from the Sepidrud River can be identified using primers LS-19, 34, 54b and Spl-105, 113b. This study gives evidence of the presence of different populations of this species and calls for serious measures to be taken to protect the genetic stocks of these populations. Considering that the population of A. stellatus in Fishery zone 2 is an independent population of the Sepidrud River in the Gilan Province, the catch of these fishes in the region needs to be controlled and regulated in order to restore the declining stocks of this species.
The genetic structure of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations was studied using microsatellite technique. A total of 207 specimens of adult pikeperch were collected from Aras dam (57 specimens), Anzali wetland (50 specimens), Talesh (50 specimens) and Chaboksar (50 specimens) coasts. Also a total of 158 specimens of adult perch were collected from Anzali (Abkenar (50 specimens)and Hendekhale(48 specimens)) and Amirkolaye(60 specimens) wetlands. About 2 g of each specimen's dorsal fin was removed, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using ammonium-acetate method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 pairs of microsatellite primers. PCR products were electrophoresed on poly acryl amide gels (6%) that were stained that were stained using silver nitrate. DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected and observed heterozygosity , allele number and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, Fst, Rst, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of hierarchy. The results for P. fluviatilis showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 4.1±1.1 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.56±0.12 and 0.58±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.095) with Nm=2.37 was observed between Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest Fst (0.004) with Nm=59.31 was observed between Abkenar and Hendekhale. According to AMOVA Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. In another words there are two distinct populations of this species in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. The highest genetic distance (0.181) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.834) were observed between specimens from Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest genetic distance (0.099) and highest genetic 176 resemblance (0.981) were observed between specimens from Abkenar and Hendekhale. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Anzali and Amirkolaye wetlands have the same ancestor. On the other hand there is no noticeable genetic distance between the specimens of these two regions. Also the results for S. lucioperca showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 3.0±0.6 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.52±0.21 and 0.50±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.093) with Nm=2.43 was observed between Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest Fst (0.022) with Nm=11.27 was observed between Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions exept for Talesh and Chaboksar Coasts. In another words there are three distinct populations of this species in Caspian sea, Anzali wetland and Aras dam. Highest genetic distance (0.110) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.896) were observed between specimens from Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest genetic distance (0.034) and highest genetic resemblance (0.966) were observed between specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts have the lowest genetic distance. On the other hand the main population of this species belongs to Anzali wetland. Phylogenetic relationship of these two species was inferred using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing. For this purpose 2 specimens of P. fluviatilis from Anzali wetland, 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Aras dam and 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Anzali wetland were sequenced and submitted in Gene Bank. These sequences were aligned with Clustal W. The phylogenic relationships were assessed with Mega 4. The results of evolutionary history studies of these species using Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony methods showed that the evolutionary origin of pikeperch in Aras Dam and Anzali wetland is common. On the other hand these two species had common ancestor in about 4 million years ago. Also different sequences of any region specimens are supposed as different haplotypes. 177 As a conclusion the results of this study showed that microsatellite and mtDNA sequencing methods respectively are effective in genetic structure and phylogenic studies of P. fluviatilis and S. lucioperca.
In this study, an IL-8 homologue has been cloned and identified from a reptile, Chinese soft-shelled turtle for the first time. The full-length cDNA of turtle IL-8 was 1188 bp and contained a 312 bp open reading frame (ORF) coding for a protein of 104 amino acids. The chemokine CXC domain, which contained Glu-Leu-Arg (ELR) motif and four cysteine residues, was well conserved in turtle IL-8. The 4924 bp genomic DNA of turtle IL-8 contained four exons and three introns. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of turtle IL-8 clustered together with birds. RT-PCR analysis showed that turtle IL-8 mRNA was constitutively expressed liver, spleen, kidney, heart, blood and intestine tissues of control turtles. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis further indicated that the turtle IL-8 mRNA expression was apparent in various tissues at 8 h and up-regulated significantly during 8 h-7 d after Aeromonas hydrophila infection. The present studies will help us to understand the evolution of IL-8 molecule and the inflammatory response mechanism in reptiles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Natural killer (NK) cell enhancing factor (NKEF) belongs to the newly defined peroxiredoxin (Prx) family. Its functions are to enhance NK cell cytotoxicity and to protect DNA and proteins from oxidative damage. In this study, a partial cDNA sequence of carp NKEF-B was isolated from thymus cDNA library. Subsequently, the full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was obtained by means of 3' and 5' RACE, respectively. The full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was 1022 bp, consisting of a 73 bp 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR), a 355 bp T-terminal UTR, and a 594 bp open reading frame coding for a protein of 197 amino acids. Carp NKEF-B contained two consensus Val-Cys-Pro (VCP) motifs and three consensus cysteine (Cys-51, Cys-70 and Cys-172) residues. Sequence comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of carp NKEF-B had an overall similarity of 74-96% to that of other species homologues. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that carp NKEF-B forms a cluster with other known teleost NKEF-Bs. Then, by PCR we obtained a 5.1 -k long genomic DNA of carp NKEF-B containing six exons and five introns. Realtime RT-PCR results showed that carp NKEF-B gene was predominantly detected in kidney and head kidney under un-infected conditions. Whereas under SVCV-infection condition, the expression of NKEF-B gene was significantly increased in blood cells, gill, intestine and spleen, but maintained in liver, and decreased significantly in kidney and head kidney. Finally, the rNKEF-B was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. By using an antibody against carp rNKEF-B, immunohistochemical study further indicated that NKEF-B positive cells are mainly some RBCs and a few epithelial cells in gill and intestine, and that under SVCV-infection condition, these positive cells or positive products in their cytoplasm were mainly increased in gill and spleen sections of carp. The results obtained in the present study will help to understand the function of NKEF-B in teleost innate immunity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Short and long interspersed elements (SINEs and LINEs, respectively), two types of retroposons, are active in shaping the architecture of genomes and powerful tools for studies of phylogeny and population biology. Here we developed special protocol to apply biotin-streptavidin bead system into isolation of interspersed repeated sequences rapidly and efficiently, in which SINEs and LINEs were captured directly from digested genomic DNA by hybridization to bead-probe complex in solution instead of traditional strategy including genomic library construction and screening. Results: A new couple of SINEs and LINEs that shared an almost identical 3'tail was isolated and characterized in silver carp and bighead carp of two closely related species. These SINEs (34 members), designated HAmo SINE family, were little divergent in sequence and flanked by obvious TSD indicated that HAmo SINE was very young family. The copy numbers of this family was estimated to 2 x 10(5) and 1.7 x 10(5) per haploid genome by Real-Time qPCR, respectively. The LINEs, identified as the homologs of LINE2 in other fishes, had a conserved primary sequence and secondary structures of the 3'tail region that was almost identical to that of HAmo SINE. These evidences suggest that HAmo SINEs are active and amplified recently utilizing the enzymatic machinery for retroposition of HAmoL2 through the recognition of higher-order structures of the conserved 42-tail region. We analyzed the possible structures of HAmo SINE that lead to successful amplification in genome and then deduced that HAmo SINE, SmaI SINE and FokI SINE that were similar in sequence each other, were probably generated independently and created by LINE family within the same lineage of a LINE phylogeny in the genomes of different hosts. Conclusion: The presented results show the advantage of the novel method for retroposons isolation and a pair of young SINE family and its partner LINE family in two carp fishes, which strengthened the hypotheses containing the slippage model for initiation of reverse transcription, retropositional parasitism of SINEs on LINEs, the formation of the stem loop structure in 3'tail region of some SINEs and LINEs and the mechanism of template switching in generating new SINE family.