876 resultados para Future in common


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We tested the hypothesis that evaluative bias in common ingroup contexts versus crossed categorization contexts can be associated with two distinct underlying processes. We reasoned that in common ingroup contexts, self-categorization, but not perceived complexity, would be positively related to intergroup bias. In contrast, in crossed categorization contexts, perceived complexity, but not self-categorization, would be negatively related to intergroup bias. In two studies, and in line with predictions, we found that while self-categorization and intergroup bias were related in common ingroup contexts, this was not the case in crossed categorization contexts. Moreover, we found that perceived category complexity, and not self-categorization, predicted bias in crossed categorization contexts. We discuss the implications of these findings for models of social categorization and intergroup bias.


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Os nanomateriais são estruturas com uma ou mais dimensões inferiores a 100 nanómetros. Devido à sua pequena dimensão, as nanopartículas apresentam atributos únicos, tais como a sua elevada área superficial relativamente à sua massa, reactividade ou força tênsil. Estas características influenciam grandemente algumas das propriedades dos nanomateriais, como a sua hidrofobicidade, carga ou toxicidade. As propriedades das nanopartículas tornam-nas também muito úteis para o Homem, sendo aplicadas em medicina, farmácia, electrónica, cosmética, vestuário e biotecnologia, entre outras. O aumento de produção e utilização de nanomateriais tem vindo a aumentar também a possibilidade de exposição humana a este tipo de partículas, levando a preocupações relativas ao risco de toxicidade aguda ou crónica. A exposição humana pode ocorrer por diversas vias, sendo as mais relevantes a via inalatória, ingestão ou contacto com a pele. Dependendo do material e do órgão-alvo, a exposição a nanomateriais pode conduzir a diferentes consequências biológicas: a nível dos órgãos, os nanomateriais podem levar a inflamação ou a supressão do sistema imunitário e, a nível celular e molecular, a perturbações na estrutura e integridade do genoma, assim como a interacções com moléculas biológicas e inibição da actividade proteica, entre outras consequências. Um dos nanomateriais mais utilizados são os nanotubos de carbono. Estes são constituídos por grafite cilíndrica disposta numa única camada (designados nanotubos de carbono de parede simples) ou em várias (nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla). Os nanotubos de carbono apresentam propriedades como resistência e condutividade que os tornam muito úteis em aplicações como aparelhos electrónicos, vestuário ou biomedicina; cada vez mais, portanto, se torna provável a exposição ocupacional ou ambiental a este material. A semelhança estrutural destas partículas com fibras de amianto conduziu a questões relativas à sua segurança, pelo que já foram elaborados diversos estudos relativos aos seus efeitos biológicos. Alguns trabalhos sugerem que os nanotubos de carbono têm a capacidade de produzir toxicidade associada a lesões físicas, à produção de danos oxidativos por interacção com mecanismos celulares, ou a morte celular. Outros trabalhos defendem que estas partículas não causam toxicidade relevante. O projecto de dimensão europeia “NANoREG” surgiu da necessidade de ser desenvolvida legislação e regulamentação apoiadas em conhecimento científico e adequadas à produção e ao uso actual de nanomateriais. Este trabalho teve como objectivos principais a determinação do potencial cito- e genotóxico de um conjunto de nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla (designados NM-400 a NM-403), e a consequente tentativa de associar este potencial às características físico-químicas dos nanomateriais. Com este objectivo, a exposição por via inalatória foi analisada, pelo uso de duas linhas celulares in vitro provenientes de tecidos do tracto respiratório: epitélio pulmonar (células A549) e epitélio brônquico (células BEAS-2B). A citotoxicidade dos nanotubos de carbono foi analisada com base em três parâmetros. Em primeiro lugar, as células foram contadas após a exposição aos nanomateriais utilizando o corante azul de tripanao para excluir as células inviáveis; a contagem foi realizada 3 e 24 horas após a exposição das células aos nanotubos. Os resultados deste ensaio apontam para a ausência de citotoxicidade após a exposição mais curta, e dados inconsistentes após a mais longa. Em segundo lugar, foi realizado o ensaio clonogénico, que se baseia na capacidade das células de se dividirem após a exposição ao agente em estudo. Este ensaio só foi realizado nas células A549 pois as BEAS-2B não permitem a formação de colónias. Os resultados apontam para uma citotoxicidade após a exposição a todos os nanomateriais, cuja intensidade se relaciona directamente com o tamanho das partículas, assim como ao seu diâmetro e área de superfície. Em terceiro lugar, foram calculados dois índices de viabilidade no ensaio dos Micronúcleos, cujo objectivo é avaliar se as células se dividiram durante a exposição aos nanomateriais em comparação com o controlo, e cujos resultados apresentam incoerências em relação aos outros já referidos. Estes dados podem ser justificados pelas diferenças existentes entre os ensaios, como o tempo de exposição ou a densidade celular. Os efeitos genotóxicos dos nanomateriais foram avaliados com recurso aos ensaios do cometa e dos micronúcleos. O primeiro detecta lesões pequenas e reversíveis nas cadeias de DNA, ao passo que o segundo detecta efeitos irreversíveis ao nível cromossómico, tais como quebras ou perdas de cromossomas. Os resultados do ensaio do cometa sugerem que nenhum dos nanomateriais testados é genotóxico, uma vez que em ambas as linhas celulares e em ambos os tempos de exposição, os resultados são negativos. O ensaio dos micronúcleos, por outro lado, aponta para existência de genotoxicidade de dois dos nanomateriais (NM-401 e NM-402) nas células A549, mas não em células BEAS-2B. Uma possível explicação para estes dados aparentemente contraditórios pode residir na hipótese de estes nanotubos de carbono serem compostos com efeitos aneugénicos, mas não clastogénicos: o ensaio dos micronúcleos permite a detecção de ambos os mecanismos de acção, ao passo que o ensaio do cometa só revela a quebra de cadeias de DNA. Outra justificação para os resultados é a possível influência da perda de viabilidade das células analisadas. Com base nos dados do ensaio clonogénico, estas partículas apresentam elevada citotoxicidade, pelo que os resultados dos ensaios de genotoxicidade, em particular do Ensaio do Cometa, poderão ser afectados por estes efeitos. O meio de cultura usado para expor as células aos nanomateriais também é um parâmetro muito relevante na sua toxicidade. Neste trabalho, foram usados meios de cultura com proteínas, que podem ser adsorvidas pelas partículas e formar uma “corona” em seu redor; este processo pode alterar propriedades importantes dos nanomateriais, entre os quais o seu potencial efeito biológico. Também o método usado para conseguir uma dispersão homogénea de nanomateriais pode conduzir a diferenças nos resultados dos ensaios de toxicidade. Neste estudo, foram observados alguns problemas relativos à perda de homogeneidade das dispersões de nanotubos de carbono, o que pode ter conduzido a que as células fossem expostas a massas de partículas de grandes dimensões conjuntamente com partículas individualizadas. O período durante o qual as células são expostas ao nanomaterial é também um aspecto essencial na produção de efeitos tóxicos. Resumindo, este projecto forneceu informações relativas à toxicidade dos nanotubos de carbono que, complementadas pelas conclusões dos restantes parceiros do projecto europeu, poderão contribuir significativamente para a avaliação de risco e criação de legislação relativamente à utilização de nanomateriais. Na linha celular BEAS-2B, nenhum destes nanomateriais parece produzir efeitos tóxicos, quer a nível de célula, quer a nível de genoma, nas condições experimentais utilizadas. Nas células A549, por outro lado, os três nanomateriais testados parecem ser acentuadamente citotóxicos, e dois deles (NM-401 e NM-402) são também genotóxicos. Em relação a perspectivas futuras, pode-se concluir que nem todos os ensaios de toxicidade existentes actualmente são adequados à análise de nanopartículas, pelo que novas metodologias devem ser desenvolvidas e complementadas por ensaios in vivo. Todos os estudos envolvendo nanomateriais deverão também descrever as características físico-químicas dos materiais usados, de forma a se poderem comparar os resultados com os de outros trabalhos.


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Dissertation elaborated for the partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master Degree in Civil Engineering in the Speciality Area of Hydarulics


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The objective of this paper is to perform an analysis of the marketing strategy of Lufthansa and Emirates in Germany. Since both airlines use a similar approach to increase brand awareness an in-depth analysis is implemented in order to identify potential differences. Hereby, consumer insights about the perception and expectation travellers have in common will be analyzed and assessed with quantitative data. Both airlines are well positioned in terms of their marketing strategy, but when Emirates is strengthen its marketing campaign with that pace, the Gulf carrier will certainly make use of its economic strength and can become a frightening threat for the Lufthansa Group on long-haul destinations. Finally, recommendations for future marketing activities for both airlines will be given.


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Repeated antimalarial treatment for febrile episodes and self-treatment are common in malaria-endemic areas. The intake of antimalarials prior to participating in an in vivo study may alter treatment outcome and affect the interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes. We report the findings from baseline plasma sampling of malaria patients prior to inclusion into an in vivo study in Tanzania and discuss the implications of residual concentrations of antimalarials in this setting. In an in vivo study conducted in a rural area of Tanzania in 2008, baseline plasma samples from patients reporting no antimalarial intake within the last 28 days were screened for the presence of 14 antimalarials (parent drugs or metabolites) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Among the 148 patients enrolled, 110 (74.3%) had at least one antimalarial in their plasma: 80 (54.1%) had lumefantrine above the lower limit of calibration (LLC = 4 ng/mL), 7 (4.7%) desbutyl-lumefantrine (4 ng/mL), 77 (52.0%) sulfadoxine (0.5 ng/mL), 15 (10.1%) pyrimethamine (0.5 ng/mL), 16 (10.8%) quinine (2.5 ng/mL) and none chloroquine (2.5 ng/mL). The proportion of patients with detectable antimalarial drug levels prior to enrollment into the study is worrying. Indeed artemether-lumefantrine was supposed to be available only at government health facilities. Although sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is only recommended for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), it was still widely used in public and private health facilities and sold in drug shops. Self-reporting of previous drug intake is unreliable and thus screening for the presence of antimalarial drug levels should be considered in future in vivo studies to allow for accurate assessment of treatment outcome. Furthermore, persisting sub-therapeutic drug levels of antimalarials in a population could promote the spread of drug resistance. The knowledge on drug pressure in a given population is important to monitor standard treatment policy implementation.


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Les professionnels de la santé et les familles pour qui des enfants qui participent à la recherche en génétique ou qui nécessitent des services génétiques spécialisés, y compris, le dépistage génétique, seront confrontés à des interrogations non seulement médicales, mais sociales, éthiques et juridiques liées à la génétique en neurologie pédiatrique. Les enfants se retrouvent souvent au centre d’innovations dans le cadre de recherches en génétique et leurs besoins uniques soulèvent des inquiétudes quant aux risques et aux bénéfices associés à cette recherche. Plus précisément, le consentement, l’utilisation de base de données génétique et la thérapie génique soulèvent des enjeux particuliers. En plus de ces enjeux, des risques psychologiques peuvent aussi leur être associés. À la lumière de l’analyse de lignes directrices nationales et internationales, il sera question, dans cet article, des bénéfices et de l’impact des technologies génétiques chez l’enfant. Les médecins, les législateurs et les familles doivent être informés de ces lignes directrices et doivent comprendre les enjeux éthiques et psychologiques liés à la génétique en neurologie pédiatrique. // Health care providers and families with children who participate in genetic research or who need specialized genetic services, including genetic testing, will encounter not only medical but difficult social, ethical, and legal questions surrounding pediatric genetic neurology. Children are often at the center of much of the genetic revolution and their unique needs raise special concerns about the risks and the benefits associated with genetic research, particularly the issues of consent, the use of genetic databases, and gene therapy. Moreover, genetic research and testing raise important psychosocial risks. In this article we discuss some of the benefits and consequences of genetic technologies for children in relation to national and international guidelines. In particular, physicians, policy-makers, and families should be knowledgeable about the guidelines and have good understanding of the psychosocial and ethical issues associated with genetics in pediatric neurology.


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This is a quick guide based on screenshots which shows you how get started with Turning Point 5 and Office 2013 in Common Learning Spaces.


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The future of the Veterinary Practice in Dairy Health Management has changed and will change more drastically from our point of view in the next years. The consumer’s pressure and the Media are more and more concerned about animal welfare, traceability of animal products and safety of products of animal origin. On the other hand the Farmers in Europe have to produce under strong rules (competing with other countries outside Europe), which are normally very expensive to put in practice, and the veterinarians should adapt their knowledge to the new challenges, because without their work and cooperation, dairy farming will have no future. In that sense, the old veterinary practice has to go in other ways, otherwise the Veterinarians will loose clients and the animal population in Europe will be reduced. The Dairy farmers will ask for support in other areas besides clinical: efficacy, management, welfare, profitability, nutrition, prophylaxis, economics, reproduction, environmental protection, grassland management, etc. Cattle practitioners should be able to give answers in several subjects and this sets the challenge to our profession - Veterinary preparation has to be very strong in single animal species, particularly in Dairy or beef cows. The cattle practitioner has to look beyond, but he should never forget that “the single animal” has to be looked at as one unit of the herd, which means that without a very good knowledge of the single animal he will be insufficiently prepared to solve herd problems, and the Herd is the sum of several animals. We all know that very often one single animal allows us to implement herd strategies and develop prophylactic programs. We are convinced that the veterinary profession, and in our case the Cattle Medicine should have the ability to evolve, otherwise the Veterinarian as we know him will miss the train in the next years.


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Anthropogenic changes in precipitation pose a serious threat to society—particularly in regions such as the Middle East that already face serious water shortages. However, climate model projections of regional precipitation remain highly uncertain. Moreover, standard resolution climate models have particular difficulty representing precipitation in the Middle East, which is modulated by complex topography, inland water bodies and proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. Here we compare precipitation changes over the twenty-first century against both millennial variability during the Holocene and interannual variability in the present day. In order to assess the climate model and to make consistent comparisons, this study uses new regional climate model simulations of the past, present and future in conjunction with proxy and historical observations. We show that the pattern of precipitation change within Europe and the Middle East projected by the end of the twenty-first century has some similarities to that which occurred during the Holocene. In both cases, a poleward shift of the North Atlantic storm track and a weakening of the Mediterranean storm track appear to cause decreased winter rainfall in southern Europe and the Middle East and increased rainfall further north. In contrast, on an interannual time scale, anomalously dry seasons in the Middle East are associated with a strengthening and focusing of the storm track in the north Mediterranean and hence wet conditions throughout southern Europe.


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Evolutionary theory suggests that divergent natural selection in heterogeneous environments can result in locally adapted plant genotypes. To understand local adaptation it is important to study the ecological factors responsible for divergent selection. At a continental scale, variation in climate can be important while at a local scale soil properties could also play a role. We designed an experiment aimed to disentangle the role of climate and ( abiotic and biotic) soil properties in local adaptation of two common plant species. A grass (Holcus lanatus) and a legume ( Lotus corniculatus), as well as their local soils, were reciprocally transplanted between three sites across an Atlantic-Continental gradient in Europe and grown in common gardens in either their home soil or foreign soils. Growth and reproductive traits were measured over two growing seasons. In both species, we found significant environmental and genetic effects on most of the growth and reproductive traits and a significant interaction between the two environmental effects of soil and climate. The grass species showed significant home site advantage in most of the fitness components, which indicated adaptation to climate. We found no indication that the grass was adapted to local soil conditions. The legume showed a significant home soil advantage for number of fruits only and thus a weak indication of adaptation to soil and no adaptation to climate. Our results show that the importance of climate and soil factors as drivers of local adaptation is species-dependent. This could be related to differences in interactions between plant species and soil biota.


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Lean construction is considered from a human resource management (HRM) perspective. It is contended that the UK construction sector is characterised by an institutionalised regressive approach to HRM. In the face of rapidly declining recruitment rates for built environment courses, the dominant HRM philosophy of utilitarian instrumentalism does little to attract the intelligent and creative young people that the industry so badly needs. Given this broader context, there is a danger that an uncritical acceptance of lean construction will exacerbate the industry's reputation for unrewarding jobs. Construction academics have strangely ignored the extensive literature that equates lean production to a HRM regime of control, exploitation and surveillance. The emphasis of lean thinking on eliminating waste and improving efficiency makes it easy to absorb into the best practice agenda because it conforms to the existing dominant way of thinking. 'Best practice' is seemingly judged by the extent to which it serves the interests of the industry's technocratic elite. Hence it acts as a conservative force in favour of maintaining the status quo. In this respect, lean construction is the latest manifestation of a long established trend. In common with countless other improvement initiatives, the rhetoric is heavy in the machine metaphor whilst exhorting others to be more efficient. If current trends in lean construction are extrapolated into the future the ultimate destination may be uncomfortably close to Aldous Huxley's apocalyptic vision of a Brave New World. In the face of these trends, the lean construction research community pleads neutrality whilst confining its attention to the rational high ground. The future of lean construction is not yet predetermined. Many choices remain to be made. The challenge for the research community is to improve practice whilst avoiding the dehumanising tendencies of high utilitarianism.


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Many institutions across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and many funding agencies that support them are currently engaged in initiatives that are targeted towards adapting rainfed agriculture to climate change. This does, however, present some very real and complex research and policy challenges. Given to date the generally low impact of agricultural research across SSA on improving the welfare of rainfed farmers under current climatic conditions, a comprehensive strategy is required if the considerably more complex challenge of adapting agriculture to future climate change is to bear fruit. In articulating such a strategy, it is useful to consider the criteria by which current successful initiatives should be judged.