303 resultados para Dialogical
This monograph has as objective to study the human relations and the Public Relations in the contemporary time in witch the new technologies of the information got closer to the various existent cultures, but who make of the informative society of the global era, the expansion of the capital and of the culture of the more value. Man kind is backing away from the human relations, because the social interactions in the global world are done by objects such as the television, the internet and the telephone in witch cases the subjectivity and the human contact are traded for the informative quantity, because man kind doesn’t have anymore time to think, reflect and to exchange information. Man kind isolates itself and fills it’s subjective emptiness with the products offered by the neoliberal capitalism. The public relations in the organizations seek the human values created from a complex network of social interactions in all the heterogeneous of the organization. Through the communication the public relations tries to manage the relationships with the dialogical communication, between the public-organization, to harmonize the conflicting differences of the organizational environment. Thus, the public relations has to assume the roll of the information manager, and administrator of the human relations in this new global world, informative and that functions from the capital
This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This essay aims to analyze the book Engano geográfico Marília Garcia, published in 2012. It is a long narrative poem that recounts a trip through Spanish and French landscapes, and which allows to question various shifts of the poetic voice. One of them, marked by the duplicity between geographic and poetic journey which I could characterize as a be 76 Revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – UFES tween-place given by the sign of waiting. A second, through a dialogical instance that allows a process of depoetization of the language with its permeability to other voices. Finally, through the presence of several pronouns “I”, “he”, “she”, “you”, without explicit textual reference, and that would indicate a kind of closeness of the loving attention.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work has as object of study the writing practices of emergent writers on the internet, more precisely their blogs and websites. Literary blogs came up as an option so that emergent writers could make public their works more easily, since the process of publishing books through publishing houses is lengthy e more limited. Through readings of Bakhtin and The Circle texts, we used some concepts, such as discourse genres and dialog, to make a dialogical analysis of the corpus. The main focus of this work are the dialog relations found in blogs and the different ways they appear, for instance the dialog established between writer and reader and the dialog between the discourse genres found in the blogs and other genres. The study of the relation writer/reader is very important, because there is a change in the way the reader receives the text depending on the support through which it is diffused, just like there is a change in the relation between reader and writer, who become closer
This is synthesis of the debates held during the round-table “Socioenvironmental conflicts, environmental education and social participation on environmental management”, at the V ENANPPAS (2010), which has focused on the discussion of four main themes: Socioenvironmental conflicts and the myths of social participation; Socioenvironmental conflicts and the uncertainty of conditions to environmental education immersed in problems and conflicts; Solution of Socioenvironmental conflitcts – actions mediated by instrumental rationality and emancipatory interest; Positive actions as dialogical-problematizing practice on concrete reality. From an initial provocative text, each member has brought his first contribution, followed by new questions as consequence of these speeches. The hole debate was recorded, transcripted and made a synthesis to present in this manuscript form.
This study compares two educational practices: the Rural School method (Escola do Campo) and the SESI teaching method, suggesting that the latter one is inefficient when applied to rural schools, as illustrated with a case study of a rural school that was obliged to adopt this method in 2012. The epistemological basis of a dialogical pedagogy for rural education has been used in order to criticize the practices of a method whose origins in the industrial ideology and in consumerism promotes a true cultural invasion, according to Paulo Freire, hindering the students' dialogues with respect to the ways of life in rural areas and in towns – an interaction that assured school performance in the previous educational system, which has been arbitrarily discontinued by the political power. Different surveys were used in this study for both compared cases, specially dissertations that have evaluated the Rural School project (Projeto Escola do Campo), adopted in Araraquara in 2004, a dissertation about the SESI teaching method that has discussed its new didactic material and, also, an evaluation of the contents of a representative sample of textbooks of History, Geography, Sciences and Mathematics for the 6th grade of elementary school. It is a theoretical text, not an essay, considering that it is based on concrete situations, which were explained using researches on the implicit themes and summarizes the analytical procedures that have allowed to unveil, in the textbooks prepared by SESI, the stimulus and the valorization of consumerism, without any criticism and environment concerns.
The main objective of this paper is to answer the following question: how can we draw a parallel, during the analysis of the data, between children who are at different moments in the language acquisition process or who belong to different populations (children that are monolingual, bilingual, with language disorders, etc.)? In order to answer this question, we are discussing the advantages and limitations of adopting a measure like MLU, from English Mean Length of Utterance, or EME as it was named in Brazil, proposed by Roger Brown (1973). We intend to verify the effective contribution of these measures to the studies in the area and propose an adaptation in the studies that use a qualitative approach. Firstly, we recall the study of the criteria proposed by Brown (1973), Scliar-Cabral (1976), Parker & Brorson (2005), Parisse & Le Normand (2006), and Araújo (2007), and by scholars of Brazilian Portuguese morphology, like Câmara Jr (2009), Monteiro (2002), and Kehdi (1990), among others. Secondly, from a dialogic-discursive point of view (BAKHTIN, 2006; BAKHTIN/ VOLOSHINOV, 1992, 1981), we provide as an example the research on the plural in the language acquisition process (HILÁRIO, 2010, 2011b, 2012). The reflections made indicate that EME may be a useful measure for the researches on language acquisition. Nevertheless, adaptations should be done and its inherent problems should be taken into account, especially if other factors are considered – like the age, the number of types/occurrences, the maximum limit of items per utterance etc. – although it is not the only parameter of analysis. Considering that EME may vary according to the conditions of production and may not reflect the qualitative changes in the children’s discourse, other factors should be analyzed, like the context of the discourse, the participants involved etc.
This article proposes a reflection on a place for epistemological studies about the Bakhtin Circle, as well as it also reflects on the perspectives of Brazilian approaches to that. It also sheds light to the issues concerning the production, the circulation and the reception of works of the Russian Circle in order to understand why, in Brazil, we can speak of Dialogic Discourse Analysis (DDA), affiliating the so-called dialogical philosophy of language to an analytical theory, grounded in the relation between linguistics and cross-linguistics. In order to do that, this paper focuses on the notions of dialogue, ideological sign, subject and exotopia. The hypothesis put forward is that, unlike other Analyzes of Discourses, the theoretical-analytical method of the Circle is dialogical. This is the peculiarity of its proposal.