989 resultados para Diamond-like


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Direct ion beam deposition of carbon films on silicon in the ion energy range of 15-500 eV and temperature range of 25-800-degrees-C has been studied. The work was carried out using mass-separated C+ and CH3+ ions under ultrahigh vacuum. The films were characterized with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and transmission electron diffraction analysis. In the initial stage of the deposition, carbon implanted into silicon induced the formation of silicon carbide, even at room temperature. Further carbon ion bombardment then led to the formation of a carbon film. The film properties were sensitive to the deposition temperature but not to the ion energy. Films deposited at room temperature consisted mainly of amorphous carbon. Deposition at a higher temperature, or post-deposition annealing, led to the formation of microcrystalline graphite. A deposition temperature above 800-degrees-C favored the formation of microcrystalline graphite with a preferred orientation in the (0001) direction. No evidence of diamond formation in these films was observed.


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Based on the aromatic dicarboxylic acid and N-donor ligands with different conformations, four Zn(II) metal-organic frameworks, namely [Zn(mfda)(L-1)](1), [Zn-2(mfda)(2)(L-2)]center dot DMF center dot H2O (2), [Zn-2(mfda)(2)(L-3)(H2O)]center dot DMF (3) and [Zn-2(mfda)(2)(L-4)] (4) have been synthesized (mfda = 9,9-dimethylfluorene-2,7-dicarboxylate anion, L-1 = 1,10-phenanthroline, L-2 = 4,4 '-bipyridine, L-3 = 2,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,3,4-ocadiazole and L-4 = 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction has revealed that all compounds exhibit entangled structures. Compound 1 is composed of 1D zigzag chains that are entangled through the pi-pi stacking interactions to generate a three-fold interpenetrating diamond-like networks.


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In recent experiments at the Trident laser facility, quasi-monoenergetic ion beams have been obtained from the interaction of an ultraintense, circularly polarized laser with a diamond-like carbon target of nm-scale thickness under conditions of ultrahigh laser pulse contrast. Kinetic simulations of this experiment under realistic laser and plasma conditions show that relativistic transparency occurs before significant radiation pressure acceleration and that the main ion acceleration occurs after the onset of relativistic transparency. Associated with this transition are a period of intense ion acceleration and the generation of a new class of ion solitons that naturally give rise to quasi-monoenergetic ion beams. An analytic theory has been derived for the properties of these solitons that reproduces the behavior observed in kinetic simulations and the experiments. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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We have resolved the solid-liquid phase transition of carbon at pressures around 150GPa. High-pressure samples of different temperatures were created by laser-driven shock compression of graphite and varying the initial density from 1.30g/cm3 to 2.25g/cm3. In this way, temperatures from 5700K to 14,500K could be achieved for relatively constant pressure according to hydrodynamic simulations. From measuring the elastic X-ray scattering intensity of vanadium K-alpha radiation at 4.95keVat a scattering angle of 126°, which is very sensitive to the solid-liquid transition, we can determine whether the sample had transitioned to the fluid phase. We find that samples of initial density 1.3g/cm3 and 1.85g/cm3 are liquid in the compressed states, whereas samples close to the ideal graphite crystal density of 2.25g/cm3 remain solid, probably in a diamond-like state.


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A scheme for producing collimated protons from laser interactions with a diamond-like-carbon+pinhole target is proposed. The process is based on radiation pressure acceleration in the multi-species light-sail regime [B. Qiao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 155002 (2010); T. P. Yu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 065002 (2010)]. Particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate that transverse quasistatic electric field at TV/m level can be generated in the pinhole. The transverse electric field suppresses the transverse expansion of protons effectively, resulting in a higher density and more collimated proton beam compared with a single foil target. The dependence of the proton beam divergence on the parameters of the pinhole is also investigated. 


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Cette thèse décrit la synthèse, la caractérisation, les réactivités, et les propriétés physiques de complexes divalents et trivalents de Ni formés à partir de nouveaux ligands «pincer» de type POCN. Les ligands POCN de type amine sont préparés d’une façon simple et efficace via l’amination réductrice de 3-hydroxybenzaldéhyde avec NaBH4 et plusieurs amines, suivie par la phosphination de l’amino alcool résultant pour installer la fonction phosphinite (OPR2); le ligand POCN de type imine 1,3-(i-Pr)2PC6H4C(H)=N(CH2Ph) est préparé de façon similaire en faisant usage de PhCH2NH2 en l’absence de NaBH4. La réaction de ces ligands «pincer» de type POCN avec NiBr2(CH3CN)x en présence d’une base résulte en un bon rendement de la cyclométalation du lien C-H situé en ortho aux fonctions amine et phosphinite. Il fut découvert que la base est essentielle pour la propreté et le haut rendement de la formation des complexes «pincer» désirés. Nous avons préparé des complexes «pincer» plan- carrés de type POCN, (POCNRR΄)NiBr, possédant des fonctions amines secondaires et tertiaires qui démontrent des réactivités différentes selon les substituants R et R΄. Par exemple, les complexes possédant des fonctions amines tertiaires ArCH2NR2 (NR2= NMe2, NEt2, and morpholinyl) démontrent des propriétés rédox intéressantes et pourraient être convertis en leurs analogues trivalents (POCNR2)NiBr2 lorsque réagis avec Br2 ou N-bromosuccinimide (NBS). Les complexes trivalents paramagnétiques à 17 électrons adoptent une géométrie de type plan-carré déformée, les atomes de Br occupant les positions axiale et équatoriale. Les analyses «DSC» et «TGA» des ces composés ont démontré qu’ils sont thermiquement stables jusqu’à ~170 °C; tandis que la spectroscopie d’absorption en solution a démontré qu’ils se décomposent thermiquement à beaucoup plus basse température pour regénérer les complexes divalents ne possédant qu’un seul Br; l’encombrement stérique des substitutants amines accélère cette route de décomposition de façon significative. Les analogues NMe2 et N(morpholinyl) de ces espèces de NiIII sont actifs pour catalyser la réaction d’addition de Kharasch, de CX4 à des oléfines telles que le styrène, tandis qu’il fut découvert que l’analogue le moins thermiquement stable (POCNEt2)Ni est complètement inerte pour catalyser cette réaction. Les complexes (POCNRH)NiBr possédant des fonctions amines secondaires permettent l’accès à des fonctions amines substituées de façon non symétrique via leur réaction avec des halogénures d’alkyle. Un autre avantage important de ces complexes réside dans la possibilité de déprotonation pour préparer des complexes POCN de type amide. De telles tentatives pour déprotoner les fonctions NRH nous ont permis de préparer des espèces dimériques possédant des ligands amides pontants. La nature dimérique des ces complexes [P,C,N,N-(2,6-(i-Pr)2PC6H3CH2NR)Ni]2 (R= PhCH2 et Ph) fut établie par des études de diffraction des rayons-X qui ont démontré différentes géométries pour les cœurs Ni2N2 selon le substituant N : l’analogue (PhCH2)N possède une orientation syn des substitutants benzyles et un arrangement ressemblant à celui du cyclobutane du Ni et des atomes d’azote, tandis que l’analogue PhN adopte un arrangement de type diamant quasi-planaire des atomes du Ni et des atomes d’azote et une orientation anti des substituants phényles. Les espèces dimériques ne se dissocient pas en présence d’alcools, mais elles promouvoient l’alcoolyse catalytique de l’acrylonitrile. De façon intéressante, les rendements de ces réactions sont plus élevés avec les alcools possédant des fonctions O-H plus acides, avec un nombre de «turnover» catalytique pouvant atteindre 2000 dans le cas de m-cresol. Nous croyons que ces réactions d’alcoolyse procèdent par activation hétérolytique de l’alcool par l’espèce dimérique via des liaisons hydrogènes avec une ou deux des fonctions amides du dimère. Les espèces dimériques de Ni (II) s’oxydent facilement électrochimiquement et par reaction avec NBS ou Br2. De façon surprenante, l’oxydation chimique mène à l’isolation de nouveaux produits monomériques dans lesquels le centre métallique et le ligand sont oxydés. Le mécanisme d’oxydation fut aussi investigué par RMN, «UV-vis-NIR», «DFT» et spectroélectrochimie.


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The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology


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Ti and Ti-based alloys have unique properties such as high strength, low density and excellent corrosion resistance. These properties are essential for the manufacture of lightweight and high strength components for biomedical applications. In this paper, Ti properties such as metallurgy, mechanical properties, surface modification, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and osseointegration in biomedical applications have been discussed. This paper also analyses the advantages and disadvantages of various Ti manufacturing processes for biomedical applications such as casting, powder metallurgy, cold and hot working, machining, laser engineering net shaping (LEN), superplastic forming, forging and ring rolling. The contributions of this research are twofold, firstly scrutinizing the behaviour of Ti and Ti-based alloys in-vivo and in-vitro experiments in biomedical applications to determine the factors leading to failure, and secondly strategies to achieve desired properties essential to improving the quality of patient outcomes after receiving surgical implants. Future research will be directed toward manufacturing of Ti for medical applications by improving the production process, for example using optimal design approaches in additive manufacturing and investigating alloys containing other materials in order to obtain better medical and mechanical characteristics.


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were grown from radiofrequency plasmas of acetylene-argon mixtures, at different excitation powers, P. The effects of this parameter on the plasma potential, electron density, electron temperature, and plasma activity were investigated using a Langmuir probe. The mean electron temperature increased from about 0.5 to about 7.0 eV while the mean electron density decreased from about 1.2x10(9) to about 0.2x10(9) cm(-3) as P was increased from 25 to 150 W. Both the plasma potential and the plasma activity were found to increase with increasing P. Through actinometric optical emission spectrometry, the relative concentrations of CH, [CH], and H, [H], in the discharge were mapped as a function of the applied power. A rise in [H] and a fall in [CH] with increasing P were observed and are discussed in relation to the plasma characteristics and the subimplantation model. The optical properties of the films were calculated from ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic data; the surface resistivity was measured by the two-point probe method. The optical gap, E(G), and the surface resistivity, rho(s), fall with increasing P. E(G) and rho(s) are in the ranges of about 2.0-1.3 eV and 10(14)-10(16) Omega/square, respectively. The plasma power also influences the film self-bias, V(b), via a linear dependence, and the effect of V(b) on ion bombardment during growth is addressed together with variation in the relative densities of sp(2) and sp(3) bonds in the films as determined by Raman spectroscopy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were obtained by spinning a tungsten carbide substrate at a high speed using an oxyacetylene flame. The films deposited at a typical experimental condition of substrate temperature of 810 degrees C, rotation of 600 rpm and 3 h deposition time, exhibited an uniform, very smooth, hard and glassy surface covering the entire exposed face of the substrate. These films were identified as DLC by their characteristic broad Raman spectra centered at 1554 cm(-1) and micro-Vicker's hardness > 3400 kg mm(-2). For substrate temperatures < 800 degrees C the film started losing the uniform glassy surface and the hardness deteriorated. For temperatures > 950 degrees C the film was still hard and shiny, but black in color. DLC films were also obtained in a wide range of speeds of rotation (300-750 rpm), as long as the temperature remained close to 850 degrees C. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: This study compared the maintenance of tightening torque in different retention screw types of implant-supported crowns.Materials and Methods: Twelve metallic crowns in UCLA abutments cast with cobalt-chromium alloy were attached to external hexagon osseointegrated implants with different retention screws: group A: titanium alloy retention screw; group B: gold alloy retention screw with gold coating; group C: titanium alloy retention screw with diamond-like carbon film coating; and group D: titanium alloy retention screw with aluminum titanium nitride coating. Three detorque measurements were obtained after torque insertion in each replica. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test (P < 0.05), and t test (P < 0.05).Results: Detorque value reduced in all groups (P < 0.05). Group A retained the highest percentage of torque in comparison with the other groups (P < 0.05). Groups B and D retained the lowest percentage of torque without statistically significant difference between them (P < 0.05).Conclusions: All screw types exhibited reduction in the detorque value. The titanium screw maintained the highest percentage of torque whereas the gold-coated screw and the titanium screw with aluminum titanium nitride coating retained the lowest percentage. (Implant Dent 2012;21:46-50)


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Purpose: Different surface treatments have been developed in attempts to prevent the loosening of abutment screws. The aim of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of titanium alloy screws with tungsten-doped diamond-like carbon (W-DLC) coating and uncoated screws in providing stability to zirconia (ZrO2) ceramic abutments after cyclic loading. Materials and Methods: Twenty prefabricated ZrO2 ceramic abutments on their respective external-hex implants were divided into two groups of equal size according to the type of screw used: uncoated titanium alloy screw (Ti) or titanium alloy screw with W-DLC coating (W-DLC/Ti). The removal torque value (preload) of the abutment screw was measured before and after loading. Cyclic loading between 11 and 211 N was applied at an angle of 30 degrees to the long axis of the implants at a frequency of 15 Hz. A target of 0.5 x 10(6) cycles was defined. Group means were calculated and compared using analysis of variance and the F test (alpha=.05). Results: Before cyclic loading, the preload for Ti screws was significantly higher than that for W-DLC/Ti screws (P=.021). After cyclic loading, there was no significant difference between them (P=.499). Conclusions: Under the studied conditions, it can be concluded that, after cyclic loading, both abutment screws presented a significant reduction in the mean retained preload and similar effectiveness in maintaining preload. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2012;27:1061-1067


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The microscopic description of the teeth of pacas (Agouti paca) bred in captivity was developed for providing biological data on one of the largest American wild rodents, as not many references exist in the literature about this species. Two newborn males, two adult males (9 and 72 months old), one newborn female and two adult females (30 and 54 months old) were used after death due to fights, neonatal cannibalism or unknown causes. Animals were radiographed, and their teeth were extracted and put on an acrylic resin block, cut on a diamond-like disc microtome and diaphanized. It was noted that enamel surrounds the coronary dentine and projects to the root region, besides being present as internal laminae, arranged in a parallel way and in the vestibulolingual direction. The dentine is located between the enamel laminae and surrounds the pulp horns. The cementum is located internal to the enamel laminae. From scanning electronic microscopy, we find that the enamel is the outer element on the vestibular surface, and it is in direct contact with the dentine. on the lingual surface, the cementum and dentine are the outer elements.