993 resultados para Filón de Alejandría


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With the impetus that has led recent studies on Latin American Modernism to a reevaluation of the sense of cultural fluxes from the modernity capitals to its peripheries –discarding categories such as “influence”, “exotism” and “ivory tower”, stereotypes that have clouded critical understanding of this aesthetics for decades- the present study intends to investigate a persistent practice of the main writers of the movement. This practice is modernist pictorial criticism, a genre that will be approached through the analysis of an unknown corpus: the seven chronicles Rubén Darío published in the journal La Prensa on occasion of the third art exposition of the Ateneo de Buenos Aires. Our hypothesis is that the rare creators of images portrayed by Darío by the end of 1895 work as a visual counterpoint of the eccentric writers’ biographical sketches that a year later will be part of the fundamental volume Los raros (1896). In this early “salon”, which we reproduce in its entirety, accompanied by explanatory notes, the leader of Modernism rehearses and consolidates his transcultural work with the universal tradition –now applied to the Salons (1845-1860) by Charles Baudelaire and to the monumental project by John Ruskin in Modern painters (1843-1860)- to legitimate, from another subgenre of Modernist criticism, a new figure of the critic, in dissent with the Enlightenment model of the writer.


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Este trabajo estudia el proyecto editorial de la Revista de América (1912-1914), fundada en París y dirigida por Francisco García Calderón. Mi propósito es analizar el modo en que muchos de los vínculos entre los escritores latinoamericanos radicados en París entre fines del siglo XIX y la Primera Guerra Mundial se materializaron en la edición de revistas. Propongo examinar las estrategias de difusión de las producciones latinoamericanas en el Viejo Continente, como así también algunos aspectos ideológicos y de intervención intelectual que la revista llegó a articular. En un primer momento, me detengo en los rasgos materiales tanto del proyecto editorial de la revista como de los vínculos entre los latinoamericanos desterrados. Luego indago las distintas formas de mediación crítica, por un lado, y cultural, por otro, que la revista escenificó y, en algunos casos, desarrolló activamente. En efecto, la revista de García Calderón vuelve visible una dimensión mediadora en varios sentidos: mediación crítica entre productores y lectores, pues se propuso como instancia de difusión, al convocar a “a los mejores escritores latinoamericanos”. Al mismo tiempo, propuso otras dos mediaciones: entre pares, al funcionar como consagradora, seleccionando y agrupando simbólicamente a los escritores de cada país latinoamericano. Finalmente, una mediación intercontinental entre culturas en la contemporaneidad, que intentó acercar dos gestos en la acción de la revista: una legitimación del pensamiento y el arte “de ultramar” y una valoración de los desarrollos artísticos europeos del presente.


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Desde los estudios pioneros de Walter Benjamín dedicados a la imagen del flâneur en la poesía de Baudelaire, la experiencia del sujeto poético y su íntima reconstrucción afectiva de la ciudad constituyen un índice significativo para aproximarnos a la experiencia de la vida moderna. En este artículo, nos interesa revisar cuáles son las particularidades que distinguen esta experiencia en un corpus de poesía argentina reciente -los libros Punctum y Refrito, de Martín Gambarotta, y Horla City y otros, de Fabián Casas-, que durante las décadas de 1990 y 2000 tematiza, con insistencia y mediante opciones diversas, la relación sujeto-ciudad. En dichos textos, es posible releer una continuidad -relativamente canónicadel paseante por los márgenes periféricos de la modernidad -en el caso de Casas- y la reclusión voluntaria, como repliegue extremo ante la vivencia del deambular callejero, que se percibe como intimidante en Gambarotta.


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Induced in high glucose-1 (IHG-1) is an evolutionarily conserved gene transcript upregulated by high extracellular glucose concentrations, but its function is unknown. Here, it is reported that the abundance of IHG-1 mRNA is nearly 10-fold higher in microdissected, tubule-rich renal biopsies from patients with diabetic nephropathy compared with control subjects. In the diabetic nephropathy specimens, in situ hybridization localized IHG-1 to tubular epithelial cells along with TGF-beta1 and activated Smad3, suggesting a possible role in the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Supporting this possibility, IHG-1 mRNA and protein expression also increased with unilateral ureteral obstruction. In the HK-2 proximal tubule cell line, overexpression of IHG-1 increased TGF-beta1-stimulated expression of connective tissue growth factor and fibronectin. IHG-1 was found to amplify TGF-beta1-mediated transcriptional activity by increasing and prolonging phosphorylation of Smad3. Conversely, inhibition of endogenous IHG-1 with small interference RNA suppressed transcriptional responses to TGF-beta1. In summary, IHG-1, which increases in diabetic nephropathy, may enhance the actions of TGF-beta1 and contribute to the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis.


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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a progressive fibrotic condition that may lead to end-stage renal disease and kidney failure. Transforming growth factor-ß1 and bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP7) have been shown to induce DN-like changes in the kidney and protect the kidney from such changes, respectively. Recent data identified insulin action at the level of the nephron as a crucial factor in the development and progression of DN. Insulin requires a family of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins for its physiological effects, and many reports have highlighted the role of insulin and IRS proteins in kidney physiology and disease. Here, we observed IRS2 expression predominantly in the developing and adult kidney epithelium in mouse and human. BMP7 treatment of human kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells (HK-2 cells) increases IRS2 transcription. In addition, BMP7 treatment of HK-2 cells induces an electrophoretic shift in IRS2 migration on SDS/PAGE, and increased association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, probably due to increased tyrosine/serine phosphorylation. In a cohort of DN patients with a range of chronic kidney disease severity, IRS2 mRNA levels were elevated approximately ninefold, with the majority of IRS2 staining evident in the kidney tubules in DN patients. These data show that IRS2 is expressed in the kidney epithelium and may play a role in the downstream protective events triggered by BMP7 in the kidney. The specific up-regulation of IRS2 in the kidney tubules of DN patients also indicates a novel role for IRS2 as a marker and/or mediator of human DN progression.


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VITALMORA Cía. Ltda., se establecerá en dos sectores para realizar sus actividades, así para la producción del producto a ofrecer (mora de brazo) se desarrollará en la parroquia de Guayllabamba, lugar que brinda las condiciones apropiadas para el cultivo y producción del producto. La comercialización se llevara a cabo en la ciudad de Quito, sector Sur (Barrio Mayorista) de acuerdo al cliente prevista a atender. Estos lugares han sido seleccionados como óptimos en base a la matriz localizada desarrollada y analizadas. La empresa ingresara al mercado con una ventaja competitiva, la cual se basa en calidad, higiene, presentación adecuada, información nutricional y vitamínica, precio y peso justo. La empresa, estará conformada por personal idóneo, capacitado y comprometido en la realización de sus actividades, a la vez dispuesto a trabajar en equipo y abiertos a capacitaciones permanentes.


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Estrogens, such as 17β-estradiol (E2) are essential for normal growth and differentiation of the mammary gland. There are two estrogen receptors (ERs), ERα and ERβ which are ligand activated transcription factors. ERα stimulates proliferation and is the single most powerful predictor of breast cancer prognosis and since 70% of breast cancers express ERα, strategies to block this receptor are the primary breast cancer treatment. Unlike ERα, the role of ERβ in breast cancer and its potential as alternative therapeutic target remains controversial, mainly due to the lack of correlation between results obtained in vitro and epidemiological studies. The aim of this thesis was to increase our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of estrogen signaling in normal and cancerous cells, in different cellular contexts and with focus on ERβ. In Paper I we characterized the effect of the flavone PD098059 - which is a commonly used MEK1 inhibitor - on activation of transcription by ERα and ERβ. We found that the estrogenic effect of PD098059 is dose dependent in concentrations ranging from 1 – 10 μM and that activation of transcription by ER is suppressed by the inhibitory effect of PD98059 on MEK1 at concentrations above 50 μM. In agreement with its flavone nature, PD098059 had a much stronger effect on ERβ than on ERα transcriptional activity. Therefore, use of this compound for the study of signalling events in cells expressing ER should be carefully considered. In Paper II we assessed the effect of ERβ agonists in vivo and administered under different conditions in vitro. In basal conditions, ERβ induced apoptosis; however, in vivo ERβ agonists stimulated proliferation and inhibited apoptosis. In vivo effects were reproduced in culture, by activation of MAPK/ERK½ pathway with epidermal growth factor or basement membrane extract. In addition, insulin signalling and PI3-K/AKT activation was necessary for stimulation of proliferation. These results suggest that the cellular context modulates ERβ activity. Manuscript presents preliminary work aimed at the set-up of a methodological strategy to isolate ERs and to identify interacting proteins in different cellular contexts and which could modulate the bi-phased effects of ERβ in cell growth. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis contribute to clarify the apparent contradictory information regarding ERβ function in normal and cancerous mammary epithelium and suggest that the cellular context should be considered when ERβ effects are studied.


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Cette étude explore pour la première fois auprès d'une population québécoise le lien existant entre la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant (REE) et l'adaptation scolaire d'élèves ayant un trouble du comportement. La qualité du lien affectif des 80 élèves participants est étudiée sous l'angle de la théorie de l'attachement et mesurée à l'aide du STRS (Student-Teacher Relationship Scale) ainsi que du TSRI (Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory). Des analyses de corrélation font ressortir de nombreux liens entre la qualité de la REE et les variables d'adaptation scolaire utilisées: la compétence académique (notes et habitudes de travail), les habiletés sociales/ appréciation par les pairs, les problèmes de comportement extériorisés, puis finalement, la motivation/satisfaction scolaire de l'élève. De plus, la qualité de la REE en fin d'année scolaire a été comparée selon la fréquentation de l'élève à l'un ou l'autre des services: 1) des classes spéciales traditionnelles (N=30) et 2) des classes kangourou, dont la philosophie est axée sur l'établissement d'une REE positive (N=50). Les résultats de cette comparaison indiquent peu de différence significative dans l'évolution des élèves selon les deux services et pas de différence au niveau de la qualité de la REE pour cet échantillon.


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The globalization and the need for countries to unite under regional organizations fostered the emergency of a Communitary law. This isa law made bysupranational institutions capable of submitting States toa single legal order. Thistransforms administrative law on international administrative law that overflows the national legal system. This phenomenon was felt on Colombia given the current development of the Andean Integration System


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Banco del conocimiento


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidaden Producción y Calidad) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Contaduría Pública con Especialidad en Finanzas), UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Analítica Biomédica) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Enfermería con Especialidad en Salud Comunitaria) UANL