990 resultados para F359I POINT MUTATION


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Although the regulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number is performed by nuclear-coded factors, very little is known about the mechanisms controlling this process. We attempted to introduce nonhuman ape mtDNA into human cells harboring either no mtDNA or mutated mtDNAs (partial deletion and tRNA gene point mutation). Unexpectedly, only cells containing no mtDNA could be repopulated with nonhuman ape mtDNA. Cells containing a defective human mtDNA did not incorporate or maintain ape mtDNA and therefore died under selection for oxidative phosphorylation function. On the other hand, foreign human mtDNA was readily incorporated and maintained in these cells. The suicidal preference for self-mtDNA showed that functional parameters associated with oxidative phosphorylation are less relevant to mtDNA maintenance and copy number control than recognition of mtDNA self-determinants. Non–self-mtDNA could not be maintained into cells with mtDNA even if no selection for oxidative phosphorylation was applied. The repopulation kinetics of several mtDNA forms after severe depletion by ethidium bromide treatment showed that replication and maintenance of mtDNA in human cells are highly dependent on molecular features, because partially deleted mtDNA molecules repopulated cells significantly faster than full-length mtDNA. Taken together, our results suggest that mtDNA copy number may be controlled by competition for limiting levels of trans-acting factors that recognize primarily mtDNA molecular features. In agreement with this hypothesis, marked variations in mtDNA levels did not affect the transcription of nuclear-coded factors involved in mtDNA replication.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human genetic disorder characterized by UV sensitivity, developmental abnormalities, and premature aging. Two of the genes involved, CSA and CSB, are required for transcription-coupled repair (TCR), a subpathway of nucleotide excision repair that removes certain lesions rapidly and efficiently from the transcribed strand of active genes. CS proteins have also been implicated in the recovery of transcription after certain types of DNA damage such as those lesions induced by UV light. In this study, site-directed mutations have been introduced to the human CSB gene to investigate the functional significance of the conserved ATPase domain and of a highly acidic region of the protein. The CSB mutant alleles were tested for genetic complementation of UV-sensitive phenotypes in the human CS-B homologue of hamster UV61. In addition, the CSB mutant alleles were tested for their ability to complement the sensitivity of UV61 cells to the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO), which introduces bulky DNA adducts repaired by global genome repair. Point mutation of a highly conserved glutamic acid residue in ATPase motif II abolished the ability of CSB protein to complement the UV-sensitive phenotypes of survival, RNA synthesis recovery, and gene-specific repair. These data indicate that the integrity of the ATPase domain is critical for CSB function in vivo. Likewise, the CSB ATPase point mutant failed to confer cellular resistance to 4-NQO, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis is required for CSB function in a TCR-independent pathway. On the contrary, a large deletion of the acidic region of CSB protein did not impair the genetic function in the processing of either UV- or 4-NQO-induced DNA damage. Thus the acidic region of CSB is likely to be dispensable for DNA repair, whereas the ATPase domain is essential for CSB function in both TCR-dependent and -independent pathways.


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Chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotides (“chimeraplasts”) have been shown to induce single base alterations in genomic DNA both in vitro and in vivo. The mdx mouse strain has a point mutation in the dystrophin gene, the consequence of which is a muscular dystrophy resulting from deficiency of the dystrophin protein in skeletal muscle. To test the feasibility of chimeraplast-mediated gene therapy for muscular dystrophies, we used a chimeraplast (designated “MDX1”) designed to correct the point mutation in the dystrophin gene in mdx mice. After direct injection of MDX1 into muscles of mdx mice, immunohistochemical analysis revealed dystrophin-positive fibers clustered around the injection site. Two weeks after single injections into tibialis anterior muscles, the maximum number of dystrophin-positive fibers (approximately 30) in any muscle represented 1–2% of the total number of fibers in that muscle. Ten weeks after single injections, the range of the number of dystrophin-positive fibers was similar to that seen after 2 wk, suggesting that the expression was stable, as would be predicted for a gene-conversion event. Staining with exon-specific antibodies showed that none of these were “revertant fibers.” Furthermore, dystrophin from MDX1-injected muscles was full length by immunoblot analysis. No dystrophin was detectable by immunohistochemical or immunoblot analysis after control chimeraplast injections. Finally, reverse transcription–PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of transcripts with the wild-type dystrophin sequence only in mdx muscles injected with MDX1 chimeraplasts. These results provide the foundation for further studies of chimeraplast-mediated gene therapy as a therapeutic approach to muscular dystrophies and other genetic disorders of muscle.


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A negative feedback control of kaiC expression by KaiC protein has been proposed to generate a basic oscillation of the circadian clock in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. KaiC has two P loops or Walker's motif As, that are potential ATP-/GTP-binding motifs and DXXG motifs conserved in various GTP-binding proteins. Herein, we demonstrate that in vitro KaiC binds ATP and, with lower affinity, GTP. Point mutation by site-directed mutagenesis of P loop 1 completely nullified the circadian rhythm of kaiBC expression and markedly reduced ATP-binding activity. Moreover, KaiC can be autophosphorylated in vitro. These results suggest that the nucleotide-binding activity of KaiC plays important roles in the generation of circadian oscillation in cyanobacteria.


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The signaling pathways by which the phytochrome (phy) family of photoreceptors transmits sensory information to light-regulated genes remain to be fully defined. Evidence for a relatively direct pathway has been provided by the binding of one member of the family, phyB, to a promoter-element-bound, basic helix–loop–helix protein, PIF3, specifically upon light-induced conversion of the photoreceptor molecule to its biologically active conformer (Pfr). Here, we show that phyA also binds selectively and reversibly to PIF3 upon photoconversion to Pfr, but that the apparent affinity of PIF3 for phyA is 10-fold lower than for phyB. This result is consistent with previous in vivo data from PIF3-deficient Arabidopsis, indicating that PIF3 has a major role in phyB signaling, but a more minor role in phyA signaling. We also show that phyB binds stoichiometrically to PIF3 at an equimolar ratio, suggesting that the resultant complex is the unit active in transcriptional regulation at target promoters. Deletion mapping suggests that a 37-aa segment present at the N terminus of phyB, but absent from phyA, contributes strongly to the high binding affinity of phyB for PIF3. Conversely, deletion mapping and point mutation analysis of PIF3 for determinants involved in recognition of phyB indicates that the PAS domain of PIF3 is a major contributor to this interaction, but that a second determinant in the C-terminal domain is also necessary.


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The ATP-dependent Lon protease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria is required for selective proteolysis in the matrix, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and respiration-dependent growth. Lon may also possess a chaperone-like function that facilitates protein degradation and protein-complex assembly. To understand the influence of Lon’s ATPase and protease activities on these functions, we examined several Lon mutants for their ability to complement defects of Lon-deleted yeast cells. We also developed a rapid procedure for purifying yeast Lon to homogeneity to study the enzyme’s activities and oligomeric state. A point mutation in either the ATPase or the protease site strongly inhibited the corresponding activity of the pure protein but did not alter the protein’s oligomerization; when expressed at normal low levels neither of these mutant enzymes supported respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells. When the ATPase- or the protease-containing regions of Lon were expressed as separate truncated proteins, neither could support respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells; however, coexpression of these two separated regions sustained wild-type growth. These results suggest that yeast Lon contains two catalytic domains that can interact with one another even as separate proteins, and that both are essential for the different functions of Lon.


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We have found that human organs such as colon, lung, and muscle, as well as their derived tumors, share nearly all mitochondrial hotspot point mutations. Seventeen hotspots, primarily G → A and A → G transitions, have been identified in the mitochondrial sequence of base pairs 10,030–10,130. Mutant fractions increase with the number of cell generations in a human B cell line, TK6, indicating that they are heritable changes. The mitochondrial point mutation rate appears to be more than two orders of magnitude higher than the nuclear point mutation rate in TK6 cells and in human tissues. The similarity of the hotspot sets in vivo and in vitro leads us to conclude that human mitochondrial point mutations in the sequence studied are primarily spontaneous in origin and arise either from DNA replication error or reactions of DNA with endogenous metabolites. The predominance of transition mutations and the high number of hotspots in this short sequence resembles spectra produced by DNA polymerases in vitro.


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The homeotic genes controlling segment identity in Drosophila are repressed by the Polycomb group of genes (PcG) and are activated by genes of the trithorax group (trxG). An F1 screen for dominant enhancers of Polycomb yielded a point mutation in the heat shock cognate gene, hsc4, along with mutations corresponding to several known PcG loci. The new mutation is a more potent enhancer of Polycomb phenotypes than an apparent null allele of hsc4 is, although even the null allele occasionally displays homeotic phenotypes associated with the PcG. Previous biochemical results had suggested that HSC4 might interact with BRAHMA, a trxG member. Further analyses now show that there is no physical or genetic interaction between HSC4 and the Brahma complex. HSC4 might be needed for the proper folding of a component of the Polycomb repression complex, or it may be a functional member of that complex.


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Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) mutations are frequently involved in human developmental disorders and cancer. Activation of FGFR3, through mutation or ligand stimulation, results in autophosphorylation of multiple tyrosine residues within the intracellular domain. To assess the importance of the six conserved tyrosine residues within the intracellular domain of FGFR3 for signaling, derivatives were constructed containing an N-terminal myristylation signal for plasma membrane localization and a point mutation (K650E) that confers constitutive kinase activation. A derivative containing all conserved tyrosine residues stimulates cellular transformation and activation of several FGFR3 signaling pathways. Substitution of all nonactivation loop tyrosine residues with phenylalanine rendered this FGFR3 construct inactive, despite the presence of the activating K650E mutation. Addition of a single tyrosine residue, Y724, restored its ability to stimulate cellular transformation, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation, and phosphorylation of Shp2, MAPK, Stat1, and Stat3. These results demonstrate a critical role for Y724 in the activation of multiple signaling pathways by constitutively activated mutants of FGFR3.


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Ligands acting at the benzodiazepine (BZ) site of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors currently are the most widely used hypnotics. BZs such as diazepam (Dz) potentiate GABAA receptor activation. To determine the GABAA receptor subtypes that mediate the hypnotic action of Dz wild-type mice and mice that harbor Dz-insensitive α1 GABAA receptors [α1 (H101R) mice] were compared. Sleep latency and the amount of sleep after Dz treatment were not affected by the point mutation. An initial reduction of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep also occurred equally in both genotypes. Furthermore, the Dz-induced changes in the sleep and waking electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra, the increase in power density above 21 Hz in non-REM sleep and waking, and the suppression of slow-wave activity (SWA; EEG power in the 0.75- to 4.0-Hz band) in non-REM sleep were present in both genotypes. Surprisingly, these effects were even more pronounced in α1(H101R) mice and sleep continuity was enhanced by Dz only in the mutants. Interestingly, Dz did not affect the initial surge of SWA at the transitions to sleep, indicating that the SWA-generating mechanisms are not impaired by the BZ. We conclude that the REM sleep inhibiting action of Dz and its effect on the EEG spectra in sleep and waking are mediated by GABAA receptors other than α1, i.e., α2, α3, or α5 GABAA receptors. Because α1 GABAA receptors mediate the sedative action of Dz, our results provide evidence that the hypnotic effect of Dz and its EEG “fingerprint” can be dissociated from its sedative action.


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The selective manipulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and expression within mammalian cells has proven difficult. One promising approach is to use peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligomers, nucleic acid analogues that bind selectively to complementary DNA or RNA sequences inhibiting replication and translation. However, the potential of PNAs is restricted by the difficulties of delivering them to mitochondria within cells. To overcome this problem we conjugated a PNA 11mer to a lipophilic phosphonium cation. Such cations are taken up by mitochondria through the lipid bilayer driven by the membrane potential across the inner membrane. As anticipated, phosphonium–PNA (ph–PNA) conjugates of 3.4–4 kDa were imported into both isolated mitochondria and mitochondria within human cells in culture. This was confirmed by using an ion-selective electrode to measure uptake of the ph–PNA conjugates; by cell fractionation in conjunction with immunoblotting; by confocal microscopy; by immunogold-electron microscopy; and by crosslinking ph–PNA conjugates to mitochondrial matrix proteins. In all cases dissipating the mitochondrial membrane potential with an uncoupler prevented ph–PNA uptake. The ph–PNA conjugate selectively inhibited the in vitro replication of DNA containing the A8344G point mutation that causes the human mtDNA disease ‘myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibres’ (MERRF) but not the wild-type sequence that differs at a single nucleotide position. Therefore these modified PNA oligomers retain their selective binding to DNA and the lipophilic cation delivers them to mitochondria within cells. When MERRF cells were incubated with the ph–PNA conjugate the ratio of MERRF to wild-type mtDNA was unaffected, even though the ph–PNA content of the mitochondria was sufficient to inhibit MERRF mtDNA replication in a cell-free system. This unexpected finding suggests that nucleic acid derivatives cannot bind their complementary sequences during mtDNA replication. In summary, we have developed a new strategy for targeting PNA oligomers to mitochondria and used it to determine the effects of PNA on mutated mtDNA replication in cells. This work presents new approaches for the manipulation of mtDNA replication and expression, and will assist in the development of therapies for mtDNA diseases.


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Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is a group of autosomal dominant skin diseases characterized by blistering, due to mechanical stress-induced degeneration of basal epidermal cells. It is now well-established that the three major subtypes of EBS are genetic disorders of the basal epidermal keratins, keratin 5 (K5) and keratin 14 (K14). Here we show that a rare subtype, referred to as EBS with mottled pigmentation (MP), is also a disorder of these keratins. Affected members of two seemingly unrelated families with EBS-MP had a C to T point mutation in the second base position of codon 24 of one of two K5 alleles, leading to a Pro: Leu mutation. This mutation was not present in unaffected members nor in 100 alleles from normal individuals. Linkage analyses mapped the defect to this type II keratin gene (peak logarithm of odds score at phi = 0 of 3.9), which is located on chromosome 12q11-q13. This provides strong evidence that this mutation is responsible for the EBS-MP phenotype. Only conserved between K5 and K6, and not among any of the other type II keratins, Pro-24 is in the nonhelical head domain of K5, and only mildly perturbs the length of 10-nm keratin filaments assembled in vitro. However, this part of the K5 head domain is likely to protrude on the filament surface, perhaps leading to additional aberrations in intermediate filament architecture and/or in melanosome distribution that are seen ultrastructurally in patients with the mutation.


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Leptin and its receptor, obese receptor (OB-R), comprise an important signaling system for the regulation of body weight. Splice variants of OB-R mRNA encode proteins that differ in the length of their cytoplasmic domains. We cloned a long isoform of the wild-type leptin receptor that is preferentially expressed in the hypothalamus and show that it can activate signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT)-3, STAT-5, and STAT-6. A point mutation within the OB-R gene of diabetic (db) mice generates a new splice donor site that dramatically reduces expression of this long isoform in homozygous db/db mice. In contrast, an OB-R protein with a shorter cytoplasmic domain is present in both db/db and wild-type mice. We show that this short isoform is unable to activate the STAT pathway. These data provide further evidence that the mutation in OB-R causes the db/db phenotype and identify three STAT proteins as potential mediators of the anti-obesity effects of leptin.


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The orphan nuclear receptor Nur77/N10 has recently been demonstrated to be involved in apoptosis of T cell hybridomas. We report here that chronic expression of Nur77/N10 in thymocytes of transgenic mice results in a dramatic reduction of CD4+CD8+ double-positive as well as CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ single-positive cell populations due to an early onset of apoptosis. CD4-CD8- double-negative and CD25+ precursor cells, however, are unaffected. Moreover, nur77/N10-transgenic thymocytes show increased expression of Fas ligand (FasL), while the levels of the Fas receptor (Fas) are not increased. The mouse spontaneous mutant gld (generalized lymphoproliferative disease) carries a point mutation in the extracellular domain of the FasL gene that abolishes the ability of FasL to bind to Fas. Thymuses from nur77/N10-transgenic mice on a gld/gld background have increased cellularity and an almost normal profile of thymocyte subpopulations. Our results demonstrate that one pathway of apoptosis triggered by Nur77/N10 in double-positive thymocytes occurs through the upregulation of FasL expression resulting in increased signaling through Fas.


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It has previously been argued that the repressor of protein synthesis initiation factor 4E, 4E-BP1, is a direct in vivo target of p42mapk. However, the immunosuppressant rapamycin blocks serum-induced 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and, in parallel, p70s6k activation, with no apparent effect on p42mapk activation. Consistent with this finding, the kinetics of serum-induced 4E-BP1 phosphorylation closely follow those of p70s6k activation rather than those of p42mapk. More striking, insulin, which does not induce p42mapk activation in human 293 cells or Swiss mouse 3T3 cells, induces 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation in both cell types. Anisomycin, which, like insulin, does not activate p42mapk, promotes a small parallel increase in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation. The insulin effect on 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation in both cell types is blocked by SQ20006, wortmannin, and rapamycin. These three inhibitors have no effect on p42mapk activation induced by phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate, though wortmannin partially suppresses both the p70s6k response and the 4E-BP1 response. Finally, in porcine aortic endothelial cells stably transfected with either the wild-type platelet-derived growth factor receptor or a mutant receptor bearing the double point mutation 740F/751F, p42mapk activation in response to platelet-derived growth factor is unimpaired, but increased 4E-BP1 phosphorylation is ablated, as previously reported for p70s6k. The data presented here demonstrate that 4E-BP1 phosphorylation is mediated by the FRAP-p70s6k pathway and is independent of mitogen-activated protein kinase.