983 resultados para Fenda em guia de ondas
Aquest projecte es basa en el modelatge i simulació de sistemes utilitzant un simulador digital, i pretén ser una guia docent com a eina d’ajuda per a una assignatura que, a priori, s’impartirà a la Universitat de Vic. La simulació és una tècnica que permet representar el comportament de processos (físics, productius, de serveis, etc.) sense necessitat d’accedir al sistema real. Per analitzar, estudiar i millorar el comportament d’un sistema mitjançant la tècnica de la simulació digital és necessari primer desenvolupar un model conceptual que descrigui les variables d’interès, i després implementar-lo en un simulador per poder analitzar els resultats. ARENA és el software de simulació que s’estudia en aquest projecte i es presenta com una eina que permet la descripció complerta de l’experiència que una entitat desenvolupa a l’interior del sistema mentre flueix a través d’aquest. En concret s’utilitza la versió ARENA 10.0. Pel que fa a l’estructura del projecte, primerament s’introdueixen conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació, així com avantatges i inconvenients i els camps d’aplicació de la simulació. Seguidament i ja centrats en l’Arena, s’analitza un exemple senzill per començar-ne a veure el funcionament. Posteriorment, es van estudiant varis exemples amb complexitat progressiva. Aquests exemples es desenvolupen pas a pas de manera que es puguin anar provant amb el simulador. En el transcurs del projecte es van estudiant les eines de l’Arena i les seves possibilitats, així com els resultats obtinguts i les interpretacions d’aquests. Aquest projecte pretén, doncs, donar conceptes introductoris en el camp de la simulació en general, i, en particular, descriure eines bàsiques sobre el funcionament de l’Arena.
The optimization of a traditional technique of cellular disruption by abrasion was carried out and a process using ultrasonic waves associated with glass pearls to extract beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces marxianus proposed. In the first case, the effects of the diameter and weight of the pearls in relation to the volume of cellular suspension and amount of time for cellular disruption were evaluated. The efficiency of the new process of cellular disruption was evaluated by varying the length of time of sonification and comparing with the method of abrasion under the same conditions. The proposed method can be efficiently applied to obtain beta-galactosidase at laboratory scale.
Conté bibliografia específica sobre 6 revistes d'arquitectura i urbanisme: Architectural Design, The Architectural Record, The Architectural Review, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Casabella, Domus, i també d'altres revistes importants dins les dues disciplines.
This paper introduces the basics of peptide mass spectra interpretation applied to proteomics and is directed to chemists, biochemists and biologists. The manuscript presents a well detailed protocol aiming to serve as a first choice guide for understanding peptide sequencing. The tutorial was elaborated based on both a thorough bibliographic revision and the author's experience. In order to prove the applicability of the proposed guide, spectra obtained on different instruments have been successfully interpreted by applying the presented rational.
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Postprint (author’s final draft)
This paper proposes a methodology for spectrophotometric determination of hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) by using chromotropic acid in a phosphoric acid media employing a domestic microwave oven as a source of heating. The reddish-purple soluble product is quantitatively formed after 30 s of irradiation and obeys the Beer´s law in the range between 0.1-1.2 mg L-1 HMT (r = 0.99925). The method was applied successfully in commercial pharmaceutical preparations containing dyes in their composition. The results showed that the method proposed is feasible for simplicity, speed, low cost, precision and accuracy when compared with United States Pharmacopeia official method.
The use of microwave in chemistry has known benefits over conventional heating methods, e.g. reduced reaction times, chemical yield improvement and the possibility if reducing or eliminating the use of organic solvents. We describe herein a procedure for the nitration of salicylaldehyde in water using a domestic microwave oven, which can be used as an experiment in the undergraduate chemistry laboratory. The experiment involves safe and rapid preparation and identification of the position isomers by thin layer chromatography and 1H NMR, or by their melting points.
This work presents the optimization of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n . The reactions were carried out at the fixed temperature of 120 ºC for 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. Pure crystalline [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n was obtained in high yield (ca. 90%) with a reaction time of 10 min. The phase obtained and its purity was confirmed by Rietveld refinement, with a final value for Rwp/Rexp equal to 1.48. Increased reaction times (20, 30 and 40 min) favored the formation of unwanted by products, resulting in mixtures of several crystalline phases.
This review article shows the publications in the field of microwave irradiation published by Brazilian researchers over the past 10 years. In South America, Brazil leads the publication of articles with the use of microwave irradiation possessing a large advantage in number of articles published over the others countries. The works were divided into four major areas: Catalysis, Reactions without Solvent, Heterocycles Chemistry, Natural Products and Other, and some could be classified in more than one category.
The chemical industries worldwide are passing through a very particular moment of re-adaptation due to the implementation of an European regulation called, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). In Brazil, the Brazilian Chemical Industry needs urgently a specific guide of chemical products stability. The main purpose of this work is to present a proposal of a guide of stability for chemical products based on the reference guides of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Thus, this work proposes an innovation in terms of methodology which will be useful for shelf life definition purpose for chemical industry products.
Microwave synthesis is considered a breakthrough in the field of chemistry due to its benefits over conventional heating methods. We describe, for the first time, the total synthesis of phenytoin adapted for a microwave reactor, proposed as an experiment for undergraduate courses. When carried out with microwaves, the synthetic route provided phenytoin in 6 min and 30 s, while for conventional heating the total time was 170 min. The experiment also involves rapid identification of compounds by TLC, ¹H NMR, FT-IR and melting points determination.
This work describes a green chemistry experiment for the synthesis of Erlenmeyer-Plöchl azalactones mediated by microwave irradiation, employing both dedicated and domestic equipment. Hippuric acid was reacted with equimolar amounts of benzaldehyde, p-chloro-benzaldehyde or p-N,N-dimethyl-benzaldehyde in acetic anhydride as the solvent. Acid hydrolysis of obtained 4-benzylidene-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one under microwave and convectional heating afforded Z-α-(benzoylamino)cinnamic acid at a 51-61.5% yield. The UV-Vis molecular spectra of 4-benzylidene-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one and 4-(4'-N,N-dimethylbenzylidene)-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one were obtained in ethanol, CH2Cl2 and DMSO and bathochromic shift was observed for the latter azalactone.