495 resultados para Demodex brevis


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Contient : 1 « Les Articles de la pes anvoyés par mesrs les Estas des Païs Bas et de l'Unyon à leurs deputés à Coulongne pour la pes, au moys de novambre 1579 ». En latin ; 2 « Inventoire des pieces touchant le traicté de paix faicte à Couloigne, d'entre la Maté du roy catholicque [Philippe II] et ses Estatz generaulx de ses Pays Bas » ; 3 Nomination par les États généraux des Pays-Bas des députés chargés de négocier la paix avec Rodolphe II. « En Anvers, le neufiesme d'apvril XV.C. soixante dix neuf » ; 4 « Instruction pour monseigneur le ducq d'Arschot et des aultres deputez en la commission denommez de ce qu'auront à proposer et concluire pour parvenir à une bonne et asseurée paix entre Sa Maté catholicque, prince et seigneur naturel du Pays Bas, d'une part, et les Estatz desdicts pays, d'aultre, en la future assamblée qui se tiendra à Couloingne... Faict en Anvers, en l'assamblée desdicts Estatz, le VIIIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 5 Lettre des députés de Rodolphe II à « nos chiers et bien amez les Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas... Escript à Couloigne, le XIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 6 Sauf-conduit délivré aux États généraux des Pays-Bas pour envoyer leurs députés à Cologne. « A Couloigne, le unziesme d'apvril, l'an de Nostre Sauveur XV.C. septante neuf » ; 7 Lettre des « deputez assamblez à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatzgeneraulx des Pays Bas assamblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce IXme de may 1579 » ; 8 « Poinctz et articles, en forme d'instruction, à proposer par monseigneur le duc d'Arschot et aultres Srs deputez des Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas, en l'assamblée que se tiendra à Coloigne, pour arrester et moyenner une bonne et pardurable paix entre la Maté du roy catholicque... et Estatz susdictz... Faict en Anvers, en l'assamblée desdictz Estatz, le IXme d'apvril XV.C.LXXIX » ; 9 « Ampliation d'instruction pour messrs les commis à la tractation de la paix à Couloigne... Faict en Anvers, le dix septiesme d'apvril XV.C.LXXIX » ; 10 Instructions des députés envoyés à Anvers par les États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict en Anvers, le XVIIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 11 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assamblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XIIe de juing 1579 » ; 12 Articles proposés par le duc de Terranova, commissaire du roi d'Espagne, aux États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict à Couloigne, le premier de juing XV.C. soixante dix neuf » ; 13 Remontrances des députés des États généraux sur les articles proposés par le duc de Terranova. « Actum Coloniae, 10 junii 1579 ». En latin ; 14 « Annotatio difficultatum quae se in articulis ab ill° duce de Terranova propositis offerunt... Actum Coloniae, 10 junii 79 ». En latin ; 15 « Concordia articulorum per legatos ordinum belgicorum, XXV° maii 1579 exhibitorum, cum pacificatione Gandavensi, edicto perpetuo Bruxellae publicato, privilegiis ac ratione ipsa... Actum Coloniae, XI° junii 1579 ». En latin ; 16 Lettre adressée au duc d'Arschot et aux autres députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas à Cologne. « Le XIIIIme de juing 1579 » ; 17 Lettre des États généraux des Pays-Bas à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le XVIIIme de juing XV.C.LXXIX » ; 18 Lettre de « RUDOLPHUS secundus... electus Romanorum imperator... Statibus et ordinibus Belgicis, vel eorundem legatis Coloniam destinatis... Datum in arce nostraregia Pragae, die 18 martii 1579 ». En latin ; 19 Lettre des « deputez estans presentement à Coloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assamblez en Anvers... De Coloingne, ce XIIIe de may 1579 » ; 20 « Brevis explicatio eorum quae octavo maii 1579 Coloniae acta sunt » ; 21 Instructions du duc DE TERRANOVA aux délégués et subdélégués du roi d'Espagne en Belgique. « Acceptum XII maii 1579 Col[o]niae ». En latin ; 22 Réponse aux propositions faites aux commissaires du roi d'Espagne par le duc d'Arschot et autres députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Actum Coloniae, 13 maii 1579 ». En latin ; 23 Lettre des « deputez estans presentement à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estats generaulx assamblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XVIme de may 1579 » ; 24 Lettre des « Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas » à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le XXVIIIe de may 1579 » ; 25 Lettre des États généraux des Pays-Bas à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le 28 de may 1579 » ; 26 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXIIe de may 1579 » ; 27 Réponse des députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas aux objections faites sur leurs articles par les commissaires du roi d'Espagne. « Factum Coloniae, XXIa maii 1579 ». En latin ; 28 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messrs les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXIIIIe de may 1579 » ; 29 Instructions de RODOLPHE II aux électeurs et commissaires impériaux. « Datum in arce nostra regia Pragae, die duodecima mensis maii, anno millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo nono ». En latin ; 30 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXVIIe de may 1579 » ; 31 Présentation par les députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas aux commissaires du roi d'Espagne d'articles de paix modifiés. En latin ; 32 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigue, ce VIIe de juing 1579 » ; 33 Lettre des « Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas » à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, ce XVIIIe de juing 1579 » ; 34 Lettre des « deputez Estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XVIIIe de juing 1579 » ; 35 Réponse, en latin et en français, du duc DE TERRANOVA aux députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict à Couloigne, le 15 de juing 1579 » ; 36 « Responce de l'empereur [RODOLPHE II] à messieurs les Estats generaulx [des Pays-Bas]... Du 15e janvyer 1578 ». En latin ; 37 Instructions pour l'archiduc d'Autriche remises au comte de Schwartzemberg, de la part de Rodolphe II, par le conseiller Obernburger. « Ordonné à Pragues, le XVme du mois de janvier, l'an de Nostre Seigneur 1579 » ; 38 « Discours du moyen donné à messieurs des Estatz du Pays Bas comme estant necessaire pour le bien public du pays, le premier de janvier 1577. Faict par M. BOUCHAR, de Dieppe » ; 39 « Lettre au Sr de La Motte, gouverneur de Gravelines, touchant la reconciliation des Espagnolz avec les Estatz »


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The present study aimed at the utlisation of microbial organisms for the production of good quality chitin and chitosan. The three strains used for the study were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacililus brevis and Bacillus subtilis. These strains were selected on the basis of their acid producing ability to reduce the pH of the fermenting substrates to prevent spoilage and thus caused demineralisation of the shell. Besides, the proteolytic enzymes in these strains acted on proteinaceous covering of shrimp and thus caused deprotenisation of shrimp shell waste. Thus the two processes involved in chitin production can be affected to certain extent using bacterial fermentation of shrimp shell.Optimization parameters like fermentation period, quantity of inoculum, type of sugar, concentration of sugar etc. for fermentation with three different strains were studied. For these, parameters like pH, Total titrable acidity (TTA), changes in sugar concentration, changes in microbial count, sensory changes etc. were studied.Fermentation study with Lactobacillus plantarum was continued with 20% w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. The inoculum prepared yislded a cell concentration of approximately 108 CFU/ml. In the present study, lactic acid and dilute hydrochloric acid were used for initial pH adjustment because; without adjusting the initial pH, it took more than 5 hours for the lactic acid bacteria to convert glucose to lactic acid and during this delay spoilage occurred due to putrefying enzymes active at neutral or higher pH. During the fermentation study, pH first decreased in correspondence with increase in TTA values. This showed a clear indication of acid production by the strain. This trend continued till their proteolytic activity showed an increasing trend. When the available sugar source started depleting, proteolytic activity also decreased and pH increased. This was clearly reflected in the sensory evaluation results. Lactic acid treated samples showed greater extent of demineralization and deprotenisation at the end of fermentation study than hydrochloric acid treated samples. It can be due to the effect of strong hydrochloric acid on the initial microbial count, which directly affects the fermentation process. At the end of fermentation, about 76.5% of ash was removed in lactic acid treated samples and 71.8% in hydrochloric acid treated samples; 72.8% of proteins in lactic acid treated samples and 70.6% in hydrochloric acid treated samples.The residual protein and ash in the fermented residue were reduced to permissible limit by treatment with 0.8N HCI and 1M NaOH. Characteristics of chitin like chitin content, ash content, protein content, % of N- acetylation etc. were studied. Quality characteristics like viscosity, degree of deacetylation and molecular weight of chitosan prepared were also compared. The chitosan samples prepared from lactic acid treated showed high viscosity than HCI treated samples. But degree of deacetylation is more in HCI treated samples than lactic acid treated ones. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained like its biogenic composition, amino acid composition, total volatile base nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen etc. also were studied to find out its suitability as animal feed supplement.Optimization of fermentation parameters for Lactobacillus brevis fermentation study was also conducted and parameters were standardized. Then detailed fermentation study was done in 20%wlv jaggery broth for 17 days. Also the effect of two different acid treatments (mild HCI and lactic acid) used for initial pH adjustment on chitin production were also studied. In this study also trend of changes in pH. changes in sugar concentration ,microbial count changes were similar to Lactobacillus plantarum studies. At the end of fermentation, residual protein in the samples were only 32.48% in HCI treated samples and 31.85% in lactic acid treated samples. The residual ash content was about 33.68% in HCI treated ones and 32.52% in lactic acid treated ones. The fermented residue was converted to chitin with good characteristics by treatment with 1.2MNaOH and 1NHCI.Characteristics of chitin samples prepared were studied and extent of Nacetylation was about 84% in HCI treated chitin and 85%in lactic acid treated ones assessed from FTIR spectrum. Chitosan was prepared from these samples by usual chemical method and its extent of solubility, degree of deacetylation, viscosity and molecular weight etc were studied. The values of viscosity and molecular weight of the samples prepared were comparatively less than the chitosan prepared by Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained were analyzed to determine its quality and is suitability as animal feed supplement.Another strain used for the study was Bacillus subtilis and fermentation was carried out in 20%w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. It was found that Bacillus subtilis was more efficient than other Lactobacillus species for deprotenisation and demineralization. This was mainly due to the difference in the proteolytic nature of the strains. About 84% of protein and 72% of ash were removed at the end of fermentation. Considering the statistical significance (P


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Emergence of antibiotic resistance among aquaculture pathogens has made it necessary to look into environment friendly, effective and sustainable methods such as probiotic and immunostimulants among others.. In the present study, LAB were isolated from the gut of fish species namely Rastrelliger kanagurta and analyzed for their antibacterial activity against various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Different LAB species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis and L. viridiscens were encountered in the gut of R. kanagurta. Several strains showed good activity against fish, shrimp and human pathogens. LAB from the gut of such marine species may be developed as possible probiont for environment friendly health management of fresh water, estuarine and marine species currently exploited in aquaculture


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In the present study we address the issue on gut associated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the intestine of estuarine fish Mugil cephalus using de Man Rogossa and Sharpe (MRS) agar. LAB isolates were identified biochemically and screened for their ability to inhibit in vitro growth of various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Most of the LAB isolates displayed an improved antagonism against fish pathogens compared to shrimp and human pathogens. Selected representative strains displaying high antibacterial activity were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Of the selected strains Lactobacillus brevis was the most predominant. Four other species of Lactobacillus, Enterobacter hormaechei and Enterobacter ludwigii were also identified. It was also observed that even among same species, considerable diversity with respect to substrate utilization persisted. Considering the euryhaline nature of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), the LAB isolated from the gut possessed good tolerance to varying salt concentrations. This finding merits further investigation to evaluate whether the isolated LAB could be used as probiotics in various fresh and sea water aquaculture


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Los hechos ocurridos durante el 11 de septiembre de 2001 se constituyeron como un momento fundamental en los intentos de conceptualización del terrorismo internacional dentro de la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales. A raíz del 9/11 tuvo lugar la resemantización del concepto de terrorismo internacional en función del terrorismo religioso y del fundamentalismo islámico. Lo anterior, marco una ruptura en el campo de experiencia y en el horizonte de expectativas del concepto mismo, pues este último adquirió un nuevo uso discursivo, y por ende, político. Por eso, ante la necesidad de emprender un análisis discursivo de los usos del concepto de terrorismo internacional, se evidencia cómo al estar inmersos en determinados juegos del lenguaje, el uso discursivo de este concepto termina por convertirse en una herramienta de acción política que promueve una forma de vida.


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A través de la presente monografía de grado pretendemos hacer un análisis de uno de los temas que a lo largo de la vigencia de la Ley 14 de 1983, ha presentado mayor variación a nivel jurisprudencial en la jurisdicción de lo contencioso administrativ


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El propósito de este trabajo de tesis es demostrar que el tercero acreedor de un cónyuges separado de bienes y no de cuerpo se encuentra en una situaciòn desventajosa si se le compara frente a un tercer acreedor que no se encuentre en esta situación.


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Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Marcelo Báez, TIERRA DE NADIA, Quito: Libresa, 2000; 106 pp. -- Byron Rodríguez, BESTIARIO DE CENIZAS, 2a. ed., Quito: Eskeletra, 1999. -- Viviana Cordero, EL TEATRO DE LOS MONSTRUOS, Quito: coedición Libresa / B@ezOquendo, 2000; 310 pp. -- Fernando Cruz Kronfly, LA CARAVANA DE GARDEL. -- Jorge Dávila Vázquez, CÉSAR DÁVILA ANDRADE, COMBATE POÉTICO Y SUICIDIO, Cuenca: Universidad de Cuenca, 1999; 348 pp. -- Euler Granda, QUE TRATA DE UNOS GATOS, Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1999. -- Edgar Freire, El BARRIO DE lOS PRODIGIOS (MEMORIAS DE UN NIÑO), Quito: Libresa, 1999; 178 pp. -- Jostein Gaarder, VITA BREVIS, Madrid: Siruela, 1997; 130 pp. -- Michael Handelsman, Lo AFRO Y LA PLURINACIONALIDAD: EL CASO ECUATORIANO VISTO DESDE SU LITERATURA, Mississippi: University of Mississippi, 1999; 196 pp. -- Iván Oñate, LA NADA SAGRADA, Quito: Eskeletra, 1999. -- Jorge Volpi, EN BUSCA DE KLINGSOR, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1999. -- Rosa Montero, LA HLJA DEL CANÍBAL, Bogotá: Espasa, 1998; 338 pp. -- María E. Moscoso, LA CANCIÓN DE ROKOLA, Quito: El Conejo, 1999. -- Kenzaburo Oé, DINOS CÓMO SOBREVIVIR A NUESTRA LOCURA Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995. -- Pablo Rocca, compilador, PÁGINAS DE GUERRA (1806-1935), Montevideo: Banda Oriental, 1995; 87 pp. -- Javier Ponce, RESÍGNATE A PERDER, Quito: Seix Barral. 1998; 135 pp. -- Eduardo Rosenzvaig, LA CEPA. ARQUEOLOGÍA DE UNA CULTURA AZUCARERA, Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán / Ediciones Letra Buena, 1999; tomo III, 608 pp. -- Abdón Ubidia, REFERENTES. ENSAYOS, Quito: El Conejo / UASB / Abya-Yala, 2000; 195 pp.


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Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is hypothesized to occur as a result of repetitive, strenuous and abnormal postural activities of the elbow and wrist. There is still a lack of understanding of how wrist and forearm positions contribute to this condition during common manual tasks. In this study the wrist kinematics and the wrist extensors’ musculotendon patterns were investigated during a manual task believed to elicit LE symptoms in susceptible subjects. A 42-year-old right-handed male, with no history of LE, performed a repetitive movement involving pushing and turning a spring-loaded mechanism. Motion capture data were acquired for the upper limb and an inverse kinematic and dynamic analysis was subsequently carried out. Results illustrated the presence of eccentric contractions sustained by the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), together with an almost constant level of tendon strain of both extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and extensor digitorum communis lateral (EDCL) branch. It is believed that these factors may partly contribute to the onset of LE as they are both responsible for the creation of microtears at the tendons’ origins. The methodology of this study can be used to explore muscle actions during movements that might cause or exacerbate LE.


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Five new species of Paepalanthus section Diphyomene are described and illustrated: P. brevis, P. flexuosus, P. longiciliatus, P. macer, and P. stellatus. Paepalanthus brevis, similar to P. decussus, is easily distinguished by its short reproductive axis, and pilose and mucronate leaves. Paepalanthus flexuosus, morphologically related to P. urbanianus, possesses a distinctive short and tortuous reproductive axis. Paepalanthus longiciliatus, morphologically similar to P. weddellianus, possesses long trichomes on the margins of the reproductive axis bracts, considered a diagnostic feature. Paepalanthus macer shares similarities with P. amoenus, differing by its sulfurous capitula and adpressed reproductive axis bracts. Paepalanthus stellatus also has affinity with P. decussus, but possesses unique, membranaceous, reproductive-axis bracts and a punctual inner-capitulum arrangement of pistillate flowers. Four of the described species are narrowly distributed in the state of Goias, whereas P. brevis is endemic to Distrito Federal. All are considered critically endangered. Detailed comparisons of these species are presented in tables. Comments on phenology, distribution, habitat and etymology, along with an identification key, are provided.


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The toucan genus Ramphastos (Piciformes: Ramphastidae) has been a model in the formulation of Neotropical paleobiogeographic hypotheses. Weckstein (2005) reported on the phylogenetic history of this genus based on three mitochondrial genes, but some relationships were weakly supported and one of the subspecies of R. vitellinus (citreolaemus) was unsampled. This study expands on Weckstein (2005) by adding more DNA sequence data (including a nuclear marker) and more samples, including R v. citreolaemus. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods recovered similar trees, with nodes showing high support. A monophyletic R. vitellinus complex was strongly supported as the sister-group to R. brevis. The results also confirmed that the southeastern and northern populations of R. vitellinus ariel are paraphyletic. X v. citreolaemus is sister to the Amazonian subspecies of the vitellinus complex. Using three protein-coding genes (COI, cytochrome-b and ND2) and interval-calibrated nodes under a Bayesian relaxed-clock framework, we infer that ramphastid genera originated in the middle Miocene to early Pliocene, Ramphastos species originated between late Miocene and early Pleistocene, and intra-specific divergences took place throughout the Pleistocene. Parsimony-based reconstruction of ancestral areas indicated that evolution of the four trans-Andean Ramphastos taxa (R. v. citreolaemus, R. a. swainsonii, R. brevis and R. sulfuratus) was associated with four independent dispersals from the cis-Andean region. The last pulse of Andean uplift may have been important for the evolution of R. sulfuratus, whereas the origin of the other trans-Andean Ramphastos taxa is consistent with vicariance due to drying events in the lowland forests north of the Andes. Estimated rates of molecular evolution were higher than the ""standard"" bird rate of 2% substitutions/site/million years for two of the three genes analyzed (cytochrome-b and ND2). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study focuses on the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native fish species in relation to environmental variables of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish and environmental data were collected monthly during the period September 2008 to February 2010, in the Marechal Dutra reservoir and River Acauã a tributary of Piranhas- Assu. The fish were measured, weighed and dissected, and the gonads were removed, weighed and examined macroscopically for identification and determination of gonad maturation stages. The results of this work generated seven articles. The first article is about the fish fauna composition of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin, Rio Grande do Norte. The 602 fish samples captured were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic to the Caatinga ecoregion. The order Characiformes was more representative followed by Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes. The second article is about the length-weight relationship and growth of seven native fish species Crenicichla menezesi, Cichlasoma orientale, Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Pimelodella gracilis, Prochilodus brevis and Leporinus piau from a semiarid Brazilian reservoir. The third article is about the reproductive aspects of Crenicichla menezesi. Males were larger, heavier and with a slight predominance as compared to females. Four stages of gonadal development were characterized, being immature, maturing, mature and spent. The females reached sexual maturity earlier than males, with an average fecundity of 398 oocytes per batch. The spawning was partial with a long reproductive period. The fourth article deals with the reproductive strategy of Leporinus piau a neotropical freshwater fish in semi-arid region of Brazil. The population of L. piau (n = 211) showed a slight predominance of males (55%), with larger and heavier females. The males matured earlier than the females. This species presented total spawning, with an average fecundity of 55,000 mature oocytes. Rainfall and concentration of dissolved oxygen acted as influential factors during the spawning season. L. piau shows a seasonal reproductive strategy. The fifth article is related to the morphometric-meristic characteristics and reproductive aspects of freshwater sardine, Triportheus angulatus from River Acauã of the Caatinga biome. There was a predominance of larger females, reaching first maturation before males. There was total spawning during the rainy period of the region. The sixth article reports on the reproductive strategy of Psectrogaster rhomboides. The sex ratio was 1M: 1F, with negative allometric growth. Males reached sexual maturity earlier than females Females and males showed four stages of gonadal development and spawned during the rainy season. The fecundity was low and this species presented total spawning. The seventh article reports on the dynamics of territorial behavior of Crenicichla menezesi. Ten agonistic behaviors displayed by the males were observed: frontal and lateral threat, chasing, circular chasing, perpendicular, lateral and mouth attacks, escape, parallel positioning and stationary. The formation of four social groups was observed among males: without interaction; interaction with submission and escape; with frontal and lateral agonistic interactions. In social interactions between males and females, it was observed that the larger males interacted more among themselves and with the larger females. The large male established its territory and the two small males along with the small female were excluded from the other groups. These studies clarified the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native species Crenicichla menezesi, Leporinus piau, Triportheus angulatus and Psectrogaster rhomboides of the Piranhas- Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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Meiosis and (or) mitosis of males and females of Cryptotermes brevis, Eucryptotermes wheeleri, and Neotermes fulvescens, all of them from the neotropical region, were analyzed. Cryptotermes brevis showed a similar karyotype to that obtained by other authors for specimens of the neartic and Australian regions (2n = 36 for females and 2n = 37 for males, with XX and XYY sex mechanisms, respectively). Eucryptotermes wheeleri, the only species that has been described in this genus, showed the lowest number of chromosomes reported for Isoptera (2n = 22) until now. The male meiosis of this species presents a linear chain of six sex chromosomes, three of them being X and three of them Y chromosomes. Neotermes fulvescens showed a diploid number of 40 for males and 42 for females and, in the first male meiosis, two linear chains of chromosomes, both related to sex. One of the chains, named A, presented nine chromosomes and the other, named B, seven chromosomes. Hypotheses to explain these mechanisms are formulated in this paper and putative ancestral relationships with other species of Kalotermitidae are presented.


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The silent period is a misunderstood electrophysiological phenomenon leading to several different hypotheses explaining its electrogenesis. It has been studied by different authors and different methodologies giving a wide variability of results, therefore an exact pattern of its normal values does not exist. This work was undertaken to define the normal morphology and duration of the silent period obtained by supramaximal stimulus of the median nerve, during maximum isometric effort of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle against resistance, using 20 adult volunteers without neurological alterations. The normal median duration was 104.6 milliseconds. The same methodology was applied to 20 hands from 20 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. The silent period showed many types of morphological alterations, but the major alteration observed was a tendency to temporal elongation. No correlation between the severity of the carpal tunnel syndrome and the silent period alterations were observed.


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The ulnar-to-median nerve anastomosis in the forearm is a very rare occurrence, not mentioned in many anatomical text books. We found only 4 cases cited in medical literature. Here we describe 2 new cases, for which diagnosis was suspected when the compound muscle action potential of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle (APB), obtained by maximal stimulation of the median nerve at the elbow, was lower than that obtained at the wrist. The diagnosis was confirmed by stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, which evoked a compound muscle action potential of the APB with a clear negative initial deflection without volume-conducted potential.