906 resultados para Electrical bias


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The use, manipulation and application of electrical currents, as a controlled interference mechanism in the human body system, is currently a strong source of motivation to researchers in areas such as clinical, sports, neuroscience, amongst others. In electrical stimulation (ES), the current applied to tissue is traditionally controlled concerning stimulation amplitude, frequency and pulse-width. The main drawbacks of the transcutaneous ES are the rapid fatigue induction and the high discomfort induced by the non-selective activation of nervous fibers. There are, however, electrophysiological parameters whose response, like the response to different stimulation waveforms, polarity or a personalized charge control, is still unknown. The study of the following questions is of great importance: What is the physiological effect of the electric pulse parametrization concerning charge, waveform and polarity? Does the effect change with the clinical condition of the subjects? The parametrization influence on muscle recruitment can retard fatigue onset? Can parametrization enable fiber selectivity, optimizing the motor fibers recruitment rather than the nervous fibers, reducing contraction discomfort? Current hardware solutions lack flexibility at the level of stimulation control and physiological response assessment. To answer these questions, a miniaturized, portable and wireless controlled device with ES functions and full integration with a generic biosignals acquisition platform has been created. Hardware was also developed to provide complete freedom for controlling the applied current with respect to the waveform, polarity, frequency, amplitude, pulse-width and duration. The impact of the methodologies developed is successfully applied and evaluated in the contexts of fundamental electrophysiology, psycho-motor rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders diagnosis. This PhD project was carried out in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), in straight collaboration with PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A. company and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.


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The present dissertation focuses on the research of the recent approach of innovative high-temperature superconducting stacked tapes in electrical ma-chines applications, taking into account their potential benefits as an alternative for the massive superconducting bulks, mainly related with geometric and me-chanical flexibility. This work was developed in collaboration with Institut de Ciència de Ma-terials de Barcelona (ICMAB), and is related with evaluation of electrical and magnetic properties of the mentioned superconducting materials, namely: analysis of magnetization of a bulk sample through simulations carried out in the finite elements COMSOL software; measurement of superconducting tape resistivity at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures; and, finally, development and testing of a frequency controlled superconducting motor with rotor built by superconducting tapes. In the superconducting state, results showed a critical current density of 140.3 MA/m2 (or current of 51.15 A) on the tape and a 1 N∙m developed motor torque, independent from the rotor position angle, typical in hysteresis motors.


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The Health Behavior in School-aged Children is a cross-national study collecting data on social and health indicators on adolescents in 43 countries. The study provides comparable data on health behaviors and health outcomes through the use of a common protocol, which have been a back bone of the study sine its initiation in 1983. Recent years, researchers within the study have noticed a questionable comparability on the widely used item on self-rated health. One of the four response categories to the item "Would you say your health is….?" showed particular variation, as the response category "Fair" varied from 20 % in Latvia and Moldova to 3-4 % in Bulgaria and Macedonia. A qualitative mini-survey of the back-translations showed that the response category "Fair" had a negative slant in 25 countries, a positive slant in 10 countries and was considered neutral in 9 countries. This finding indicates that there are what may be called semantic issues affecting comparability in international studies, since the same original word (in an English original) is interpreted differently across countries and cultures. The paper test and discuss a few possible explanations to this, however, only leaving to future studies to hold a cautious approach to international comparisons if working with the self-rated health item with four response categories.


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This work reviews the recent research on ion and UV irradiation of β-


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Rainfall data registered betwe en 1910 and 1979 at Manaus confirm the existence of a dry season between June and November (monthly rainfall: 42-162mm) and a rainy season from December until May (monthly rainfall: 211-300mm). Annual precipitation amounted to 2105mm with about 75% of the rainfall recorded during the rainy season. Rainfall data collected over 12 months at eigth stations in the vicinity of and at Manaus are compared. Annual precipitation was lower in Inundation Regions (1150-2150mm) compared with Dryland Regions (2400-2550mm). Considerable differences are found in rainfall patterns (intensity, frequency and time of rainfall). This is also truefor neighbouring stations, even if data of a 11-year record period are compared. Thus, it is highly recommended that preciptation data for bioecological studies be collected at the study site.


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It is well known that, unless worker-firm match quality is controlled for, returns to firm tenure (RTT) estimated directly via reduced form wage (Mincer) equations will be biased. In this paper we show that even if match quality is properly controlled for there is a further pervasive source of bias, namely the co-movement of firm employment and firm wages. In a simple mechanical model where human capital is absent and separation is exogenous we show that positively covarying shocks (either aggregate or firm level) to firms employment and wages cause downward bias in OLS regression estimates of RTT. We show that the long established procedures for dealing with "traditional" RTT bias do not circumvent the additional problem we have identified. We argue that if a reduced form estimation of RTT is undertaken, firm-year fixed effects must be added in order to eliminate this bias. Estimates from two large panel datasets from Portugal and Germany show that the bias is empirically important. Adding firm-year fixed effects to the regression increases estimates of RTT in the two respective countries by between 3.5% and 4.5% of wages at 20 years of tenure over 80% (50%) of the estimated RTT level itself. The results extend to tenure correlates used in macroeconomics such as the minimum unemployment rate since joining the firm. Adding firm-year fixed effects changes estimates of these effects also.


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The interesting properties of thermoplastics elastomers can be combined with carbon nanotubes (CNT) for the development of large strain piezoresistive composites for sensor applications. Piezoresistive properties of the composites depend on CNT content, with the gauge factor increasing for concentrations around the percolation threshold, mechanical and electrical hysteresis. The SBS copolymer composition (butadiene/styrene ratio) influences the mechanical and electrical hysteresis of composites and, therefore, the piezoresistive response. This work reports on the electrical and mechanical response of CNT/SBS composites with 4%wt nanofiller content, due to the larger electromechanical response. C401 and C540 SBS copolymers with 80% and 60% butadiene content, respectively have been selected. The copolymer with larger amount of soft phase (C401) shows a rubber-like mechanical behavior, with mechanical hysteresis increasing linearly with strain until 100% strain. The copolymer with the larger amount of hard phase (C540) just shows rubber-like behavior for low strains. The piezoresistive sensibility is similar for both composites for low strains, with a GF≈ 5 for 5% strain. The electrical hysteresis shows opposite behavior than the mechanical hysteresis, increasing with strain for both composites, but with higher increase for softer copolymer, C401. The GF increases with increasing strain, but this increase is larger for composites with lower amounts of soft phase due to the distinct initial modulus and deformation of the soft and hard phases of the copolymer. The soft phase shows larger strain under a given stress than the harder phase and the conductive pathway rearrangements in the composites are different for both phases, the harder copolymer (C540) showing higher piezoresistive sensibility, GF≈ 18, for 20% strain.


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Different metal-ion exchanged NaY zeolite, Na(M)Y, were used to prepare poly(vinylidene fluoride) based composites by solvent casting and melting crystallization. The effect of different metal ion-exchanged zeolites on polymer crystallization and electrical properties was reported. Cation-framework interactions and hydration energy of the cations determined that K+ is the most efficient exchanged ion in NaY zeolite, followed by Cs+ and Li+. The electroactive phase crystallization strongly depends on the ions present in the zeolite, leading to variations of the surface energy characteristics of the Na(M)Y zeolites and the polymer chain ability of penetration in the zeolite. Thus, Na(Li)Y and NaY induces the complete electroactive -phase crystallization of the crystalline phase of PVDF, while Na(K)Y only induces it partly and Na(Cs)Y is not able to promote the crystallization of the electroactive phase. Furthermore, different ion size/weigh and different interaction with the zeolite framework results in significant variations in the electrical response of the composite. In this way, iinterfacial polarization effects in the zeolite cavities and zeolite-polymer interface, leads to strong increases of the dielectric constant on the composites with lightest ions weakly bound to the zeolite framework. Polymer composite with Na(Li)Y show the highest dielectric response, followed by NaY and Na(K)Y. Zeolite Na(Cs)Y contribute to a decrease of the dielectric constant of the composite. The results show the relevance of the materials for sensor development.


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Thermoplastic elastomers based on a triblock copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) with different butadiene/styrene ratios, block structure and carbon nanotube (CNT) content were submitted to accelerated weathering in a Xenontest set up, in order to evaluate their stability to UV ageing. It was concluded that ageing mainly depends on butadiene/styrene ratio and block structure, with radial block structures exhibiting a faster ageing than linear block structures. Moreover, the presence of carbon nanotubes in the SBS copolymer slows down the ageing of the copolymer. The evaluation of the influence of ageing on the mechanical and electrical properties demonstrates that the mechanical degradation is higher for the C401 sample, which is the SBS sample with the largest butadiene content and a radial block structure. On the other hand, a copolymer derivate from SBS, the styrene-ethylene/butadiene-styrene (SEBS) sample, retains a maximum deformation of ~1000% after 80 h of accelerated ageing. The hydrophobicity of the samples decreases with increasing ageing time, the effect being larger for the samples with higher butadiene content. It is also verified that cytotoxicity increases with increasing UV ageing with the exception of SEBS, which remains not cytotoxic up to 80 h of accelerated ageing time, demonstrating its potential for applications involving exposition to environmental conditions.


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This article is intended to evaluate the density and the mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of compression moulded plates composed of granulate from electrical cables wastes. Those cable wastes are the insulation part from the electric cables, and are composed of PVC, PE, EMP and PEX rubber. After these materiais lose their initial properties and cease to be useful as insulation material, due to safety requirements, it is possible to reuse them into new applications like industrial or playground floorings, as sound insulation material to be applied in walls or floors, or to dampen vibrations from equipments. Recovering electric cable waste has been a major concern to the European Commission due to its leveis of toxicity when incineration and land fill ing is the solution to dispose this material. Such as the European Commission's study for DG Xl[1] suggested that recycling may be the most favourable future waste management option.


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Body composition analysis is relevant to characterize the nutritional requirements and finishing phase of fish. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ichthyometric (weight, total and standard length, density and yields), bromatological (fat, protein, ash and water content) and bioelectrical-impedance-analysis (BIA) (resistance, reactance, phase angle and composition indexes) variables in the hybrid tambatinga (Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus brachypomus). In a non-fertilized vivarium, 520 juveniles were housed and fed commercial rations. Then, 136 days after hatching (DAH), 15 fish with an average weight of 37.69 g and average total length of 12.96 cm were randomly chosen, anesthetized (eugenol) and subjected to the first of fourteen fortnightly assessments (BIA and biometry). After euthanasia, the following parts were weighed: whole carcass with the head, fillet, and skin (WC); fillet with skin (FS); and the remainder of the carcass with the head (CH). Together, FS and CH were ground and homogenized for the bromatological analyses. Estimates of the body composition and yields of tambatinga, with models including ichthyometric and BIA variables, showed correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (for the FS yield) to 1,00 (for the total ash). Similarly, models that included only BIA variables had correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (FS and CH yields) to 0.98 (for the total ash). Therefore, in tambatinga, the BIA technique allows the estimation of the yield of the fillet with skin and the body composition (water content, fat, ash, and protein). The best models combine ichthyometric and BIA variables.


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tThe main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of electrical properties of TaxNyOzthin films, produced by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Some parameters were varied during deposi-tion: the flow of the reactive gases mixture (N2and O2, with a constant concentration ratio of 17:3); thesubstrate voltage bias (grounded, −50 V or −100 V) and the substrate (glass, (1 0 0) Si or high speed steel).The obtained films exhibit significant differences. The variation of the deposition parameters inducesvariations of the composition, microstructure and morphology. These differences cause variation of theelectrical resistivity essentially correlated with the composition and structural changes. The gradualdecrease of the Ta concentration in the films induces amorphization and causes a raise of the resistivity.The dielectric characteristics of some of the high resistance TaxNyOzfilms were obtained in the sampleswith a capacitor-like design (deposited onto high speed steel, with gold pads deposited on the dielectricTaxNyOzfilms). Some of these films exhibited dielectric constant values higher than those reported forother tantalum based dielectric films.


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Aiming at biosignal acquisition for bioelectrodes application, Ti-Ag thin films were produced by GLAD, in order to tailor their electromechanical properties. The electrical behaviour of the sculptured Ti-Ag thin films was studied with increasing annealing temperatures. The results revealed a good correlation with the set of morphological features displayed. With the increase of the vapour flux angle, a more defined structure was obtained, as well as a more porous morphology, which increased the electrical resistivity of the coatings. An important point consists in the recrystallization of Ti-Ag intermetallic phases due to the temperature increase (between 558 K and 773 K), which resulted in a sharp decrease of the electrical resistivity values.


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OBJECTIVE - To investigate the initial energy level required for electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS - We studied patients undergoing electrical cardioversion in the 1st Multicenter Trial of SOCESP. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the initial energy level of electrical cardioversion: 100J and > or = 150J. We compared the efficacy of the initial and final shock of the procedure, the number of shocks administered, and the cumulative energy levels. RESULTS - Eight-six patients underwent electrical cardioversion. In 53 patients (62%), cardioversion was started with 100J, and in 33 patients (38%), cardioversion was started with > or = 150J. Groups did not differ regarding clinical features and therapeutical interventions. A tendency existed towards greater efficacy of the initial shock in patients who received > or = 150J (61% vs. 42% in the 100J group, p=0.08). The number of shocks was smaller in the > or = 150J group (1.5±0.7 vs. 2.1±1.3, p=0.04). No difference existed regarding the final efficacy of electrical cardioversion and total cumulative energy levels in both groups. In the subgroup of patients with recent-onset AF (<=48h), the cumulative energy level was lower in the 100J group (240±227J vs. 324±225J, p=0.03). CONCLUSION - Patients who were given initial energy of > or = 150J received fewer counter shocks with a tendency toward greater success than those patients who were given 100J; however, in patients with recent-onset AF, the average cumulative energy level was lower in the 100J group. These data suggest that electrical cardioversion should be initiated with energy levels > or = 150J in patients with chronic AF.


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Identificación y caracterización del problema objeto de estudio: Diversas investigaciones señalan que el uso o consumo de alcohol comienza durante la adolescencia. En este periodo del desarrollo típicamente se han reportado deterioros asociados con el consumo de alcohol sobre diversas funciones cognitivas. Sin embargo, los hallazgos no siempre han sido concluyentes. Hipótesis: a) Existe una mayor cantidad de déficits neuropsicológicos (especialmente en los dominios asociados con la toma de decisiones) en los grupos de adolescentes que presentan patrones de consumo elevados o tipo binge y en los adolescentes bajo tratamiento; b) Existen sesgos cognitivos de tipo implícito en los adolescentes expuestos a publicidades referidas a bebidas alcohólicas; y c) Existe mayor presencia de expectativas negativas en el grupo conformado por niños, así como una mayor presencia de expectativas positivas en el grupo conformado por adolescentes. Planteo de Objetivos: se pretende lograr un perfil neuropsicológico de adolescentes de ambos sexos en función de patrones de consumo de alcohol bien diferenciados. Asimismo, se intentará determinar la presencia de sesgos cognitivos hacia estímulos asociados con el alcohol en función de las expectativas hacia el psicotrópico y el tipo de consumo del mismo que presenta la población bajo estudio. Finalmente, se buscará determinar si existen cambios evolutivos en las expectativas hacia el alcohol que pudieran indicar la presencia de mayor vulnerabilidad al consumo de alcohol. Materiales y métodos a utilizar: Se utilizarán pruebas neuropsicológicas (IGT, WCST, otras) y cognitivas (AEQ o similares). Se apelará al uso de diseños ex post facto prospectivos de tipo simple o factoriales, diseños factoriales, estudios instrumentales y estudios descriptivos de poblaciones mediante encuestas. Resultados esperados: 1) Se espera encontrar una mayor cantidad de déficits neuropsicológicos (especialmente en los dominios asociados con la toma de decisiones) en los grupos de adolescentes con patrones de consumo de alcohol elevados y binge, así como en el grupo de adolescentes bajo tratamiento. 2) Se espera encontrar la presencia de sesgos cognitivos implícitos en aquellos adolescentes expuestos a publicidades referidas a bebidas alcohólicas en contraposición a los adolescentes expuestos a publicidades de bebidas no-alcohólicas. 3) Se espera encontrar una mayor presencia de expectativas negativas en el grupo conformado por niños, y una mayor presencia de expectativas positivas en el grupo conformado por adolescentes, con lo que se verificaría el supuesto que señala que las EA se modifican a lo largo del desarrollo. Asimismo, se espera confirmar que las EA cambian en función de la experiencia de consumo de alcohol. Importancia del proyecto: En el ámbito local no se han realizado estudios sistemáticos de esta naturaleza, la información que se obtenga permitirá evaluar el impacto del uso y abuso de alcohol durante la adolescencia así como diseñar y ejecutar mejores estrategias de prevención y de rehabilitación y, al mismo tiempo, facilitará la toma de decisiones en el campo de la planificación de políticas sanitarias dirigidas a los adolescentes.