972 resultados para GENETIC-ANALYSIS


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Leaves are arranged according to regular patterns, a phenomenon referred to as phyllotaxis. Important determinants of phyllotaxis are the divergence angle between successive leaves, and the size of the leaves relative to the shoot axis. Young leaf primordia are thought to provide positional information to the meristem, thereby influencing the positioning of new primordia and hence the divergence angle. On the contrary, the meristem signals to the primordia to establish their dorsoventral polarity, which is a prerequisite for the formation of a leaf blade. These concepts originate from classical microsurgical studies carried out between the 1920s and the 1970s. Even though these techniques have been abandoned in favor of genetic analysis, the resulting insights remain a cornerstone of plant developmental biology. Here, we employ new microsurgical techniques to reassess and extend the classical studies on phyllotaxis and leaf polarity. Previous experiments have indicated that the isolation of an incipient primordium by a tangential incision caused a change of divergence angle between the two subsequent primordia, indicating that pre-existing primordia influence further phyllotaxis. Here.. we repeat these experiments and compare them with the results of laser ablation of incipient primordia. Furthermore. we explore to what extent the different pre-existing primordia influence the size and position of new organs. and hence phyllotaxis. We propose that the two youngest primordia (P-1 and P-2) are sufficient for the approximate positioning of the incipient primordium (I-1), and therefore for the perpetuation of the generative spiral, whereas the direct contact neighbours of I-1 (P-2 and P-3) control its delimitation and hence its exact size and position. Finally. we report L I specific cell ablation experiments suggesting that the meristem L-1 layer is essential for the dorsoventral patterning of leaf primordia.


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Next-generation DNA sequencing platforms can effectively detect the entire spectrum of genomic variation and is emerging to be a major tool for systematic exploration of the universe of variants and interactions in the entire genome. However, the data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies will suffer from three basic problems: sequence errors, assembly errors, and missing data. Current statistical methods for genetic analysis are well suited for detecting the association of common variants, but are less suitable to rare variants. This raises great challenge for sequence-based genetic studies of complex diseases.^ This research dissertation utilized genome continuum model as a general principle, and stochastic calculus and functional data analysis as tools for developing novel and powerful statistical methods for next generation of association studies of both qualitative and quantitative traits in the context of sequencing data, which finally lead to shifting the paradigm of association analysis from the current locus-by-locus analysis to collectively analyzing genome regions.^ In this project, the functional principal component (FPC) methods coupled with high-dimensional data reduction techniques will be used to develop novel and powerful methods for testing the associations of the entire spectrum of genetic variation within a segment of genome or a gene regardless of whether the variants are common or rare.^ The classical quantitative genetics suffer from high type I error rates and low power for rare variants. To overcome these limitations for resequencing data, this project used functional linear models with scalar response to develop statistics for identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for both common and rare variants. To illustrate their applications, the functional linear models were applied to five quantitative traits in Framingham heart studies. ^ This project proposed a novel concept of gene-gene co-association in which a gene or a genomic region is taken as a unit of association analysis and used stochastic calculus to develop a unified framework for testing the association of multiple genes or genomic regions for both common and rare alleles. The proposed methods were applied to gene-gene co-association analysis of psoriasis in two independent GWAS datasets which led to discovery of networks significantly associated with psoriasis.^


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Among Mexican Americans, the second largest minority group in the United States, the prevalence of gallbladder disease is markedly elevated. Previous data from both genetic admixture and family studies indicate that there is a genetic component to the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans. However, prior to this thesis no formal genetic analysis of gallbladder disease had been carried out nor had any contributing genes been identified.^ The results of complex segregation analysis in a sample of 232 Mexican American pedigrees documented the existence of a major gene having two alleles with age- and gender-specific effects influencing the occurrence of gallbladder disease. The estimated frequency of the allele increasing susceptibility was 0.39. The lifetime probabilities that an individual will be affected by gallbladder disease were 1.0, 0.54, and 0.00 for females of genotypes "AA", "Aa", and "aa", respectively, and 0.68, 0.30, and 0.00 for males, respectively. This analysis provided the first conclusive evidence for the existence of a common single gene having a large effect on the occurrence of gallbladder disease.^ Human cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis. The results of an association study in both a random sample and a matched case/control sample showed that there is a significant association between cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene variation and the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans males but not in females. These data have implicated a specific gene, 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase, in the etiology of gallbladder disease in this population.^ Finally, I asked whether the inferred major gene from complex segregation analysis is genetically linked to the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene. Three pedigrees predicted to be informative for linkage analysis by virtue of supporting the major gene hypothesis and having parents with informative genotypes and multiple offspring were selected for this linkage analysis. In each of these pedigrees, the recombination fractions maximized at 0 with a positive, albeit low, LOD score. The results of this linkage analysis provide preliminary and suggestive evidence that the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene and the inferred gallbladder disease susceptibility gene are genetically linked. ^


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The Drosophila melanogaster gene runt encodes a novel transcriptional regulator that was originally identified on the basis of its key role in embryonic pattern formation. For my thesis I undertook a genetic analysis of runt activity to identify loci that interact with this unique transcriptional regulator. Specifically, I screened the genome with deficiencies for loci that interact with runt in a dose-dependent fashion during early embryogenesis. From this screen I discovered a vital dose-dependent interaction between runt and the achaete-scute complex (AS-C). The characterization of this interaction led to the exciting discovery of important roles for runt in sex determination and neurogenesis (Duffy and Gergen 1991, Duffy et al. 1991). I demonstrated that in sex determination runt is necessary for the normal transcriptional activation of the master sex-determining gene Sx1 and has all the properties of an X:A numerator element. I also showed that runt is required during the early stages of neurogenesis for the normal development of a subset of CNS ganglion mother cells and neurons. In addition, the screen, which focused on the identification and characterization of maternal loci that influence the activity of runt during segmentation, identified several new maternal loci, one of which affects the activity of the maternal posterior group genes on embryonic pattern formation. ^


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Hearing is one of the last sensory modalities to be subjected to genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe a behavioral assay for auditory function involving courtship among groups of males triggered by the pulse component of the courtship song. In a mutagenesis screen for mutations that disrupt the auditory response, we have recovered 15 mutations that either reduce or abolish this response. Mutant audiograms indicate that seven mutants reduced the amplitude of the response at all intensities. Another seven abolished the response altogether. The other mutant, 5L3, responded only at high sound intensities, indicating that the threshold was shifted in this mutant. Six mutants were characterized in greater detail. 5L3 had a general courtship defect; courtship of females by 5L3 males also was affected strongly. 5P1 males courted females normally but had reduced success at copulation. 5P1 and 5N18 showed a significant decrement in olfactory response, indicating that the defects in these mutations are not specific to the auditory pathway. Two other mutants, 5M8 and 5N30, produced amotile sperm although in 5N30 this phenotype was genetically separable from the auditory phenotype. Finally, a new adult circling behavior phenotype, the pirouette phenotype, associated with massive neurodegeneration in the brain, was discovered in two mutants, 5G10 and 5N18. This study provides the basis for a genetic and molecular dissection of auditory mechanosensation and auditory behavior.


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Mutations in the hook gene alter intracellular trafficking of internalized ligands in Drosophila. To dissect this defect in more detail, we developed a new approach to visualize the pathway taken by the Bride of Sevenless (Boss) ligand after its internalization into R7 cells. A chimeric protein consisting of HRP fused to Boss (HRP-Boss) was expressed in R8 cells. This chimera was fully functional: it rescued the boss mutant phenotype, and its trafficking was indistinguishable from that of the wild-type Boss protein. The HRP activity of the chimera was used to follow HRP-Boss trafficking on the ultrastructural level through early and late endosomes in R7 cells. In both wild-type and hook mutant eye disks, HRP-Boss was internalized into R7 cells. In wild-type tissue, Boss accumulated in mature multivesicular bodies (MVBs) within R7 cells; such accumulation was not observed in hook eye disks, however. Quantitative electron microscopy revealed a loss of mature MVBs in hook mutant tissue compared with wild type, whereas more than twice as many multilammelar late endosomes were detected. Our genetic analysis indicates that Hook is required late in endocytic trafficking to negatively regulate delivery from mature MVBs to multilammelar late endosomes and lysosomes.


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The extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 can grow phototrophically by means of light-driven proton pumping by bacteriorhodopsin in the purple membrane. Here, we show by genetic analysis of the wild type, and insertion and double-frame shift mutants of Bat that this transcriptional regulator coordinates synthesis of a structural protein and a chromophore for purple membrane biogenesis in response to both light and oxygen. Analysis of the complete Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 genome sequence showed that the regulatory site, upstream activator sequence (UAS), the putative binding site for Bat upstream of the bacterio-opsin gene (bop), is also present upstream to the other Bat-regulated genes. The transcription regulator Bat contains a photoresponsive cGMP-binding (GAF) domain, and a bacterial AraC type helix–turn–helix DNA binding motif. We also provide evidence for involvement of the PAS/PAC domain of Bat in redox-sensing activity by genetic analysis of a purple membrane overproducer. Five additional Bat-like putative regulatory genes were found, which together are likely to be responsible for orchestrating the complex response of this archaeon to light and oxygen. Similarities of the bop-like UAS and transcription factors in diverse organisms, including a plant and a γ-proteobacterium, suggest an ancient origin for this regulon capable of coordinating light and oxygen responses in the three major branches of the evolutionary tree of life. Finally, sensitivity of four of five regulon genes to DNA supercoiling is demonstrated and correlated to presence of alternating purine–pyrimidine sequences (RY boxes) near the regulated promoters.


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The underlying bases of the considerable interindividual variability in pain-related traits are starting to be revealed. Although the relative importance of genes versus experience in human pain perception remains unclear, rodent populations display large and heritable differences in both nociceptive and analgesic sensitivity. The identification and characterization of particularly divergent populations provides a powerful initial step in the genetic analysis of pain, because these models can be exploited to identify genes contributing to the behavior-level variability. Ultimately, DNA sequence differences representing the differential alleles at pain-relevant genes can be identified. Thus, by using a combination of “top-down” and “bottom-up” strategies, we are now able to genetically dissect even complex biological traits like pain. The present review summarizes the current progress toward these ends in both humans and rodents.


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Genetic analysis of plant–pathogen interactions has demonstrated that resistance to infection is often determined by the interaction of dominant plant resistance (R) genes and dominant pathogen-encoded avirulence (Avr) genes. It was postulated that R genes encode receptors for Avr determinants. A large number of R genes and their cognate Avr genes have now been analyzed at the molecular level. R gene loci are extremely polymorphic, particularly in sequences encoding amino acids of the leucine-rich repeat motif. A major challenge is to determine how Avr perception by R proteins triggers the plant defense response. Mutational analysis has identified several genes required for the function of specific R proteins. Here we report the identification of Rcr3, a tomato gene required specifically for Cf-2-mediated resistance. We propose that Avr products interact with host proteins to promote disease, and that R proteins “guard” these host components and initiate Avr-dependent plant defense responses.


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Species of pathogenic microbes are composed of an array of evolutionarily distinct chromosomal genotypes characterized by diversity in gene content and sequence (allelic variation). The occurrence of substantial genetic diversity has hindered progress in developing a comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis of virulence and new therapeutics such as vaccines. To provide new information that bears on these issues, 11 genes encoding extracellular proteins in the human bacterial pathogen group A Streptococcus identified by analysis of four genomes were studied. Eight of the 11 genes encode proteins with a LPXTG(L) motif that covalently links Gram-positive virulence factors to the bacterial cell surface. Sequence analysis of the 11 genes in 37 geographically and phylogenetically diverse group A Streptococcus strains cultured from patients with different infection types found that recent horizontal gene transfer has contributed substantially to chromosomal diversity. Regions of the inferred proteins likely to interact with the host were identified by molecular population genetic analysis, and Western immunoblot analysis with sera from infected patients confirmed that they were antigenic. Real-time reverse transcriptase–PCR (TaqMan) assays found that transcription of six of the 11 genes was substantially up-regulated in the stationary phase. In addition, transcription of many genes was influenced by the covR and mga trans-acting gene regulatory loci. Multilocus investigation of putative virulence genes by the integrated approach described herein provides an important strategy to aid microbial pathogenesis research and rapidly identify new targets for therapeutics research.


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The retinas of macaque monkeys usually contain three types of photopigment, providing them with trichromatic color vision homologous to that of humans. However, we recently used molecular genetic analysis to identify several macaques with a dichromatic genotype. The affected X chromosome of these animals contains a hybrid gene of long-wavelength-sensitive (L) and middle-wavelength-sensitive (M) photopigments instead of separate genes encoding L and M photopigments. The product of the hybrid gene exhibits a spectral sensitivity close to that of M photopigment; consequently, male monkeys carrying the hybrid gene are genetic protanopes, effectively lacking L photopigment. In the present study, we assessed retinal expression of L photopigment in monkeys carrying the hybrid gene. The relative sensitivities to middle-wavelength (green) and long-wavelength (red) light were measured by electroretinogram flicker photometry. We found the sensitivity to red light to be extremely low in protanopic male monkeys compared with monkeys with the normal genotype. In female heterozygotes, sensitivity to red light was intermediate between the genetic protanopes and normal monkeys. Decreased sensitivity to long wavelengths was thus consistent with genetic loss of L photopigment.


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Hypertension is a common trait of multifactorial determination imparting an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and end-stage renal disease. The primary determinants of hypertension, as well as the factors which determine specific morbid sequelae, remain unknown in the vast majority of subjects. Knowledge that a large fraction of the interindividual variation in this trait is genetically determined motivates the application of genetic approaches to the identification of these primary determinants. Success in this effort will afford insights into pathophysiology, permit preclinical identification of subjects with specific inherited susceptibility, and provide opportunities to tailor therapy to specific underlying abnormalities. To date, mutations in three genes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of human hypertension: mutations resulting in ectopic expression of aldosterone synthase enzymatic activity cause a mendelian form of hypertension known as glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism; mutations in the beta subunit of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel cause constitutive activation of this channel and the mendelian form of hypertension known as Liddle syndrome; finally, common variants at the angiotensinogen locus have been implicated in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension in Caucasian subjects, although the nature of the functional variants and their mechanism of action remain uncertain. These early findings demonstrate the feasibility and utility of the application of genetic analysis to dissection of this trait.


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The phenotypic and genetic factor structure of performance on five Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB) subtests and one Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) subtest was explored in 390 adolescent twin pairs (184 monozygotic [MZ]; 206 dizygotic (DZ)). The temporal stability of these measures was derived from a subsample of 49 twin pairs, with test-retest correlations ranging from .67 to .85. A phenotypic factor model, in which performance and verbal factors were correlated, provided a good fit to the data. Genetic modeling was based on the phenotypic factor structure, but also took into account the additive genetic (A), common environmental (C), and unique environmental (E) parameters derived from a fully saturated ACE model. The best fitting model was characterized by a genetic correlated two-factor structure with specific effects, a general common environmental factor, and overlapping unique environmental effects. Results are compared to multivariate genetic models reported in children and adults, with the most notable difference being the growing importance of common genes influencing diverse abilities in adolescence. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The dopamine D4 receptor gene contains a polymorphic sequence consisting of a variable number of 48-base-pair (bp) repeats, and there have been a number of reports that this polymorphism is associated with variation in novelty seeking or in substance abuse and addictive behaviors. In this study we have assessed the linkage and association of DRD4 genotype with novelty seeking, alcohol use, and smoking in a sample of 377 dizygotic twin pairs and 15 single twins recruited from the Australian Twin Registry (ATR). We found no evidence of linkage or association of the DRD4 locus with any of the phenotypes. We made use of repeated measures for some phenotypes to increase power by multivariate genetic analysis, but allelic effects were still non-significant. Specifically, it has been suggested that the DRD4 7-repeat allele is associated with increased novelty seeking in males but we found no evidence for this, despite considerable power to do so. We conclude that DRD4 variation does not have an effect on use of alcohol and the problems that arise from it, on smoking, or on novelty seeking behavior. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background. We examined whether there are genetic influences on nicotine withdrawal. and whether there are genetic factors specific to nicotine withdrawal, after controlling for factors responsible for risk of progression beyond experimentation with cigarettes and for quantity smoked (average number of cigarettes per day at peak lifetime use). Method. Epidemiologic and genetic analyses were conducted using telephone diagnostic interview data from Young adult Australian twins reporting any cigarette use (3026 women. 2553 men: mean age 30 years). Results. Genetic analysis of the eight symptoms of DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal suggests heritability is intermediate for most symptoms (26-43%). and Similar in men and women. The exceptions were depressed mood upon withdrawal. which had stronger additive genetic influences in men (53%) compared to worrien (29%). and decreased heart rate. which had low heritability (9%). Although prevalence rates were substantlally lower for DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal syndrome (15-9%), which requires impairment. than for the DSM-IV nicotine dependence withdrawal criterion (43.6%), heritability was similar for both measures: as high as 47%. Genetic modeling of smoking more than 1 or 2 cigarettes lifetime ('progression'). qualtity smoked and nicotine withdrawal found significant genetic overlap across all three components of nicotine use/dependence (genetic correlations = 0.53-0.76). Controlling for factors associated with risk of cigarette smoking beyond experimentation and quantity smoked, evidence for genetic influences specific to nicotine withdrawal (up to 23% of total variance) remained. Conclusions. Our results suggest that at least some individuals become 'hooked' or progress in the smoking habit, in part, because of it vulnerability to nicotine withdrawal.