679 resultados para EUKARYOTES
In eukaryotes, wobble uridines in the anticodons of tRNALysUUU, tRNAGluUUC and tRNAGlnUUG are modified to 5-methoxy-carbonyl-methyl-2-thio-uridine (mcm5s2U). While mutations in subunits of the Elongator complex (Elp1-Elp6), which disable mcm5 side chain formation, or removal of components of the thiolation pathway (Ncs2/Ncs6, Urm1, Uba4) are individually tolerated, the combination of both modification defects has been reported to have lethal effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Contrary to such absolute requirement of mcm5s2U for viability, we demonstrate here that in the S. cerevisiae S288C-derived background, both pathways can be simultaneously inactivated, resulting in combined loss of tRNA anticodon modifications (mcm5U and s2U) without a lethal effect. However, an elp3 disruption strain displays synthetic sick interaction and synergistic temperature sensitivity when combined with either uba4 or urm1 mutations, suggesting major translational defects in the absence of mcm5s2U modifications. Consistent with this notion, we find cellular protein levels drastically decreased in an elp3uba4 double mutant and show that this effect as well as growth phenotypes can be partially rescued by excess of tRNALysUUU. These results may indicate a global translational or protein homeostasis defect in cells simultaneously lacking mcm5 and s2 wobble uridine modification that could account for growth impairment and mainly originates from tRNALysUUU hypomodification and malfunction.
RNA mediated gene silencing pathways are highly conserved among eukaryotes and they have been well investigated in animals and in plants. Longer dsRNA molecules trigger the silencing pathways: RNase III proteins and their dsRNA binding protein (dsRBP) partners recognize those molecules as a substrate and process 21 nucleotide long microRNAs (miRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Some organisms encode RNA dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs), which are able to expand the pool of existing siRNAs. Argonaute proteins are able to bind small regulatory RNAs and are subsequently recruited to target mRNAs by base complementary. This leads in turn to transcriptional or posttranscriptional silencing of respective genes. The Dictyostelium discoideum genome encodes two Dicer homologues (DrnA and DrnB), five Argonaute proteins (AgnA to AgnE) and three RdRPs (RrpA to RrpC). In addition, the amoeba is known to express miRNAs and siRNAs, while the latter derive mainly from the DIRS-1 retrotransposon. One part of this work focused on the miRNA biogenesis pathway of D. discoideum. It was shown that the dsRNA binding protein RbdB is a necessary component for miRNA processing in the amoeba. There were no mature miRNAs detectable by Northern blot analysis in rbdB- strains, which is also true for drnB mutants. Moreover, primary miRNA-transcripts (pri-miRNAs) accumulated in rbdB- and drnB- strains. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a nuclear localization of RbdB. RbdB accumulated in distinct perinucleolar foci. These were reminiscent of plant dicing bodies that contain essential protein components for miRNA processing. It is well known that RNase III enzymes and dsRBPs work together during miRNA processing in higher eukaryotes. This work demonstrated that the same is true for members of the amoebozoa supergroup. In Arabidopsis the nuclear zinc finger protein Serrate (SE) is also necessary for miRNA processing. The D. discoideum homologue SrtA, however, is not relevant which has been shown by the analysis of the respective knockdown strain. MiRNAs are known to be differentially expressed in several RNAi knockout strains. The accumulation of miRNAs in agnA- strains and a strong decrease in rbdB- strains were criteria that could thus be successfully used (among others) to identify and validate new miRNAs candidates by Illumina®-RNA sequencing. In another part of this study, the silencing and amplification of the DIRS-1 retrotransposons was analyzed in more detail. It was already known that DIRS-1 transcripts and extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules accumulated in agnA- strains. This phenotype was correlated with the loss of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the knockout strain. By deep sequencing analysis of small RNAs from the AX2 wild type and the agnA- strain, the strong decrease of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the mutant strain (accounting for 70 %) could be confirmed. Further analysis of the data revealed an unequal distribution of DIRS-1 derived siRNAs along the retroelement in the wild type strain, since only very few of them matched the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and the 5’- half of the first open reading frame (ORF). Besides, sense and antisense siRNAs were asymmetrically distributed, as well. By using different reporter constructs it was shown indirectly that AgnA is necessary for the RrpC mediated production of secondary DIRS-1 siRNAs. These analyses also demonstrated an amplification of siRNAs in 5’- and in 3’-direction. Further analysis of the agnA- strain revealed that not only DIRS-1 sense transcripts but also ORF2 and ORF3 encoded proteins were enriched. In contrast, the ORF1 encoded protein GAG was equally expressed in the mutant and the wild type. This might reflect the unequal distribution of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs along the retrotransposon. Southern Blot and PCR-analyses showed that extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules are present in the cytoplasm of angA- strains and that they are complementary to sense transcripts of intact DIRS-1 elements. Thus, the extrachromosomal DIRS-1 intermediates are likely incomplete cDNA molecules generated by the DIRS-1 encoded reverse transcriptase. One could hypothesize that virus like particles (VLPs) are the places of DIRS-1 cDNA synthesis. At least, DIRS-1 GAG proteins interact and fluorescence microscopy studies showed that they localize in distinct cytoplasmic foci which accumulate in close proximity to the nuclei.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and small Cajal body-specific RNAs (scaRNAs) are non-coding RNAs whose main function in eukaryotes is to guide the modification of nucleotides in ribosomal and spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs, respectively. Full-length sequences of Arabidopsis snoRNAs and scaRNAs have been obtained from cDNA libraries of capped and uncapped small RNAs using RNA from isolated nucleoli from Arabidopsis cell cultures. We have identified 31 novel snoRNA genes (9 box C/D and 22 box H/ACA) and 15 new variants of previously described snoRNAs. Three related capped snoRNAs with a distinct gene organization and structure were identified as orthologues of animal U13snoRNAs. In addition, eight of the novel genes had no complementarity to rRNAs or snRNAs and are therefore putative orphan snoRNAs potentially reflecting wider functions for these RNAs. The nucleolar localization of a number of the snoRNAs and the localization to nuclear bodies of two putative scaRNAs was confirmed by in situ hybridization. The majority of the novel snoRNA genes were found in new gene clusters or as part of previously described clusters. These results expand the repertoire of Arabidopsis snoRNAs to 188 snoRNA genes with 294 gene variants.
The eukaryotic genome is a mosaic of eubacterial and archaeal genes in addition to those unique to itself. The mosaic may have arisen as the result of two prokaryotes merging their genomes, or from genes acquired from an endosymbiont of eubacterial origin. A third possibility is that the eukaryotic genome arose from successive events of lateral gene transfer over long periods of time. This theory does not exclude the endosymbiont, but questions whether it is necessary to explain the peculiar set of eukaryotic genes. We use phylogenetic studies and reconstructions of ancestral first appearances of genes on the prokaryotic phylogeny to assess evidence for the lateral gene transfer scenario. We find that phylogenies advanced to support fusion can also arise from a succession of lateral gene transfer events. Our reconstructions of ancestral first appearances of genes reveal that the various genes that make up the eukaryotic mosaic arose at different times and in diverse lineages on the prokaryotic tree, and were not available in a single lineage. Successive events of lateral gene transfer can explain the unusual mosaic structure of the eukaryotic genome, with its content linked to the immediate adaptive value of the genes its acquired. Progress in understanding eukaryotes may come from identifying ancestral features such as the eukaryotic splicesome that could explain why this lineage invaded, or created, the eukaryoticniche.
The use of nucleotide and amino acid sequences allows improved understanding of the timing of evolutionary events of life on earth. Molecular estimates of divergence times are, however, controversial and are generally much more ancient than suggested by the fossil record. The limited number of genes and species explored and pervasive variations in evolutionary rates are the most likely sources of such discrepancies. Here we compared concatenated amino acid sequences of 129 proteins from 36 eukaryotes to determine the divergence times of several major clades, including animals, fungi, plants, and various protists. Due to significant variations in their evolutionary rates, and to handle the uncertainty of the fossil record, we used a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock simultaneously calibrated by six paleontological constraints. We show that, according to 95% credibility intervals, the eukaryotic kingdoms diversified 950-1,259 million years ago (Mya), animals diverged from choanoflagellates 761-957 Mya, and the debated age of the split between protostomes and deuterostomes occurred 642-761 Mya. The divergence times appeared to be robust with respect to prior assumptions and paleontological calibrations. Interestingly, these relaxed clock time estimates are much more recent than those obtained under the assumption of a global molecular clock, yet bilaterian diversification appears to be approximate to100 million years more ancient than the Cambrian boundary.
Over the past decade genomic approaches have begun to revolutionise the study of animal diversity. In particular, genome sequencing programmes have spread beyond the traditional model species to encompass an increasing diversity of animals from many different phyla, as well as unicellular eukaryotes that are closely related to the animals. Whole genome sequences allow researchers to establish, with reasonable confidence, the full complement of any particular family of genes in a genome. Comparison of gene complements from appropriate genomes can reveal the evolutionary history of gene families, indicating when both gene diversification and gene loss have occurred. More than that, however, assembled genomes allow the genomic environment in which individual genes are found to be analysed and compared between species. This can reveal how gene diversification occurred. Here, we focus on the Fox genes, drawing from multiple animal genomes to develop an evolutionary framework explaining the timing and mechanism of origin of the diversity of animal Fox genes. Ancient linkages between genes are a prominent feature of the Fox genes, depicting a history of gene clusters, some of which may be relevant to understanding Fox gene function.
The diversification of life involved enormous increases in size and complexity. The evolutionary transitions from prokaryotes to unicellular eukaryotes to metazoans were accompanied by major innovations inmetabolicdesign.Hereweshowthat thescalingsofmetabolic rate, population growth rate, and production efficiency with body size have changed across the evolutionary transitions.Metabolic rate scales with body mass superlinearly in prokaryotes, linearly in protists, and sublinearly inmetazoans, so Kleiber’s 3/4 power scaling law does not apply universally across organisms. The scaling ofmaximum population growth rate shifts from positive in prokaryotes to negative in protists and metazoans, and the efficiency of production declines across these groups.Major changes inmetabolic processes duringtheearlyevolutionof life overcameexistingconstraints, exploited new opportunities, and imposed new constraints. The 3.5 billion year history of life on earth was characterized by
Currently, the Genomic Threading Database (GTD) contains structural assignments for the proteins encoded within the genomes of nine eukaryotes and 101 prokaryotes. Structural annotations are carried out using a modified version of GenTHREADER, a reliable fold recognition method. The Gen THREADER annotation jobs are distributed across multiple clusters of processors using grid technology and the predictions are deposited in a relational database accessible via a web interface at http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/GTD. Using this system, up to 84% of proteins encoded within a genome can be confidently assigned to known folds with 72% of the residues aligned. On average in the GTD, 64% of proteins encoded within a genome are confidently assigned to known folds and 58% of the residues are aligned to structures.
The role of double-stranded break repair in the creation of phenotypic diversity at cereal VRN1 loci
Nonhomologous repair of double-stranded breaks, although fundamental to the maintenance of genomic integrity in all eukaryotes, has received little attention as to its evolutionary consequences in the generation and selection of phenotypic diversity. Here we document the role of illegitimate recombination in the creation of novel alleles in VRN1 orthologs selected to confer adaptation to annual cropping systems in barley and wheat.
Powered by advances in electron tomography, recent studies have extended our understanding of how viruses construct "replication factories" inside infected cells. Their function, however, remains an area of speculation with important implications for human health. It is clear from these studies that whatever their purpose, organelle structure is dynamic (M. Ulasli, M. H. Verheije, C. A. de Haan, and F. Reggiori, Cell. Microbiol. 12:844-861, 2010) and intricate (K. Knoops, M. Kikkert, S. H. Worm, J. C. Zevenhoven-Dobbe, Y. van der Meer, et al., PLOS Biol. 6:e226, 2008). But by concentrating on medically important viruses, these studies have failed to take advantage of the genetic variation inherent in a family of viruses that is as diverse as the archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes combined (C. Lauber, J. J. Goeman, M. del Carmen Parquet, P. T. Nga, E. J. Snijder, et al., PLOS Pathog. 9:e1003500, 2013). In this climate, Maier et al. (H. J. Maier, P. C. Hawes, E. M. Cottam, J. Mantell, P. Verkade, et al., mBio 4:e00801-13, 2013) explored the replicative structures formed by an avian coronavirus that appears to have diverged at an early point in coronavirus evolution and shed light on controversial aspects of viral biology.
In all eukaryotes, the plasma membrane is critically important as it maintains the architectural integrity of the cell. Proper anchorage and interaction between the plasma membrane and the cytoskeleton is critical for normal cellular processes. The ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) proteins are a class of highly homologous proteins involved in linking the plasma membrane to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. This review takes a succinct look at the biology of the ERM proteins including their structure and function. Current reports on their regulation that leads to activation and deactivation was examined before taking a look at the different interacting partners. Finally, emerging roles of each of the ERM family members in cancer was highlighted.
Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC) are pore-forming proteins found in the outer mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes. VDACs are known to play an essential role in cellular metabolism and in early stages of apoptosis. In mammals, three VDAC isoforms have been identified. A proteomic approach was exploited to study the expression of VDAC isoforms in rat, bovine, and chicken brain mitochondria. Given the importance of mitochondrially bound hexokinase in regulation of aerobic glycolysis in brain, we studied the possibility that differences in the relative expression of VDAC isoforms may be a factor in determining the species-dependent ratio of type A/type B hexokinase binding sites on brain mitochondria. The spots were characterized, and the signal intensities among spots were compared. VDAC1 was the most abundantly expressed of the three isoforms. Moreover the expression of VDAC1 plus VDAC2 was significantly higher in bovine than in rat brain. Chicken brain mitochondria showed the highest VDAC1 expression and the lowest of VDAC2. Bovine brain mitochondria had the highest VDAC2 levels. We concluded that the nature of hexokinase binding site is not determined by the expression of a single VDAC isoform.
IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling controls a myriad of cellular processes in higher eukaryotes and similar signaling pathways are evolutionarily conserved in Plasmodium, the intracellular parasite that causes malaria. We have reported that isolated, permeabilized Plasmodium chabaudi, releases Ca(2+) upon addition of exogenous IP(3). In the present study, we investigated whether the IP(3) signaling pathway operates in intact Plasmodium falciparum, the major disease-causing human malaria parasite. P. falciparum-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the trophozoite stage were simultaneously loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator Fluo-4/AM and caged-IP(3). Photolytic release of IP(3) elicited a transient Ca(2+) increase in the cytosol of the intact parasite within the RBC. The intracellular Ca(2+) pools of the parasite were selectively discharged, using thapsigargin to deplete endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) and the antimalarial chloroquine to deplete Ca(2+) from acidocalcisomes. These data show that the ER is the major IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) store. Previous work has shown that the human host hormone melatonin regulates P. falciparum cell cycle via a Ca(2+)-dependent pathway. In the present study, we demonstrate that melatonin increases inositol-polyphosphate production in intact intraerythrocytic parasite. Moreover, the Ca(2+) responses to melatonin and uncaging of IP(3) were mutually exclusive in infected RBCs. Taken together these data provide evidence that melatonin activates PLC to generate IP(3) and open ER-localized IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in P. falciparum. This receptor signaling pathway is likely to be involved in the regulation and synchronization of parasite cell cycle progression.
In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. One of the early stages of pre-rRNA processing includes formation of the two intermediate complexes pre-40S and pre-60S, which then form the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The yeast nucleolar protein Nop53p has previously been identified in the pre-60S complex and shown to affect pre-rRNA processing by directly binding to 5.8S rRNA, and to interact with Nop17p and Nip7p, which are also involved in this process. Here we show that Nop53p binds 5.8S rRNA co-transcriptionally through its N-terminal region, and that this protein portion can also partially complement growth of the conditional mutant strain Delta nop53/GAL:NOP53. Nop53p interacts with Rrp6p and activates the exosome in vitro. These results indicate that Nop53p may recruit the exosome to 7S pre-rRNA for processing. Consistent with this observation and similar to the observed in exosome mutants, depletion of Nop53p leads to accumulation of polyadenylated pre-rRNAs.