999 resultados para Flexibilidade respiratória


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As doenças do trato respiratório são as principais queixas nos serviços de atendimento médico, sendo as infecções respiratórias agudas (IRA) as manifestações mais comuns, principalmente em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade. Em países em desenvolvimento as IRA constituem um sério problema de saúde pública. Em todo mundo estima-se que ocorram cerca de dois milhões de mortes devido as IRA a cada ano. Dentre os agentes causais das mesmas, destaca-se o Vírus Respiratório Sincicial (VRS), especialmente por causar doença grave em crianças menores de dois anos. Com o objetivo de gerar dados sobre a epidemiologia molecular deste vírus, foram analisadas amostras colhidas de pacientes com IRA no período de 2000 a 2006 na cidade de Belém, Pará. Foram utilizados testes de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) para caracterização antigênica dos vírus isolados e RT-PCR para os genes codificadores das proteínas G e F, que foram em seguida parcialmente seqüenciados. Dentro do período estudado, 153 amostras positivas para VRS foram detectadas. A faixa etária de 0-4 anos foi a que concentrou maior número de casos (n=138; 90,19%). Em relação ao perfil sazonal, o pico de atividade do VRS ocorreu nos primeiros seis meses do ano, estando associado principalmente ao período de troca da estação chuvosa para um período de menor pluviosidade. Houve co-circulação dos subgrupos A e B nos anos de 2001 e 2003. Em 2000, 2005 e 2006 somente o subgrupo A circulou. Entretanto no ano de 2004 foi registrada a ocorrência somente do subgrupo B. Dentro do período estudado, genótipos distintos da proteína G do subgrupo A (GA2 e GA5) e do subgrupo B (SAB1 e SAB3) foram detectados, indicando o primeiro relato da circulação do genótipo SAB1 na América do Sul. Em 2004, um cluster diferenciado dos demais genótipos circulantes foi encontrado, sendo este denominado BRB1. A análise do gene codificador da proteína F permitiu a identificação de mutações na sequência nucleotídica resultando em trocas na cadeia aminoacídica da mesma. Este estudo representa o primeiro relato sobre dados da epidemiologia molecular do Vírus Respiratório Sincicial na região Norte do Brasil.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As doenças do trato respiratório são as principais queixas nos serviços de atendimento médico, sendo as infecções respiratórias agudas (IRA) as manifestações mais comuns, principalmente em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade. Em países em desenvolvimento, as IRA constituem um sério problema de saúde pública. Em todo mundo estima-se que ocorram cerca de 2 milhões de mortes devido as IRA a cada ano. Dentre os agentes causais de IRA, destaca-se o Metapneumovírus Humano (HMPV), especialmente por causar doença grave em crianças menores de 5 anos. Com o objetivo de gerar dados sobre a epidemiologia molecular deste vírus, foram analisadas amostras colhidas de pacientes com IRA no período de Janeiro de 2009 a Dezembro de 2011 oriundas da Região Norte (Pará, Amazonas, Acre, Amapá e Roraima). Foi utilizado a técnica de RT-PCR em Tempo Real (qRT-PCR) para a detecção do vírus através da amplificação do gene N e RT-PCR para o gene codificador da proteína F, que foi em seguida parcialmente sequenciado. Dentro do período de estudo, foram testadas 2966 amostras, das quais 129 positivas para HMPV. A faixa etária de 0-4 anos foi a que concentrou maior número de casos (n=84; 65,89%) em toda a região Norte. Na identificação viral, constatou-se a co-circulação dos subgrupos A2 e B2 durante os três anos do estudo. Os subgrupos A1 e B1 não circularam na região durante o período estudado. Este estudo representa o primeiro relato sobre dados da epidemiologia molecular do Metapneumovírus Humano na região Norte do Brasil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introduction: Among others things, ageing results in neuromuscular decrease. The physical activity practice may to influence positively the ageing process. Objective: To evaluate the flexibility and the level of pain on the sedentary and physically active elderly. Method: Forty-two elderly participated of this study, both male and female, (twenty-two physically active and twenty sedentary), over sixty years old and functionally capable to perform the evaluations suggested. They were submitted to tests of decrease in anterior flexion of the trunk, Stibor and Shoeber to evaluate the flexibility and then they signalized the level of pain on the analogic visual scale. The data obtained on the valuations has been analyzed utilizing the non-parametric statistic test Mann-Whitney, considering the level of significance of 5% (p<0,05), in order to compare the performance among the groups. Results: It has not been observed significant di- fferences among the groups referring to the tests Stibor and analogic visual scale. On Shoeber and FAT tests has been observed significant differences (p<0,05) among the groups, with a better performance to the active group. Conclusion: The physical activity practicing interfere on the mobility and on the flexibility of the elderly body segment.


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Introduction: The growth of the aged population in developing countries is fast. Cognitive, motion, metabolic and social injuries are associated to aging, which are potentially able to impair the quality of life of the elder population. A physical activity that provides a mental and physical welfare besides its importance to the good aging, therefore, the Tai Chi Chuan is considered an effi cient and cheap way to improve the quality of life and to reduce the physical alterations unchained by aging. Objective: To verify the effect of the Tai Chi Chuan of the quality of life, fl exibility and balance in elderly. Methods: Nine volunteers, three men (66.33 ± 13.32 years) and six women (68.67 ± 11.34 years) participated in the study. They performed the training of Tai Chi Chuan during 12 weeks, two times per week, with duration of one hour each session. The volunteers were evaluated at the beginning of the study and after the 12 weeks of training by means of the application of the questionnaire of quality of life SF-36, a scale of balance and the test to seat and to reach was applied to evaluate the fl exibility. Results: It was observed in the Tai Chi Chuan training improvement of the balance and fl exibility; however, the quality of life did not present signifi cant difference. Conclusion: These fi ndings allow us to conclude that the Tai Chi Chuan was effi cient in the improvement of the equilibrium and the fl exibility of elder people; however, it did not modify the Quality of Life of the studied population.


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Patients who went through a Stroke may require mechanical ventilation (MV) in the acute phase of the disease and, on MV, they may show alterations in the respiratory mechanic. Physiotherapy techniques are applied in patients on MV to improve their respiratory mechanic. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Respiratory Physiotherapy into the dynamic compliance (Cdyn), static compliance (Cst) and airway resistance (Rwa) in Stroke patients on MV. In order to do that, patients with Stroke diagnostic on MV were evaluated, before and after the use of Physiotherapy techniques (manual rib-cage compression, thoracic decompression, zero end expiratory pressure and suctioning). Cdyn, Cst and Rwa were the researched variables. Statistical Analysis was made using Paired T-Test with statistical significance with p-values no greater than 5%. Eleven patients were part of the study, with an average of 64,6±12,5 years old. Cdyn increased after physiotherapy from 29,3±16,1 ml/cmH2O to 33,8±16,7 ml/cmH2O (p=0,03). Cst also increased from 44,4±20,7 ml/cmH2O to 54,0±26,6 ml/cmH2O (p=0,024). No significant difference was detected for Rwa between the before and after moments (Before – 8,0±3,2 cmH2O/l/s, After – 7,3±2,25 cmH2O/l/s; p=0,45). It was possible to conclude that both dynamic and static compliance increased after physiotherapy, but the airway resistance did not increase in patients with stroke on mechanical ventilation.


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Introduction: Some losses resulting from aging can be minimized with the practice of resistive exercises. Objective: To analyze the effects of resistive exercises on flexibility, mobility, muscle strength and balance in the elderly. Method: Twenty elderly individuals were divided between an activity group (AG, n=10; 66.1±6.35 years) and a control group (CG, n=10; 65.4±7.54 years). Mobility, flexibility, muscle strength and balance were evaluated. The AG participated in the training for 13 weeks (one-hour sessions, twice a week). The Wilcoxon non-parametric test (intra-group analysis) was used to analyze the data. A significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was adopted. Results: After training, the AG presented better mobility, lower limb muscle strength, and balance, but no difference in flexibility. Conclusion: The present study allows us to conclude that resistive exercises were able to improve mobility, lower limb muscle strength and balance in elderly individuals.


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Introduction:The regular practice of physical activity is being used as a therapeutic resource to the elderly population, with the objective of reduction of the losses provoked by the growing old process. The home place (urban or rural) is still little explored in literature about your infl uence in the physical capacity of the elderly people. Objective: The aim of this study was to value and compare the quality of life, motion and functional capacity between physically active and sedentary elderly people, residents in the urban and rural area. Methods: Sixty people with age above 60 years old were valued, 20 physically active residents in the urban area (66,5 ± 4,32 years), 20 sedentary residents in the urban area (68,8± 7,24 years), 10 physically active residents in the rural area (64,4±2,46 years) and 10 sedentary residents in the rural area (68±5,78 years). It was realized the evaluation of the fl exibility (previous fl exon of the trunk), mobility (timed up and go test), a six-minute walk test and answered a quality of life’s questionnaire SF-36. To compare the results obtained by the two groups was used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the signifi cant presence of the test was performed post hoc Newman-Keuls. The level of signifi cance used in statistical analysis was 5% (p<0,05).Results: It was observed that the physically active elderly people obtaine better performance on the six-minutes walk test. It wasn’t found difference in the mobility among the groups. In relation to the quality of life, the elderly residents in the rural area, were better in the component Vitally. In relation to the fl exibility the elderly residents in the urban area obtained the best results. So, we can conclude that the practice of physical activity realized by the volunteers contributed to a better functional capacity, observed by the biggest distance gone through on the walk test. The rural home place positively infl uenced the vitality control, while the fl exibility was worse presented in these elderly people.


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Introduction : The aging is characterized by a reduction in the effectiveness of skills, among them the loss of the flexibility. The hamstring muscles may be affected by the decreased flexibility occurs when elderly can present limitation of gait, low back problems and osteomuscular. Among the techniques used to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring muscles are the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle . However, the scientific literature doesn’t provide consistent data on the correlation of these forms of evaluation. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle used to assess the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in elderly women. Method: This was a cross-sectional, observational study, consisting of 39 elderly, healthy. The evaluation was composed by forms with personal details and physical examination (body weight, height and body mass index), and the evaluation of tests to measure the flexibility of the hamstring muscles (Sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle). The correlation of the data was done by using the Spearmam’s rank correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: The data showed a positive correlation between Sit and Reach Test Computerized Photogrammetry and the popliteal angle of the right leg (r=0.4690, p=0.0026) and the left leg (r=0.3604, p=0.0241). Conclusion: The data from this study allow conclude that the tests for assessing hamstring flexibility in elderly women, the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle are complementary because it doesn’t correlate strongly.