188 resultados para GA3


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In plants, gibberellin (GA)-responding mutants have been used as tools to identify the genes that control specific steps in the GA-biosynthetic pathway. They have also been used to determine which native GAs are active per se, i.e., further metabolism is not necessary for bioactivity. We present metabolic evidence that the D1 gene of maize (Zea mays L.) controls the three biosynthetic steps: GA20 to GA1, Ga20 to GA5, and GA5 to GA3. We also present evidence that three gibberellins, GA1, GA5, and GA3, have per se activity in stimulating shoot elongation in maize. The metabolic evidence comes from the injection of [17-13C,3H]GA20 and [17-13C,3H]GA5 into seedlings of d1 and controls (normal and d5), followed by isolation and identification of the 13C-labeled metabolites by full-scan GC-MS and Kovats retention index. For the controls, GA20 was metabolized to GA1,GA3, and GA5; GA5 was metabolized to GA3. For the d1 mutant, GA20 was not metabolized to GA1, GA3, or to GA5, and GA5 was not metabolized to GA3. The bioassay evidence is based on dosage response curves using d1 seedlings for assay. GA1, GA3, and GA5 had similar bioactivities, and they were 10-times more active than GA20.


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Prevalence of low temperature at sowing results in poor rice seed germination, seedling establishment and vigour in several temperate rice growing countries around the world. Rice seed of four cultivars (Sasanishiki, H433, HSC-55 and Doongara) was soaked in various combinations of gibberellic acid(3) (GA(3)) and glycinebetaine (GB) in petri dishes placed in a low temperature glasshouse (18/13 degrees C; day/night) for 2 days. After the 2 days soak, 10 treated seed were transferred into plastic pots filled with soil and seedlings were grown in the same glasshouse, where seed was treated. Seedling emergence was least affected by low temperature in cold tolerant cultivar, HSC-55, while other three cultivars showed reduced seedling emergence. However, seedling emergence increased significantly in some cultivars in response to seed treatment with GA(3) and/or GB. Seedlings emerged faster even in the cold tolerant cultivar, HSC-55, as measured by reduced mean emergence time (MET), in response to GB. Seedling height and seedling dry matter also increased in response to both GA(3) and GB. Combined treatment of both GA(3) and GB was more beneficial in increasing seedling emergence and vigour than the treatment with only GA3 or GB. We demonstrated significant genotypic differences for seedling emergence and vigour and not all cultivars responded to the treatment with GA(3) and GB, under low temperature.


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The acclimatization and ex vitro establishment of tissue cultured coconut plantlets regenerated either from zygotic or somatic embryos could result to serious losses. Although high germination rates can be achieved in vitro, the survival of zygotic embryo derived plantlets in soil is very low (0-30%). Hence, treatments that could promote development of good quality seedlings having well-developed shoot and root is needed to increase seedling survival ex vitro. The effect of physical, chemical and light quality treatments on germination and growth of coconut embryos and tissue-cultured seedlings respectively, was investigated. The germination of coconut embryos was promoted when placed in a liquid Euwens (Y3) medium and incubated using a roller drum. Gibberellic acid (GA3) significantly affected growth of seedlings as it promoted shoot elongation, shoot and root expansion, and fresh and dry weight increase. However, GA3 did not significantly affect germination. In addition, the blue, red and yellow light significantly affected growth of seedlings as it promoted leaf and shoot elongation, fresh and dry weight increase, and root and leaf production. These conditions could be used to improve the growth and survival ex vitro of tissue cultured coconuts.


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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is characterised by prolonged and exaggerated airways inflammation. Despite recent developments to overcome the underlying functional defect in CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), there is still an unmet need to reduce the inflammatory response. The NF-kB regulator A20 is a key target to normalise the inflammatory response and is reduced in CF. Here, we describe the plethora of functions of A20 as they apply to innate immune function within the airways. Pharmacological compounds can enhance A20 mRNA and protein expression, but we observed a blunted effect in CF primary epithelial cells. In CF cells pre-treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) shows anti-inflammatory effects only in some patients. We show that cells with higher basal p38 expression respond with an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, all CF PNECs show increased p38 mRNA when stimulated in the presence of GA3. Our results suggest that those patients may benefit from therapeutics targeting p38.


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El estudio de microtuberización del cultivar de papa Burren se realizó en el Laboratorio de Cultivo de Tejidos de la Universidad Nacional Agraria entre los meses de junio a diciembre del 2015. Se estudiaron las fases de multiplicación y formación de microtubérculos en Biorreactores Económicos de Inmersión Temporal (BEIT). En la fase de multiplicación se evaluó la formación de plantas completas cuando se sembraron 70 microesquejes en cinco variantes de medios de cultivo. Se empleó un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con arreglo unifactorial con réplicas conformadas por 2 BEIT, y para definir las diferencias estadísticas entre las medias (ANDEVA) de los tratamientos se realizó la prueba de rangos múltiples de Duncan-Waller ( = 0.05). En la formación de plantas se evaluaron la longitud de plantas, número de hojas y número de brotes que se les realizó la prueba de medias de diferencia mínima significativa con α = 0.05, se calculó el porcentaje de supervivencia. Como resultado se obtuvo en las variantes de medios de cultivo que contenían 0.20 mg l-1 de GA3 con 0.50 mg l-1 de BAP y 0.10 mg l-1 de GA3 con 1 mg l-1 de BAP, se obtuvieron medias respectivas en número de entrenudos de 6.32-5.7 y en número de hojas por planta de 7.37-6.93. Adiciones de sacarosa de 80 g l-1 y 110 g l-1 favorecieron la formación de microtubérculos de peso fresco con medias entre 0.69-0.75 gramos. La adición de sacarosa entre 80 g l-1 y 120 g l-1 no se registró diferencias estadísticas significativas entre las medias de las variables diámetro y longitud de microtubérculos. Con microtubérculos con diámetro mayor a los 10 mm se obtuvieron medias en longitud de planta, número de hojas y número de brotes de 21, 16.35 y 5.65 cm respectivamente y con diámetros entre 8-10 mm las medias respectivas fueron de 16.37, 11.35 y 5.35 cm.


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El trabajo se realizó en el laboratorio de cultivo de tejidos de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) de mayo a septiembre de 2015. El mismo pretende sentar las bases de la producción de semilla básica con un método innovador, al producir microtubérculos de papa del cultivar Banba en BEITs y determinar la mejor variante de medio de cultivo en la fase de multiplicación y microtuberización. Se buscaron las características morfológicas deseadas, mediante el efecto de cinco variantes de medios de cultivos (0.10 y 0.20 mg l -1 de GA3 con 0.5 y 1 mg l -1 de bencilaminopurina (BAP)). Posteriormente se utilizaron cinco variantes de medios con BAP para la etapa de microtuberización en BEIT con 3000 ml de medio de cultivo en condiciones de crecimiento de 20 ± 3 °C, 16 horas luz y 8 de oscuridad con intensidad de luz de 2000 lux. El ensayo se estableció en BCA unifactorial con tres repeticiones. Para determinar las diferencias estadísticas entre las medias de los tratamientos se realizó la prueba de medias de diferencia mínima significativa (LSD) de Fisher con (α = 0.05). En los medios de multiplicación para las características altura de planta y número de brotes axilares, presentó mejor desempeño el medio con 0.10 mg l -1 de GA3 y 0.50 de BAP. Para el número de entrenudos no hubo diferencias significativas y para el número de hojas la mejor respuesta se obtuvo con 0.10 mg l -1 de GA3 y 0.50 g l -1 de BAP. En microtuberización se obtuvieron buenos resultados en microtubérculos por planta, diámetro y longitud en el medio de cultivo con 1 mg l -1 de BAP y 11% de sacarosa, así como microtubérculos esféricos superiores a los 0,6 g de peso en 36%.


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Piper marginatum é uma espécie medicinal, com importância na produção de óleo essencial. Essa espécie possui baixo percentual germinativo, fator pelo qual ocorre a necessidade de técnicas que promovam a quebra de dormência das sementes. O objetivo foi avaliar o uso do ácido giberélico (GA3) e diferentes temperaturas sobre a germinação de sementes.


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Calophyllum brasiliense é uma espécie arbórea com sistema de propagação natural limitada. A germinação in vitro pode ser uma alternativa para obtenção de plântulas de qualidade. Sementes foram mantidas em água antes da desinfestação e comparadas com sementes controle (não imersas), sem diferença entre os tratamentos. HgCl2 usado durante a desinfestação reduziu a contaminação das culturas. A contaminação fúngica foi reduzida com fungicida adicionado ao meio (23 para 6,4%), mas a porcentagem de bactérias foi aumentada (24 para 36%). Em outro experimento, as sementes foram imersas em plant preservative mixture (PPM?) antes da desinfestação. Combinando a imersão por 48 h e 2 mL L-1 no meio de cultura, a contaminação foi de 6%. A imersão das sementes em GA3 antes da desinfestação reduziu a formação de raízes conforme a concentração foi aumentada. A germinação e o IVG foram reduzidos, respectivamente, de 72% e 0,129 (24 h) para 60% e 0,092 (48 h), de acordo com o tempo de exposição a GA3. Após 90 dias em meio de multiplicação contendo benzilaminopurina, o número médio de brotações por segmento nodal foi 3,4. A germinação in vitro de C. brasiliense é viável em meio WPM sem sacarose, com até 93,3% de sobrevivência.