994 resultados para Domestic-animals
Psittaciformes are one of the most endangered groups of birds, and several Brazilian species are classified between vulnerable and critically endangered. It is thus necessary to identify agents that cause infections in captive wild animals and to assess the risks posed thereof and to design interventions to minimize the possibility of disease outbreaks, leading to the conservation of endangered species. The purpose of this study was to identify enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) cloacal isolates from asymptomatic psittacines in captivity and evaluate the distribution of the EPEC pathotype. Cloacal swabs were obtained from 46 asymptomatic birds, and resulting isolates were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of the attaching and effacing gene (eae) and bundle-forming pilus structural gene (bfpA) of EPEC. Samples from several species were tested, and three samples were found to be positive for the eae and bfpA genes and characterized as typical EPEC. This is the first report of this pathotype in asymptomatic psittacines. Although certain E. coli strains are more pathogenic than others, various factors should be considered when determining the potential of E. coli isolates to cause disease in captive psittacines. Birds that are positive for the EPEC (typical) strain could be zoonotic sources of infection, and may have acquired these strains through contact with humans or domestic animals. These findings may also be valuable for the long-term management of endangered species ex situ as one EPEC sample was isolated from a Red-tailed Amazon (Amazona brasiliensis).
Infectious diseases in wild animals have been increasing as a result of their habitat alterations and closer contact with domestic animals. Canine distemper virus (CDV) has been reported in several species of wild carnivores, presenting a threat to wildlife conservation. We described the first case of canine distemper virus infection in lesser grison (Galictis cuja). A free-ranging individual, with no visible clinical sigs, presented sudden death after one day in captivity. Molecular diagnosis for CDV infection was performed using whole blood collected by postmortem intracardiac puncture, which resulted positive. The virus phylogeny indicated that domestic dogs were the probable source of infection.
This study aimed to describe the occurrence of Leptospira interrogans serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola, in coastal zone and in southern grasslands of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In each one of the four analyzed farms blood samples were collected from free-living wild animals, domestic animals and humans to perform serological testing for leptospirosis. The presence of antibodies was verified by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The criterion adopted to consider a serum as agglutination reactant was at least 50% of leptospira for a microscopic field of 100x. From 17 blood samples collected at Chuí, five (29.41%) were positive, three (60.00%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and two (40.00%) for Canicola. From 21 samples collected in the County of Santana da Boa Vista, six (28.57%) were positive, four (66.67%) for serovar Canicola and two (33.33%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae. From 32 samples collected at Alegrete, 10 (31.25%) were positive, seven (70.00%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and three (30.00%) foro serovar Canicola. From 17 blood samples collected in Cruz Alta, three (17.64%) were positive, two (66.67%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and one (33.33%) for Canicola. It is necessary to improve sanitary practices on farms in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to achieve success in leptospirosis control programs.
Abstract: Blood samples collection is a common method in biological research using domestic animals. However, most blood sampling techniques are complicated and highly invasive and may therefore not be appropriate for wildlife animals in research concerning stress. Thus, a non-invasive method to measure steroid hormones is critically needed. The first goal of this study was to determine how glucocorticoids concentrations are impacted by translocation and reproductive activity in crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyoun thous) in captivity. The physiological relevance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites was further validated by demonstrating: (1) The translocation of a male to a females enclosure resulted in a 3.5-fold increase compared to baseline concentrations, (2) changes in adrenocortical activity, as reflected in concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites during reproduction, gestation and lactation in females foxes, indicating that social interactions resulted in large increases of fecal glucocorticoids metabolites during the reproductive season. From these findings we conclude that fecal samples can be used for the non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical status in crab-eating-fox.
Abstract: The knowledge of anatomical structures found in wild animals is important for the practice of medical and surgical clinic. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the osteology and radiographic anatomy of the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsal and phalanges of the Marshdeer Blastocerus dichotomus as a reference for clinical use and species identification. Most structures were similar to those found in domestic animals, with special features of this species. Noteworthy is, for example, the absence of the third trochanter of the femur. Although a ruminant, the Marshdeer has a fibuyla similar to the one described for the horse. B. dichotomus has four fingers on each limb, formed through three phalanges, only the third and fourth finger touch the ground, and the second and fifth finger is rudimentary. It has four proximal and two distal sesamoid bones, and sesamoid bones near the gastrocnemius muscle do not exist.
En partant de quelques difficultés observées autour des aspects de la conceptualisation technoscientifique et de l’intégration de la de la théorie et la pratique dans l’apprentissage de la physiologie animale chez les étudiants du programme de Zootechnie de l’Université Nationale de Colombie, siège Medellín, cette recherche propose une stratégie didactique s’appuyant sur la méthode de l’Apprentissage Basé sur les Problèmes (ABP), appliquée spécifiquement aux sujets de thermorégulation et stress physiologique des animaux domestiques. Dans cette étude de cas on a travaillé avec un échantillon de huit étudiants à qui on a présenté dès la première session un problème didactique pour être résolu à travers le cours. Afin d’évaluer le processus on a réalisé trois enquêtes nommées Épreuves de Niveau de Formulation (NF) réalisées à différents moments de l’essai : l’une avant de commencer avec le sujet (NF 1), l’autre après la troisième classe théorique donnée et avant de faire la pratique sur le terrain (NF 2), et l’autre à la fin du processus (NF 3). Finalement on a réalisé des entretiens individuels avec chaque étudiant afin de connaître sa perception concernant la méthode. L’information obtenue a été soumise à une analyse qualitative et par des correspondances, par le biais du programme QDA Miner à travers de la révision et codification des textes provenants des enquêtes et de l’entretien individuel, complétés à leur tour par des observations sur le terrain, en analysant le changement conceptuel, la relation théorie-pratique et les correspondances entre les variables et les catégories établies. Parmi les principaux résultats obtenus on souligne le fait qu’après avoir appliqué l’ABP dans ce cours de Physiologie Animale le changement conceptuel a été favorisé et le problème formulé a servi comme connecteur entre la théorie et la pratique. En outre, on a observé la fusion des connaissances préalables avec les nouveaux acquis, l’apprentissage significatif, l’amélioration du niveau de formulation et l’augmentation de la scientificité des définitions; également il a mené à la solution viii de problèmes et à surmonter les obstacles épistémologiques comme la pluridisciplinarité et la non-linéarité. Il reste comme recommandation celle d’évaluer cette méthode dans d’autres sujets de la Physiologie Animale, dans d’autres sciences, dans des échantillons d’une taille majeure, ainsi comme approcher le sujet de l’évaluation appliquée directement à cette méthode.
L’augmentation des interactions entre humains et animaux sauvages en lisière des habitats naturels pourrait faciliter la transmission d’agents pathogènes entre les humains et les différentes espèces animales d’un écosystème et ainsi favoriser l’émergence de maladies. Nous avons effectué une étude transversale portant sur l’infection par Giardia et Cryptosporidium chez les humains, les animaux domestiques, les rongeurs et les lémuriens au sein de l’écosystème de Ranomafana, Madagascar. Des échantillons de fèces ont étés collectés de manière non invasive chez des personnes volontaires, des mammifères domestiques et des rongeurs introduits habitant trois villages situés en lisière du Parc National de Ranomafana (PNR) ainsi que quatre espèces de lémuriens (Propithecus edwardsii, Prolemur simus, Eulemur rubriventer et Microcebus rufus) du PNR. Des analyses coproscopiques par la technique d’immunofluorescence directe ont été réalisées afin de détecter la présence de Cryptosporidium et Giardia. Leur prévalence a été estimée et certaines variables reliées à l’infection par les parasites ont été identifiées. Cryptosporidium et Giardia ont été détectés avec une prévalence estimée à 22,9 % et 13,6 % respectivement chez les humains. La prévalence de ces deux parasites variait de 0 % à 60 % chez les animaux domestiques et les rongeurs au sein des villages. L’espèce hôte, l’âge ainsi que la co-infection par un autre protozoaire sont les seules variables associées à l’infection par Cryptosporidium et Giardia dans cet écosystème tandis qu’aucune association avec une coinfection par un ordre de nématode n’a été détecté. De plus, Cryptosporidium a été détecté chez 10,5 % des lémuriens du PNR. Cette étude documente pour la première fois la présence de Cryptosporidium chez deux espèces de lémuriens du PNR. Par contre, Giardia n’a pas été détecté dans les échantillons issus de lémuriens du PNR.
Coxiella burnetii est une bactérie zoonotique affectant un grand nombre d’espèces animales. Chez les ruminants domestiques, l’infection est généralement asymptomatique, mais parfois associée à des problèmes reproducteurs. Néanmoins, le cycle de transmission de l’infection chez ceux-ci demeure peu connu. Dans ce contexte, nous avons réalisé une étude auprès de fermes bovines, ovines et caprines dans deux régions administratives du Québec afin d’estimer les prévalences de cette infection et d’identifier les facteurs de risque, aux niveaux individuel et troupeau, associés à la positivité. Nous avons estimé une prévalence de positivité au niveau troupeau de 44.6 % (IC95%=33.0-56.6) chez les bovins, de 70.8 % (IC95% =48.9-87.4) chez les ovins et de 66.7 % (IC95% =22.3-95.7) chez les caprins. Une association a été observée chez les troupeaux bovins entre leur positivité et la densité de petits ruminants par kilomètre carré dans un rayon de cinq kilomètres entourant la ferme. Chez les petits ruminants, une association avec la positivité des troupeaux a été observée avec la taille des troupeaux et la présence d’un chien sur la ferme. Au niveau individuel, le nombre de jours en lait ainsi que l’âge des petits ruminants étaient associés à la positivité, et ce dernier facteur était modulé par l’accès des animaux au pâturage. Aucun agrégat spatial de fermes positives n’a été détecté chez aucune des trois espèces. L’infection par Coxiella burnetii est donc fréquente dans les troupeaux de ruminants domestiques québécois et semble associée à certaines pratiques de régie et à la présence, ou proximité, d’autres animaux domestiques.
O paraquat, herbicida amplamente utilizado na agricultura, é um produto tóxico, pois pode causar intoxicações fatais, principalmente pela falta de antídoto eficaz para reversão do quadro clínico. Os efeitos toxicológicos são decorrentes da indução ao stress oxidativo. O órgão alvo principal é o pulmão, que pode apresentar edema, hemorragia, inflamação intersticial e fibrose, culminando com falência respiratória grave e morte. Além disso, é nefrotóxico, hepatotóxico, miotóxico e neurotóxico. O tratamento da intoxicação além de visar a diminuição da absorção e estimular a excreção do paraquat absorvido, atualmente é baseado em medidas que diminuam o stress oxidativo utilizando substâncias antioxidantes e que, consequentemente, revertam o quadro toxicológico instalado, especialmente o pulmonar. Como métodos de diagnóstico, entre as metodologias quantitativas disponíveis, os métodos cromatográficos são os mais relatados para materiais biológicos. Porém, a electroforese capilar e os imunoensaios podem ser utilizados. Por outro lado, uma reação simples e rápida de caracterização urinária com ditionito de sódio é muito utilizada, pois é preditiva na suspeita de intoxicações agudas. Em conclusão, perante o alto potencial de morbimortalidade nas intoxicações por paraquat, a reversão dos danos pulmonares com uso de antioxidantes tem sido muito estudada, porém não há o estabelecimento de um antídoto específico. No diagnóstico laboratorial, métodos cromatográficos, eletroforéticos e imunológicos são usados para quantificá-lo, contudo a reação urinária com ditionito ainda é valiosa na rotina da toxicologia clínica.
Cleft lip and palate is the most common of the congenital conditions affecting the face and cranial bones and is associated with a raised risk of difficulties in infant-caregiver interaction; the reasons for such difficulties are not fully understood. Here, we report two experiments designed to explore how adults respond to infant faces with and without cleft lip, using behavioural measures of attractiveness appraisal (‘liking’) and willingness to work to view or remove the images (‘wanting’). We found that infants with cleft lip were rated as less attractive and were viewed for shorter durations than healthy infants, an effect that was particularly apparent where the cleft lip was severe. Women rated the infant faces as more attractive than men did, but there were no differences in men and women's viewing times of these faces. In a second experiment, we found that the presence of a cleft lip in domestic animals affected adults' ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ responses in a comparable way to that seen for human infants. Adults' responses were also remarkably similar for images of infants and animals with cleft lip, although no gender difference in attractiveness ratings or viewing times emerged for animals. We suggest that the presence of a cleft lip can substantially change the way in which adults respond to human and animal faces. Furthermore, women may respond in different ways to men when asked to appraise infant attractiveness, despite the fact that men and women ‘want’ to view images of infants for similar durations.
Rodents are responsible for the transmission of more than 60 diseases both to human beings and to domestic animals. The increase in rodent infestation in a given area brings several health problems to the nearby population. Thus, when infestation increases, it is time to take intervention measures. Although many countries have implemented programs aimed at controlling rodent infestation, literature on studies evaluating the effectiveness of intervention measures in urban areas is scarce. Aimed at contributing to the understanding of rodents` population dynamics in urban areas, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the control methods proposed by ""Programa de Vigilancia e Controle de Roedores do Municipio de Sao Paulo`` (Program for Rodents Surveillance and Control in Sao Paulo Municipality), conducted on Jardim Comercial District. As a first step, a survey to assess infestation rates was conducted in 1529 dwellings located in the area studied. After that, a chemical control upon rodents was accomplished in every dwelling infested. One week and six months after completion of control measures, a new evaluation on infestation rates was carried out, in order to verify the effectiveness of the procedures taken and to estimate the re-infestation capacity. Initial infestation rate was 40.0%, and the final infestation rate, 14.4%. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control methods utilized was 63.8%. It can thus be concluded that the control methods applied were quite effective.
Forty-nine typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains belonging to different serotypes and isolated from humans, pets (cats and dogs), farm animals (bovines, sheep, and rabbits), and wild animals (monkeys) were investigated for virulence markers and clonal similarity by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The virulence markers analyzed revealed that atypical EPEC strains isolated from animals have the potential to cause diarrhea in humans. A close clonal relationship between human and animal isolates was found by MLST and PFGE. These results indicate that these animals act as atypical EPEC reservoirs and may represent sources of infection for humans. Since humans also act as a reservoir of atypical EPEC strains, the cycle of mutual infection of atypical EPEC between animals and humans, mainly pets and their owners, cannot be ruled out since the transmission dynamics between the reservoirs are not yet clearly understood.
Contents Previously, three distinct populations of putative primordial germ cells (PGCs), namely gonocytes, intermediate cells and pre-spermatogonia, have been described in the human foetal testis. According to our knowledge, these PGCs have not been studied in any other species. The aim of our study was to identify similar PGC populations in canine embryos. First, we develop a protocol for canine embryo isolation. Following our protocol, 15 canine embryos at 21-25 days of pregnancy were isolated by ovaryhysterectomy surgery. Our data indicate that dramatic changes occur in canine embryo development and PGCs specification between 21 to 25 days of gestation. At that moment, only two PGC populations with distinct morphology can be identified by histological analyses. Cell population 1 presented round nuclei with prominent nucleolus and a high nuclear to cytoplasm ratio, showing gonocyte morphology. Cell population 2 was often localized at the periphery of the testicular cords and presented typical features of PGC. Both germ cell populations were positively immunostained with anti-human OCT-4 antibody. However, at day 25, all cells of population 1 reacted positively with OCT-4, whereas in population 2, fewer cells were positive for this marker. These two PGCs populations present morphological features similar to gonocytes and intermediate cells from human foetal testis. It is expected that a population of pre-spermatogonia would be observed at later stages of canine foetus development. We also showed that anti-human OCT-4 antibody can be useful to identify canine PGC in vivo.
The study is based on 141 pregnant Bos indicus cows, from days 20 to 70 post-insemination. First, special attention was given to the macroscopically observable phenomena of attachment of the conceptus to the uterus, i.e. the implantation, from about days 20 to 30 post-insemination up to day 70, and placentome development by growth, vascularization and increase in the number of cotyledons opposite to the endometrial caruncles. Secondly, as for the conceptuses, semiquantitative, statistical analyses were performed of the lengths of chorio-allantois, amnion and yolk sac; and the different parts of the centre and two extremes of the yolk sacs were also analysed. Thirdly, the embryos/foetuses corresponding to their membranes were measured by their greatest length and by weight, and described by the appearance of external developmental phenomena during the investigated period like neurulation, somites, branchial arcs, brain vesicles, limb buds, C-form, pigmented eye and facial grooves. In conclusion, all the data collected in this study from days 20 to 70 of bovine pregnancy were compared extensively with corresponding data of the literature. This resulted in an `embryo/foetal age-scale`, which has extended the data in the literature by covering the first 8 to 70 days of pregnancy. This age-scale of early bovine intrauterine development provides model for studies, even when using slaughtered cows without distinct knowledge of insemination or fertilization time, through macroscopic techniques. This distinctly facilitates research into the cow, which is now being widely used as `an experimental animal` for testing new techniques of reproduction like in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and cloning.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has had an enormous impact on our understanding of biology and remains a unique tool for multiplying valuable laboratory and domestic animals. However, the complexity of the procedure and its poor efficiency are factors that limit a wider application of SCNT. In this context, oocyte meiotic arrest is an important option to make SCNT more flexible and increase the number of cloned embryos produced. Herein, we show that the use of butyrolactone I in association with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to arrest the meiotic division for 24 h prior to in vitro maturation provides bovine (Bos indicus) oocytes capable of supporting development of blastocysts and full-term cloned calves at least as efficiently as nonarrested oocytes. Furthermore, the procedure resulted in cloned blastocysts with an 1.5- and twofold increase of POU5F1 and IFNT2 expression, respectively, which are well-known markers of embryonic viability. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number was diminished by prematuration in immature oocytes (718,585 +/- 34,775 vs. 595,579 +/- 31,922, respectively, control and treated groups) but was unchanged in mature oocytes (522,179 +/- 45,617 vs. 498,771 +/- 33,231) and blastocysts (816,627 +/- 40,235 vs. 765,332 +/- 51,104). To our knowledge, this is the first report of cloned offspring born to prematured oocytes, indicating that meiotic arrest could have significant implications for laboratories working with SCNT and in vitro embryo production.