1000 resultados para Escola de Medicina Tropical de Lisboa


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Entamoeba histolytica e Giardia lamblia são protozoários com distribuição mundial que frequentemente infectam o Homem, sendo causadores de elevada morbilidade associada com quadros de diarreia. Este estudo consistiu na utilização de métodos moleculares na detecção e identificação destes parasitas em amostras de fezes recebidas no Laboratório de Patologia Tropical do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (Lisboa, Portugal), no período decorrente entre Setembro de 2007 e Agosto de 2009. . Foi igualmente avaliada a eficácia e custo-benefício de um método alternativo de conservação para material biológico fecal – o papel de filtro, para subsequente extracção de DNA. Foram analisadas microscopicamente 80 amostras, 23,8 % (19/80) das quais positivas para Giardia e 27,5% (22/80) positivas para Entamoeba spp.. Através do método molecular da PCR, amplificou-se com sucesso DNA de Giardia para o gene ssurRNA em 94,7% (18/19) das amostras microscopicamente positivas. No que se refere às amostras positivas por exame microscópico para Entamoeba spp foi detectada E. dispar em 50,0% (11/22) das amostras após amplificação de parte do gene 16S rRNA. Adicionalmente foi também detectado DNA de E. histolytica em 20,0% (4/20) das amostras analisadas, microscopicamente negativas para Entamoeba spp.. Neste estudo realizou-se a genotipagem de G. lamblia utilizando parte dos genes bg (beta-giardina), tpi (triose-fosfato isomerase) e gdh (glutamato desidrogenase), que revelou haver 61,5% (8/13) dos isolados pertencentes ao genótipo B e 38,5% (5/13) do genótipo A. A determinação de subgenótipos através da análise de SNP’s para os 3 genes só foi possível para o gene bg do genótipo A, revelando 3 amostras correspondentes ao subgenótipo A2 e uma para o subgenótipo A3. Para os restantes genes não foi possível a determinação de subgenótipos devido à presença de polimorfismos genéticos para ambos os genótipos A e B. Realizou-se também a análise filogenética concatenada que apenas permitiu a integração de três amostras identificadas com o genótipo A no subgenótipo AII. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstram que a microscopia associada às técnicas moleculares possibilita a diferenciação das espécies do complexo Entamoeba favorecendo o correcto diagnóstico desta patologia e consequente tratamento. Para além disso, o uso dos métodos moleculares contribuiu para o esclarecimento e compreensão dos genótipos de Giardia em humanos. Neste estudo a utilização do método de conservação, papel de filtro apresentou um menor custo e elevada eficácia em relação aos métodos normalmente utilizados, conservação a -20ºC. Sugerindo a sua utilização com sucesso em estudos epidemiológicos em especial em zonas endémicas de condições precárias.


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Uma das maiores realizações na história da medicina foi a descrição da doença de Chagas pelo médico e cientista Carlos Chagas. Ao completar 100 anos da descoberta da doença de Chagas, permanecem ainda especulações a respeito das duas indicações oficiais de Carlos Chagas à maior premiação mundial em ciência, o Nobel, em 1913 e 1921. Admite-se que a não premiação do genial cientista possa ter ocorrido em razão da forte oposição que enfrentou no Brasil por parte de alguns médicos e pesquisadores da época, que chegaram mesmo a questionar a existência da doença de Chagas, influenciando a decisão do Comitê Nobel para não premiá-lo. A análise do banco de dados dos arquivos do Prêmio Nobel, com a revelação dos nomes de indicadores, indicados e ganhadores do prêmio, cobrindo o período 1901-1951, trouxe informações não apenas sobre o que era considerada realização científica na época, mas também sobre quem eram os cientistas importantes e quais eram as relações entre eles. O não reconhecimento das descobertas de Carlos Chagas pelo Comitê Nobel parece ser mais corretamente explicado por esses fatores do que pelo impacto negativo da oposição local.


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INTRODUCÃO: A hepatite C é uma das principais causas de doença hepática em todo mundo. Apresenta um curso evolutivo dinâmico e influenciável por diversos co-fatores. Dentre eles, a infecção pregressa pelo vírus B (anti-HBcAg [+] e HBsAg [-]) tem se associado a pior prognóstico histológico e terapêutico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a associação entre a infecção pregressa pelo vírus B e fibrose hepática em portadores de hepatite C crônica, de maneira independente. MÉTODOS: Foram revistos retrospectivamente prontuários médicos de pacientes infectados cronicamente pelo vírus C, atendidos consecutivamente durante um ano no ambulatório de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias - HC FMUSP, quanto aos dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, laboratoriais e histológicos. A análise de independência do impacto da infecção pregressa pelo vírus B foi realizada através de modelo estatístico de regressão logística multivariado, considerando a detecção do anti-HBcAg como variável de exposição, sendo o desfecho a alteração estrutural histopatológica graus 3 e 4 (septos com formação de nódulos e cirrose).0 RESULTADOS: 145 indivíduos foram avaliados pelo estudo, 47.2% com anti-HBcAg (+). O fator de risco mais comumente relatado foi transfusão de sangue e hemoderivados (35,9%). Embora necrose em saca-bocado tenha sido encontrada com maior frequência no grupo de infecção pregressa, a sorologia anti-HBcAg (+) não se associou à fibrose hepática avançada. CONCLUSÕES: A infecção pregressa pelo vírus B não parece acentuar a lesão estrutural desencadeada pela hepatite C crônica, após controle estatístico para outros co-fatores sabidamente capazes de influenciar a história natural desta infecção.


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INTRODUCTION: The emergence of drug resistance is one of the main problems concerning malaria treatment. The use of counterfeit and/or substandard antimalarial drugs can contribute to the development of parasite resistance. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of antimalarial drugs distributed in Brazil. METHODS: Samples containing chloroquine phosphate, mefloquine hydrochloride, primaquine phosphate, and quinine sulfate tablets were delivered to the Rio de Janeiro central storeroom (CENADI), state storerooms (SS), and Basic Health Units (BHUs) in the north region of Brazil - a total of 10 sample sets. After 5 months of storage, the samples were collected, and in vitro quality control analyses according to official and published methods were performed. RESULTS: Inadequate drug storage conditions were found in two SS and in all BHUs evaluated. There were no quality deviations found in the chloroquine samples. The quinine samples exhibited weight variation above the allowed limits. The primaquine samples were found to have packaging deficiency. The release of mefloquine in samples from some regions showed a statistically significant difference when compared with the CENADI samples. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to periodically evaluate the quality and storage conditions of essential drugs. The quality deviations found with the primaquine and quinine samples are not related to storage conditions and must be addressed urgently. The decreased mefloquine release from tablets is related to formulation problems or influenced by inadequate storage conditions, prompting further investigation. Even with the mentioned problems, the samples would probably not contribute to resistant parasite selection.


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INTRODUCTION: Candida albicans is responsible for superficial or systemic infections known as candidiasis, which may be found in infected tissue as unicellular budding yeasts, hyphae, or pseudohyphae. In this study, the effects of both fluconazole and itraconazole antifungal agents on the hyphal formation and genotypic characterization of C. albicans isolates classified as either susceptible or resistant were investigated. METHODS: The hyphal production of five C. albicans isolates under the action of antifungal agents was investigated by culturing yeast on growth medium and on hyphal induction medium. The genotypic characterization was carried out for 13 isolates of C. albicans using the random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) method. RESULTS: The dimorphism analysis showed that the hyphal formation was higher in resistant than in the susceptible isolates to both azoles. The RAPD-PCR method identified the formation of two different groups. In group A, four resistant and two susceptible isolates were clustered, and in group B, one resistant and six susceptible isolates were clustered. CONCLUSIONS: Considering that hyphal formation was higher in resistant isolates in the presence of azole drugs, we confirmed that the hyphal production is closely related to susceptibility to azoles. These drugs may affect the morphogenesis of C. albicans depending on their susceptibility to these drugs. In relation to RAPD-PCR, most resistant isolates classified in group A and susceptible isolates in group B demonstrated that this method presented a similar standard between the two groups, suggesting that by this technique, a strong correlation between genotypes and fluconazole-resistant samples may be found.


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INTRODUCTION:The objective of this study was to compare Osame's scale of motor incapacity and the expanded scale of the state of incapacity of Kurtzke with the spastic paraplegia rating scale for the clinical evaluation of patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of infection by HTLV-I/HTLV-II and with the clinical suspicion of HAM/TSP were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 45 patients who were evaluated. When analyzing the results of the scales, the researchers found the following averages of 21.08 points for the spastic paraplegia rating scale, 4.35 points for Osame's scale, and 4.77 points for Kurtzke's scale. The relation between the scale of paraplegia with Osame's was very significant with p < 0.0001, and regarding Kurtzke's scale, there was a similar result of p < 0.0001. When comparing Osame's, Kurtze's, and the spastic paraplegia rating scale with the time of disease, the researchers found a significant result of p = 0.0004 for the scale of spastic paraplegia, p = 0.0018 for Osame's scale, and p < 0.0001 for Kurtzke's scale. CONCLUSION: The spastic paraplegia rating scale has a good relation with Osame's and Kurtzke's scales showing a p index that is very significant that indicates that, although the scale was not initially made to be applied to patients with HAM/TSP because of the infection by HLTV, it showed to be as efficient as Osame's and Kurtzke's scales in evaluating the patients' neurological conditions.


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INTRODUCTION: This work aimed to study the community structure of sandflies, with regard to the richness, constancy, abundance, and monthly frequency of the species with a focus on the transmission of leishmaniasis. METHODS: The study was conducted in the rural villages of Bom Jardim and Santa Maria, situated on the edge of a tropical rain forest in the municipality of São Jose de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brazil. The phlebotomines were captured in the intradomiciles and peridomiciles of each village, with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light traps set in 10 homes in each village, for 1 year, once a month, from 18h to 6h. RESULTS: We collected 1,378 individuals of 16 sandfly species. The capture success rate was higher in Bom Jardim (0.61 specimens/hour/trap) than that of Santa Maria (0.35/specimens/hour/trap). The sandflies were more abundant in the peridomiciles (86.1%) and in the rainy season (77%). Five species were considered constants (occurring in more than 50% of samples), 5 accessory (25%-50%), and 6 accidental (<25%). The most abundant species were Lutzomyia longipalpis (59.7%) and L whitmani (28%). The permutation analysis showed differences between the species composition of the villages and no separation between the intradomicile and peridomicile of each village. The species that most contributed to the dissimilarity between the light traps of the 2 villages were L. longipalpis, L. whitmani, and L. evandroi, contributing to 80.8% of the variation among groups. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of richness and abundance of species and the presence of competent vectors throughout the year and around houses justify the occurrence of leishmaniasis cases reported in the area.


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IntroductionThe year 2009 marked the beginning of a pandemic caused by a new variant of influenza A (H1N1). After spreading through North America, the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1) 2009 spread rapidly throughout the world. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of pandemic influenza in a tropical/semi-arid region of Brazil.MethodsA retrospective study analyzed all suspected cases of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 reported in the Ceará State through the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases during the pandemic period between 28 April, 2009 and November 25, 2010.ResultsA total of 616 suspected cases were notified, 58 (9.4%) in the containment phase and 558 (90.6%) in the mitigation phase. Most cases were of affected young people resident in the City of Fortaleza, the largest urban center in the State of Ceará. The most frequent symptoms presented by the cases with confirmed infection were fever, cough, myalgia, arthralgia, and nasal congestion. Mortality rate was 0.0009/1,000 inhabitants and lethality was 5.6%. Deaths were observed only in the mitigation phase. Mortality rates were similar for both sexes but were higher in the age group under 5 years.ConclusionsThe study suggests that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in this tropical/semi-arid region had a lower magnitude when compared to states in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil.


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Introduction American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been reported in every municipality of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, but the transmission epidemiology remains poorly understood. Our study was developed in a rural area of the Nova Mutum municipality where four autochthonous cases of ACL were reported in 2009. Our aims were to describe the local phlebotomine sandfly fauna and to investigate the infection rates and infecting Leishmania species in the captured sandflies. Methods Entomological captures were performed bimonthly at 10 fixed sites close to the edge of a forested area between June 2011 and April 2012. Results A total of 3,743 phlebotomine sandflies belonging to 31 distinct species were captured. Approximately 75% of the specimens were females. The most abundant species (45.4%) was Lutzomyia antunesi, which was consistently captured at every site. Species that are epidemiologically important for ACL, such as L. flaviscutellata, L. whitmani and L. umbratilis, were also captured. L. antunesi and L. ubiquitalis were naturally infected by Leishmania braziliensis or Le. guyanensis, with minimum infection rates of 0.88% and 6.67%, respectively. Surprisingly, L. antunesi was infected by Le. infantum (synonym chagasi). Conclusions The natural infection of L. antunesi and L. ubiquitalis by Leishmania sp. suggests that these species might play a role in the zoonotic cycle of ACL in Nova Mutum. The presence of Le. infantum in L. antunesi suggests that there may be a risk of an outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Nova Mutum.


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Introduction In this study, the clinical features, underlying diseases and clinical outcomes of patients with cryptococcosis were investigated. In addition, a molecular analysis of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex isolated from these patients was performed. Methods A prospective study of 62 cases of patients with cryptococcal infection was conducted at the Hospital de Doenças Tropicais de Goiás Dr. Anuar Auad from 2009-2010. Cryptococcal meningitis cases were diagnosed by direct examination and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample culture. The profiling of these patients was assessed. The CSF samples were submitted to India ink preparation and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar, and C. neoformans was identified by the production of urease, a positive phenoloxidase test and assimilation of carbohydrates. C. neoformans and C. gattii isolates were distinguished by growth on L-canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue medium, and molecular analysis was conducted via PCR fingerprinting reactions using M13 and (GACA)4 primers. Results From the 62 patients with cryptococcosis, 71 isolates of CSF were obtained; 67 (94.4%) isolates were identified as C. neoformans var. grubii/VNI, and 4 (5.6%) were identified as C. gattii/VGII. Of these patients, 53 had an HIV diagnosis. The incidence of cryptococcosis was higher among patients 20-40 years of age, with 74.2% of the cases reported in males. Cryptococcus-related mortality was noted in 48.4% of the patients, and the symptoms were altered sensorium, headache, fever and stiff neck. Conclusions The high morbidity and mortality observed among patients with cryptococcosis demonstrate the importance of obtaining information regarding the epidemiological profile and clinical course of the disease in the State of Goiás, Brazil.


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Introduction: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) can impact the independence and motricity of patients. The aims of this study were to estimate the effects of physiotherapy on the functionality of patients with HAM/TSP during the stable phase of the disease using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and to compare two methods of treatment delivery. Methods: Fourteen patients with human T cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) were randomly allocated into two groups. In group I (seven patients), PNF was applied by the therapist, facilitating the functional activities of rolling, sitting and standing, walking and climbing and descending stairs. In group II (seven patients), PNF was self-administered using an elastic tube, and the same activities were facilitated. Experiments were conducted for 1h twice per week for 12 weeks. Low-back pain, a modified Ashworth scale, the functional independence measure (FIM) and the timed up and go test (TUG) were assessed before and after the interventions. Results: In the within-group evaluation, low-back pain was significantly reduced in both groups, the FIM improved in group II, and the results of the TUG improved in group I. In the inter-group analysis, only the tone was lower in group II than in group I. Conclusions: Both PNF protocols were effective in treating patients with HAM/TSP.