198 resultados para EUCALYPT


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The present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal increment in diameter of Eucalyptus grandis trees for 24 months and its relationship with the climatic variables and fertilization with nitrogen and with sewer mud. The trees were planted in the spacing of 3 x 2 m and fertilized with nitrogen (planting, 6, 12, 18 months) and sewer mud (planting and 8 months). 20 trees were selected by treatment according witch the distribution of basal area and installed dendrometer bands at a 1.3 meter. The results showed a clear effect of the climatic variables on the seasonal increment in diameter of trees, being observed a delay period (lag) of 28 days for the answer of the trees in relation to the climatic variables. Regading to the fertilization effect, it was observed that the increment of trunk diameter was higher in the eucalypt trees with organic in relation to mineral fertilization with nitrogen.


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The leaf area index (LAI) is a key characteristic of forest ecosystems. Estimations of LAI from satellite images generally rely on spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) or radiative transfer model (RTM) inversions. We have developed a new and precise method suitable for practical application, consisting of building a species-specific SVI that is best-suited to both sensor and vegetation characteristics. Such an SVI requires calibration on a large number of representative vegetation conditions. We developed a two-step approach: (1) estimation of LAI on a subset of satellite data through RTM inversion; and (2) the calibration of a vegetation index on these estimated LAI. We applied this methodology to Eucalyptus plantations which have highly variable LAI in time and space. Previous results showed that an RTM inversion of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) near-infrared and red reflectance allowed good retrieval performance (R-2 = 0.80, RMSE = 0.41), but was computationally difficult. Here, the RTM results were used to calibrate a dedicated vegetation index (called "EucVI") which gave similar LAI retrieval results but in a simpler way. The R-2 of the regression between measured and EucVI-simulated LAI values on a validation dataset was 0.68, and the RMSE was 0.49. The additional use of stand age and day of year in the SVI equation slightly increased the performance of the index (R-2 = 0.77 and RMSE = 0.41). This simple index opens the way to an easily applicable retrieval of Eucalyptus LAI from MODIS data, which could be used in an operational way.


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Background and aims Eucalyptus plantations cover 20 million hectares on highly weathered soils. Large amounts of nitrogen (N) exported during harvesting lead to concerns about their sustainability. Our goal was to assess the potential of introducing A. mangium trees in highly productive Eucalyptus plantations to enhance soil organic matter stocks and N availability. Methods A randomized block design was set up in a Brazilian Ferralsol soil to assess the effects of mono-specific Eucalyptus grandis (100E) and Acacia mangium (100A) stands and mixed plantations (50A:50E)on soil organic matter stocks and net N mineralization. Results A 6-year rotation of mono-specific A. mangium plantations led to carbon (C) and N stocks in the forest floor that were 44% lower and 86% higher than in pure E. grandis stands, respectively. Carbon and N stocks were not significantly different between the three treatments in the 0-15 cm soil layer. Field incubations conducted every 4 weeks for the two last years of the rotation estimated net soil N mineralization in 100A and 100E at 124 and 64 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. Nitrogen inputs to soil with litterfall were of the same order as net N mineralization. Conclusions Acacia mangium trees largely increased the turnover rate of N in the topsoil. Introducing A. mangium trees might improve mineral N availability in soils where commercial Eucalyptus plantations have been managed for a long time.


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A produção de mudas é um dos pontos cruciais nos empreendimentos florestais e diversos trabalhos procuraram identificar o método mais adequado de produção. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o uso da espuma fenólica na substituição de recipientes e de substrato na produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto. Foram implantados quatro experimentos, sendo dois de viveiro (experimentos 1 e 2) e dois de campo (experimentos 3 e 4) em locais e períodos distintos. Todos os experimentos foram compostos por quatro tratamentos: 1 - tubete de 55 cm³ + substrato comercial; 2 - espuma pequena (60 cm³); 3 - espuma média (75 cm³); e 4 - espuma grande (90 cm³). Nos experimentos, avaliouse a mortalidade das mudas e a biomassa do sistema radicular e da parte aérea. No experimento 1, as mudas produzidas nas espumas pequenas obtiveram menor índice de mortalidade (1%), enquanto no sistema convencional foi de 15% e observou-se superioridade na produção de biomassa aérea das mudas produzidas na espuma grande. No experimento 2, as mudas produzidas na espuma apresentaram maior sensibilidade ao excesso de água durante a fase de enraizamento, sendo a mortalidade de 40 % para os tratamentos com a utilização da espuma que foi superior ao tratamento convencional (16%). No experimento 3, conduzido no campo, não foi observada mortalidade das mudas ou diferenças na produção de biomassa entre os tratamentos. No experimento 4, observou-se maior resistência ao déficit hídrico nos tratamentos com as espumas média e grande e maior produção de biomassa aérea no tratamento com a espuma grande.


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The leaf cuticular ultrastructure of some plant species has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in only few studies. Attending to the different cuticle layers and inner structure, plant cuticles have been grouped into six general morphological types. With the aim of critically examining the effect of cuticle isolation and preparation for TEM analysis on cuticular ultrastructure, adaxial leaf cuticles of blue-gum eucalypt, grey poplar, and European pear were assessed, following a membrane science approach. The embedding and staining protocols affected the ultrastructure of the cuticles analysed. The solubility parameter, surface tension, and contact angles with water of pure Spurr's and LR-White resins were within a similar range. Differences were however estimated for resin : solvent mixtures, since Spurr’s resin is combined with acetone and LR-White resin is mixed with ethanol. Given the composite hydrophilic and lipophilic nature of plant cuticles, the particular TEM tissue embedding and staining procedures employed may affect sample ultrastructure and the interpretation of the results in physicochemical and biological terms. It is concluded that tissue preparation procedures may be optimised to facilitate the observation of the micro- and nanostructure of cuticular layers and components with different degrees of polarity and hydrophobicity.


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Most of the modem developments with classification trees are aimed at improving their predictive capacity. This article considers a curiously neglected aspect of classification trees, namely the reliability of predictions that come from a given classification tree. In the sense that a node of a tree represents a point in the predictor space in the limit, the aim of this article is the development of localized assessment of the reliability of prediction rules. A classification tree may be used either to provide a probability forecast, where for each node the membership probabilities for each class constitutes the prediction, or a true classification where each new observation is predictively assigned to a unique class. Correspondingly, two types of reliability measure will be derived-namely, prediction reliability and classification reliability. We use bootstrapping methods as the main tool to construct these measures. We also provide a suite of graphical displays by which they may be easily appreciated. In addition to providing some estimate of the reliability of specific forecasts of each type, these measures can also be used to guide future data collection to improve the effectiveness of the tree model. The motivating example we give has a binary response, namely the presence or absence of a species of Eucalypt, Eucalyptus cloeziana, at a given sampling location in response to a suite of environmental covariates, (although the methods are not restricted to binary response data).


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The use of presence/absence data in wildlife management and biological surveys is widespread. There is a growing interest in quantifying the sources of error associated with these data. We show that false-negative errors (failure to record a species when in fact it is present) can have a significant impact on statistical estimation of habitat models using simulated data. Then we introduce an extension of logistic modeling, the zero-inflated binomial (ZIB) model that permits the estimation of the rate of false-negative errors and the correction of estimates of the probability of occurrence for false-negative errors by using repeated. visits to the same site. Our simulations show that even relatively low rates of false negatives bias statistical estimates of habitat effects. The method with three repeated visits eliminates the bias, but estimates are relatively imprecise. Six repeated visits improve precision of estimates to levels comparable to that achieved with conventional statistics in the absence of false-negative errors In general, when error rates are less than or equal to50% greater efficiency is gained by adding more sites, whereas when error rates are >50% it is better to increase the number of repeated visits. We highlight the flexibility of the method with three case studies, clearly demonstrating the effect of false-negative errors for a range of commonly used survey methods.


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Stable social aggregations are rarely recorded in lizards, but have now been reported from several species in the Australian scincid genus Egernia. Most of those examples come from species using rock crevice refuges that are relatively easy to observe. But for many other Egernia species that occupy different habitats and are more secretive, it is hard to gather the observational data needed to deduce their social structure. Therefore, we used genotypes at six polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci of 229 individuals of Egernia frerei, trapped in 22 sampling sites over 3500 ha of eucalypt forest on Fraser Island, Australia. Each sampling site contained 15 trap locations in a 100 x 50 m grid. We estimated relatedness among pairs of individuals and found that relatedness was higher within than between sites. Relatedness of females within sites was higher than relatedness of males, and was higher than relatedness between males and females. Within sites we found that juvenile lizards were highly related to other juveniles and to adults trapped at the same location, or at adjacent locations, but relatedness decreased with increasing trap separation. We interpreted the results as suggesting high natal philopatry among juvenile lizards and adult females. This result is consistent with stable family group structure previously reported in rock dwelling Egernia species, and suggests that social behaviour in this genus is not habitat driven.


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We conducted a demographic and genetic study to investigate the effects of fragmentation due to the establishment of an exotic softwood plantation on populations of a small marsupial carnivore, the agile antechinus (Antechinus agilis), and the factors influencing the persistence of those populations in the fragmented habitat. The first aspect of the study was a descriptive analysis of patch occupancy and population size, in which we found a patch occupancy rate of 70% among 23 sites in the fragmented habitat compared to 100% among 48 sites with the same habitat characteristics in unfragmented habitat. Mark-recapture analyses yielded most-likely population size estimates of between 3 and 85 among the 16 occupied patches in the fragmented habitat. Hierarchical partitioning and model selection were used to identify geographic and habitat-related characteristics that influence patch occupancy and population size. Patch occupancy was primarily influenced by geographic isolation and habitat quality (vegetation basal area). The variance in population size among occupied sites was influenced primarily by forest type (dominant Eucalyptus species) and, to a lesser extent, by patch area and topographic context (gully sites had larger populations). A comparison of the sex ratios between the samples from the two habitat contexts revealed a significant deficiency of males in the fragmented habitat. We hypothesise that this is due to male-biased dispersal in an environment with increased dispersal-associated mortality. The population size and sex ratio data were incorporated into a simulation study to estimate the proportion of genetic diversity that would have been lost over the known timescale since fragmentation if the patch populations had been totally isolated. The observed difference in genetic diversity (gene diversity and allelic richness at microsatellite and mitochondrial markers) between 16 fragmented and 12 unfragmented sites was extremely low and inconsistent with the isolation of the patch populations. Our results show that although the remnant habitat patches comprise approximately 2% of the study area, they can support non-isolated populations. However, the distribution of agile antechinus populations in the fragmented system is dependent on habitat quality and patch connectivity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study provided a thorough test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis using a within-species comparison of call structure involving a wide range of habitat types, an objective measure of habitat density and direct measures of habitat-related attenuation. The structure of the bower advertisement call of the satin bowerbird was measured in 16 populations from throughout the species' range and related to the habitat type and density at each site. Transmission of white noise, pure tones and different bowerbird dialects was measured in five of six habitat types inhabited by satin bowerbirds. Bowerbird advertisement call structure converged in similar habitats but diverged among different habitats; this pattern was apparent at both continent-wide and local geographical scales. Bowerbirds' call structures differed with changes in habitat density, consistent with the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. Lower frequencies and less frequency modulation were utilized in denser habitats such as rainforest and higher frequencies and more frequency modulation were used in the more open eucalypt-dominated habitats. The white noise and pure tone transmission measurements indicated that different habitats varied in their sound transmission properties in a manner consistent with the observed variation in satin bowerbird vocalizations. There was no effect of geographical proximity of recording locations, nor was there the predicted inverse relationship between frequency and body size. These findings indicate that the transmission qualities of different habitats have had a major influence on variation in vocal phenotypes in this species. In addition, previously published molecular data for this species suggest that there is no effect of genetic relatedness on call similarity among satin bowerbird populations.


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The loss and fragmentation of forest habitats by human land use are recognised as important factors influencing the decline of forest-dependent fauna. Mammal species that are dependent upon forest habitats are particularly sensitive to habitat loss and fragmentation because they have highly specific habitat requirements, and in many cases have limited ability to move through and utilise the land use matrix. We addressed this problem using a case study of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) surveyed in a fragmented rural-urban landscape in southeast Queensland, Australia. We applied a logistic modelling and hierarchical partitioning analysis to determine the importance of forest area and its configuration relative to site (local) and patch-level habitat variables. After taking into account spatial auto-correlation and the year of survey, we found koala occurrence increased with the area of all forest habitats, habitat patch size and the proportion of primary Eucalyptus tree species; and decreased with mean nearest neighbour distance between forest patches, the density of forest patches, and the density of sealed roads. The difference between the effect of habitat area and configuration was not as strong as theory predicts, with the configuration of remnant forest becoming increasingly important as the area of forest habitat declines. We conclude that the area of forest, its configuration across the landscape, as well as the land use matrix, are important determinants of koala occurrence, and that habitat configuration should not be overlooked in the conservation of forest-dependent mammals, such as the koala. We highlight the implications of these findings for koala conservation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High salt levels in mine spoils have been identified as one of the major chemical limitations to plant establishment after coal mining in central Queensland. Soil solution extracts from spoils indicated that EC levels of up to 26 dS/m could be encountered. Glasshouse trials examined the emergence and growth of Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus populnea provenances and Acacia salicina subjected to such EC levels. Relatively low levels of salt (100 mM NaCl, or 11 dS/m) with respect to the levels encountered on mine spoils, were enough to substantially reduce the rate and percentage emergence of all eucalypt provenances. A. salicina was found to be superior to the eucalypts in its ability to emerge and survive under saline conditions. It was the only species to have seedlings emerge and survive at 200 mM NaCl (20 dS/m), and the effect of salt on decreasing seedling dry weight was less pronounced for A. salicina than for any of the eucalypts. Established plants survived the range of salt treatments far better than emerging seedlings, with survival of established plants being reduced only at 300 and 400 mM NaCl (28 and 36 dS/m, respectively). A. salicina performed significantly better at 300 and 400 mM NaCl than most of the eucalypts studied. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The performance of 32 tropical rainforest and eucalypt tree species grown in private, mixed species plantations was examined. There were two objectives: 1) to summarise the growth of species by soil and rainfall classes, 2) to investigate the degree of variability in growth rates with respect to environmental variables. Data were collected from 112 plots established in the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP) plantations across sites in the humid tropics of central and north Queensland. Sites ranged from sea level to 1160 m above sea level, with annual rainfall from 800 mm to 4300 mm, on soils derived from basalt, metamorphic and granite parent material. Species performance was significantly related to climatic and edaphic variables but the strength of these relationships differed among taxa.


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The rust Puccinia psidii infects many species in the family Myrtaceae. Native to South America, the pathogen has recently entered Australia which has a rich Myrtaceous flora, including trees of the ecologically and economically important genus Eucalyptus. We studied the genetic basis of variation in rust resistance in Eucalyptus globulus, the main plantation eucalypt in Australia. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was undertaken using 218 genotypes of an outcross F2 mapping family, phenotyped by controlled inoculation of their open pollinated progeny with the strain of P. psidii found in Australia. QTL analyses were conducted using a binary classification of individuals with no symptoms (immune) versus those with disease symptoms, and in a separate analysis dividing plants with disease symptoms into those exhibiting the hypersensitive response versus those with more severe symptoms. Four QTL were identified, two influencing whether a plant exhibited symptoms (Ppr2 and Ppr3), and two influencing the presence or absence of a hypersensitive reaction (Ppr4 and Ppr5). These QTL mapped to four different linkage groups, none of which overlap with Ppr1, the major QTL previously identified for rust resistance in Eucalyptus grandis. Candidate genes within the QTL regions are presented and possible mechanisms discussed. Together with past findings, our results suggest that P. psidii resistance in eucalypts is quantitative in nature and influenced by the complex interaction of multiple loci of variable effect.


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Do alien invasive species exhibit life history characteristics that are similar to those of native species that have become pests in their continent of origin? We compared eucalypt specialists that have become pests in Australian plantations (natives) to those that have established overseas (aliens) using 13 life history traits and found that although traits that support rapid population build-up were shared, overall, aliens and native colonisers differed significantly. Distance from source (New Zealand vs. other) had no significant effect, but species that established more than 50 years ago exhibited different life history traits from those that established within the last 50 years, possibly because of more effective quarantine. Native and alien eucalypt insect invaders differed predominantly in traits that facilitate long-distance movement (pathway traits), compared to traits that facilitate establishment and spread. Aliens had longer adult flight seasons, were smaller and more closely host-associated (cryptic eggs and larvae), had lower incidence of diapause (i.e. were more seasonally plastic) and more generations per year than natives. Thus, studies of species invasive within their country of origin can shed light on alien invasions.