926 resultados para Evolutionary
Les caractéristiques avançades de Delphinium L. subgèn. Delphinium (taxons anuals) son comparades amb les del subgèn. Delphinastrum (DC.) Wang i del subgèn. Oligophyllon Dimitrova (taxons perennes). La morfología floral mostra un intercanvi de funcions entre els petals laterals i els petals superiors i restructura de la inflorescencia de molts taxons anuals afavoreix un augment de les taxes de geitonogàmia-autogàmia. L'evolució dels cariotips és basada en una disminució de la longitud total dels cromosomes i en un increment del grau d'asimetria; el nombre cromosómic roman constant per a totes les especies anuals (2n = 16). Leficàcia de la dispersió de les especies anuals és mes gran que no pas la de les especies perennes, per causa d'un increment en la producció de granes i per l'augment de la flotabilitat, tant a l'aire com a l'aigua. D'altres caractéristiques adaptatives avançades son l'adquisició de noves defenses químiques i l'aparició d'un nou tipus embriogènic. Els nínxols ecologies del subgèn. Delphinium corresponen a habitats oberts i alterats, en comparado amb els habitats estables i relativament tancats dels subgéneros Delphinastrum i Oligophyllon. Es presenta una hipótesi global de les tendencies évolutives observades en anuals vs. perennes en connexió amb consideracions biogeogràfiques, així corn un resum taxonomic final.
We investigate the evolutionary history of the greater white-toothed shrew across its distribution in northern Africa and mainland Europe using sex-specific (mtDNA and Y chromosome) and biparental (X chromosome) markers. All three loci confirm a large divergence between eastern (Tunisia and Sardinia) and western (Morocco and mainland Europe) lineages, and application of a molecular clock to mtDNA divergence estimates indicates a more ancient separation (2.25 M yr ago) than described by some previous studies, supporting claims for taxonomic revision. Moroccan ancestry for the mainland European population is inconclusive from phylogenetic trees, but is supported by greater nucleotide diversity and a more ancient population expansion in Morocco than in Europe. Signatures of rapid population expansion in mtDNA, combined with low X and Y chromosome diversity, suggest a single colonization of mainland Europe by a small number of Moroccan shrews >38 K yr ago. This study illustrates that multilocus genetic analyses can facilitate the interpretation of species' evolutionary history but that phylogeographic inference using X and Y chromosomes is restricted by low levels of observed polymorphism.
La production endogène à long terme de chaleur, même au repos, est une adaptation que l'on retrouve chez les animaux à sang chaud (les oiseaux et les mammifères). Cette production de chaleur a comme but le maintien d'une température constante du corps indépendamment de la température extérieure. A cette fin, les mammifères ont développé une forme de tissu spécialisé nommé tissu adipeux brun (BAT). Ce tissu est responsable de la conversion de nourriture en chaleur, procédé appelé thermogenèse sans frisson (NST = non-shivering thermogenesis). Durant ce procédé la uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) convertit, au sein des mitochondries, la nourriture en chaleur au lieu de produire de l'ATP, molécule utilisée comme énergie cellulaire. On suppose que cette inefficacité de la conversion de la nourriture en ATP dans le BAT influence l'homéostasie de l'énergie, l'allocation des ressources ainsi que la régulation de processus gourmant en énergie comme la croissance et la reproduction. Afin de maintenir une température du corps constante, les mammifères doivent ajuster leur NST en fonction de la température ambiante. La NST devrait être donc plus importante que la croissance et la reproduction durant l'hiver que lors l'été/à haute altitude qu'à basse altitude. En effet, plusieurs études ont déjà démontré la dépendance de la NST aux divers paramètres environnementaux. Par contre, l'héritabilité de la NST ainsi que sa relation avec d'autres traits de caractère, ne sont que très peu connus, ceci malgré l'importance d'une telle information afin de pouvoir comprendre son potentiel évolutif. L'étude de l'importance évolutive et écologique sur la NST chez les campagnols des champs (Microtus arvalis) fut donc le but cette thèse de doctorat. Grâce aux informations collectées sur 4 générations de campagnols (chapitre 1), une dépendance saisonnière et journalière de la NST a été démontrée: elle augmente lors des périodes froides et diminue lors de la lactation. On a démontré que bien qu'étant plastique, la variation de la NST a une composante génétique significative. Elle est corrélée avec le taux d'activité métabolique au repos indiquant des contraintes intrinsèques. A l'aide d'une expérience de jardin commune, on a pu démontrer dans le chapitre 2 que les campagnols habitant en altitude ont une capacité génétique de thermogenèse sans frisson plus haute que celles de basse altitude. Ils produisent des portées plus petites et leur descendance grandit moins vite, surtout à partir du 10ème jour ce qui coïncide avec le début de la production de chaleur endogène. En choisissant artificiellement des campagnols avec une NST faible ou grande, on a pu démontrer une relation entre la NST et la développement de la masse corporelle. Les campagnols avec une haute NST grandissent plus lentement et sont plus légères à l'âge adulte que celles ayant une basse NST. A l'aide d'un croisement interligne entre les campagnols sélectionnés (avec basse et haute NST), on a pu montrer dans le chapitre 3 des effets « parent-of-origin >> du développement massique de la descendance, indiquant une empreinte génétique parentale. Cela veut dire que l'expression d'un allele dépend de l'origine parentale. De plus, des effets « parent-of-origin » des taux de base de norépinephrine et d'irisine ont pu être trouvés. Ces hormones sont connues pour influencer non seulement la TSF mais aussi d'autres caractéristiques. Ces influences ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles études sur la relation entre la TSF et l'histoire de vie. Dans le chapitre 4 on a démontré des effets à long terme de l'allocation des ressources en manipulant la taille des portées qui ont abouti à des différences dans l'investissement dans la reproduction et de la croissance de la descendance à la fois dans le cas de la reproduction manipulé et aussi dans le non - manipulée entre les femelles avec portées agrandies et réduites. Ensemble, ces résultats mettent en évidence le rôle central de la NST dans l'allocation des ressources sur la base d'un compromis entre le maintien et la croissance et ainsi transforme l'histoire de vie des mammifères. Ces études montrent comment les mammifères peuvent répondre rapidement à court et à long terme (c'est-à-dire par des réponses génétiques ou plastiques) à un changement rapide du climat. On montre aussi qu'il y a probablement une corrélation entre l'histoire de vie et des changements du comportement. Finalement mes résultats ont montré un lien étroit entre la NST et la croissance et les dimensions du corps. Ces résultats indiquent que le tissu adipeux brun et la NST pourraient être une cible thérapeutique intéressante pour traiter l'obésité.
Using a new dynamical network model of society in which pairwise interactions are weighted according to mutual satisfaction, we show that cooperation is the norm in the hawks-doves game when individuals are allowed to break ties with undesirable neighbors and to make new acquaintances in their extended neighborhood. Moreover, cooperation is robust with respect to rather strong strategy perturbations. We also discuss the empirical structure of the emerging networks, and the reasons that allow cooperators to thrive in the population. Given the metaphorical importance of this game for social interaction, this is an encouraging positive result as standard theory for large mixing populations prescribes that a certain fraction of defectors must always exist at equilibrium.
The shrews of the Sorer araneus group have undergone a spectacular chromosome evolution. The karyotype of Sorer granarius is generally considered ancestral to those of Sorer coronatus and S. araneus. However, a sequence of 777 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to the populations of S. araneus from the Pyrenees and from the northwestern Alps, whereas S. coronatus and S. araneus from Italy and the southern Alps represent two well-separated lineages. It is suggested that mtDNA and chromosomal evolution are in this case largely independant processes. Whereas mtDNA haplotypes are closely linked to the geographical history of the populations, chromosomal mutations were probably transmitted from one population to another. Available data suggest that the impressive chromosome polymorphism of this group is quite a recent phenomenon.
We show that a new, simple, and robust general mechanism for the social suppression of within-group selfishness follows from Hamilton's rule applied in a multilevel selection approach to asymmetrical, two-person groups: If it pays a group member to behave selfishly (i.e., increase its share of the group's reproduction, at the expense of group productivity), then its partner will virtually always be favored to provide a reproductive "bribe" sufficient to remove the incentive for the selfish behavior. The magnitude of the bribe will vary directly with the number of offspring (or other close kin) potentially gained by the selfish individual and inversely with both the relatedness r between the interactants and the loss in group productivity because of selfishness. This bribe principle greatly extends the scope for cooperation within groups. Reproductive bribing is more likely to be favored over social policing for dominants rather than subordinates and as intragroup relatedness increases. Finally, analysis of the difference between the group optimum for an individual's behavior and the individual's inclusive fitness optimum reveals a paradoxical feedback loop by which bribing and policing, while nullifying particular selfish acts, automatically widen the separation of individual and group optima for other behaviors (i.e., resolution of one conflict intensifies others).
The species of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) group are morphologically very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. We investigate here the evolutionary history of the Sorex araneus group distributed in western Europe. In particular, we clarify the position of a difficult species, S. granarius, using sex-specific (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) markers. The karyotype of S. granarius is generally considered similar to the common ancestor of the restricted group considered here. The mtDNA data (1.4 kb) confirms the close relationship between S. granarius and S. araneus sensu stricto (hereafter S. araneus s.s.), but the Y-chromosome (3.4 kb) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to another species, S. coronatus. Comparison of mtDNA and Y-chromosome phylogenies suggests that the genetic and chromosomal evolution in this group are disconnected processes. The evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood considering secondary contacts between taxa after their divergence, implying genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and/or introgression.
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH) is a pleiotropic disease caused by recessive mutations in the RMRP gene that result in a wide spectrum of manifestations including short stature, sparse hair, metaphyseal dysplasia, anemia, immune deficiency, and increased incidence of cancer. Molecular diagnosis of CHH has implications for management, prognosis, follow-up, and genetic counseling of affected patients and their families. We report 20 novel mutations in 36 patients with CHH and describe the associated phenotypic spectrum. Given the high mutational heterogeneity (62 mutations reported to date), the high frequency of variations in the region (eight single nucleotide polymorphisms in and around RMRP), and the fact that RMRP is not translated into protein, prediction of mutation pathogenicity is difficult. We addressed this issue by a comparative genomic approach and aligned the genomic sequences of RMRP gene in the entire class of mammals. We found that putative pathogenic mutations are located in highly conserved nucleotides, whereas polymorphisms are located in non-conserved positions. We conclude that the abundance of variations in this small gene is remarkable and at odds with its high conservation through species; it is unclear whether these variations are caused by a high local mutation rate, a failure of repair mechanisms, or a relaxed selective pressure. The marked diversity of mutations in RMRP and the low homozygosity rate in our patient population indicate that CHH is more common than previously estimated, but may go unrecognized because of its variable clinical presentation. Thus, RMRP molecular testing may be indicated in individuals with isolated metaphyseal dysplasia, anemia, or immune dysregulation.
Visual perception is initiated in the photoreceptor cells of the retina via the phototransduction system.This system has shown marked evolution during mammalian divergence in such complex attributes as activation time and recovery time. We have performed a molecular evolutionary analysis of proteins involved in mammalianphototransduction in order to unravel how the action of natural selection has been distributed throughout thesystem to evolve such traits. We found selective pressures to be non-randomly distributed according to both a simple protein classification scheme and a protein-interaction network representation of the signaling pathway. Proteins which are topologically central in the signaling pathway, such as the G proteins, as well as retinoid cycle chaperones and proteins involved in photoreceptor cell-type determination, were found to be more constrained in their evolution. Proteins peripheral to the pathway, such as ion channels and exchangers, as well as the retinoid cycle enzymes, have experienced a relaxation of selective pressures. Furthermore, signals of positive selection were detected in two genes: the short-wave (blue) opsin (OPN1SW) in hominids and the rod-specific Na+/Ca2+,K+ ion exchanger (SLC24A1) in rodents. The functions of the proteins involved in phototransduction and the topology of the interactions between them have imposed non-random constraints on their evolution. Thus, in shaping or conserving system-level phototransduction traits, natural selection has targeted the underlying proteins in a concerted manner.
Differences in the evolutionary history of disease genes affected by dominant or recessive mutations
Background: Global analyses of human disease genes by computational methods have yielded important advances in the understanding of human diseases. Generally these studies have treated the group of disease genes uniformly, thus ignoring the type of disease-causing mutations (dominant or recessive). In this report we present a comprehensive study of the evolutionary history of autosomal disease genes separated by mode of inheritance.Results: We examine differences in protein and coding sequence conservation between dominant and recessive human disease genes. Our analysis shows that disease genes affected by dominant mutations are more conserved than those affected by recessive mutations. This could be a consequence of the fact that recessive mutations remain hidden from selection while heterozygous. Furthermore, we employ functional annotation analysis and investigations into disease severity to support this hypothesis. Conclusion: This study elucidates important differences between dominantly- and recessively-acting disease genes in terms of protein and DNA sequence conservation, paralogy and essentiality. We propose that the division of disease genes by mode of inheritance will enhance both understanding of the disease process and prediction of candidate disease genes in the future.
Public goods cooperation is common in microbes, and there is much interest in understanding how such traits evolve. Research in recent years has identified several important factors that shape the evolutionary dynamics of such systems, yet few studies have investigated scenarios involving interactions between multiple public goods. Here, we offer general predictions about the evolutionary trajectories of two public goods traits having positive, negative or neutral regulatory influence on one another's expression, and we report on a test of some of our predictions in the context of Pseudomonas aeruginosa's production of two interlinked iron-scavenging siderophores. First, we confirmed that both pyoverdine and pyochelin siderophores do operate as public goods under appropriate environmental conditions. We then tracked their production in lines experimentally evolved under different iron-limitation regimes known to favour different siderophore expression profiles. Under strong iron limitation, where pyoverdine represses pyochelin, we saw a decline in pyoverdine and a concomitant increase in pyochelin - consistent with expansion of pyoverdine-defective cheats derepressed for pyochelin. Under moderate iron limitation, pyochelin declined - again consistent with an expected cheat invasion scenario - but there was no concomitant shift in pyoverdine because cross-suppression between the traits is unidirectional only. Alternating exposure to strong and moderate iron limitation caused qualitatively similar though lesser shifts compared to the constant-environment regimes. Our results confirm that the regulatory interconnections between public goods traits can significantly modulate the course of evolution, yet also suggest how we can start to predict the impacts such complexities will have on phenotypic divergence and community stability.
Structural variation has played an important role in the evolutionary restructuring of human and great ape genomes. Recent analyses have suggested that the genomes of chimpanzee and human have been particularly enriched for this form of genetic variation. Here, we set out to assess the extent of structural variation in the gorilla lineage by generating 10-fold genomic sequence coverage from a western lowland gorilla and integrating these data into a physical and cytogenetic framework of structural variation. We discovered and validated over 7665 structural changes within the gorilla lineage, including sequence resolution of inversions, deletions, duplications, and mobile element insertions. A comparison with human and other ape genomes shows that the gorilla genome has been subjected to the highest rate of segmental duplication. We show that both the gorilla and chimpanzee genomes have experienced independent yet convergent patterns of structural mutation that have not occurred in humans, including the formation of subtelomeric heterochromatic caps, the hyperexpansion of segmental duplications, and bursts of retroviral integrations. Our analysis suggests that the chimpanzee and gorilla genomes are structurally more derived than either orangutan or human genomes.
Next-generation sequencing techniques such as exome sequencing can successfully detect all genetic variants in a human exome and it has been useful together with the implementation of variant filters to identify causing-disease mutations. Two filters aremainly used for the mutations identification: low allele frequency and the computational annotation of the genetic variant. Bioinformatic tools to predict the effect of a givenvariant may have errors due to the existing bias in databases and sometimes show a limited coincidence among them. Advances in functional and comparative genomics are needed in order to properly annotate these variants.The goal of this study is to: first, functionally annotate Common Variable Immunodeficiency disease (CVID) variants with the available bioinformatic methods in order to assess the reliability of these strategies. Sencondly, as the development of new methods to reduce the number of candidate genetic variants is an active and necessary field of research, we are exploring the utility of gene function information at organism level as a filter for rare disease genes identification. Recently, it has been proposed that only 10-15% of human genes are essential and therefore we would expect that severe rare diseases are mostly caused by mutations on them. Our goal is to determine whether or not these rare and severe diseases are caused by deleterious mutations in these essential genes. If this hypothesis were true, taking into account essential genes as a filter would be an interesting parameter to identify causingdisease mutations.