998 resultados para Feira do Livro de Frankfurt
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Na leitura escolar, o encontro entre o aluno e os textos literários é mediado pelos manuais didáticos. Ao serem adaptados para figurarem nos livros didáticos, os textos literários sofrem transformações para se tornarem úteis aos propósitos da Escola. Este artigo discute as principais estratégias discursivas utilizadas para transformar textos literários em didáticos, focalizando os efeitos de imitação, banalização e falsificação que impedem que as crianças-leitoras tenham acesso, na escola tradicional, à riqueza do texto literário. Palavras-chave: Literário; didático; intertextualidade; estratégias discursivas.
Discutir sobre o texto literário no livro didático pressupõe o levantamento de abordagens multidisciplinares, que envolvem questões como a própria concepção de leitura e de texto literário, a necessidade de adequação desse texto aos leitores, o espaço dado à literatura no livro didático, as atividades de trabalho propostas pelo livro, bem como o papel do professor e da escola na formação de hábitos de leitura ou no aprimoramento do gosto estético do aluno. Palavras-chave: Literatura; escola; livro didático; concepções de leitura.
O artigo investiga os fundamentos do processo de leitura presente no Emílio, de Rousseau, de acordo com os princípios de utilidade e necessidade que sustentam esse “romance educativo”. O Robinson Crusoé, de Daniel Defoe, único livro recomendado pelo preceptor de Emílio, é analisado segundo a perspectiva da educação do “homem natural”. Palavras-chave: Rousseau; leitura; educação; Robinson Crusoé.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In search of Brazil's entry into modernity, educators pledged to develop mechanisms for the construction of the brazilian man, and modern. Thales Castanho de Andrade was one of those educators who found in the educational destination book this possibility. This article is concerned to examine the ways that are served by reading books models of urban life to cite the country life. These books are part of the Coleção de leitura escolar: série Thales de Andrade. The books carry a model school reading ideologized as they meet, in addition to teaching reading, build civility of the countryside, through images or words, or the organization that goes through all the books of the collection.
This study was aimed to analyze a procedure that makes the description of pictures in printed text from a book that promotes accessibility for blind people. In addition, the study was aimed to analyze the reformulations suggested by the judges and the index of agreement between researcher and judges. The descriptions were submitted to judges to evaluate the content of the material. The results were obtained through the analysis of two assessments: 1) agreement rate ‒ between the researcher and judges A and B, and between judge A and judge B and 2) analysis of the suggested reformulation. In quantitative terms, the results indicated that the material described achieved a high reliability. In qualitative terms, the reliability achieved represents the quality of the material offered, with well structured descriptions where writing meaning is equivalent to image information, fulfilling the purpose to present in printed text the elements represented in the pictures, effectively conveying their meaning.
Aiming it contribute to discussions on teaching and learning of reading and writing, is presented, in the form of critical review, the analysis of textual configuration of the book Será que fui eu?, by Alzira Silveria. This analysis was developed based on the assumption that reading and producing written texts are specifically human activities whose function and importance beyond the boundaries of the school and change ways of thinking, feeling, will and act, promoting qualitative changes in process of human development and providing active participation in the public world of written culture, and therefore in society and history. This is the main “life lesson” that the author of the book teaches all interested in the subject, especially to school teachers responsible for teaching reading and writing, which can only be successful if and when they understand themselves as historical and social people who, also experience reading and producing written texts, not only as necessary acturties for their teaching performance, but rather as essential activities for human development, of people who are author of their own speech frow and about their life and history.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The translation project of some short stories of the book Piccoli equivoci senza importanza, written by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi, was performed during the academic years. This thesis target is to analyze grammatical and stylistic issues of the short stories; to achieve this goal, parts of the original texts and their respective translations were used. The grammar section approaches important aspects as idioms, false cognates and different verb regencies between Portuguese and Italian. The stylistic part focuses on Tabucchi´s choices regarding the narrator, focalization, types of speech and interior monologues in his texts; these options characterize the Italian writer´s style and make his stories plots intense. As a conclusion it can be noticed that this work is relevant to give a forward step in the Italian literature studies field, because it contributes to an important author style study and provides the analysis of which choices compound the text and the effects they cause