1000 resultados para Educação Etnicorracial
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ingesto alimentar de micronutrientes em pr-escolares no domiclio e em escolas de educação infantil pblicas e particulares. MTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 362 pr-escolares entre dois e seis anos de idade, em Caxias do Sul (RS) Brasil, em 2007. A ingesto alimentar na escola foi avaliada por meio do mtodo de pesagem direta individual, e no domiclio, por meio de registro alimentar realizado pelos pais ou responsveis. Foi calculada a ingesto alimentar de clcio, ferro, folato, vitamina A, vitamina C e zinco de acordo com o local da refeio e tipo de escola. RESULTADOS: Houve maior ingesto de alimentos contendo ferro, folato e vitamina C durante o perodo em que as crianas permaneceram na escola infantil, e maior ingesto de clcio, vitamina A e zinco no domiclio. Houve significativamente maior ingesto de alimentos contendo ferro (p=0,03), folato (p=0,03), vitamina A (p<0,01) e vitamina C (p<0,01) pelas crianas da escola particular e maior ingesto de clcio (p<0,01) e zinco (p<0,01) na escola pblica. Quanto prevalncia de inadequao dos micronutrientes, as crianas no apresentaram risco deficiente para ingesto de ferro, folato, vitamina A e C e zinco, porm apenas 67,4% apresentaram ingesto de clcio igual ou acima ao valor de referncia. CONCLUSO: Os achados sugerem que o consumo de clcio, vitamina A e zinco foi maior nos domiclios, apesar de as crianas permanecerem a maior parte do dia nas escolas. O consumo dirio de micronutrientes de crianas de escolas pblicas e particulares no diferiu significativamente, mesmo com diferenas nos cardpios.
O objetivo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de pr-escolares na educação infantil. Estudo de corte transversal, utilizando 38 itens do teste de Denver II. Foram avaliados todos os pr-escolares com idade entre quatro e seis anos incompletos matriculados na Rede Pblica Municipal de Ensino de Cuiab, Mato Grosso, Brasil, no perodo de agosto 2002 a novembro 2003. Nesse perodo havia 960 pr-escolares matriculados em 27 creches e duas escolas pblicas. Para a anlise estatstica foi aplicado o teste 2 com intervalo de 95% de confiana e = 5%. Para calcular os percentis da idade em que os pr-escolares passaram em cada prova foi realizada uma regresso logstica. Dos 960 pr-escolares avaliados, 67% apresentaram desempenho normal, 30,2% questionvel e 2,8% anormal. Em 27/38 itens avaliados, o percentual de acertos ultrapassou 90%. O desempenho alterado predominou no sexo masculino, no grupo de cinco a seis anos. O desempenho dessa populao foi muito semelhante ao dos pr-escolares norte-americanos de Denver, Colorado. O melhor resultado segundo o gnero ocorreu no sexo feminino e segundo a idade no grupo de quatro anos.
Foi avaliada estratgia de capacitao em educação nutricional para professores de um curso de educação infantil do Municpio de So Paulo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em trs etapas de avaliao: (a) diagnstica, em que se verificou o conhecimento dos educadores sobre temas relacionados alimentao e nutrio; (b) impacto nos conhecimentos sobre nutrio; (c) repercusses da interveno. A interveno educativa constitui-se de um encontro com os professores, utilizando material de apoio didtico. Verificou-se aumento no conhecimento sobre nutrio aps capacitao e os professores informaram utilizar o material de apoio como base terica para o desenvolvimento de atividades com as crianas. Alm disso, depoimentos espontneos dos pais bem como dos alunos, referiram mudanas positivas ocorridas no comportamento alimentar. Pde-se notar que a capacitao do professor para a educação nutricional de crianas em idade pr-escolar pode beneficiar a comunidade escolar, sendo importante ressaltar a pertinncia da continuidade dessas atividades
Este artigo baseia-se em dissertao de mesmo ttulo, apresentada Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Tem por objetivo estimar a prevalncia da sndrome de burnout em professores do Ensino Mdio da rede pblica estadual em Tubaro (SC). Um grupo de 101 professores de sete Escolas de Ensino Mdio, com atividades em sala de aula, responderam a um questionrio de dados sociodemogrficos e funcionais e ao Maslach burnout inventory - educators survey. Verificou-se a existncia de correlao entre os escores fatoriais das trs dimenses da sndrome de burnout e as variveis independentes. A prevalncia da sndrome de burnout foi de 12,9%. Encontrou-se correlao positiva entre tempo de servio e a dimenso Despersonalizao (r=0,2101; p=0,035), bem como entre a dimenso Despersonalizao e a situao funcional (r =0,2929; p=0,003). Os resultados indicam alta chance de desenvolvimento de burnout ou burnout em curso. A adoo de medidas de promoo sade mental dos professores poderia evitar a despersonalizao entre professores observada nesse estudo
The purpose of this study was to verify regular schooling teacher's attitudes toward inclusion children with disabilities in the classes. For that, 90 physical education teachers, from private and public schools, answered to a scale with 18 affirmations. It was observed by results that general tendency of teachers was negative toward inclusion. This pessimism wasn't related to teachers sex and time experience. Stronger teachers pessimism was about their lack of preparing to work with handicapped students. Teachers with less experience time showed more optimism about the benefits of all students in inclusion settings.
This text argues some questions controversies on the regulation of the profession. Our interest is to give a theoretical basement of a side, and to hear the citizens directly related on these controversies of another one. For this we first decide to clarify the initial aspects of the regulation of the professions, stops later making an analysis of the law and resolutions of the Advice presenting: (a) the meaning; (b) attributions and abilities; (c) the limit for the fiscalization and of the power of polices and (d) to point the typical activities of the professional. Concluded this part we will raise an controversial subject that appeared in these last five years: the subordination of the dance, yoga, martial arts to the Federal Advice of Physical Education.
The purpose of this paper is to present results of research conducted with artisan fishermen and surfers in order to analyze the meaning of interactions between each one of these groups with Nature. Academic and field researches (direct observation and free interviews) were used to investigate nine fishermen (eight male, one female; 28-71 years; 10 years practice minimum) and six surfers (male; 23-41 years age, 1-29 years practice) in Sao Paulo's North Coast. The body and the way as it interacts with Nature, in the daily life of these groups, points out to subjects with little exposure in the Physical Education field.
The dance installs in the body another scene of senses that raises the creative performance and not that can be speculated about it. There, ""who dance"" is the Other one, making the body acting of another manner, beyond the systemic contour of Ego. Without the presence of this forged performance, the body would not pass of one ruled machine in function of something and not in favor of himself, as original movement of himself. This article intends to make a reflection about the corporal perception in the dance, trying to point out the creative performance. So, we opened a way to understand the process creative as field of corporal sensitization where the educative intervention is accomplished in the body.
Information and knowledge are resources of environmental education (EE) that can be performed through knowledge management (KM). The aim of this paper is to propose measures of knowledge creation (KC) to improve performance of EE. This study is based on the research literature without empirical findings; therefore, the results are limited by the methodological resources of the theoretical essay. However, this limitation is the greatest motivation for future research which could investigate the proximity of EE with KM and KC in empirical investigations. Some suggestions for developing the requirements of KC programs to EE are presented as the results: possibility of the SECI process to better perform various aspects of environmental education such as social learning, interaction activities, dialogue, experience exchanging, information and knowledge, and of different ideas and ways of acting, done by EE and, finally, the possibility of Ba to develop a proper space for creation of new environmental knowledge. This article contains academic contributions to KM by providing greater discussion and understanding of KC; to EE when it allows a different view based on the work of information and knowledge about the processes of teaching, when contributing to social programs for EE, improving their practices and, consequently, contributing to an environmentally sustainable economic development.
The study checked possible theory-methodologic assumptions into Physical Education PCNs by the teachers of the last years of elementary school. The analyses in the publishing allow us to identify the different didactic procedures when compared with those which set up the traditional expectations. From these elements and using the projective method, it was developed an interview with focal group. The data obtained showed us docent perceptions which rearrange the educative practice, and interpretation allows us to realize which of the teachers views approaches the propositions in the official document, even if no reference has been done to it.
This paper reflects the current situation surrounding indigenous teacher education by means of the construction of a dialogue among three educators, two of them non-indigenous educators involved with indigenous school education and one indigenous educator committed to the education of his people. Teacher education, situated in a socio-cultural way, is the center of attention in this paper. ""Listening"" as a way of talking with the ""other"" is one of the theoretical focuses of this exercise between teacher educators and teachers, which uses dialogue as a means to increase awareness. In the dialogic process mentione, it was possible to realize how rich a dynamic between educators from different cultural contexts can be. The desire of the indigenous educator and his/her people to contribute their ideas to the construction of the indigenous school became evident. This shows the great challenge for non-indigenous educators seeking to contribute to the organization of the school education of distinct indigenous nations.
Este artigo, inspirado nas propostas de Deleuze e Guattari, faz uma anlise das prticas educacionais pautadas no paradigma cientificista. Prope outras direes de sentido e um redimensionamento da educação com baser no paradigma tico/esttico/poltico trazendo a proposta das "rvores do Conhecimento"de M. Authier e P. Levy como uma possibilidade de se construrem comunidades de conhecimento, recusando os especialismos.