835 resultados para Food diet


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Um método simples e rápido para a preparação da amostra e quantificação simultânea de açúcares e polióis em sorvetes "diet"/"light" por CLAE-IR foi investigado. Os açúcares frutose, glicose, lactose, maltose, sacarose, juntamente com glicerol e sorbitol foram separados. Diferentes variáveis foram testadas na preparação da amostra e nas condições cromatográficas para a separação dos componentes. A melhor condição para a separação dos analitos da matriz foi obtida através de duas extrações consecutivas com água : etanol (1:8 v/v, seguida de 1:4 v/v). Para a separação cromatográfica em uma coluna CLC-NH2 , a fase móvel foi composta de acetonitrila: água (77,5:22,5 v/v) na vazão de 1mL/min, a 30 ºC. O tempo de corrida foi menor do que 20 min. Amostras de sorvetes "diet"/"light" de 3 diferentes marcas, com sabores de morango, chocolate, flocos e baunilha, recolhidas em Campinas-SP, apresentaram valores de açúcares totais entre 9-15%. Somente os sorvetes com sabor morango apresentaram frutose (0,1-0,5%), e somente aqueles sorvetes com sabor de flocos mostraram a presença de sacarose em maiores quantidades. Os maiores valores de açúcares foram encontrados para lactose, independente da marca ou sabor testados (3,5-10%). As quantidades de sorbitol variaram de 3-4%. A mesma análise foi realizada com sorvete normal (controle) que apresentou valor de açúcares totais de aproximadamente 29%, sendo que destes 16,8%, foi sacarose. Não foram detectados polióis. Na amostra de sorvete controle foi realizado teste de recuperação de sorbitol (99,3%). Os valores encontrados foram comparados com os valores permitidos pela legislação.


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Foram estudados diferentes agentes de corpo na substituição total da sacarose na formulação de chocolate, buscando-se obter um produto diet em sacarose e light em calorias (25% de redução calórica teórica em relação à formulação padrão, com sacarose) e com boa aceitação sensorial. Os agentes de corpo utilizados neste estudo foram: polidextrose, inulina, frutooligossacarídeos - FOS, lactitol e maltitol; como edulcorante de alta intensidade empregou-se a sucralose. Os chocolates light obtidos foram submetidos às análises de umidade (Karl Fisher), tamanho de partículas (micrômetro digital) e propriedades reológicas (viscosidade plástica - etaca e limite de escoamento de Casson - tauca). O teor de umidade dos chocolates light variou de 1,23 a 2,12%; o tamanho de partículas de 19 a 24 µm; o etaca de 6,60 a 11,00 Pa.s; e o tauca de 0,05 a 1,31 Pa. As formulações com polidextrose, polidextrose e lactitol e polidextrose e maltitol foram selecionadas para análise sensorial por apresentarem boa performance tecnológica e adequada maquinabilidade da massa de chocolate durante as diferentes etapas do processo. A análise sensorial indicou que as três formulações avaliadas não diferiram entre si ao nível de significância de 5% em relação à intensidade do aroma, dureza, derretimento na boca e sabor e, quanto à intenção de compra, as amostras diferiram entre si ao nível de significância de 5%, sendo que a formulação que continha 32,60% de Polidextrose e 15,57% de Maltitol foi a preferida.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main causes of death in the Western world. Among the risk factors that are modifiable by diet, for reducing cardiovascular disease risks, the total plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and HDL-C are the most important. Dietary measures can balance these components of the lipid profile thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The main food components that affect the lipid profile and can be modified by diet are the saturated and trans fats, unsaturated fats, cholesterol, phytosterols, plant protein, and soluble fiber. A wealth of evidence suggests that saturated and trans fats and cholesterol in the diet raise the total plasma cholesterol and LDL-C. Trans fats also reduce HDL-C, an important lipoprotein for mediating the reverse cholesterol transport. On the other hand, phytosterols, plant proteins, isoflavones, and soluble fiber are protective diet factors against cardiovascular diseases by modulating plasma lipoprotein levels. These food components at certain concentrations are able to reduce the total cholesterol, TG, and LDL-C and raise the plasma levels of HDL-C. Therefore, diet is an important tool for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, and should be taken into account as a whole, i.e., not only the food components that modulate plasma concentrations of lipoproteins, but also the diet content of macro nutrients and micronutrients should be considered.


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The germ fraction with pericarp (bran) is generated in the industrial processing of corn kernel, and it is used for oil extraction and animal feed. This study evaluated the nutritional and protein quality of this fraction in relation to whole corn. The proximate composition, mineral contents, and amino acid profile of the germ fraction with pericarp and of whole corn were determined. A 4-week experiment was conducted using 36 weanling male Wistar rats, and three 10%-protein diets (reference, germ with 15% lipids and casein with 15% lipids), two 6%-protein diets (whole corn and casein), and a protein-free diet were prepared. The germ showed higher contents of proteins, lipids, dietary fiber (27.8 g.100 g-1), ash, minerals (Fe and Zn- approximately 5 mg.100 g-1), and lysine (57.2 mg.g-1 protein) than those of corn. The germ presented good quality protein (Relative Protein Efficiency Ratio-RPER = 80%; Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score-PDCAAS = 86%), higher than that of corn (RPER = 49%; PDCAAS = 60%). The corn germ fraction with pericarp is rich in dietary fiber, and it is a source of good quality protein as well as of iron and zinc, and its use as nutritive raw material is indicated in food products for human consumption.


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The aim of this research was to study the effect of air-temperature and diet composition on the mass transfer kinetics during the drying process of pellets used for Japanese Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) feeding. In the experimental design, three temperatures were used for convective drying, as well as three different diet compositions (Diets A, B and C), in which the amount of fishmeal, spirulin, algae, fish oil and cornstarch varied. The water diffusion coefficient of the pellets was determined using the equation of Fick's second law, which resulted in values between 0.84-1.94×10-10 m²/s. The drying kinetics was modeled using Page, Modified Page, Root of time, Exponential, Logarithmic, Two-Terms, Modified Henderson-Pabis and Weibull models. In addition, two new models, referred to as 'Proposed' models 1 and 2, were used to simulate this process. According to the statistical tests applied, the models that best fitted the experimental data were Modified Henderson-Pabis, Weibull and Proposed model 2, respectively. Bifactorial analysis of variance ANOVA showed that Diet A (fishmeal 44%, spirulin 9%, fish oil 1% and cornstarch 36%) presented the highest diffusion coefficient values, which were favored by the temperature increase in the drying process.


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Caryocar brasiliense (popular name pequi) is widely consumed by the population of Brazilian Savannah. This fruit has a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids that can influence positively the lipid profile. In addition, pequi also has an important concentration of saturated fatty acids which, in turn, is associated with atherosclerosis risk. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a pequi-supplemented diet on blood lipid and glucose levels and hepatic histology. Female Albino swiss mice were divided into three groups and fed a standard chow diet (control group), chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi nut (nut group), and chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi pulp (pulp group). After 6 weeks, following an overnight fast, blood and liver were collected for posterior analyses. Serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were significantly higher in mice fed pequi-rich diets compared to the control group. Nevertheless, there was no modification in blood triglycerides, atherogenic fraction, and glucose levels. In addition, there was development of liver microvesicular steatosis related to pequi intake. In conclusion, the diets supplemented with pequi nut or pulp reduced the atherogenic risk by increasing the anti-atherogenic lipoproteins without changing the pro-atherogenic fraction in mice.


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The treatment of Diabetes should not only be sought through drug administration; diet is also a part of its treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a diet with six meals having equal calories on the body weight and blood glucose on diabetes type 2 patients. This research is an Experimental study conducted in 2009 on 181 patients with diabetes. The patients visited the IDSF (Iranian Diabetes Society of Fars) weekly and the patients to be studied were randomly divided into two groups of 85 and 96 patients, respectively. The participants were repeatedly requested to consume their calculated calorie in six equal parts. The average age in the Experimental and Control groups were 51.2 ± 13.3 and 53.1 ± 9.4, respectively. The mean body weight and fasting blood glucose at the beginning of the study in Experimental and Control groups were 66.3 ± 9.4 and 69.1 ± 11.1 kg, 198.9 ± 35.1, and 199.8 ± 39.1 mg.dL-1, respectively. At the end of the study, however, the values were 63.5 ± 7.5 and 66.98 ± 9 kg, 139.5 ± 34.6 and 164.2 ± 22.1 mg.dL-1, respectively. Only the mean fasting blood glucose at the end of the study revealed a significant difference (p-value = 0.001). The results show that educating those afflicted with Diabetes Type 2 aiming at changing their diet can greatly help them manage their blood glucose.


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Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals produced in the body during lipid oxidation. The objective in this article was to study the effect of the barley extract on lipid oxidation in rats subjected to a high-fat diet. The experiment lasted 67 days. The animals were separated into three experimental groups: standard (P), high-fat diet group (L), and group with high-fat diet supplemented with barley extract (C). The feed intake of L and C groups was the lowest (p < 0.05). The treatments did not influence weight gain, organ weight, and the blood parameters measured. However, the levels of malondialdehyde present in the liver tissue were higher in the L group and lower in the P and C groups. Therefore, the results indicated an increased level of lipid peroxidation in the liver of rats subjected to high-fat diet, which was reduced by the consumption of barley.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of artificial supplements prepared with soybean protein isolate, brewer's yeast, mixture of soybean protein isolate with brewer's yeast, linseed oil, palm oil, and a mixture of linseed oil with palm oil on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of royal jelly produced by Africanized honey bee colonies. Considering these results, providing supplements for Africanized honeybee colonies subjected to royal jelly production can help and strengthen the technological development of the Brazilian beekeeping industry increasing its consumption in the national market. This research presents values of royal jelly a little different from those established by the Brazilian legislation. This fact shows that is important to discuss or change the official method for royal jelly analysis. The characterization of physicochemical and microbiological parameters is important in order to standardize fresh, frozen, and lyophilized royal jelly produced by Africanized honeybees.


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Sweeteners based on stevia extract contain a series of diterpene glycosides derivatives from steviol, standing out the rebaudioside-A. There is no tabletop sweeteners in the market formulated purely with rebaudioside-A yet, so its use in foods depends on the development of new products followed by physicochemical and sensory evaluations. This work presents the formulation of a diet strawberry jam dyed with cranberry juice and sweetened with rebaudioside-A purified from stevia plants of the lineage UEM-320 developed in the Centro de Estudos de Produtos Naturais da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Evaluations of physicochemical properties, microbiological and sensory characteristics were carried out for the product in comparison with a control sweetened with equal amount of sucralose. The results showed that the physicochemical characteristics of the sample and the control are not significantly different and the supplementation with cranberry juice increased both color and total phenolic content in both samples. The sensory acceptability indicated a significant preference for the formulation sweetened with 100% of rebaudioside-A, only in the items flavor and purchase intent. We concluded that rebaudioside-A has a better sensory performance than sucralose, even this last one being 1.33 fold sweeter than rebaudioside-A.


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Abstract The study aimed to assess the food accessibility and consumption among families in the Cupiúba rural settlement, in the city of Castanhal, Pará, Brazil. It was found that the access to food is worrying and indicated that most families are in food insecurity conditions. Moreover, income and food safety level were associated. The consumption of the settler families comprises mainly high-energy, low-nutrient content foods, characterized by the low intake of fruits and vegetables and the introduction of processed foods with high energy density and sugar-added beverages, although the traditional dietary habits (rice and beans) are still present. This configures a diet at risk for important nutritional deficits, obesity, and many non-communicable chronic diseases.


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Living nature consists of countless organisms, which are classified into millions of species. These species interact in many ways; for example predators when foraging on their prey, insect larvae consuming plants, and pathogenic bacteria drifting into humans. In addition, abiotic nature has a great initiative impact on life through many factors (including sunlight, ambient temperature, and water. In my thesis, I have studied interactions among different life forms in multifaceted ways. The webs of these interactions are commonly referred to as food webs, describing feeding relationships between species or energy transfer from one trophic level to another. These ecological interactions – whether they occur between species, between individuals, or between microorganisms within an individual – are among the greatest forces affecting natural communities. Relationships are tightly related to biological diversity, that is, species richness and abundances. A species is called a node in food web vocabulary, and its interactions to other species are called links. Generally, Artic food webs are considered to be loosely linked, simple structures. This conception roots into early modern food webs, where insects and other arthropods, for example, were clumped under one node. However, it has been shown that arthropods form the greatest part of diversity and biomass both in the tropics and in Arctic areas. Earlier challenges of revealing the role of insects and microorganisms in interactions webs have become possible with the help of recent advances in molecular techniques. In the first chapter, I studied the prey diversity of a common bat, Myotis daubentonii, in southwestern Finland. My results proved M. daubentonii being a versatile predator whose diet mainly consists of aquatic insects, such as chironomid midges. In the second chapter, I expanded the view to changes in seasonal and individual-based variation in the diet of M. daubentonii including the relationship between available and observed prey. I found out that chironomids remain the major prey group even though their abundance decreases in proportion to other insect groups. Diet varied a lot between individuals, although the differences were not statistically significant. The third chapter took the study to a large network in Greenland. I showed that Artic food webs are very complex when arthropods are taken into account. In the fourth chapter, I examined the bacterial flora of M. daubentonii and surveyed the zoonotic potential of these bacteria. I found Bartonella bacteria, of which one was described as a new species named after the locality of discovery. I have shown in my thesis that Myotis daubentonii as a predator links many insect species as well as terrestrial and aquatic environments. Moreover, I have exposed that Arctic food webs are complex structures comprising of many densely linked species. Finally, I demonstrated that the bacterial flora of bats includes several previously unknown species, some of which could possibly turn in to zoonosis. To summarize, molecular methods have untied several knots in biological research. I hope that this kind of increasing knowledge of the surrounding nature makes us further value all the life forms on earth.


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Do evaluation of the literature and a regional observational report support Dr. Feingold's claim that the K-P (Kaiser-Permanente) elimination diet improves the behaviours of hyperkinetic children, and others? Dr. Feingold suggests that some hyperkinetic children, and other children as well, are genetically predisposed to intolerance of food additives, particularly food colours and flavours. He claims that the K-P diet, that eliminates salicylates and artificial food colours and flavours, improves the hyperkinetic child's behaviour, muscle co-ordination, and scholastic performance. Public acceptance of the K-P diet has outstripped acceptance in the medical and scientific communities. Evaluation of available data and additional studies are needed to arrive at a conclusion of acceptance or rejection of the K-P diet for hyperkinetic children and others. My interest in the K-P elimination diet for hyperkinetic children is educational. My experience as an elementary school teacher in special education and in the classroom from K-8 has taught me that attentiveness is crucial to learning. Hyperkinesis appears to impair a child's ability to attend. Learning problems appear, followed by behavioural and social problems. l If we accept the possibility of a relationship between diet and attentiveness, and attentiveness and school behaviours, then the diet-behaviour link could be of lay importance. For instance, if a diet such as the K-P diet could do what is claimed, substantial benefits could accrue to the child. One could, for example, improve a child's behaviours. One could identify attending disturbances early in the child's education, possibly minimizing, or eliminating future difficulties in school. Finally, the greatest benefit may be the fulfillment of the basic goal of our Ontario schools, that the eh~ld-,lIla1p.evelop happily and competently within our educational framework. 2 This thesis reports evidence from the literature and from a regional observational investigation to determine the possibility of a link between the behaviours of children and Dr. Feingold's K-P elimination diet. The literature research examines (1) Dr. Feingold's concept of H-LD, (2) his K-P elimination diet, and (3) the response from three sectors, medicine, science, and the public. The regional investigation examines the observed behaviours of nine children in Regional Niagara during a nine-month period on the K-P diet.


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Female crickets respond selectively to variations in species-specific male calling songs. This selectivity has been shown to be age-dependent; older females are less choosy. However, female quality should also affect female selectivity. The effect of female quality on mate choice was examined in Gryllus integer by comparing the phonotactic responses of females on different diets and with different parasite loads to various synthetic models of conspecific calling song. Test females were virgin, 11-14 days old, and had been maintained on one of five diets varying in protein and fat content. Phonotaxis was quantified using a non-compensating Kugel treadmill which generates vector scores incorporating the speed and direction of movement of each female. Test females were presented with four calling song models which differed in pulse rate, but were still within the natural range of the species for the experimental temperature. After testing, females were dissected and the number of gregarine parasites within the digestive tract counted. There were no significant effects of either diet or parasitism on female motivation to mate although the combined effects of these variables seem to have an effect with no apparent trend. Control females did not discriminate among song types, but there was a trend of female preferences for lower pulse rates which are closest to the mean pulse rate for the species. Heavily parasitized females did not discriminate among pulse rates altho~gh there was a similar trend of high vector scores for low pulse rates. Diet, however, affected selectivity with poorly-fed females showing significantly high vector scores for pulse rates near the species mean. Such findings raise interesting questions about energy allocation and costs and risks of phonotaxis and mate choice in acoustic Orthoptera. These results are discussed in terms of sexual selection and female mate choice.


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Le concept d’Hôpital Promoteur de Santé (HPS) a pris beaucoup d’importance depuis son élaboration vers la fin des années quatre-vingt. Dans le contexte de la dernière réforme, le réseau montréalais des HPS et CSSS a été créé. Le Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM) fait partie de ce réseau depuis 2007. Cette étude vise la création d’un milieu hospitalier promoteur de la santé pour les patients et s’adresse à l’expérience d’un repas pour les personnes âgées nécessitant une diète purée. Une étude de cas qualitative a été utilisée pour explorer la perception de patients vis-à-vis les aspects relatifs à leur cabaret, l’assistance qu’ils recevaient et le contexte social de leur repas. Les impressions des professionnels de la santé quant à l’expérience des patients ont aussi été obtenues. Les résultats indiquent que l’identification difficile des aliments en purée, la saveur, l’apparence et la variété sont tous des éléments qui affectent négativement leur expérience repas. Des sentiments d’impuissance ont aussi été rapportés par les patients et les professionnels de la santé. Le contexte social du repas a été souligné comme étant un aspect à cibler pour améliorer l’expérience des patients. Un programme utilisant des purées formées pourrait contrecarrer les effets négatifs de la prescription d’une diète purée. Des changements dans les pratiques infirmières, à savoir la création d’une ambiance sociale agréable au moment des repas, semble être une option peu couteuse qui pourrait améliorer l’expérience repas des patients et diminuer les sentiments d’impuissance relevés par les professionnels de la santé à l’égard de cet aspect de soin.