903 resultados para Extremal black holes
La relazione interdisciplinare tra letteratura e fotografia, nella rilettura della storia recente del Mozambico, è l’oggetto di studio della presente tesi. Il presupposto coincide in primo luogo con la disamina interna della dialettica esistente tra archivio coloniale e oralità, modalità narrativa in parte transitata nella estória, declinazione lusofona della forma breve che permette di recuperare l’eredità popolare del racconto tradizionale. Il dialogo tra verbale e visuale consente a sua volta di stabilire nuovi paradigmi interpretativi nel dibattito postcoloniale tra memoria, trauma e rappresentazione. L’analisi comparativa tra la narrativa di João Paulo Borges Coelho e la fotografia di Ricardo Rangel rivela sguardi diversi sul mondo circostante, ma anche convergenze contemplative che si completano nell’incorporazione reciproca delle “omologie strutturali” comuni alle due modalità espressive. La fotografia colma delle lacune fornendoci delle visioni del passato, ma, in quanto “rappresentazione”, ci mostra il mondo per come appare e non per come funziona. Il testo letterario, grazie al suo approccio dialogico-narrativo, consente la rielaborazione museologica della complessa pletora di interferenze semantiche e culturali racchiuse nelle immagini, in altre parole fornisce degli “indizi di verità” da cui (ri)partire per l’elaborazione di nuovi archetipi narrativi tra l’evento rappresentato e la Storia di cui fa parte. Il punto di tangenza tra i due linguaggi è la cornice, espediente fotografico e narrativo che permette di tracciare i confini tra l’indicibile e l’invisibile, ma anche tra ciò che si narra e ciò che sta fuori dalla narrazione, ovvero fuori dalla storia. La tensione dialettica che si instaura tra questi due universi è seminale per stabilire le ragioni della specificità letteraria mozambicana perché, come afferma Luandino Vieira, “nel contesto postcoloniale gli scrittori sono dei satelliti che ruotano intorno ai «buchi neri della storia» la cui forza di attrazione permette la riorganizzazione dell’intero universo letterario.
General Relativity (GR) is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century along with quantum theory. Despite the elegance and the accordance with experimental tests, these two theories appear to be utterly incompatible at fundamental level. Black holes provide a perfect stage to point out these difficulties. Indeed, classical GR fails to describe Nature at small radii, because nothing prevents quantum mechanics from affecting the high curvature zone, and because classical GR becomes ill-defined at r = 0 anyway. Rovelli and Haggard have recently proposed a scenario where a negative quantum pressure at the Planck scales stops and reverts the gravitational collapse, leading to an effective “bounce” and explosion, thus resolving the central singularity. This scenario, called Black Hole Fireworks, has been proposed in a semiclassical framework. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: - Compute the bouncing time by means of a pure quantum computation based on Loop Quantum Gravity; - Extend the known theory to a more realistic scenario, in which the rotation is taken into account by means of the Newman-Janis Algorithm.
This Letter describes a model-independent search for the production of new resonances in photon + jet events using 20 inverse fb of proton--proton LHC data recorded with the ATLAS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV. The photon + jet mass distribution is compared to a background model fit from data; no significant deviation from the background-only hypothesis is found. Limits are set at 95% credibility level on generic Gaussian-shaped signals and two benchmark phenomena beyond the Standard Model: non-thermal quantum black holes and excited quarks. Non-thermal quantum black holes are excluded below masses of 4.6 TeV and excited quarks are excluded below masses of 3.5 TeV.
Mass and angular distributions of dijets produced in LHC proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy root s = 7TeV have been studied with the ATLAS detector using the full 2011 data set with an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb(-1). Dijet masses up to similar to 4.0TeV have been probed. No resonance-like features have been observed in the dijet mass spectrum, and all angular distributions are consistent with the predictions of QCD. Exclusion limits on six hypotheses of new phenomena have been set at 95% CL in terms of mass or energy scale, as appropriate. These hypotheses include excited quarks below 2.83 TeV, colour octet scalars below 1.86TeV, heavy W bosons below 1.68 TeV, string resonances below 3.61 TeV, quantum black holes with six extra space-time dimensions for quantum gravity scales below 4.11 TeV, and quark contact interactions below a compositeness scale of 7.6 TeV in a destructive interference scenario.
The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to search for high-mass resonances decaying to dielectron or dimuon final states. Results are presented from an analysis of proton-proton (pp ) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb −1 in the dimuon channel. A narrow resonance with Standard Model Z couplings to fermions is excluded at 95% confidence level for masses less than 2.79 TeV in the dielectron channel, 2.53 TeV in the dimuon channel, and 2.90 TeV in the two channels combined. Limits on other model interpretations are also presented, including a grand-unification model based on the E 6 gauge group, Z ∗ bosons, minimal Z' models, a spin-2 graviton excitation from Randall-Sundrum models, quantum black holes, and a minimal walking technicolor model with a composite Higgs boson.
Minimal surfaces in Euclidean space provide examples of possible non-compact horizon geometries and topologies in asymptotically flat space-time. On the other hand, the existence of limiting surfaces in the space-time provides a simple mechanism for making these configurations compact. Limiting surfaces appear naturally in a given space-time by making minimal surfaces rotate but they are also inherent to plane wave or de Sitter space-times in which case minimal surfaces can be static and compact. We use the blackfold approach in order to scan for possible black hole horizon geometries and topologies in asymptotically flat, plane wave and de Sitter space-times. In the process we uncover several new configurations, such as black helicoids and catenoids, some of which have an asymptotically flat counterpart. In particular, we find that the ultraspinning regime of singly-spinning Myers-Perry black holes, described in terms of the simplest minimal surface (the plane), can be obtained as a limit of a black helicoid, suggesting that these two families of black holes are connected. We also show that minimal surfaces embedded in spheres rather than Euclidean space can be used to construct static compact horizons in asymptotically de Sitter space-times.
We revisit the theory of null shells in general relativity, with a particular emphasis on null shells placed at horizons of black holes. We study in detail the considerable freedom that is available in the case that one solders two metrics together across null hypersurfaces (such as Killing horizons) for which the induced metric is invariant under translations along the null generators. In this case the group of soldering transformations turns out to be infinite dimensional, and these solderings create non-trivial horizon shells containing both massless matter and impulsive gravitational wave components. We also rephrase this result in the language of Carrollian symmetry groups. To illustrate this phenomenon we discuss in detail the example of shells on the horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole (with equal interior and exterior mass), uncovering a rich classical structure at the horizon and deriving an explicit expression for the general horizon shell energy-momentum tensor. In the special case of BMS-like soldering supertranslations we find a conserved shell-energy that is strikingly similar to the standard expression for asymptotic BMS supertranslation charges, suggesting a direct relation between the physical properties of these horizon shells and the recently proposed BMS supertranslation hair of a black hole.
A series of examples rarely presented to students is discussed to illustrate a property of thermodynamic equilibrium: small parts of a fully isolated system move as if points of a rigid body, so as to minimize the macroscopic (kinetic) energy EM. Most examples lie in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics, EM then including the gravitational energy. The paradoxical behaviour of gravitation, in particular in the extreme case of black holes,is discussed.
A correspondência AdS/CFT é uma notável ferramenta no estudo de teorias de gauge fortemente acopladas que podem ser mapeadas em uma descrição gravitacional dual fracamente acoplada. A correspondência é melhor entendida no limite em que ambos $N$ e $\\lambda$, o rank do grupo de gauge e o acoplamento de \'t Hooft da teoria de gauge, respectivamente, são infinitos. Levar em consideração interações com termos de curvatura de ordem superior nos permite considerar correções de $\\lambda$ finito. Por exemplo, a primeira correção de acoplamento finito para supergravidade tipo IIB surge como um termo de curvatura com forma esquemática $\\alpha\'^3 R^4$. Neste trabalho investigamos correções de curvatura no contexto da gravidade de Lovelock, que é um cenário simples para investigar tais correções pois as suas equações de movimento ainda são de segunda ordem em derivadas. Esse cenário também é particularmente interessante do ponto de vista da correspondência AdS/CFT devido a sua grande classe de soluções de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Consideramos um sistema de gravidade AdS-axion-dilaton em cinco dimensões com um termo de Gauss-Bonnet e encontramos uma solução das equações de movimento, o que corresponde a uma black brane exibindo uma anisotropia espacial, onde a fonte da anisotropia é um campo escalar linear em uma das coordenadas espaciais. Estudamos suas propriedades termodinâmicas e realizamos a renormalização holográfica usando o método de Hamilton-Jacobi. Finalmente, usamos a solução obtida como dual gravitacional de um plasma anisotrópico fortemente acoplado com duas cargas centrais independentes, $a eq c$. Calculamos vários observáveis relevantes para o estudo do plasma, a saber, a viscosidade de cisalhamento sobre densidade de entropia, a força de arrasto, o parâmetro de jet quenching, o potencial entre um par quark-antiquark e a taxa de produção de fótons.
Context. Accretion onto supermassive black holes is believed to occur mostly in obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). Such objects are proving rather elusive in surveys of distant galaxies, including those at X-ray energies. Aims. Our main goal is to determine whether the revised IRAC criteria of Donley et al. (2012, ApJ, 748, 142; objects with an infrared (IR) power-law spectral shape), are effective at selecting X-ray type-2 AGN (i.e., absorbed N_H > 10^22 cm^-2). Methods. We present the results from the X-ray spectral analysis of 147 AGN selected by cross-correlating the highest spectral quality ultra-deep XMM-Newton and the Spitzer/IRAC catalogues in the Chandra Deep Field South. Consequently it is biased towards sources with high S/N X-ray spectra. In order to measure the amount of intrinsic absorption in these sources, we adopt a simple X-ray spectral model that includes a power-law modified by intrinsic absorption at the redshift of each source and a possible soft X-ray component. Results. We find 21/147 sources to be heavily absorbed but the uncertainties in their obscuring column densities do not allow us to confirm their Compton-Thick nature without resorting to additional criteria. Although IR power-law galaxies are less numerous in our sample than IR non-power-law galaxies (60 versus 87 respectively), we find that the fraction of absorbed (N_H^intr > 10^22 cm^-2) AGN is significantly higher (at about 3 sigma level) for IR-power-law sources (similar to 2/3) than for those sources that do not meet this IR selection criteria (~1/2). This behaviour is particularly notable at low luminosities, but it appears to be present, although with a marginal significance, at all luminosities. Conclusions. We therefore conclude that the IR power-law method is efficient in finding X-ray-absorbed sources. We would then expect that the long-sought dominant population of absorbed AGN is abundant among IR power-law spectral shape sources not detected in X-rays.
Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources (ULXs) are extragalactic X-ray point sources with LX ∼ 1039 − 1041 erg s−1 discovered in the 80s with the Einstein satellite and confirmed as black hole X-ray binaries during the last decade. The nature of the compact object is highly controversial. They could be super-Eddington stellar-mass black holes or intermediate mass black holes. Deriving dynamical masses of the brightest ULXs, which can be done with OSIRIS, is the only way to find out the nature of the compact object.
The discovery almost three decades ago of non-nuclear, point-like X-ray sources with X-ray luminosities LX ≥ 3 × 1039 erg s−1 revolutionized the physics of black hole accretion. If of stellar origin, such Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) would have to accrete at super-Eddington rates in order to reach the observed high X-ray luminosities. Alternatively, ULXs could host sub-Eddington accreting intermediate-mass black holes, which are the long-time sought missing link between stellar and supermassive black holes and the possible seeds of the supermassive black holes that formed in the early Universe. The nature of ULXs can be better investigated in those cases for which a radio counterpart is detected. Radio observations of ULXs have revealed a wide variety of morphologies and source types, from compact and extended jets to radio nebulae and transient behaviours, providing the best observational evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in some of them. The high sensitivity of the SKA will allow us to study the faintest ULX radio counterparts in the Local Universe as well as to detect new sources at much larger distances. It will thus perform a leap step in understanding ULXs, their accretion physics, and their possible role as seed black holes in supermassive black hole and galaxy growth.
We present new measurements of the luminosity function (LF) of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the 2dF SDSS LRG and Quasar (2SLAQ) survey. We have carefully quantified, and corrected for, uncertainties in the K and evolutionary corrections, differences in the colour selection methods, and the effects of photometric errors, thus ensuring we are studying the same galaxy population in both surveys. Using a limited subset of 6326 SDSS LRGs (with 0.17 < z < 0.24) and 1725 2SLAQ LRGs (with 0.5 < z < 0.6), for which the matching colour selection is most reliable, we find no evidence for any additional evolution in the LRG LF, over this redshift range, beyond that expected from a simple passive evolution model. This lack of additional evolution is quantified using the comoving luminosity density of SDSS and 2SLAQ LRGs, brighter than M-0.2r - 5 log h(0.7) = - 22.5, which are 2.51 +/- 0.03 x 10(-7) L circle dot Mpc(-3) and 2.44 +/- 0.15 x 10(-7) L circle dot Mpc(-3), respectively (< 10 per cent uncertainty). We compare our LFs to the COMBO-17 data and find excellent agreement over the same redshift range. Together, these surveys show no evidence for additional evolution (beyond passive) in the LF of LRGs brighter than M-0.2r - 5 log h(0.7) = - 21 ( or brighter than similar to L-*).. We test our SDSS and 2SLAQ LFs against a simple 'dry merger' model for the evolution of massive red galaxies and find that at least half of the LRGs at z similar or equal to 0.2 must already have been well assembled (with more than half their stellar mass) by z similar or equal to 0.6. This limit is barely consistent with recent results from semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Lxx, 35Pxx, 81Uxx, 83Cxx.
The gingiva, part of the masticatory mucosa tissue that covers the alveolar process and surrounds the cervical portion of teeth, has a definitive shape and texture associated with the eruption of teeth. Therefore, it must be included in rehabilitative planning, as the absence of papillae induces problems with esthetics, phonetics and food-impaction. The purpose of the present study was to approach the indications, limitations and techniques for making a removable artificial gingiva made of acrylic resin, by reporting on a clinical case. The patient, a 29-year-old woman, with the sequelae of periodontal disease, presented loss of interdental papilla causing “black holes”. She was dissatisfied with the esthetic appearance of her teeth, and also complained of long teeth and air escaping when she spoke. As treatment, prosthetic reconstruction was proposed, by means of a removable artificial gingiva (gingival epithesis) to simulate the presence of interdental papillae, providing better esthetics and phonetics. Gingival epithesis is an easily made, inserted and hygienically cleaned appliance that provides a simple and safe alternative solution for cases in which surgical techniques are limited.