191 resultados para ELL


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Understanding the language of one’s cultural environment is important for effective communication and function. As such, students entering U.S. schools from foreign countries are given access to English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs and they are referred to as English Language Learner (ELL) students. This dissertation examined the correlation of ELL ACCESS Composite Performance Level (CPL) score to the End of Course tests (EOCTs) and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGTs) in the four content courses (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). A premise of this study was that English language proficiency is critical in meeting or exceeding state and county assessment standards. A quantitative descriptive research design was conducted using Cross-sectional archival data from a secondary source. There were 148 participants from school years 2011-2012 to 2013- 2014 from Grades 9-12. A Pearson product moment correlation was run to assess the relationship between the ACCESS CPL (independent variable) and the EOCT scores and the GHSGT scores (dependent variables). The findings showed that there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and the EOCT scores where language arts showed a strong positive correlation and mathematics showed a positive weak correlation. Also, there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and GHSGT scores where language arts showed a weak positive correlation. The results of this study indicated that that there is a relationship between the stated variables, ACCESS CPL, EOCT and GHSGT. Also, the results of this study showed that there were positive correlations at varying degrees for each grade levels. While the null hypothesis for Research Question 1 and Research Question 2 were rejected, there was a slight relationship between the variables.


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The RANK / RANKL / OPG sy stem plays an important role in bone formation and resorption . This finding has been regarded as one of the m ost important advances in the understanding of bone biology with respect to osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of RANKL / RANK / OPG markers in reimplanted t eeth of rats, and to observe the relationship between the expression of these markers and to oth and bone resorption. Thirty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos) had their maxillary right incisors extrac ted , and were divided into 2 groups according to the period that the extracted teeth were kept in dry air before reimplantation : G1 (n = 15) - 5 minutes , and G2 (n = 15) - 60 minutes . After reimplantation, teeth were analyzed at intervals of 1, 3 and 7 da ys. After these experimental periods, the animals were euthanized. Longitudinal sections with 5μm thick were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin for histological analysis , while 3μm thick sections were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis of OPG , RANK and RANKL. The results showed that the RANK / RANKL / OPG system actively participates in both the repair process, as well as tooth and bone resorption . Extr a - alveolar time of 60 minutes before replantation caused minor expressions of RANKL a nd OPG, not influencing the expression of RANK; RANKL immunostaining showed higher in both groups when compared to other biomarkers, participating in all phases of bone and tooth resorption; RANKL was associated to both osteoclastogenesis and c ell ular proliferation , and was expressed in both groups.


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Background: Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA) is one of the fastest rising cancers in western countries. Barrett’s Esophagus (BE) is the premalignant precursor of EA. However, only a subset of BE patients develop EA, which complicates the clinical management in the absence of valid predictors. Genetic risk factors for BE and EA are incompletely understood. This study aimed to identify novel genetic risk factors for BE and EA.Methods: Within an international consortium of groups involved in the genetics of BE/EA, we performed the first meta-analysis of all genome-wide association studies (GWAS) available, involving 6,167 BE patients, 4,112 EA patients, and 17,159 representative controls, all of European ancestry, genotyped on Illumina high-density SNP-arrays, collected from four separate studies within North America, Europe, and Australia. Meta-analysis was conducted using the fixed-effects inverse variance-weighting approach. We used the standard genome-wide significant threshold of 5×10-8 for this study. We also conducted an association analysis following reweighting of loci using an approach that investigates annotation enrichment among the genome-wide significant loci. The entire GWAS-data set was also analyzed using bioinformatics approaches including functional annotation databases as well as gene-based and pathway-based methods in order to identify pathophysiologically relevant cellular pathways.Findings: We identified eight new associated risk loci for BE and EA, within or near the CFTR (rs17451754, P=4·8×10-10), MSRA (rs17749155, P=5·2×10-10), BLK (rs10108511, P=2·1×10-9), KHDRBS2 (rs62423175, P=3·0×10-9), TPPP/CEP72 (rs9918259, P=3·2×10-9), TMOD1 (rs7852462, P=1·5×10-8), SATB2 (rs139606545, P=2·0×10-8), and HTR3C/ABCC5 genes (rs9823696, P=1·6×10-8). A further novel risk locus at LPA (rs12207195, posteriori probability=0·925) was identified after re-weighting using significantly enriched annotations. This study thereby doubled the number of known risk loci. The strongest disease pathways identified (P<10-6) belong to muscle cell differentiation and to mesenchyme development/differentiation, which fit with current pathophysiological BE/EA concepts. To our knowledge, this study identified for the first time an EA-specific association (rs9823696, P=1·6×10-8) near HTR3C/ABCC5 which is independent of BE development (P=0·45).Interpretation: The identified disease loci and pathways reveal new insights into the etiology of BE and EA. Furthermore, the EA-specific association at HTR3C/ABCC5 may constitute a novel genetic marker for the prediction of transition from BE to EA. Mutations in CFTR, one of the new risk loci identified in this study, cause cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common recessive disorder in Europeans. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) belongs to the phenotypic CF-spectrum and represents the main risk factor for BE/EA. Thus, the CFTR locus may trigger a common GER-mediated pathophysiology.


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Les matériaux mésoporeux à base de silice sont des plateformes polyvalentes qui offrent une réponse aux besoins de domaines variés comme l’environnement, la santé et les énergies. La fonctionnalisation avec des groupements organiques en fait des matériaux hybrides qu’il est aisé d’orienter vers une application spécifique. Ainsi, afin de fournir une alternative aux procédés industriels, dommageables pour l’environnement actuellement utilisés pour l’extraction et la purification des terres rares, à savoir l’extraction liquide-liquide (ELL) majoritairement, les silices mésoporeuses ont été sollicitées à titre d’adsorbant dans l’extraction sur phase solide. Cette dernière, en opposition à l’ELL, présente de nombreux avantages dont, la suppression des solvants organiques, le contrôle de la sélectivité envers et parmi le groupe des éléments de terres rares (ÉTR) à travers l’ancrage du ligand sur un support solide et la possibilité de réutiliser plusieurs fois l’adsorbant. Les ÉTR sont des métaux qui participent à la transition vers des technologies moins coûteuses en énergie, il est donc primordial de rendre leurs procédés d’extraction plus verts. Dans le cadre de ce travail, différents types de silices ordonnées mésoporeuses, MCM-41, SBA-15 et SBA-16, ont été synthétisées, fonctionnalisées avec un ligand approprié, et leurs comportements vis à vis de ces éléments, comparés. Ces matériaux ont de nombreux points communs mais certaines caractéristiques les différencient néanmoins : la taille et la géométrie des pores, la connexion entre les pores, l’épaisseur des parois, l’accessibilité aux pores ou encore la diffusion des liquides ou gaz dans la matrice. C’est pourquoi, le but de cette étude est d’élucider l’impact de ces diverses propriétés sur l’adsorption sélective des ÉTR en condition statique et dynamique.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Les leucémies aigues sont la conséquence d’une prolifération clonale et maligne des cellules hématopoïétiques. Elles surviennent suite à un évènement oncogénique qui se produit dans une cellule souche hématopoïétique (CSH) ou progénitrice. Cela lui confère une certaine instabilité qui engendre l’accumulation d’autres évènements génétiques et/ou épigénétiques responsables du développement clinique de la maladie. Les leucémies MLL représentent environ 10% des leucémies aigues et aujourd’hui, plus de 70 gènes de fusion ont été caractérisés. Les sangs de cordon sont une source importante de CSH et progénitrices. La purification de ces cellules et leur transformation en cellules leucémiques à l’aide de gènes de fusion MLL nous permettent de générer des leucémies aigues humaines dans des souris immunodéficientes NSG et ainsi étudier le potentiel leucémique de différents gènes de fusion MLL. Dans un premier temps, 4 gènes de fusion MLL ont été étudiés : MLL-AF9, MLL-AF4, MLL-ENL et MLL-ELL. In vitro, nous sommes capables de transformer des CSH en cellules leucémiques capables de proliférer rapidement. Les résultats in vivo nous montrent qu’il est possible de générer des leucémies avec les oncogènes MLL-AF9 et MLL-ENL. Pour les fusions MLL-ELL et MLL-AF4, bien que quelques leucémies ont pu être obtenues, plusieurs problèmes techniques nous empêchent aujourd’hui de disposer d’un modèle adéquat permettant l’étude complète de ces oncogènes. Dans un second temps, les leucémies aigues MLL-AF9 ont été étudiées dans un modèle contrôlé où les cellules souches proviennent d’un donneur unique. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons pu démontrer que l’oncogène MLL-AF9 est suffisant pour induire le développement de la maladie. En effet aucune nouvelle mutation n’a pu être identifiée au cours du développement de la leucémie. Parmi les leucémies myéloïdes aigues (LMA) MLL-AF9 issues de ce modèle, certains gènes non mutés, dont RET, ont été identifiés comme étant de potentiels biomarqueurs de ce sous-groupe de leucémie.


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Com o aumento da produção do fulereno C60 e sua aplicação comercial é previsível que este composto acabe sendo liberado no ambiente, tornando-se um contaminante. Em razão das suas características físico-químicas e sua capacidade de formar agregados (n-C60) quando em contato com a água, o C60 pode se tornar um carreador de outros contaminantes (como metais e compostos orgânicos), facilitando a sua entrada nos organismos. Neste sentido, a sua toxicidade (tanto de forma isolada como em associação com outros contaminantes) vem sendo avaliada. Sendo assim, a fim de viabilizar os estudos com C60, uma metodologia para preparo de suspensões aquosas foi validada, sendo quantificada por CLAE/UV-Vis. As suspensões foram preparadas sem a adição de solvente de duas formas distintas, com aquecimento (50ºC) e à temperatura ambiente (≈20 ºC), onde se mantiveram sob agitação constante e exposição à luz artificial por até 2 meses. A cada 15 dias a suspensão foi quantificada. Além disso, três métodos distintos de extração e pré-concentração (extração líquido-líquido (ELL), extração em fase sólida (EFS) e micro-extração dispersiva líquido-líquido (MEDLL)) foram validados e comparados quanto a sua eficiência. Coeficientes de correlação ≥ 0,99 foram obtidos para as curvas de calibração. Os LDM e LQM foram de 0,08 e 0,3 ng mL-1 para EFS e ELL, considerando o fator de concentração de 500 vezes, e de 0,8 e 3,0 ng mL-1 para a MEDLL, considerando o fator de concentração de 50 vezes, respectivamente. A precisão (intermediária e repetitividade) variou entre 0,46 e 4,03 (%RSDpi) e entre 0,69 e 3,59 (%RSDr), enquanto que a exatidão ficou entre 72,3 e 85,6% para ELL, 86,1 e 115,5% para a EFS e 87,9 e 111,4% para MEDLL. Com base nestes parâmetros relativos a análise de suspensões aquosas de C60, a EFS foi considerada o método mais eficiente. O aquecimento se mostrou relevante no tamanho dos agregados, que foram significativamente maiores na suspensão sem aquecimento, porém o tempo de preparo da suspensão não influenciou na concentração final da suspensão. Portanto, recomenda-se o preparo das suspensões aquosas de C60 sem aquecimento por um período de agitação de 30-45 dias.


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O preparo de amostra é frequentemente a fase crítica de um método multirresíduo, devido à diversidade de substâncias que podem ser extraídas e a ineficiência da extração dos analitos de interesse, aplicados em matrizes com características e composições próprias. Os agrotóxicos são moléculas de estruturas complexas, com características químicas diferentes, como polaridade e estabilidade, e muitas vezes se degradam rapidamente durante o procedimento analítico a seus metabólitos ou a outros produtos. Por estas razões, se faz necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos de preparo de amostras, cada vez mais eficientes e rápidos para determinações de analitos em matrizes complexas. A Extração Líquido-Líquido (ELL) apresenta recuperações satisfatórias para compostos apolares e de média polaridade, porém tem algumas desvantagens relevantes, como pode formar emulsões, requer grandes volumes de solventes, demanda longo tempo de extração e é de difícil automação. A Extração em Fase Sólida (EFS), uma alternativa à ELL, exige pequenos volumes de solvente e é de fácil operação e automação. Dependendo do sorvente, pode ser empregada na análise de compostos polares e apolares. O método QuEChERS apresenta como vantagens rapidez, simplicidade, baixo custo, eficiência, robustez, segurança, baixo consumo de solventes, além de cobrir uma ampla variedade de classes de agrotóxicos (com caráter ácido, básico ou polar). Neste trabalho, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre as técnicas de preparo de amostra: ELL modificada, EFS e o método QuEChERS na extração dos agrotóxicos, ciproconazol, difenoconazol, fenarimol, tebuconazol e triadimefom, aplicados em culturas de uva, para posterior determinação por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE).


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This paper reviews current research works at the authors’ Institutions to illustrate how mobile robotics and related technologies can be used to enhance economical fruition, control, protection and social impact of the cultural heritage. Robots allow experiencing on-line, from remote locations, tours at museums, archaeological areas and monuments. These solutions avoid travelling costs, increase beyond actual limits the number of simultaneous visitors, and prevent possible damages that can arise by over-exploitation of fragile environments. The same tools can be used for exploration and monitoring of cultural artifacts located in difficult to reach or dangerous areas. Examples are provided by the use of underwater robots in the exploration of deeply submerged archaeological areas. Besides, technologies commonly employed in robotics can be used to help exploring, monitoring and preserving cultural artifacts. Examples are provided by the development of procedures for data acquisition and mapping and by object recognition and monitoring algorithms.


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The population of English Language Learners (ELLs) globally has been increasing substantially every year. In the United States alone, adult ELLs are the fastest growing portion of learners in adult education programs (Yang, 2005). There is a significant need to improve the teaching of English to ELLs in the United States and other English-speaking dominant countries. However, for many ELLs, speaking, especially to Native English Speakers (NESs), causes considerable language anxiety, which in turn plays a vital role in hindering their language development and academic progress (Pichette, 2009; Woodrow, 2006). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), such as simulation activities, has long been viewed as an effective approach for second-language development. The current advances in technology and rapid emergence of Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) have provided an opportunity for educators to consider conducting simulations online for ELLs to practice speaking English to NESs. Yet to date, empirical research on the effects of MUVEs on ELLs’ language development and speaking is limited (Garcia-Ruiz, Edwards, & Aquino-Santos, 2007). This study used a true experimental treatment control group repeated measures design to compare the perceived speaking anxiety levels (as measured by an anxiety scale administered per simulation activity) of 11 ELLs (5 in the control group, 6 in the experimental group) when speaking to Native English Speakers (NESs) during 10 simulation activities. Simulations in the control group were done face-to-face, while those in the experimental group were done in the MUVE of Second Life. The results of the repeated measures ANOVA revealed after the Huynh-Feldt epsilon correction, demonstrated for both groups a significant decrease in anxiety levels over time from the first simulation to the tenth and final simulation. When comparing the two groups, the results revealed a statistically significant difference, with the experimental group demonstrating a greater anxiety reduction. These results suggests that language instructors should consider including face-to-face and MUVE simulations with ELLs paired with NESs as part of their language instruction. Future investigations should investigate the use of other multi-user virtual environments and/or measure other dimensions of the ELL/NES interactions.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El Edema Macular (EM) es la principal causa de perdida de agudeza visual en pacientes con Oclusión Venosa Retiniana (OVR); luego del tratamiento, algunos pacientes persisten con mala agudeza visual. OBJETIVO: Realizar una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura (RSL), para identificar la evidencia existente sobre factores tomográficos que predicen el resultado visual en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR. FUENTE DE LA INFORMACIÓN: PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, COCHRANE, literatura gris. SELECCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIOS: Ensayos Clínicos Controlados (ECC) y estudios observacionales analíticos. EXTRACCIÓN Y SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Dos investigadores seleccionaron los artículos de forma independiente. Se realizó una síntesis cualitativa de la información siguiendo las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA 2009. MEDIDAS Y DESENLACE PRINCIPAL: Grosor Retiniano Central (GRC), integridad de Banda Elipsoide e Integridad de Membrana Limitante Externa (MLE), determinados por SD OCT. El desenlace principal es la Agudeza Visual Mejor Corregida (AVMC) a los 6, 12,18 y/o 24 meses. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 872 abstract y se incluyeron 8 artículos en el análisis cualitativo. Seis estudios evaluaron el GRC sin encontrar asociación con resultado visual final. Solo 2 estudios evaluaron y encontraron asociación estadísticamente significativa de la integridad de la MLE con el desenlace visual, Kang, H 2012 (r2 0,51 p 0,000), Rodriguez, F 2014 (p< 0,001). La integridad de la BE fue asociada a pronostico visual en 4 de 5 estudios que evaluaron esta variable, con resultados estadísticamente significativos. La AVMC de base también se asocio con desenlace visual en 4 de 5 estudios que la evaluaron. El mejor modelo que predice el resultado funcional según el estudio de Kang, H 2012 fue: Integridad de MLE, integridad de BE y AVMC de base (R2 0,671 p 0,000), a los 12 meses de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: La evidencia actual sugiere que la integridad de la BE y la MLE son predictores del resultados funcional en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR después de 6 o mas meses de seguimiento. Es necesario la realización de estudios controlados para llegar a resultados mas concluyentes.