A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vector-based vaccine that secretes the V3 principal neutralizing epitope of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could induce immune response to the epitope and prevent the viral infection. By using the Japanese consensus sequence of HIV-1, we successfully constructed chimeric protein secretion vectors by selecting an appropriate insertion site of a carrier protein and established the principal neutralizing determinant (PND)-peptide secretion system in BCG. The recombinant BCG (rBCG)-inoculated guinea pigs were initially screened by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the PND peptide, followed by passive transfer of the DTH by the systemic route. Further, immunization of mice with the rBCG resulted in induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The guinea pig immune antisera showed elevated titers to the PND peptide and neutralized HIVMN, and administration of serum IgG from the vaccinated guinea pigs was effective in completely blocking the HIV infection in thymus/liver transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/hu or SCID/PBL mice. In addition, the immune serum IgG was shown to neutralize primary field isolates of HIV that match the neutralizing sequence motif by a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based virus neutralization assay. The data support the idea that the antigen-secreting rBCG system can be used as a tool for development of HIV vaccines.
The induction of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is desirable for immunization against many diseases, and recombinant-synthetic peptide antigens are now favored agents to use. However, a major problem is how to induce CTLs, which requires a T1-type response to such synthetic antigens. We report that T1-type (generating high CTL, low antibody) or T2-type (the reciprocal) responses can be induced by conjugation of the antigen to the carbohydrate polymer mannan: T1 responses are selected by using oxidizing conditions; T2 responses are selected by using reducing conditions for the conjugation. Using human MUC1 as a model antigen in mice, immunization with oxidized mannan-MUC1 fusion protein (ox-M-FP) led to complete tumor protection (challenge up to 5 x 10(7) MUC1+ tumor cells), CTLs, and a high CTL precursor (CTLp) frequency (1/6900), whereas immunization with reduced mannan-MUC1 FP (red-M-FP) led to poor protection after challenge with only 10(6) MUC1+ tumor cells, no CTLs, and a low CTLp frequency (1/87,800). Ox-M-FP selects for a T1 response (mediated here by CD8+ cells) with high interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion, no interleukin 4 (IL-4), and a predominant IgG2a antibody response; red-M-FP selects for a T2-type response with IL-4 production and a high predominant IgG1 antibody response but no IFN-gamma.
Binding of the lipid A portion of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to leukocyte CD14 activates phagocytes and initiates the septic shock syndrome. Two lipid A analogs, lipid IVA and Rhodobacter sphaeroides lipid A (RSLA), have been described as LPS-receptor antagonists when tested with human phagocytes. In contrast, lipid IVA activated murine phagocytes, whereas RSLA was an LPS antagonist. Thus, these compounds displayed a species-specific pharmacology. To determine whether the species specificity of these LPS antagonists occurred as a result of interactions with CD14, the effects of lipid IVA and RSLA were examined by using human, mouse, and hamster cell lines transfected with murine or human CD14 cDNA expression vectors. These transfectants displayed sensitivities to lipid IVA and RSLA that reflected the sensitivities of macrophages of similar genotype (species) and were independent of the source of CD14 cDNA. For example, hamster macrophages and hamster fibroblasts transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA responded to lipid IVA and RSLA as LPS mimetics. Similarly, lipid IVA and RSLA acted as LPS antagonists in human phagocytes and human fibrosarcoma cells transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA. Therefore, the target of these LPS antagonists, which is encoded in the genomes of these cells, is distinct from CD14. Although the expression of CD14 is required for macrophage-like sensitivity to LPS, CD14 cannot discriminate between the lipid A moieties of these agents. We hypothesize that the target of the LPS antagonists is a lipid A recognition protein which functions as a signaling receptor that is triggered after interaction with CD14-bound LPS.
A chronic debilitating parasitic infection, viscerotropic leishmaniasis (VTL), has been described in Operation Desert Storm veterans. Diagnosis of this disease, caused by Leishmania tropica, has been difficult due to low or absent specific immune responses in traditional assays. We report the cloning and characterization of two genomic fragments encoding portions of a single 210-kDa L. tropica protein useful for the diagnosis of VTL in U.S. military personnel. The recombinant proteins encoded by these fragments, recombinant (r) Lt-1 and rLt-2, contain a 33-amino acid repeat that reacts with sera from Desert Storm VTL patients and with sera from L. tropica-infected patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antibody reactivities to rLt-1 indicated a bias toward IgG2 in VTL patient sera. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from VTL patients produced interferon gamma, but not interleukin 4 or 10, in response to rLt-1. No cytokine production was observed in response to parasite lysate. The results indicate that specific leishmanial antigens may be used to detect immune responses in VTL patients with chronic infections.
To circumvent the need to engineer pathogenic microorganisms as live vaccine-delivery vehicles, a system was developed which allowed for the stable expression of a wide range of protein antigens on the surface of Gram-positive commensal bacteria. The human oral commensal Streptococcus gordonii was engineered to surface express a 204-amino acid allergen from hornet venom (Ag5.2) as a fusion with the anchor region of the M6 protein of Streptococcus pyogenes. The immunogenicity of the M6-Ag5.2 fusion protein was assessed in mice inoculated orally and intranasally with a single dose of recombinant bacteria, resulting in the colonization of the oral/pharyngeal mucosa for 10-11 weeks. A significant increase of Ag5.2-specific IgA with relation to the total IgA was detected in saliva and lung lavages when compared with mice colonized with wild-type S. gordonii. A systemic IgG response to Ag5.2 was also induced after oral colonization. Thus, recombinant Gram-positive commensal bacteria may be a safe and effective way of inducing a local and systemic immune response.
Candida albicans is the most frequent etiologic agent that causes opportunistic fungal infections called candidiasis, a disease whose systemic manifestation could prove fatal and whose incidence is increasing as a result of an expanding immunocompromised population. Here we review the role of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in host protection against invasive candidiasis. This cytokine plays an essential role in both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune response to candidiasis. We focus on recent progress on host-pathogen interactions leading to the production of IFN-γ by host cells. IFN-γ is produced by CD4 Th1, CD8, γδ T, and natural killer (NK) cells, essentially in response to both IL-12 and/or IL-18; more recently, a subset of C. albicans-specific Th17 cells have been described to produce both IL-17 and IFN-γ. IFN-γ plays an important role in the regulation of the immune system as well as in the control of the infectious process, as it is required for optimal activation of phagocytes, collaborates in the generation of protective antibody response, and favors the development of a Th1 protective response.
Besides its importance in cattle, Neospora caninum may also pose a high risk as abortifacient for small ruminants. We have recently demonstrated that the outcome of experimental infection of pregnant sheep with 10(6) Nc-Spain7 tachyzoites is strongly dependent on the time of gestation. In the current study, we assessed peripheral and local immune response in those animals. Serological analysis revealed earlier and higher IFN-γ and IgG responses in ewes infected at early (G1) and mid (G2) gestation, when abortion occurred. IL-4 was not detected in sera from any sheep. Inflammatory infiltrates in the placenta mainly consisted of CD8+ and, to a lesser extent, CD4+ T cells and macrophages (CD163+). The infiltrate was more intense in sheep infected at mid-gestation. In the foetal mesenchyme, mostly free tachyzoites were found in animals infected at G1, while those infected in G2 displayed predominantly particulate antigen, and parasitophorous vacuoles were detected in sheep infected at G3. A similar pattern of placental cytokine mRNA expression was found in all groups, displaying a strengthened upregulation of IFN-γ and IL-4 and milder increases of TNF-α and IL-10, reminiscent of a mixed Th1 and Th2 response. IL-12 and IL-6 were only slightly upregulated in G2, and TGF-β was downregulated in G1 and G2, suggestive of limited T regulatory (Treg) cell activity. No significant expression of TLR2 or TLR4 could be detected. In summary, this study confirms the pivotal role of systemic and local immune responses at different times of gestation during N. caninum infection in sheep.
Macrophage activation is a key determinant of susceptibility and pathology in a variety of inflammatory diseases. The extent of macrophage activation is tightly regulated by a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IFN-gamma, IL-2, GM-CSF, IL-3) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-10, TGF-beta). Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1/M-CSF) is a key differentiation, growth and survival factor for monocytes/macrophages and osteoclasts. The role of this factor in regulating macrophage activation is often overlooked. This review will summarize our current understanding of the effects of CSF-1 on the activation state of mature macrophages and its role in regulating immune responses.
There is now considerable evidence that host genetic factors are important in determining the outcome of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). The aim of this study was to assess the role of several candidate genes in the variation observed in the immune responses to MTB antigens. In-vitro assays of T-cell proliferation, an in-vivo intradermal delayed hypersensitivity response; cytokine and antibody secretions to several mycobacterial peptide antigens were assessed in healthy, but exposed, West African twins. Candidate gene polymorphisms were typed in the NRAMP1, Vitamin D receptor, IL10, IL4, IL4 receptor and CTLA-4 genes. Variants of the loci IL10 (-1082 G/A), CTLA-4 (49 A/G) and the IL4 receptor (128 A/G) showed significant associations with immune responses to several antigens. T-cell proliferative responses and antibody responses were reduced, TNF-alpha responses were increased for subjects with the CTLA-4 G allele. The T-cell proliferative responses of subjects with IL10 GA and GG genotypes differed significantly. IL4 receptor AG and GG genotypes also showed significant differences in their T-cell proliferative responses to MTB antigens. These results yield a greater understanding of the genetic mechanisms that underlie the immune responses in tuberculosis and have implications for the design of therapeutic interventions.
Th2-associated factors such as IL-4 are involved in both the development of Th2 responses (via modulating Th2 cell differentiation) and in the effector phase of Th2 responses (via modulating macrophage activation). The IL-1 receptor-like protein ST2 (T1, Fit-1, or DER4) is expressed as a membrane-bound (ST2L) or secreted form (sST2), and has been clearly implicated as a regulator of both the development and effector phases of Th2-type responses. Here we analyze the mechanisms and therapeutic implications of the unique ability of ST2 to promote development and function of type 2 helper T cells through a positive feedback loop, as well as to act as a negative feedback modulator of macrophage pro-inflammatory function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Echinacea preparations are widely used herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of colds and minor infections. There is little evidence for the individual components in Echinacea that contribute to immune regulatory activity. Activity of an ethanolic Echinacea extract and several constituents, including cichoric acid, have been examined using three in vitro measures of macrophage immune function - NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and nitric oxide (NO). In cultured macrophages, all components except the monoene alkylamide (AA1) decreased lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated NF-kappa B levels. 0.2 mu g/ml cichoric acid and 2.0 mu g/mL Echinacea Premium Liquid (EPL) and EPL alkylamide fraction (EPL AA) were found to significantly decrease TNF-alpha production under LPS stimulated conditions in macrophages. In macrophages, only the alkylamide mixture isolated from the ethanolic Echinacea extract decreased LPS stimulated NO production. In this study, the mixture of alkylamides in the Echinacea ethanolic liquid extract did not respond in the same manner in the assays as the individual alkylamides investigated. While cichoric acid has been shown to affect NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and NO levels, it is unlikely to be relevant in the Echinacea alterations of the immune response in vivo due to its nonbioavailability - i.e. no demonstrated absorption across the intestinal barrier and no detectable levels in plasma. These results demonstrate that Echinacea is an effective modulator of macrophage immune responses in vitro.