998 resultados para EU-Russia Innovation Forum
Many of the most advanced economies of the world have undergone significant transformation in the last few decades. Globalization and technological changes, especially developments in information technologies, have helped to stimulate this transformation. These have contributed to changing institutional frameworks in many respects within the economies including adjustments to economic policies. The results of these transformations take many different forms and are manifested in different areas of an economy. At the heart of these changes however, has been the increasingly important role of entrepreneurship in the economy. The transformed ("new") economy stimulates and supports activities in innovation and entrepreneurship and is labelled the entrepreneurial economy. The "old" economy on the other hand restricts such activities and is referred to as the managed economy (Audretsch & Thurik, 2001).
ISAFRUIT is an integrated European Union Project focussed on increasing fruit consumption as a means to improve human health, through evaluating the fruit chain and addressing bottlenecks therein.The innovations which are being developed throughout the ISAFRUIT Project have been analysed to determine both the success factors and the obstacles in reaching the commercialisation stage. Only 9.58% of the deliverables planned within the Project were focussed on developing technological innovations.There is evidence, however, of successes in the development of new innovations arising from the ISAFRUIT Project, with several other potential innovations in the pipeline. Of the technologies identified, 67% are still at the “invention stage”; that is, the stage prior to bridging the so-called “valley of death”, the stage between an invention and an innovation. Those which are considered to have moved over the “valley of death” either had industry partners included in the Project, or had consulted with industry to ensure that the technology was relevant, or met a recognised industry need. Many of the technologies which made less progress did not have the same interactions with industry. A number of other issues were identified which prevented further progress towards innovation. The need for scientists to publish scientific papers, both for their career pathways and to increase their chances of future funding, was identified as one issue, although the filing of patents is now becoming more accepted and recognised. The patenting system is considered complex by many scientists and is not well-understood. Finally, agreements between partners on the sharing of intellectual property rights can cause a delay in the innovation process.
The field of laser application to the restoration and cleaning of cultural assets is amongst the most thriving developments of recent times. Ablative laser technological systems are able to clean and protect inestimable works of art subject to atmospheric agents and degradation over time. This new technology, which has been developing for the last forty year, is now available to restorers and has received a significant success all over Europe. An important contribution in the process of laser innovation has been carried out in Florence by local actors belonging to a creative cluster. The objects of the analysis are the genesis of this innovation in this local Florentine context, and the relationships among the main actors who have contributed in it. The study investigates how culture can play a part in the generation of ideas and innovations, and which are the creative environments that can favour it. In this context, the issue of laser technologies for the restoration of cultural heritage has been analysed as a case study in the various paths taken by the Creative Capacity of the Culture (CCC).
The aim of the present work is to investigate innovative processes within a geographical cluster, and thus contribute to the debate on the effects of industrial clusters on innovation capacity. In particular, we would like to ascertain whether the advantages of industrial districts in promoting innovation, as already revealed by literature (diffusion of knowledge, social capital and trust, efficient networking), are also keys to success in the Tuscan shipbuilding industry of pleasure and sporting boats. First, we verify the existence of clusters of shipbuilding in Tuscany, using a specific methodology. Next, in the identified clusters, we analyse three innovative networks financed in a policy to support innovation, and examine whether the typical features of a cluster for promoting innovation are at work, using a questionnaire administered to 71 actors. Finally, we develop a performance analysis of the cluster firms and ascertain whether their different behaviours also lead to different performances. The analysis results show that our case records effects of industrial clustering on innovation capacity, such as the important role given to trust and social capital, the significant worth put in interfirm relations and in each partner’s specific competencies, or even the distinctive performance of firms belonging to a cluster.
The availability of rich firm-level data sets has recently led researchers to uncover new evidence on the effects of trade liberalization. First, trade openness forces the least productive firms to exit the market. Secondly, it induces surviving firms to increase their innovation efforts and thirdly, it increases the degree of product market competition. In this paper we propose a model aimed at providing a coherent interpretation of these findings. We introducing firm heterogeneity into an innovation-driven growth model, where incumbent firms operating in oligopolistic industries perform cost-reducing innovations. In this framework, trade liberalization leads to higher product market competition, lower markups and higher quantity produced. These changes in markups and quantities, in turn, promote innovation and productivity growth through a direct competition effect, based on the increase in the size of the market, and a selection effect, produced by the reallocation of resources towards more productive firms. Calibrated to match US aggregate and firm-level statistics, the model predicts that a 10 percent reduction in variable trade costs reduces markups by 1:15 percent, firm surviving probabilities by 1 percent, and induces an increase in productivity growth of about 13 percent. More than 90 percent of the trade-induced growth increase can be attributed to the selection effect.
The Barcelona Forum aimed to generate both a theoretical and practical discussion on decentralized governance and its capacity to promote peace, prevent conflict, advance human security and ensure greater governmental accountability. The Forum intended to review the theoretical strength of decentralization as a political tool and discuss how it can be properly implemented. Eight case studies were selected to be covered during the two days in order to draw conclusions and offer proposals for the future implementation of decentralization. The case of Catalonia and the decentralized experience of Spain was given special attention, as an example of successful decentralization. The other cases presented achievements and challenges and prompted discussions on both the validity and universality of decentralization as a way to promote and preserve peace. Topics such as ethnic and territorial divisions, democratic accountability, financial decentralization and distribution, resource sharing, and external implementation of decentralization through peace processes were discussed.
In a recent paper Tishler and Milstein (2009) fi…nd that increased competition may increase aggregate R&D spending while market output decreases. Therefore, they obtain the surprising result that R&D spending is excessive when competition becomes intense. Their result is based on the standard linear demand function for differentiated products introduced by Bowley (1924) where decreased product differentiation is interpreted as more competitive pressure. In this paper I show that at an aggregate level this interpretation is problematic because equilibrium effects are dominated by a demand reduction effect. A slight modifi…cation of the standard demand function eliminates this effect. For the Tishler and Milstein (2009) setting it is shown that then increased competition increases both R&D spending and aggregate market output. Therefore, at least for consumers, more intense competition increases welfare. Journal of Economic Literature Classi…fication Numbers: D43, L1, O3. Keywords: Oligopoly markets, Product differentiation, Competitive pressure.
We present a dynamic model where the accumulation of patents generates an increasing number of claims on sequential innovation. We compare innovation activity under three regimes -patents, no-patents, and patent pools- and find that none of them can reach the first best. We find that the first best can be reached through a decentralized tax-subsidy mechanism, by which innovators receive a subsidy when they innovate, and are taxed with subsequent innovations. This finding implies that optimal transfers work in the exact opposite way as traditional patents. Finally, we consider patents of finite duration and determine the optimal patent length.
Da Bisanzio alla Santa Russia Résumé Ivan Foletti Le texte du premier volume de YIkonografija Bogomatri (Iconographie de la mère de Dieu), publié en 1914 à Saint Pétersbourg par Nikodim Kondakov et traduit dans le cadre de ce travail, soulève chez le lecteur contemporain de nombreuses questions quant au développement des études byzantines, entre la fin du XIXe et le début du XXe siècle. Il s'agit, avant tout, de comprendre les enjeux fondamentaux de la naissance de cette discipline, dans le cadre de l'Europe romantique et plus particulièrement de son acculturation à la réalité russe. En se concentrant sur le personnage de Nikodim Kondakov, considéré par ses contemporains comme le patriarche des études byzantines, ce travail propose d'articuler la réflexion autour de deux axes principaux. Il s'agit d'une part de la relation entre histoire de l'art et société : dans le contexte russe et plus largement dans celui de l'Europe, la recherche semble se développer en étroite relation avec les tendances politiques et sociales de ces années. C'est probablement la raison du choix pour Nikodim Kondakov de se dédier aux études de Byzance, dans les années où la Russie prépare sa guerre contre la Turquie (1877-1878), tandis que l'opinion publique est martelée avec un revival de l'ancienne idéologie de Moscou comme « troisième Rome » et héritière de Byzance. Un autre aspect significatif est la décision de ce même chercheur d'étudier les antiquités russes sous le règne de Alexandre III, le tzar « contre-réformateur », quand la Russie se replie sur elle même autour de trois mots d'ordre: Orthodoxie, autocratie, et nationalité. D'autre part, la réception de Kondakov en Occident, semble aussi dépendre de questions politiques. Son accueil très favorable en France et en Angleterre contraste avec une perception bien plus négative en Autriche et en Allemagne ; il s'agit là d'une position en étonnante harmonie avec les traités politiques - l'alliance franco-russe de 1891 et la triple entente de 1911 qui opposent les pays membres aux empires centraux. Le deuxième axe considéré est celui d'une analyse systématique de la naissance des études sur les images cultuelles russes, les icônes. Les pages dédiées à ce phénomène dans Γ Ikonograflja Bogomatri, mais également dans les autres ouvrages de Kondakov, posent clairement la question des raisons nationalistes et populistes de la redécouverte, autour de 1900, en Russie et en Europe de cette expression visuelle. Conclusion logique de la tradition historiographique du XIXe siècle - qui s'est préoccupé des icônes perçues comme documents historiques - cette nouvelle vague d'intérêt pose la question de l'icône commé"oeuvre d'art. C'est autour de ce débat, alimenté également par l'apparition des avant-gardes, que se situent les plus importants savants russes de ces années en opposant deux manières radicalement différentes de percevoir l'art : à l'approche positiviste s'oppose celle d'un renouveau d'Hegel. Ce débat sera brusquement interrompu par la révolution, suivie par les années staliniennes qui vont définitivement « discerner » laquelle des deux méthodes et approches est la « juste », en congelant de fait, pour des décennies, toute possibilité de discussion. Cette thèse souhaiterait donc ouvrir en Occident un débat pour l'instant marginal dans les études : celui de la naissance d'une histoire de l'art moderne en Russie, mais également de l'émergence d'une nouvelle Europe savante autour de 1900 où l'histoire de l'art byzantin s'affirme comme un domaine émergent.
This paper analyses whether a firm’s absorptive capacity and its distance from the technological frontier affect the choice between innovation and imitation in innovative Spanish firms. From an extensive survey of 5,575 firms during the 2004-2009 period, we found two significant results. With regard to the role of absorptive capacity, the empirical evidence shows that when innovative firms have difficulties in accessing external information and hire skilled workers, their innovative capacity is reduced. Meanwhile, with regard to distance from the technological frontier, the firms that reduce this gap manage to increase their innovative capacity at the expense of imitation. To summarise, when we studied firms’ absorptive capacity and their relative position to the technological frontier in tandem, we found that the two factors directly affected firms' ability to innovate or imitate.
AbstractArticle StructureFigures and TablesReferences Benefits from probiotic micro-organisms have been recognised for over 100 years, and as being useful in poultry for 50 years. Fuller (1989) redefined probiotics as ‘a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance’. Benefits derived from this improved intestinal microbial balance could be reflected in performance or prevention of pathogen colonisation. Probiotic micro-organisms use in poultry production has been widely accepted and new opportunities arose from the 2006 EU ban on antimicrobial growth promoters. The majority of microbial products for compound feeds are made up from a relatively small number of micro-organisms that are normally present in the GI tract. They include non-sporulated bacteria, sporulated bacteria, fungi or yeasts; and presented from single to multi-strain products. A review on the proposed modes of action is presented including recent approaches to quorum sensing interference
The HIA Forum provides an opportunity for those with an interest in HIA to meet, share experiences, hear about new developments and consider how to progress HIA. 2009 HIA Forum events focused on how HIA can and is being used to support healthier communties.