921 resultados para Educação e Pesquisa (Revista) 1984 - 2010 1975 - 2010


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Sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) consistem em importante prática agrícola de uso da terra voltada a produção e a prestação de serviços ambientais. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em realizar um estudo do estoque e ciclagem de carbono de 4 sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) com idades e composições diferentes, além de uma vegetação secundária (capoeira), no município de Tomé-Açu, na região nordeste do Estado do Pará, Amazônia Oriental. Foram medidos os estoques de carbono no solo, na serrapilheira e na biomassa da parte aérea. O fluxo de carbono foi medido na deposição de material formador de serrapilheira e incremento da biomassa aérea no período de um ano, entre outubro de 2008 e setembro de 2009. Os SAFs foram divididos em quatro categorias, denominados SAF 1, SAF 2, SAF 3 e SAF 4, sendo (SAF 1: cacau, açaí, bananeira e seringueira, 14 anos de idade, SAF 2: cacau, açaí, bananeira, seringueira, taperebá, paricá e macacaúba, 14 anos de idade, SAF 3: cupuaçu, açaí, teca e mogno, 9 anos de idade, SAF 4:cupuaçu, açaí e paricá, 9 anos de idade). Em cada sistema, foram instaladas 4 parcelas amostrais, onde foram coletados os dados de diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) e altura (h), usados posteriormente para estimar a biomassa da parte aérea. Dentro das parcelas foram instalados coletores para medir a deposição de material formador de serrapilheira e realizadas coletas de solo e serrapilheira utilizadas na estimativa dos estoques de carbono. Não houve diferença significativa entre os SAFs analisados para a variável estoque de carbono no solo, assim como não houve diferença no estoque de carbono na biomassa da parte aérea. O SAF 4 teve a maior deposição de serrapilheira anual entre todos os tratamentos. Os SAFs não diferiram da capoeira quanto ao estoque de carbono no solo e serrapilheira. A produtividade primária líquida atingiu 2,54, 6,11, 9,54 e 16,27 Mg C ha-1 ano-1 nos SAFs 1, 2, 3 e 4, respectivamente. A idade dos SAFs não teve efeito significativo na quantidade de carbono acumulada no período de um ano.


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Este trabalho analisou 10 anos de distribuição espacial e temporal dos raios, dos sistemas precipitantes e suas características, como refletividade, temperatura de brilho e altura dos sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) através dos sensores Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), Precipitation Radar (PR) e TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). Estes dados foram organizados e armazenados pelo grupo de pesquisa da convecção tropical da University of Utah no período de dezembro de 1997 a fevereiro de 2009. Também foram analisados dados de focos de queimadas detectadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), no período de 1998 a 2008. Foi selecionada uma área delimitada entre 60ºW a 45ºW de longitude e 10ºS a 5ºN de latitude, a qual, posteriormente, foi dividida em nove sub-áreas para um melhor detalhamento dasinformações. Para verificar a possível influência das queimadas no número de raios, selecionaram-se oito áreas, sendo 4 com o maior número de focos de queimadas e 4 com o menor número de focos de queimadas. Os sistemas precipitantes foram classificados seguindo a metodologia de Nesbitt et. al. 2000 e obedecendo a nova definição dos dados realizado por Liu (2007). Os sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite TRMM utilizados neste trabalho são denominados ALLPFS e são definidos como aqueles que apresentam pixel de chuva estimado pelo algoritmo 2A25. Estes são classificados em PFS e OTHPFS, que respectivamente, são aqueles que apresentam e não apresentam informação de temperatura de brilho. Os PFS são sub-classificados em sistemas sem assinatura de gelo (NOICE), com assinatura de gelo (WICE) e sistemas convectivos de mesoescala (MCS), sendo que os sistemas mais intensos, dentre estes últimos, são sistemas que recebem a denominação de IMCS. Os resultados mostram que as regiões do sul do Estado do Pará, município de Belém e Ilha do Marajó foram as que apresentaram as maiores ocorrências de raios na Amazônia Oriental, com valores superiores a 20 a 35 raios/km²/ano. Os NOICEs foram os sistemas mais frequentes em todas as regiões e os sistemas precipitantes da categoria WICE e MCS são aqueles que mais contribuem com a produção de raios sobre essas regiões. Os sistemas eletrificados apresentam grande contribuição no volume de chuva estimada sobre as áreas CENTRO e SUL, com percentuais superiores a 50% nas áreas SUL. A variação mensal dos raios na área de estudo mostrou que as maiores ocorrências de raios sobre o município de Belém são nos meses de janeiro a junho, com um pico no mês de janeiro. As maiores ocorrências no setor SUL da Amazônia Oriental concentram-se nos meses de setembro a dezembro. Nas análises sobre a interação entre os raios e as queimadas não se observou coerência, dentro das áreas de maior número de queimadas, na correlação mensal entre os raios e as queimadas, evidenciando que, apesar do grande número de queimadas observado sobre essas áreas, outros fatores interferem na produção de raios.


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O objetivo deste é analisar a relação entre raios e precipitação, sobre diferentes tipos de superfície terrestre e através de estudos de caso de tempestades severas, durante o período de dezembro de 2006 à dezembro de 2008. Os estudos foram feitos dentro de uma área definida pelas coordenadas geográficas 0° a 6° S e 50° a 47° W, abrangendo partes dos estados do Pará, Maranhão e extremo norte de Tocantins.Essa região de estudo foi escolhida por estar localizada em uma área central em relação à localização dos sensores da rede de detecção de raios do Sistema de Proteção Amazônia (RDR-SIPAM) e que contém a maior parte das linhas de transmissão de energia elétrica da região. Os dados de chuva foram coletados por 46 pluviômetros digitais das estações meteorológicas do INMET e HIDROWEB- ANA. Nas análises dos dias de tempestades severas, também foram utilizados dados de pluviômetro de alta resolução temporal operado pela CPRM em Belém. Para classificação dos tipos de superfície e em particular da cobertura vegetal, foram utilizadas as informações de banco de dados sobre Recursos Naturais do IBGE. Para um melhor detalhamento sobre a relação entre raios, precipitação e tipos de superfície, a área de estudo foi dividida em três sub-áreas que possuem características fisiográficas distintas. A Área 1 inclui a Ilha do Marajó e a grande massa d'água da foz do Rio Amazonas e oceano Atlântico próximo. A Área 2 possui 60% de cobertura por floresta. A Área 3 tem 62% de cobertura por áreas agrícolas e/ou pastagens. Os sistemas meteorológicos de larga escala produtores de chuva e raios foram analisados tanto para as 3 áreas consideradas, como nos casos de tempestades severas em torno de Belém. Nessas tempestades foi observado, em quase todos os casos, que os raios antecedem as chuvas. Em geral ficou evidenciada a influencia sazonal na densidade de ocorrência de raios sobre os diferentes tipos de superfície. Todavia, esse trabalho também mostrou que as condições meteorológicas determinam mais amplamente as magnitudes dessa variável. Isso pode ser observado com bastante clareza nos estudos de casos de tempestades severas, onde a ZCIT e as LI`s são fatores determinantes da precipitação e conseqüentemente dos raios ocorridos em Belém.


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Inclusive education is seen as quality education that should be provided by the educational system for all children, young people and adults. In order to put such a proposal into effect, qualified personnel are needed who are equipped to face such a challenge. This paper aims to examine the curriculum matrices of Pedagogy courses of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP that intend to prepare future teachers to follow an inclusive perspective. To this end, the political-pedagogical projects of six Pedagogy courses, the University resolutions that regulate the courses and excerpts taken from interviews carried out with course coordinators were analyzed. In order to analyze the curriculum matrices, the required subjects were distributed on a table according to the following categories: 1) specific subjects related to inclusive education, 2) number of hours of each subject related to inclusive education, 3) specific subjects related to special education and 4) amount of time scheduled for each subject related to special education. Among the six Pedagogy courses, five had subjects that focused on issues related to inclusive education, with varying time allotments, and four had subjects focusing on specific issues related to special education.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the confluences between the thinking of philosophers Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt in critiquing totalitarianism and fascism in the post-World War II period. Looking for approximation between the works of both philosophers, the most relevant aspects of this criticism for the philosophy of education will be explicited.


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OBJETIVO:analisar a produção do conhecimento gerada pelos programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem e refletir sobre suas perspectivas para a área.MÉTODO:estudo descritivo e analítico. Foram incluídos dados das dissertações de três instituições de ensino que titularam alunos em programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem entre 2006 e 2012.RESULTADOS:a maioria dos 127 trabalhos de conclusão analisados se desenvolveu no contexto hospitalar; houve tendência de concentração nas áreas organizacional e assistencial, nas linhas de pesquisa processo de cuidar e gerenciamento e predomínio de estudos qualitativos. Há diversidade de produtos resultantes dos trabalhos de conclusão: avaliação de serviços/programas de saúde e geração de processos, protocolos assistenciais ou de ensino.CONCLUSÃO:os programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem, em fase de consolidação, têm produção recente, em desenvolvimento, havendo lacuna na geração de tecnologias duras e inovação. São fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das práticas profissionais inovadoras que articulem o setor saúde e a educação.


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The purpose of this research is to show the types of violence committed by teachers that were experienced and/or witnessed by future teachers during their schooling history. It's a quantitative and qualitative research. The collection, organization, and analysis of data proceeded from Content Analysis (BARDIN, 1977) and the construction of Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu's works and specific literature on the theme. The subjects are 12 students that attended the Pedagogy undergraduate program in 2011 at the Faculty of Science and Arts of the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data shows that the majority of the group of individuals claimed to have witnessed or experienced violence by teachers during their basic training. According to them, among the most recurring types of violence are those of symbolic nature. They attended, not equally, the public system and the private system. This enabled pointing out that violence, especially symbolic violence, occurred in both school systems. Therefore, this is a phenomenon that affects different fractions of social classes. Considering that the participants of this research are future teachers, it was established a relation with the notion of 'cycle of abuse', since there is a high possibility of them practicing the teaching function.


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This article aims to contribute to the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools by reporting the results of a survey that aimed to verify whether Learning Objects (LO) are efficient tools in constructing teaching and learning of subject content within the inclusive education context. Participant, tutor and trainer experiences of a distance learning Ministry of Education (MEC) course on Assistive Technology were analyzed. The course was offered to public schools teachers from all over the country. The course activities were recorded in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called TelEduc, along with group reports of course participants. Three categories were selected for data analysis: a) interactivity and feedback from the team trainer; b) applicability of the content covered in the course, and c) new learning. The results showed that LO can promote the learning of subject content. Having been designed as educational resources to support teaching and learning, they can enhance educational inclusion of people with disabilities. As for the process of distance formation for teachers, the course contributed to consolidating sound and efficient training of participants by providing: a closer encounter with the world of technology, the possibility of integration of technology in the classroom; conducting theoretical and practical studies, appreciation of diversity and all students' potential; innovations in strategies and learning resources and reflective action.


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The article discusses characteristics of the library collection of the Escola Estadual Leônidas do Amaral Vieira, from Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (SP), which subsidized the research on history of didactics at the Instituto de Educação of this school, from 1953 to 1975. We present aspects of the school and its collection about didactics in light of theoretical and methodological aspects related to the history of school subjects.


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The objective of this research was to describe the use of an augmentative and alternative system for a student with cerebral palsy during intervention. A 10-year-old male student with cerebral palsy participated in this investigation. He attended special classes for people with disability in a public school in a city of the interior of Sao Paulo. The scheduled activities were carried out twice a week for two years at the Laboratory of Special Education of a public University of São Paulo. All of the tapes describing the activities that were filmed during the assessment and implementation of augmentative and alternative communication resource were watched and described using a specific protocol. Based on the information from the protocols, the sessions with intervals greater than 20 days and the ones with activities involving the communication board with the time equal or greater than 20 minutes during the first year of intervention were selected. The chosen sessions were transcribed in full and, after analyzing the text, the following categories were established, according to the stated goal: the graphic system helped the student with utterances of vertical structure (56%) associated with the oral (14%) and non-oral and non-verbal form (30%), while the use of the graphic system along with other forms collaborated to enhance statements, enabling better understanding of the child s intention. The use of augmentative and alternative communication systems provided the expansion of effective dialogical situations for the student during the activities carried out in speech therapy.


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This study aimed to identify the conceptions of learning difficulties of teachers working in the beginning years of elementary education. In order to analyze such conceptions from the perspective of inclusive education, the study was carried out in two schools in a city of the State of Paraná. Sixteen teachers (mean age of 41 years) participated in the study. Of these, only one had no higher education. Interviews were carried out individually in the teachers` schools. The interviews were conducted with the support of a topic outline including: aspects of classroom management of the classes in which teachers worked; how to identify students with learning disabilities; causes of learning difficulties; how the school can help a student with learning difficulties. Each interview lasted 50 minutes on average. They were transcribed in full and submitted to thematic analysis. Four categories of analysis were determined: characterization of educational institutions' proposal; conceptions on the identification of students with learning difficulties; conceptions about causes of learning difficulties; possibilities for assisting students with learning difficulties. The results indicated that the main factors reported by the participants on the characterization of pupils with learning difficulties were of the cognitive order. The data also showed that the teachers based their opinions on family aspects in order to focus on causes of learning difficulties; they attributed the largest parcel of responsibility for solving such situations to students' families. One of the main conclusions of this study allowed us to consider that the schools that were investigated reported a practice that doesn't meet the inclusive education assumptions, denoted by the attempt to homogenize regular classes.


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Speech has been regarded as a social communicative modality required for building relationships in different contexts and cultures. Nevertheless, this is not always a readily available resource, especially for those who have developmental disorders. In this sense, Augmentative and Alternative Communication resources and strategies have been used by nonspeaking students with disabilities as useful tools to achieve greater social participation in different environments. Therefore, the present study examined the interaction between teachers and a student with cerebral palsy before and after the use of Alternative Communication strategies in the classroom. The study had a quantitative and qualitative nature and was designed as an intervention study. There were four main stages: 1) filming before the introduction of the resources in the classroom, 2) training the school teachers 3) providing technical assistance regarding the use of alternative communication to the child's teacher 4) filming teacher-student interactions using these technological resources. The interactions were transcribed and grouped into links. In this research, a link means the initiator's behavior directed to the exchange partner and the response in sequence from the interlocutor back to the initiator. It was found that the established interactions presented a maximum of four links, with greater frequency for episodes of 1st and 2nd links. After the intervention, there were different contexts with the presence of interactions up to the 6th link, often greater frequency for episodes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd links. In addition, the teacher showed a tendency to use symbols only as a tool for evaluating and teaching concepts. This perception changed as the teacher became familiarized with the Augmentative and Alternative Communication technology resources.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This article presents part of a study that analyzed the concepts, feelings and attitudes of children without disabilities about mental retardation and inclusion and evaluated the effects of an informative program that deals with the issue. The study included forty children from two first grade classrooms in a public school in Marília-SP. One classroom participated as a control group. All children underwent pre and post tests in the form of interviews on the subject and a scale of children's social attitudes towards inclusion was applied. The experimental group participated in the informative program, composed of thirteen weekly meetings, in which the limitations and possibilities of people with mental retardation, specialized care, their schooling and family and social aspects, were discussed, using various educational and recreational strategies. The data collected in the interviews were categorized and content analysis was conducted. With the scale, individual scores were obtained. Statistical calculations were performed to verify the significance of differences between groups. In this paper we discuss the data obtained with the scale which were crossed with interview data. The results of the interviews and the scale indicated several changes in children's attitudes towards inclusion, but relations between many of these data could not be statistically confirmed. These results indicate the importance of expanding the research on the relationship between the phenomena presented.


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This is a survey conducted in 2009 with 2,282 students of both sexes enrolled in the three grades of high school in three cities of the west of Sao Paulo state (Assis, Presidente Prudente and Ourinhos). The data collection instrument was a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire with 131 questions. In this article, we reflect on how in schools the research participants reproduce and reinforce the hegemonic discourses of control of sexualities guided by the attempt to promote heterosexuality as the only form of sexual intelligibility, to the detriment of other forms of expression of sexuality. We discuss how homophobia and the devices of social control of sexuality (re) produce prejudices and stereotypies, resulting in vulnerabilities that non-heterosexual teenagers have, such as homophobic victimization, social and affective isolation, ideations and suicide attempts. The study shows that the invariant were discrimination, homophobic violence and the insults that are perpetrated in the values and discourses of adolescents at school and in their family, demonstrating the institutionalization of homophobia as a regulatory practice of the psychological and social construction of gender and sexual identities. We highlight how important it is for the school to appropriate the means of deconstruction of heterocentric normativity to preserve the rights and citizenship of the people who do not identify with the prevailing models of heterosexuality.