1000 resultados para Fuerzas de choque


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The present study evaluated the use of semicircular bending test (SCB) as an alternative to conventional bending test to examine the effect of thermal shock. Still, studies the behavior of fracture surfaces generated by monofractal behavior analysis, which allows us to evaluate the contributions of the microstructure and the mechanical context in forming reliefs during the crack propagation. The fractal analysis is made from elevation maps obtained by reconstruction method by extension of the focus stacks of digital images acquired in microscope. The specimens used were samples semicircular pressed TiO2 (rutile) with and without heat shock, prepared for testing mode I loading. Were also produced, specimens in the form of bars for Weibull statistical analysis. From the three-point bending test, we found the variation of fracture toughness between the samples after the heat shock and natural condition. The SCB test was feasible for the analysis of thermal shock resistance. The results showed that the value of the fracture toughness decreases as the heat shock treatment


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Septic shock remains one of the most common challenges for the small animal practicing, presenting high mortality rates frequently associated with late identification of this syndrome, as well as an inappropriate treatment. In general, disruption of homeostasis occurs with an intense activation of inflammatory cascade, which leads to a damage to endothelial cells and an exposure to these cytokines, which will result in vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. Thus, there is a drop in blood pressure, even after aggressive fluid resuscitation. Therefore, drugs such as vasopressors, which act by increasing systemic vascular resistance, and inotropes, which have an effect on heart pump, should be administered in order to raise blood pressure, ensuring adequate tissue perfusion. The objective of this review was to gather information about the various drugs used in vasopressors/inotropes therapy, trying to explain the role of each one in different situations, in order to increase the survival rate in dogs affected with septic shock


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The shock, now known as a clinical syndrome due to a systemic breakdown in tissue perfusion leading to cellular hypoxia, metabolic changes and consequently organ dysfunction, is a condition that affects both humans and animals and should be classified as an emergency. For its dynamic course the therapy becomes a challenge, all the time time spared in diagnosis and treatment is essential to save the patient's life, so knowledge of its physiopathology can become of great value, and in order to clarify it better, shock has been divided didactically into: cardiogenic, hypovolemic, distributive, and obstructive, so the best approach may be chosen to this situation, noting that the therapy in general is the sum of several procedures that aims to compensate for the animal so that the underlying cause of shock may be treated


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This study evaluated the use of hipoosmotic swelling test (HOST) with deionized water (0 mOsmol), as a method of post thaw ram semen evaluation and correlate their findings with different techniques of semen evaluation. Therefore, twenty semen samples of 20 different adult rams were assessed as for kinetic sperm parameters through computerized system (IVOS 12, Hamiton Thorn Biosciences, Beverly, MA, EUA) and subjective analysis. The sperm membranes viability was carried out by the association of fluorescent probes (propidium iodide, JC-1 and FITC-PSA). The structural integrity of the plasma membrane was also studied through supravital test with eosin and the functional integrity of membrane evaluated by doing the hipoosmotic swelling test with deionized water (0 mOsmol), in the following proportions: One part of semen for 10 (HOST 10), 50 (HOST 50) and 100 (HOST 100) parts of water. After semen dilution in the different proportions it was fixed in formalin-buffered saline and analyzed with regard to percentage of HOST reactive sperm (bent/coiled). The percentage of reaction obtained for HOST 10 (33,1%); HOST 50 (32,8%) and HOST 100 (31,8%) did not differ significantly. HOST 10 presented positive correlation with the plasma membrane integrity by the EOS (r = 0,80; p < 0,05). Positive correlations between HOST 50 and HOST 100 with sperm subpopulation with membrane integrity by fluorescence were observed (r = 0,83 and r = 0,85; p < 0,01). The findings suggest that the HOST with deionized water can provide additional information for post thawing ram sperm viability evaluation.


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OBJETIVO: A falência hepática é uma consequência da inflamação sistêmica após pancreatite aguda. Avaliou-se o efeito da reposição volêmica com soluções salinas fisiológicas ou hipertônica na produção hepática de citocinas e na expressão de proteínas ativadas por choque térmico e proteínas ligadas à apoptose durante a pancreatite aguda. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram divididos em quatro grupos: C - animais controles não submetidos à lesão e nem ao tratamento; NT - animais submetidos à indução de pancreatite aguda e não tratados; SN - animais submetidos à indução de pancreatite aguda e tratados com solução salina normal (NaCl 0,9%); SH - animais submetidos à pancreatite aguda e tratados com solução salina hipertônica (NaCl 7,5%). A pancreatite aguda foi induzida por infusão retrógrada transduodenal de taurocolato de sódio 2,5% no ducto pancreático. Após 4, 12 e 24 horas da indução da pancreatite aguda, analisaram-se, no fígado, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-10, caspase-2, caspase-7, APAF-1, AIF, HSP60 e HSP90. RESULTADOS: A caspase-2 diminuiu nos grupos SN e SH (p<0,05 versus C) após 12 horas. APAF-1, AIF e HSP90 permaneceram inalterados. Após 4 horas da indução, a capsase-7 aumentou no grupo NT (p<0,01 versus C), embora se mantendo em níveis basais nos grupos reperfundidos. A HSP60 aumentou em todos os grupos após 4 horas (p<0,001 versus C). No entanto, o grupo SH mostrou menor expressão de HSP60 que o grupo SN (p<0,05). A solução salina hipertônica manteve a produção de citocinas em níveis normais. A reperfusão com volume com solução salina normal ou hipertônica, modulou significativamente a expressão de caspase-7. CONCLUSÃO: A reposição volêmica com solução salina normal ou hipertônica foi efetiva em reduzir a caspase-7. Entretanto, somente a solução salina hipertônica foi capaz de regular a produção de citocinas e a expressão de HSP60 em todos os momentos analisados.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O choque cardiogênico é a maior causa de morte em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento de ST (IAMCSST). O presente estudo avaliou pacientes com IAMCSST e choque cardiogênico submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea primária com o objetivo de estabelecer seu perfil e os preditores de mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Registro unicêntrico, incluindo 100 pacientes avaliados no período de 2001 a 2009 quanto a características clínicas, angiográficas e do procedimento, e a desfechos intra-hospitalares. Por análise multivariada foram determinados preditores independentes da mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Com relação às características clínicas, foi observada alta prevalência de fatores de risco, sendo a taxa de sucesso angiográfico de 92%, apesar da complexidade das lesões (83,1% do tipo B2/C). A artéria mais acometida foi a descendente anterior (45%), tendo o padrão multiarterial ocorrido em 73% dos casos. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 45%, sendo seus preditores independentes o padrão multiarterial [odds ratio (OR) 2,62; intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) 1,16-5,90] e o fluxo coronário TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento (OR 2,11, IC 95% 1,48-3,02). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com IAMCSST complicado por choque cardiogênico apresentaram características clínicas e angiográficas de alto risco e, apesar do alto sucesso angiográfico do procedimento, altas taxas de mortalidade. Foram preditores independentes de mortalidade o padrão multiarterial e fluxo TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento.