998 resultados para Fish diseases
Objective. To evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of varicella vaccine (VV) in susceptible patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases receiving methotrexate and corticosteroids. Methods. Twenty-five patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases (ages 2-19 years) and 18 healthy children and adolescents (ages 3-18 years) received a single dose of VV. All 25 patients were receiving methotrexate; 13 were also receiving prednisone and 5 were also receiving other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. None of the vaccinated patients or controls had a previous history of varicella. Anti-varicella-zoster virus IgG antibody (anti-VZV-IgG) titers were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immediately before, 4-6 weeks after, and 1 year after vaccination. The patients were monitored prospectively for adverse reactions related to the vaccine, exposure, and occurrence of varicella. Disease activity was assessed 3 months before and 3 months after VV. Results. Twenty patients and all of the controls had negative preimmunization titers of VZV-IgG, and 5 patients had equivocal levels. Positive VZV-IgG titers were detected in 10 (50%) of 20 seronegative patients and 13 (72.2%) of 18 controls 4-6 weeks after VV (P = 0.2). One year after vaccination, 8 of 10 patients maintained positive VZV-IgG titers. No overt varicella episodes and no severe adverse reactions were observed during the followup period. No worsening of clinical parameters and no flares of juvenile rheumatic diseases or changes in doses of medications used were detected after vaccination. In fact, the number of active joints in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis was significantly lower after VV (P = 0.009). Conclusion. VV appears to be safe in patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases receiving methotrexate, as long as continuous prospective vigilance for side effects is performed.
The aim of this study was to determine if Toxoplasma gondii are present in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and mussels (Mytella guyanensis) under natural conditions using a bioassay in mice and molecular detection methods. We first compared two standard protocols for DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform (PC) and guanidine-thiocyanate (GT), for both molluscs. A total of 300 oysters and 300 mussels were then acquired from the fish market in Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, between March and August of 2008 and divided into 60 groups of 5 oysters and 20 groups of 15 mussels. To isolate the parasite, five mice were orally inoculated with sieved tissue homogenates from each group of oysters or mussels. For molecular detection of T. gondii, DNA from mussels was extracted using the PC method and DNA from oysters was extracted using the GT method. A nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) based on the amplification of a 155 bp fragment from the B1 gene of T. gondii was then performed. Eleven PCR-RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, CS3 and Apico, were used to genotype positive samples. There was no isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice. T. gondii was not detected in any of the groups of mussels by nested-PCR. DNA of T. gondii was apparently detected by nested-PCR in 2 groups of oysters (3.3%). Genotyping of these two positive samples was not successful. The results suggest that oysters of the species C. rhizophorae, the most common species from the coast of Sao Paulo, can filter and retain T. gondii oocysts from the marine environment. Ingestion of raw oysters as a potential transmission source of T. gondii to humans and marine mammals should be further investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The order Passeriformes comprises the largest number of families and species of birds of any avian order. Brazil is rich in passerine birds, which are a common victim of wildlife trafficking in Brazil. Annually, many birds die as a consequence of illegal trade. To investigate the occurrence of the principle diseases and to identify the main causes of death in smuggled passerine birds, the cause of death was evaluated in 360 passerine birds confiscated within the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Causes of death were determined by anatomopathologic and microbiologic studies. Infectious diseases were the cause of death of most birds, which corresponded to 78.6% of cases. The most common infectious diseases were poxvirus infection, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis. Although the etiologic agents of these diseases can coexist asymptomatically within hosts, once the host`s immunity is compromised, the pathogen multiplies quickly and causes disease. The results of this study may help to improve the care of passerine birds in captivity and increase the survival rate of confiscated birds. Results may also be useful for in situ conservation programs that investigate the reintroduction of confiscated species or captive birds.
From September 2000 to January 2002, a serologic survey was conducted in a population of free-ranging Brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) inhabiting Emas National Park and surrounding areas in Goias state. central Brazil, as part of an ecologic study. Ten tapirs were immobilized with a tiletamine-zolazepam combination. and blood samples were collected. All sera were negative for Leptospira spp.. Brucella abortus, and equine infectious anemia; and one of 10 animals was positive for Toxoplasma goudii. This report represents the first serologic survey for selected infectious diseases in a free-ranging population or Brazilians tapirs in central Brazil.
Many coral reef fish are beautifully coloured and the reflectance spectra of their colour patterns may include UVa wavelengths (315-400 nm) that are largely invisible to the human eye (Losey, G. S., Cronin, T. W., Goldsmith, T. H., David, H., Marshall, N. J., & McFarland, W.N, (1999). The uv visual world of fishes: a review. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 921-943; Marshall, N. J. & Oberwinkler, J. (1999). The colourful world of the mantis shrimp. Nature, 401, 873-874). Before the possible functional significance of UV patterns can be investigated, it is of course essential to establish whether coral reef fishes can see ultraviolet light. As a means of tackling this question, in this study the transmittance of the ocular media of 211 coral reef fish species was measured. It was found that the ocular media of 50.2% of the examined species strongly absorb light of wavelengths below 400 nm, which makes the perception of UV in these fish very unlikely. The remaining 49.8% of the species studied possess ocular media that do transmit UV light, making the perception of UV possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lecithocladium invasor n.sp. is described from the oesophagus of Naso annulatus, N. tuberosus and N. vlamingii on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The worms penetrate the oesophageal mucosa and induce chronic transmural nodular granulomas, which expand the full thickness of the oesophageal wall and protrude both into the oesophageal lumen and from the serosal surface. We observed two major types of lesions: large ulcerated, active granulomas, consisting of a central cavity containing a single or multiple live worms; and many smaller chronic fibrous submucosal nodules. Small, identifiable but attenuated, worms and degenerate worm fragments were identified within some chronic nodules. Co-infection of the posterior oesophagus of the same Naso species with Lecithocladium chingi was common. L. chingi is redescribed from N. annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. tuberosus and A vlamingii. Unlike L. invasor n.sp., L. chingi was not associated with significant lesions. The different pathenogenicity of the two species in acanthurid fish is discussed.
A didymozoid trematode encapsulated in the gills of orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides Hamilton, was observed in October 1997 and September 1999 among pond-reared fish in the Philippines. Capsule prevalence was 33% and 18% and mean intensity 2 and 1, respectively. The opaque-white and yellowish capsules were found only on the first gill arch and were attached lengthwise along the posterior surface of the primary gill filaments. When the capsules were opened, long thread-like worms were revealed, which were identified as Gonapodasmius epinepheli Abdul-Salam, Sreelatha and Farah. The parasites were encapsulated between the basement membrane of the epithelium and the efferent artery of the gill filament. The response of the host included mild hyperplasia of the interlamellar epithelium and an increase in the number of mucous cells. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In the last few years two factors have helped to significantly advance our understanding of the Myxozoa. First, the phenomenal increase in fin fish aquaculture in the 1990s has lead to the increased importance of these parasites; in rum this has lead to intensified research efforts, which have increased knowledge of the development, diagnosis, and pathogenesis of myxozoans. The hallmark discovery in the 1980s that the life cycle of Myxobolus cerebralis requires development of an actinosporean stage in the Oligochaete. Tubifex tubifex, led to the elucidation of the life cycles of several other myxozoans. Also, the life cycle and taxonomy of the enigmatic PKX myxozoan has been resolved: it is the alternate stage of the unusual myxozoan. Tetracapsula bryosalmonae, from bryozoans. The 18S rDNA gene of many species has been sequenced, and here we add 22 new sequences to the data set. Phylogenetic analyses using all these sequences indicate that: 1) the Myxozoa are closely related to Cnidaria (also supported by morphological data), 2) marine taxa at the genus level branch separately from genera that usually infect freshwater fishes; 3) taxa cluster more by development and tissue location than by spore morphology; 4) the tetracapsulids branched off early in myxozoan evolution, perhaps reflected by their having bryozoan. rather than annelid hosts; 5) the morphology of actinosporeans offers little information for determining their myxosporean counterparts (assuming that they exist), and 6) the marine actinosporeans from Australia appear to form a clade within the platysporinid myxosporeans. Ribosomal DNA sequences have also enabled development of diagnostic tests for myxozoans. PCR and in situ hybridisation tests based on rDNA sequences have been developed for Myxobolus cerebralis. Ceratomyxa shasta. Kudoa spp,, and Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (PKX). Lectin-based and antibody tests have also been developed for certain myxozoans, such as PKX and C. shasta. We also review important diseases caused by myxozoans. which are emerging or re-emerging. Epizootics of whirling disease in wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have recently been reported throughout the Rocky Mountain states of the USA. With a dramatic increase in aquaculture of fishes using marine netpens, several marine myxozoans have been recognized or elevated in status as pathological agents. Kudoa thyrsites infections have caused severe post-harvest myoliquefaction in pen-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and Ceratomyxa spp., Sphaerospora spp., and Myxidium leei cause disease in pen-reared sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream species (family Sparidae) in Mediterranean countries.
Farming yellowtail in Japan is big business and cultivation of the closely related kingfish in South Australia is rapidly emerging as a local industry. But when it comes to parasites, farming the sea is no different from farming on land. Parasites can affect productivity, and solving parasite problems is important in this rapidly growing industry.
The susceptibility of species of lutjanid, lethrinid and serranid fish to infection by either larval or post-larval (juvenile and adult) specimens of the capsalid monogenean Benedenia lutjani Whittington and Kearn (1993) was examined experimentally. Four species of lutjanids became infected when exposed to larvae of B. lutjani, but three species of lethrinids and four species of serranids were not susceptible to larvae under the same conditions. Variability in the intensity of infection by larvae occurred within and between lutjanid species. Few post-larval specimens of B. lutjani transferred between individuals of the specific host Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson 1842) in 60-l aquaria and none transferred between specimens of L. carponotatus in a 7,500-l concrete tank. These results indicate that transfer of post-larval B. lutjani between individuals of the specific host is unlikely to occur in the wild. Other lutjanid species did not become infected when exposed to specimens of L. carponotatus infected heavily by post-larval B. lutjani, but two lethrinid species were susceptible to infection under the same conditions. These data indicate that different factors may mediate host-specificity for larval and post-larval B. lutjani.