418 resultados para Esophagus.
This report describes three cases of esophageal leiomyomas successfully resected by thoracoscopy. Surgical enucleation through minimally invasive surgery is the treatment of choice for esophageal leiomyoma. The conventional approach through a formal thoracotomy has the potential of causing excessive pain and patient discomfort. Moreover, the hospital stay and the recovery period are prolonged. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the size of the mass (<4 cm) and the presence of dysphagia. In one case there was a clear suspicion of malignancy. The tumour was located in the lower thoracic esophagus (case 1), in the middle thoracic esophagus (case 2) and in the upper esophagus (case 3). The CT was useful in identifying the relationship between the lesion and the organs of the mediastinum. The barium swallow study was able to locate the lesion along the esophagus. The endosonography determined the boundaries of the lesions. A right thoracoscopic approach was undertaken. Dissection of the esophagus around its entire perimeter was never necessary because all tumours were anterior or right sided. The tumours were better grasped with a traction suture than with forceps. The hidrodissection was very helpful. The water-soluble contrast swallow, performed on the fourth postoperative day, was normal. Clinical results were satisfactory in all patients. Biopsies should never be performed when the mucosa overlying is normal.
Stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (gists) represent relatively rare lesions that arise from connective tissue elements located along the entire length of the gut. They were initially identified by immunohistochemical investigation, proving their origin from nondifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Only a minority of this lesions, mainly those confined to the esophagus and rectum, have been shown to correspond to mature, well-differentiated types of neoplasms such as leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma. The majority of gists corresponds to a heterogeneous group of lesions that have as their common denominator an immature proliferation of epithelioid or spindle cells arising from its muscle layers, or between them, showing partial or incomplete myoide, neural, ganglionic, or mixed features of differentiation. This case report intends to show a gist of small bowel in a male, 46 years old, with a two-year of evolution.
Reflux esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus after total gastrectomy is related to reconstructive procedure of intestinal continuity. The Roux-en-Y operation with length of limb of 40 cm occasionally is not enough to prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is thought to develop as a consequence of biliary reflux and has a malignant potential. Symptoms of retroesternal burning and dysphagia that does not improve with conservative management has to be treated by an operative procedure. To prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus after total gastrectomy the lenght of limb of Roux-en-Y should be at lest 60 cm.
In some cases of esophageal reconstruction, it is not possible to use the gastric tube. In those cases, the second option is the reconstruction with a colonic segment. In the present paper, the authors present the use of microsurgical technique to improve vascular supply in esophageal reconstructions using the colon. Therefore, the transposed segment becomes perfused by two vascular pedicles: a proximal one and a distal one. The authors describe a case of 52 years-old patient, suffering of middle third esophagus carcinoma, who underwent a primarily esophageal resection with an unsuccessful reconstruction using gastric transposition. A new reconstruction was proposed using a bipedicle microcirurgical colonic tube, four months later. The post operative was uneventful with rehabilitation of swallowing and satisfactory recovery of nutritional state.
The authors describe a case of esophageal leiomyosarcoma treated at the Abdominopelvic Surgery Department of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute, including literature review, addressing treatment and prognosis. A 45 year-old female patient complaining of dysphagia, with pre-operative exams sugestive of esophageal leiomyoma. She was submitted to an esophagusgastrectomy with digestive reconstitution using a gastric tube brought through the posterior mediastinum. The histopathological examination and immunohistochemical tests confirmed that the tumor was an esophageal leiomyosarcoma. She is at the 7th year of follow up with no recurrence nor digestive complains.
A 49yrs old, male patient presented progressive dysphagia during the last two years, initially to solids and, since two weeks, liquids he had lost 15 kilos. Esophagogram showed an intraluminal lesion with regular mucosa in the middle third of esophagus. The esophagoscopy exhibits regular mucosa up to the lesion, which did not alow passage. There was no evidence of linfonodal disease at CT scan. The hypothesis of esophageal leiomyoma led this patient a right posterior thoracotomy and enucleation of a 30 x 30 mm mass from the esophageal wall. With this case report we intend to review esophageal leiomyomas and their diagnosis and treatment.
Pharyngoesophageal diverticula are epithelial-lined pouches that protrude from the esophageal lumen. They were studied by Zenker in 1878,receiving the denomination of Zenker's diverticulum. They are false diverticula since they don't have all layers of the esophageal wall. Although they are most common esophageal diverticula . Their incidence is of 3% of the patient presenting dysphagia. Current , there are several therapeutic modalities, from dilatation of the esophagus to surgery with resection of the diverticulum. The report refers to three patients with Zenker's diverticulum who underwent conventional surgical treatment.
Esophageal tuberculosis is an extremely rare event, accounting for 0.2 percent of these cases affecting the esophagus. Most of them are secondary to pulmonary disease. The authors present a case of primary esophageal tuberculosis in a 40 years old HIV-positive female.
Esophageal perforations are related to high mortality rates, especially if there is a delayed diagnostic and treatment. We report an esophageal perforation caused by caustic ingestion, in a suicidal attempt, successfully treated by esophagectomy after a long period of misdiagnosis that lead to infectious complications.
The Barrett's esophagus (BE) is defined as endoscopically visible columnar mucosa at the distal esophagus, of any extension, proved to harbor intestinal metaplasia on biopsy, highlighted by the presence of goblet cells. BE denotes long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is an important risk factor for the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Therefore, these patients must be on follow-up, in order to diagnose cancer early. BE patients have frequent alterations in esophageal physiologyc studies. Alkaline duodenogastroesophageal reflux seems to have important role. The development BE occurs in steps, initially with formation of cardiac type mucosa subsequent intestinalization. Futher progression can follow a sequence, from low grade dysplasia, to high grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Current follow-up is based on the presence of dysplasia. It has limitations, grouping patients heterogeneously. Different steps of carcinogenesis have been studied looking for an ideal prognostic marker. Uncontrolled proliferative activity, apoptosis inhibition, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastases formation are all implicated in cancer origin. Some cycle cell molecules have been studied in BE, such as retinoblastoma protein, ciclins, kinase dependent ciclins and cell cycle inhibitors. The P53 protein is one of the most investigated in the metaplasia-adenocarcinoma progression. Growth Factors, apoptotic proteins, telomers and DNA ploidy have also been searched. Increased proliferative activity has been implicated in Barrett's carcinogenesis and the Ki-67 antigen, through imunohistochemical analysis, has become the the method of choice. Present in the nucleus, it is found in proliferative cells only. Some studies suport association between Ki-67 activity and the metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence.The results, however, are inconclusive and research should follow this way.
Boerhaave's syndrome, the spontaneous rupture of the esophagus, is associated with a 35% death rate. Perforated esophagus is a surgical emergency; it is the most serious, and frequently the most rapidly lethal, perforation of the gastro-intestinal tract. Three cases of Boerhaave's syndrome are presented, with their variants and resolutions. Treatment and outcome are largely determined by the time of presentation. We reviewed our experience with esophageal perforations to determine the overall mortality and whether the time of presentation should influence management strategy.
We present a case of Plummer-Vinson syndrome, which is a rare condition nowadays. The diagnosis was made after years of the disease, many doctors having attended the patient. The treatment consisted of oral supplementation of iron and endoscopic dilatations. The patient is asymptomatic.
Spontaneous esophageal rupture carries high morbidity and mortality. The main prognostic factor is early diagnosis, before 12 hours, and appropriate treatment. This is a case report of a 41-years-old man with late esophageal rupture diagnosis treated successfully with transmediatinal esophagectomy and esophageal-gastric tube cervical anastomosis.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the protective effect of celecoxib in the esophageal mucosa in rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy.METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats from the vivarium of the University of Health Sciences of Alagoas were used for the experiment. The animals were divided into four groups: Group I, 15 rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy with the use of celecoxib postoperatively; Group II, 15 rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy without the use of celecoxib; Group III, 15 rats undergoing celiotomy with bowel manipulation; and Group IV, 15 rats without surgery and using celecoxib. The observation period was 90 days. After the death of the animals, the distal segment of the esophagus was resected and sent for microscopic analysis.RESULTS: esofagojejunostomy caused macroscopic and microscopic esophagitis. Esophagitis was equal in both groups I and II. In groups III and IV esophageal lesions were not developed.CONCLUSIONS: celecoxib had neither protective nor inducing effect on esophagitis, but had a protective effect on dysplasia of the animals of group I.
ABSTRACTObjective:the study has the intention of evaluate the accuracy of computed tomography for the diagnosis of cervical lesions on penetrating neck trauma and also identify the most frequent mechanisms of trauma. Most injured structures, determine the age range and the most prevalent sex.Methods: observational descriptive retrospective study executed by the systematic retrospective review of medical records of all patients victims of penetrating neck trauma that went through surgery and CT scans, admitted into Hospital do Trabalhador, between January 2009 and December 2013.Results:the final sample was of 30 patients, 96.7% of the male sex, the median age was of 28 years old. Most patients suffered injuries by gun (56.7%) and 33,3% suffered stab wounds. The most stricken area of the neck was Zone II (77.8%) and the left side (55.2%). Regarding the structures injured, the CT showed 6.7% lesions on airways but the surgery showed 40% of damaged, with a value of p=0.002. As to damages of the esophagus and pharynx the CT detected 10% of lesions, while surgery found 30% of lesions, therefore with a significant value of p=0.013. As for the analysis the CT showed reliable. As for the analysis of vascular damage, the CT showed to be, in most cases, reliable to the findings during the surgical act.Conclusion:besides the great use of CT for the diagnosis of penetrating neck injuries we can say that this is an exam with low accuracy for the diagnosis of lesions of aerodigestive tract, therefore it is important a clinical correlation for a good diagnosis.as for the vascular lesions and of other structures, the CT had high sensibility and specificity, thus a good exam to be used in overall.