989 resultados para FADING CHANNELS


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This paper compares and analyzes the performance of distributed cophasing techniques for uplink transmission over wireless sensor networks. We focus on a time-division duplexing approach, and exploit the channel reciprocity to reduce the channel feedback requirement. We consider periodic broadcast of known pilot symbols by the fusion center (FC), and maximum likelihood estimation of the channel by the sensor nodes for the subsequent uplink cophasing transmission. We assume carrier and phase synchronization across the participating nodes for analytical tractability. We study binary signaling over frequency-flat fading channels, and quantify the system performance such as the expected gains in the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the average probability of error at the FC, as a function of the number of sensor nodes and the pilot overhead. Our results show that a modest amount of accumulated pilot SNR is sufficient to realize a large fraction of the maximum possible beamforming gain. We also investigate the performance gains obtained by censoring transmission at the sensors based on the estimated channel state, and the benefits obtained by using maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and truncated channel inversion (TCI) at the sensors in addition to cophasing transmission. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical expressions and show the relative performance benefits offered by the various schemes.


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We consider single-source single-sink (ss-ss) multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading links and single-antenna half-duplex relay nodes. While two-hop cooperative relay networks have been studied in great detail in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), few results are available for more general networks. In this paper, we identify two families of networks that are multi-hop generalizations of the two-hop network: K-Parallel-Path (KPP)networks and layered networks.KPP networks, can be viewed as the union of K node-disjoint parallel relaying paths, each of length greater than one. KPP networks are then generalized to KPP(I) networks, which permit interference between paths and to KPP(D) networks, which possess a direct link from source to sink. We characterize the DMT of these families of networks completely for K > 3. Layered networks are networks comprising of layers of relays with edges existing only between adjacent layers, with more than one relay in each layer. We prove that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity dmax and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for single-antenna fully-connected layered networks. This is shown to be equal to the optimal DMT if the number of relaying layers is less than 4.For multiple-antenna KPP and layered networks, we provide an achievable DMT, which is significantly better than known lower bounds for half duplex networks.For arbitrary multi-terminal wireless networks with multiple source-sink pairs, the maximum achievable diversity is shown to be equal to the min-cut between the corresponding source and the sink, irrespective of whether the network has half-duplex or full-duplex relays. For arbitrary ss-ss single-antenna directed acyclic networks with full-duplex relays, we prove that a linear tradeoff between maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain is achievable.Along the way, we derive the optimal DMT of a generalized parallel channel and derive lower bounds for the DMT of triangular channel matrices, which are useful in DMT computation of various protocols. We also give alternative and often simpler proofs of several existing results and show that codes achieving full diversity on a MIMO Rayleigh fading channel achieve full diversity on arbitrary fading channels. All protocols in this paper are explicit and use only amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. We also construct codes with short block-lengths based on cyclic division algebras that achieve the optimal DMT for all the proposed schemes.Two key implications of the results in the paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not entail any rate loss for a large class of cooperative networks and that simple AF protocols are often sufficient to attain the optimal DMT


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In this paper, we propose and analyze a novel idea of performing interference cancellation (IC) in a distributed/cooperative manner, with a motivation to provide multiuser detection (MUD) benefit to nodes that have only a single user detection capability. In the proposed distributed interference cancellation (DIC) scheme, during phase-1 of transmission, an MUD capable cooperating relay node estimates all the sender nodes' bits through multistage interference cancellation. These estimated bits are then sent by the relay node on orthogonal tones in phase-2 of transmission. The destination nodes receive these bit estimates and use them for interference estimation/cancellation, thus achieving IC benefit in a distributed manner. For this DIC scheme, we analytically derive an exact expression for the bit error rate (BER) in a basic five-node network (two source-destination node pairs and a cooperating relay node) on AWGN channels. Analytical BER results are shown to match with simulation results. For more general system scenarios, including more than two source-destination pairs and fading channels without and with space-time coding, we present simulation results to establish the potential for improved performance in the proposed distributed approach to interference cancellation. We also present a linear version of the proposed DIC.


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In a cooperative relay-assisted communication system that uses rateless codes, packets get transmitted from a source to a destination at a rate that depends on instantaneous channel states of the wireless links between nodes. When multiple relays are present, the relay with the highest channel gain to the source is the first to successfully decode a packet from the source and forward it to the destination. Thus, the unique properties of rateless codes ensure that both rate adaptation and relay selection occur without the transmitting source or relays acquiring instantaneous channel knowledge. In this paper, we show that in such cooperative systems, buffering packets at relays significantly increases throughput. We develop a novel analysis of these systems that combines the communication-theoretic aspects of cooperation over fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering. Closed-form expressions are derived for the throughput and end-to-end delay for the general case in which the channels between various nodes are not statistically identical. Corresponding results are also derived for benchmark systems that either do not exploit spatial diversity or do not buffer packets. Altogether, our results show that buffering - a capability that will be commonly available in practical deployments of relays - amplifies the benefits of cooperation.


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.


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In this paper, we propose power management algorithms for maximizing the utility of energy harvesting sensors (EHS) that operate purely on the basis of energy harvested from the environment. In particular, we consider communication (i.e., transmission and reception) power management issues for EHS under an energy neutrality constraint. We also consider the fixed power loss effects of the circuitry, the battery inefficiency and its storage capacity, in the design of the algorithms. We propose a two-stage structure that exploits the inherent difference in the timescales at which the energy harvesting and channel fading processes evolve, without loss of optimality of the resulting solution. The outer stage schedules the power that can be used by an inner stage algorithm, so as to maximize the long term average utility and at the same time maintain energy neutrality. The inner stage optimizes the communication parameters to achieve maximum utility in the short-term, subject to the power constraint imposed by the outer stage. We optimize the algorithms for different transmission schemes such as the truncated channel inversion and retransmission strategies. The performance of the algorithms is illustrated via simulations using solar irradiance data, and for the case of Rayleigh fading channels. The results demonstrate the significant performance benefits that can be obtained using the proposed power management algorithms compared to the energy efficient (optimum when there is no storage) and the uniform power consumption (optimum when the battery has infinite capacity and is perfectly efficient) approaches.


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Since the days of Digital Subscriber Links (DSL), time domain equalizers (TEQ's) have been used to combat time dispersive channels in Multicarrier Systems. In this paper, we propose computationally inexpensive techniques to recompute TEQ weights in the presence of changes in the channel, especially over fast fading channels. The techniques use no extra information except the perturbation to the channel itself, and provide excellent approximations to the new TEQ weights. Adaptation methods for two existing Channel shortening algorithms are proposed and their performance over randomly varying, randomly perturbed channels is studied. The proposed adaptation techniques are shown to perform admirably well for small changes in channels for OFDM systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we are interested in high spectral efficiency multicode CDMA systems with large number of users employing single/multiple transmit antennas and higher-order modulation. In particular, we consider a local neighborhood search based multiuser detection algorithm which offers very good performance and complexity, suited for systems with large number of users employing M-QAM/M-PSK. We apply the algorithm on the chip matched filter output vector. We demonstrate near-single user (SU) performance of the algorithm in CDMA systems with large number of users using 4-QAM/16-QAM/64-QAM/8-PSK on AWGN, frequency-flat, and frequency-selective fading channels. We further show that the algorithm performs very well in multicode multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) CDMA systems as well, outperforming other linear detectors and interference cancelers reported in the literature for such systems. The per-symbol complexity of the search algorithm is O(K2n2tn2cM), K: number of users, nt: number of transmit antennas at each user, nc: number of spreading codes multiplexed on each transmit antenna, M: modulation alphabet size, making the algorithm attractive for multiuser detection in large-dimension multicode MIMO-CDMA systems with M-QAM.


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Since the days of Digital Subscriber Links(DSL), Time Domain Equalizers(TEQ's) have been used to combat time dispersive channels in Multicarrier Systems. In this paper, we propose computationally inexpensive techniques to recompute TEQ weights in the presence of changes in the channel, especially over fast fading channels. The techniques use no extra information except the perturbation itself, and provide excellent approximations to the new TEQ weights. The proposed adaptation techniques are shown to perform admirably well for small changes in channels for OFDM systems.


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Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems with large number of antennas have been gaining wide attention as they enable very high throughputs. A major impediment is the complexity at the receiver needed to detect the transmitted data. To this end we propose a new receiver, called LRR (Linear Regression of MMSE Residual), which improves the MMSE receiver by learning a linear regression model for the error of the MMSE receiver. The LRR receiver uses pilot data to estimate the channel, and then uses locally generated training data (not transmitted over the channel), to find the linear regression parameters. The proposed receiver is suitable for applications where the channel remains constant for a long period (slow-fading channels) and performs quite well: at a bit error rate (BER) of 10(-3), the SNR gain over MMSE receiver is about 7 dB for a 16 x 16 system; for a 64 x 64 system the gain is about 8.5 dB. For large coherence time, the complexity order of the LRR receiver is the same as that of the MMSE receiver, and in simulations we find that it needs about 4 times as many floating point operations. We also show that further gain of about 4 dB is obtained by local search around the estimate given by the LRR receiver.


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We discuss the design principles of TCP within the context of heterogeneous wired/wireless networks and mobile networking. We identify three shortcomings in TCP's behavior: (i) the protocol's error detection mechanism, which does not distinguish different types of errors and thus does not suffice for heterogeneous wired/wireless environments, (ii) the error recovery, which is not responsive to the distinctive characteristics of wireless networks such as transient or burst errors due to handoffs and fading channels, and (iii) the protocol strategy, which does not control the tradeoff between performance measures such as goodput and energy consumption, and often entails a wasteful effort of retransmission and energy expenditure. We discuss a solution-framework based on selected research proposals and the associated evaluation criteria for the suggested modifications. We highlight an important angle that did not attract the required attention so far: the need for new performance metrics, appropriate for evaluating the impact of protocol strategies on battery-powered devices.


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The diversity gains achievable in the generalised distributed antenna system with cooperative users (GDAS-CU) are considered. A GDAS-CU is comprised of M largely separated access points (APs) at one side of the link, and N geographically closed user terminals (UTs) at the other side. The UTs are collaborating together to enhance the system performance, where an idealised message sharing among the UTs is assumed. First, geometry-based network models are proposed to describe the topology of a GDAS-CU. The mean cross-correlation coefficients of signals received from non-collocated APs and UTs are calculated based on the network topology and the correlation models derived from the empirical data. The analysis is also extendable to more general scenarios where the APs are placed in a clustered form due to the constraints of street layout or building structure. Subsequently, a generalised signal attenuation model derived from several stochastic ray-tracing-based pathloss models is applied to describe the power-decaying pattern in urban built-up areas, where the GDAS-CU may be deployed. Armed with the cross-correlation and pathloss model preliminaries, an intrinsic measure of cooperative diversity obtainable from a GDAS-CU is then derived, which is the number of independent fading channels that can be averaged over to detect symbols. The proposed analytical framework would provide critical insight into the degree of possible performance improvement when combining multiple copies of the received signal in such systems.


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We consider the optimum design of pilot-symbol-assisted modulation (PSAM) schemes with feedback. The received signal is periodically fed back to the transmitter through a noiseless delayed link and the time-varying channel is modeled as a Gauss-Markov process. We optimize a lower bound on the channel capacity which incorporates the PSAM parameters and Kalman-based channel estimation and prediction. The parameters available for the capacity optimization are the data power adaptation strategy, pilot spacing and pilot power ratio, subject to an average power constraint. Compared to the optimized open-loop PSAM (i.e., the case where no feedback is provided from the receiver), our results show that even in the presence of feedback delay, the optimized power adaptation provides higher information rates at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) in medium-rate fading channels. However, in fast fading channels, even the presence of modest feedback delay dissipates the advantages of power adaptation.


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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are more sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) compared to the conventional single carrier systems. CFO destroys the orthogonality among subcarriers, resulting in inter-carrier interference (ICI) and degrading system performance. To mitigate the effect of the CFO, it has to be estimated and compensated before the demodulation. The CFO can be divided into an integer part and a fractional part. In this paper, we investigate a maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) for estimating the integer part of the CFO in OFDM systems, which requires only one OFDM block as the pilot symbols. To reduce the computational complexity of the MLE and improve the bandwidth efficiency, a suboptimum estimator (Sub MLE) is studied. Based on the hypothesis testing method, a threshold Sub MLE (T-Sub MLE) is proposed to further reduce the computational complexity. The performance analysis of the proposed T-Sub MLE is obtained and the analytical results match the simulation results well. Numerical results show that the proposed estimators are effective and reliable in both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-selective fading channels in OFDM systems.


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In this paper, we investigate the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems over spatially correlated Rayleigh distributed flat fading channels with complex Gaussian additive noise. Specifically, we derive the probability density function of the mutual information between transmitted and received complex signals of MIMO systems. Using this density we derive the closed-form ergodic capacity (mean), delay-limited capacity, capacity variance and outage capacity formulas for spatially correlated channels and then evaluate these formulas numerically. Numerical results show how the channel correlation degrades the capacity of MIMO communication systems. We also show that the density of mutual information of correlated/uncorrelated MIMO systems can be approximated by a Gaussian density with derived mean and variance, even for a finite number of inputs and outputs.